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In this note we distinguish between multiple mutations affecting a given locus which are generated at separate error-prone lesions and multiple independent mutations generated at a single error-prone lesion. We describe a basis for determining the probability with which the latter class of mutations occurs based on the mutant fraction in the progeny and determine an average probability of 0.6 mutations/replication/mutagenic site for those EMS-modified sites which are mutagenic for G6PDH activity in CHO cells.  相似文献   
In a longitudinal prospective study of 1,529 women pregnant in 1974-1975, aspirin and acetaminophen were the two medications most frequently taken during the first half of pregnancy (46 and 41%, respectively). In a selected cohort of 421 offspring of these women, examined at 4 years of age, maternal aspirin use during the first half of pregnancy was significantly related to IQ and attention decrements in the exposed children. Multiple regression analyses were used to statistically adjust for a variety of potentially confounding factors including demographic characteristics, child characteristics, other exposures, and lifestyle/environmental variables. Continuous dose-response and step-function parameterizations of aspirin exposure were both statistically significant and not clearly distinguishable from each other. The estimated aspirin effect is significantly greater for girls than boys. Aspirin effects on offspring function were found in the absence of effects on physical size both at birth and at 4 years. Maternal acetaminophen use was not significantly related to child IQ or attention. As this exploratory research originated from observations of a data set gathered for other purposes, it would be desirable to have these findings replicated in other studies. Further follow-up of the children at a later age is planned.  相似文献   
Studies have been made on the role of the thyroid in the development of rats. In the first group of experiments, newborn rat received within a month mercazolyl which inhibits the activity of the thyroid; in animals of the second group, mercazolyl injections were combined with cold exposures which stimulated motor activity in animals. It was found that hypothyroid rats in both groups exhibit retardation of growth as compared to normal animals. However, retardation is less significant in animals of the second group, as it is indicated by smaller changes in the protein content and total mass of skeletal muscles.  相似文献   
The physiology of Clostridium sporogenes was investigated in defined, minimal media. In batch culture, the major end products of glucose dissimilation were acetate, ethanol and formate. When L-proline was present as an electron acceptor, acetate production was strongly enhanced at the expense of ethanol. As judged by assay of the relevant enzymes, glucose was metabolized via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. The growth energetics of Cl. sporogenes were investigated in glucose- or L-valine-limited chemostat cultures. In the former case, the addition of L-proline to the medium caused a significant increase in the molar growth yield (as calculated by extrapolation to infinite dilution rate). This finding adds weight to the view that the reduction of L-proline by Cl. sporogenes is coupled to the conservation of free energy.  相似文献   
The ATP-dependent interaction of eukaryotic initiation factors with mRNA   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The interaction of three protein synthesis initiation factors, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-4A, -4B, and -4F, with mRNA has been examined. Three assays specifically designed to evaluate this interaction are RNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis, retention of mRNAs on nitrocellulose filters, and cross-linking to periodate-oxidized mRNAs. The ATPase activity of eIF-4A is only activated by RNA which is lacking in secondary structure, and the minimal size of an oligonucleotide capable of effecting an optimal activation is 12-18 bases. In the presence of ATP, eIF-4A is capable of binding mRNA. Consistent with the ATPase activity, this binding shows a definite preference for single-stranded RNA. In the absence of ATP, eIF-4F is the only factor to bind capped mRNAs, and this binding, unlike that of eIF-4A, is sensitive to m7GDP inhibition. The activities of both eIF-4A and eIF-4F are stimulated by eIF-4B, which seems to have no specific independent activity in our assays. Evidence from the cross-linking studies indicates that in the absence of ATP, only the 24,000-dalton polypeptide of eIF-4F binds to the 5' cap region of the mRNA. From the data presented in conjunction with the current literature, a suggested sequence of factor binding to mRNA is: eIF-4F is the first initiation factor to bind mRNA ind an ATP-independent fashion; eIF-4B then binds to eIF-4F, if in fact it was not already bound prior to mRNA binding; and finally, eIF-4A binds to the eIF-4F X eIF-4B X mRNA complex and functions in an ATP-dependent manner to allow unwinding of the mRNA.  相似文献   
The synthesis and processing of the human lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A was examined in normal and Fabry fibroblasts. In normal cells, alpha-galactosidase A was synthesized as an Mr = 50,500 precursor, which contained phosphate groups in oligosaccharide chains cleavable by endoglucosaminidase H. The precursor was processed via ill-defined intermediates to a mature Mr 46,000 form. Processing was complete within 3-7 days after synthesis. In the presence of NH4Cl and in I-cell fibroblasts, the majority of newly synthesized alpha-galactosidase A was secreted as an Mr = 52,000 form. For comparison, the processing and stability of alpha-galactosidase A were examined in fibroblasts from five unrelated patients with Fabry disease, which is caused by deficient alpha-galactosidase A activity. In one cell line, synthesis of immunologically cross-reacting polypeptides was not detectable. In another, the synthesis, processing, and stability of alpha-galactosidase A was indistinguishable from that in normal fibroblasts. In a third Fabry cell line, the mutation retarded the maturation of alpha-galactosidase A. Finally, in two cell lines, alpha-galactosidase A polypeptides were synthesized that were rapidly degraded following delivery to lysosomes. These results clearly indicate that Fabry disease comprises a heterogeneous group of mutations affecting synthesis, processing, and stability of alpha-galactosidase A.  相似文献   
An enzymatic system has been isolated that catalyzes dihydroxylation of phthalate to form 1,2-dihydroxy-4,5-dicarboxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene with consumption of NADH and O2. This system is comprised of two proteins: a flavo-iron-sulfur protein with NADH-dependent oxidoreductase activity and a nonheme iron protein with oxygenase activity. Phthalate oxygenase is a large (approximately 217 kDa) protein composed of apparently identical 48-kDa monomers. The active enzyme has one Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] center and one mononuclear iron/monomer. Removal of the mononuclear iron by incubation with EDTA or with o-phenanthroline inhibits oxygenation; ferrous ion completely restores activity. No other metals are effective. Phthalate oxygenase is specific for phthalate or other closely related compounds. However, only phthalate is tightly coupled to NADH oxidation and O2 consumption with a stoichiometry of 1:1:1. Phthalate oxygenase is chemically competent to oxygenate phthalate when artificially supplied with reducing equivalents and O2. Phthalate oxygenase reductase is required, however, for efficient catalytic activity. The reductase is a monomeric 34-kDa flavo-iron-sulfur protein containing FMN and a plant-ferredoxin-type [2Fe-2S] