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Laser scanning cytometry (LSC) is a relatively new slide-based technology developed for commercial use by CompuCyte (Cambridge, MA) for performing multiple fluorescence measurements on individual cells. Because techniques developed for performing four or more measurements on individual lymphoid cells based on light scatter as a triggering parameter for cell identification are not suitable for the identification of fixed epithelial tumor cells, an alternative approach is required for the analysis of such cells by LSC. Methods for sample preparation, event triggering, and the performance of multiple LSC measurements on disaggregated fixed human cells were developed using normal lymphocytes and two human breast cancer cell lines, JC-1939 and MCF-7, as test populations. Optimal conditions for individual cell identification by LSC were found to depend on several factors, including deposited cell density (cells per unit area), the dynamic range of probe fluorescence intensities, and intracellular distribution of the fluorescent probe. Sparsely deposited cells exhibited the least cell overlap and the brightest immunofluorescent staining. Major advantages of using DNA probes over a cytoplasmic immunofluorescent protein marker such as tubulin for event triggering are that the former exhibit greater fluorescence intensity within a relatively sharply demarcated nuclear region. The DNA-binding dye LDS-751 was found to be suboptimal for quantitative DNA measurements but useful as a triggering measurement that permits the performance of simultaneous fluorescein isothiocyanate-, phycoerythrin-, and indodicarbocyanine-based measurements on each cell. A major potential advantage of LSC over flow cytometry is the high yields of analyzable cells by LSC, permitting the performance of multiple panels of multicolor measurements on each tumor. In conclusion, we have developed and optimized a technique for performing multiple fluorescence measurements on fixed epithelial cells by LSC based on event triggering using the DNA-binding dye LDS 751. Although not ideal for quantitative measurements of cell DNA content, the large Stokes shift of this dye permits the performance of three or more additional fluorescence measurements on each cell.  相似文献   
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) is targeted to the vacuole for degradation when Saccharomyces cerevisiae are shifted from low to high glucose. Before vacuolar import, however, FBPase is sequestered inside a novel type of vesicle, the vacuole import and degradation (Vid) vesicles. Here, we reconstitute import of FBPase into isolated Vid vesicles. FBPase sequestration into Vid vesicles required ATP and cytosol, but was inhibited if ATP binding proteins were depleted from the cytosol. The heat shock protein Ssa2p was identified as one of the ATP binding proteins involved in FBPase import. A Deltassa2 strain exhibited a significant decrease in the rate of FBPase degradation in vivo as compared with Deltassa1, Deltassa3, or Deltassa4 strains. Likewise, in vitro import was impaired for the Deltassa2 strain, but not for the other Deltassa strains. The cytosol was identified as the site of the Deltassa2 defect; Deltassa2 cytosol did not stimulate FBPase import into import competent Vid vesicles, but wild-type cytosol supported FBPase import into competent Deltassa2 vesicles. The addition of purified recombinant Ssa2p stimulated FBPase import into Deltassa2 Vid vesicles, providing Deltassa2 cytosol was present. Thus, Ssa2p, as well as other undefined cytosolic proteins are required for the import of FBPase into vesicles.  相似文献   
The mevalonate pathway and the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP)-pyruvate pathway are alternative routes for the biosynthesis of the central isoprenoid precursor, isopentenyl diphosphate. Genomic analysis revealed that the staphylococci, streptococci, and enterococci possess genes predicted to encode all of the enzymes of the mevalonate pathway and not the GAP-pyruvate pathway, unlike Bacillus subtilis and most gram-negative bacteria studied, which possess only components of the latter pathway. Phylogenetic and comparative genome analyses suggest that the genes for mevalonate biosynthesis in gram-positive cocci, which are highly divergent from those of mammals, were horizontally transferred from a primitive eukaryotic cell. Enterococci uniquely encode a bifunctional protein predicted to possess both 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase and acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase activities. Genetic disruption experiments have shown that five genes encoding proteins involved in this pathway (HMG-CoA synthase, HMG-CoA reductase, mevalonate kinase, phosphomevalonate kinase, and mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase) are essential for the in vitro growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae under standard conditions. Allelic replacement of the HMG-CoA synthase gene rendered the organism auxotrophic for mevalonate and severely attenuated in a murine respiratory tract infection model. The mevalonate pathway thus represents a potential antibacterial target in the low-G+C gram-positive cocci.  相似文献   
Community ecologists are increasingly aware that the regional history of taxon diversification can have an important influence on community structure. Likewise, systematists recognize that ecological context can have an important influence on the processes of speciation and extinction that create patterns of descent. We present a phylogenetic analysis of 33 species of a North American radiation of damselflies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae: Enallagma Selys), which have been well studied ecologically, to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms that have contributed to differences in diversity between larval habitats (lakes with and without fish predators). Analysis of molecular variation in 842 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II subunit and of the intervening Leu-tRNA and 37 morphological characters resulted in three well-defined clades that are only partially congruent with previous phylogenetic hypotheses. Molecular and morphological data partitions were significantly incongruent (p < .01). Lack of haplotype monophyly within species and small amounts of sequence divergence (< 1%) between related species in three of the four clades suggest that recent, and parallel, speciation has been an important source of community diversity. Reconstruction of habitat preference over the phylogeny suggests that the greater species diversity in fish-containing lake habitats reflects the recency of shifts into the fishless lake habit, although a difference in speciation or extinction rates between the two habitats is difficult to exclude as an additional mechanism.  相似文献   
The mixing behavior of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) with either N-palmitoyl-sphingosine (C16:0-ceramide) or N-nervonoyl-sphingosine (C24:1-ceramide) was examined using monomolecular films. While DMPC forms highly elastic liquid-expanded monolayers, both neat C16:0-ceramide and C24:1-ceramide yield stable solid condensed monomolecular films with small areas and low interfacial elasticity. Compression isotherms of mixed C16:0-ceramide/DMPC films exhibit an apparent condensation upon increasing X(cer16:0) at all surface pressures. The average area isobars, coupled with the lack of a liquid-expanded to condensed phase transition as X(cer16:0) is increased, are indicative of immiscibility of the lipids at all surface pressures. In contrast, isobars for C24:1-ceramide/DMPC mixtures show surface pressure-dependent apparent condensation or expansion and surface pressure-area isotherms show a composition and surface pressure-dependent phase transition. This suggests miscibility, albeit non-ideal, of C24:1-ceramide and DMPC in both liquid and condensed surface phases. The above could be verified by fluorescence microscopy of the monolayers and measurements of surface potential, which revealed distinctly different domain morphologies and surface potential values for the DMPC/C16:0- and DMPC/C24:1-ceramide monolayers. Taken together, whereas C16:0-ceramide and DMPC form immiscible pseudo-compounds, C24:1-ceramide and DMPC are partially miscible in both the liquid-expanded and condensed phases, and a composition and lateral pressure-dependent two-phase region is evident between the liquid-expanded and condensed regimes. Our results provide novel understanding of the regulation of membrane properties by ceramides and raise the possibility that ceramides with different acyl groups could serve very different functions in cells, relating to their different physicochemical properties.  相似文献   
Unravelling the complex genetics of cleft lip in the mouse model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nonsyndromic cleft lip in ``A' strain mice and humans is genetically complex and is distinct from isolated cleft palate. Cleft lip embryos recovered in 2.4% of 1485 first backcross (BC1) segregants from a cross of A/WySnJ (24% cleft lip) and C57BL/6J (no cleft lip) in A/WySnJ mothers, and in testcrosses of 10 recombinant inbred (RI) strains (AXB/Pgn or BXA/Pgn), were used for gene mapping and for inference of genetic architecture. The A/WySnJ maternal genotype increased cleft lip risk in reciprocal crosses; the relevant genetic difference between AXB-6/Pgn (8%) and A/WySnJ (24%) is entirely maternal. A combination of new mapping panels (325 meioses), new markers, and a recombinant cleft lip embryo redefined the location of a recessive factor essential to cleft lip risk, clf1, and candidate genes Itgb3 and Crhr, to between D11Mit146/360 and D11Mit166/147. A screen of 54 YACs for 46 genes and SSLP loci located Wnt15, Wnt3, Crhr, Mtapt, Itgb3, Dlx3, and Dlx7 within the clf1 candidate region. The clf2 locus was newly mapped to Chromosome (Chr) 13 by a genome screen of BC1 segregants, and further defined to a 4-cM region between D13Mit13/54 and D13Mit231 by strain distribution patterns of cleft lip liability and markers in testcrossed RI strains. Specific combinations of marker genotypes associated with cleft lip risk indicated that high risk in A/WySnJ mice is caused by epistatic interaction between clf1 and clf2 in the context of a genetic maternal effect. Human homologs of clf1 and clf2 are expected to be on 17q and 5q/9q. Received: 17 May 2000 / Accepted: 30 November 2000  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between linker histone stoichiometry and the acetylation of core histones in vivo. Exponentially growing cell lines induced to overproduce either of two H1 variants, H1(0) or H1c, displayed significantly reduced rates of incorporation of [(3)H]acetate into all four core histones. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that the rates of histone deacetylation were similar in all cell lines. These effects were also observed in nuclei isolated from these cells upon labeling with [(3)H]acetyl-CoA. Nuclear extracts prepared from control and H1-overexpressing cell lines displayed similar levels of histone acetylation activity on chromatin templates prepared from control cells. In contrast, extracts prepared from control cells were significantly less active on chromatin templates prepared from H1-overexpressing cells than on templates prepared from control cells. Reduced levels of acetylation in H1-overproducing cell lines do not appear to depend on higher order chromatin structure, because it persists even after digestion of the chromatin with micrococcal nuclease. The results suggest that alterations in chromatin structure, resulting from changes in linker histone stoichiometry may modulate the levels or rates of core histone acetylation in vivo.  相似文献   
Involvement of the acid sphingomyelinase pathway in uva-induced apoptosis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The sphingomyelin-ceramide pathway is an evolutionarily conserved ubiquitous signal transduction system that regulates many cell functions including apoptosis. Sphingomyelin (SM) is hydrolyzed to ceramide by different sphingomyelinases. Ceramide serves as a second messenger in mediating cellular effects of cytokines and stress. In this study, we find that acid sphingomyelinase (SMase) activity was induced by UVA in normal JY lymphoblasts but was not detectable in MS1418 lymphoblasts from Niemann-Pick type D patients who have an inherited deficiency of acid SMase. We also provide evidence that UVA can induce apoptosis by activating acid SMase in normal JY cells. In contrast, UVA-induced apoptosis was inhibited in MS1418 cells. Exogenous SMase and its product, ceramide (10-40 micrometer), induced apoptosis in JY and MS1418 cells, but the substrate of SMase, SM (20-80 micrometer), induced apoptosis only in JY cells. These results suggest that UVA-induced apoptosis by SM is dependent on acid SMase activity. We also provide evidence that induction of apoptosis by UVA may occur through activation of JNKs via the acid SMase pathway.  相似文献   
Malignant tumors express high levels of zinc-dependent endopeptidases called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are thought to facilitate tumor metastasis and angiogenesis by hydrolyzing components of the extracellular matrix. Of these enzymes, gelatinases A (MMP-2) and B (MMP-9), have especially been implicated in malignant processes, and thus, they have been a target for drugs designed to block their activity. Therefore, understanding their molecular structure is key for a rational approach to inhibitor design. Here, we have conducted x-ray absorption spectroscopy of the full-length human MMP-2 in its latent, active, and inhibited states and report the structural changes at the zinc ion site upon enzyme activation and inhibition. We have also examined the molecular structure of MMP-2 in complex with SB-3CT, a recently reported novel mechanism-based synthetic inhibitor that was designed to be highly selective in gelatinases. It is shown that SB-3CT directly binds the catalytic zinc ion of MMP-2. Interestingly, the novel mode of binding of the inhibitor to the catalytic zinc reconstructs the conformational environment around the active site metal ion back to that of the proenzyme.  相似文献   
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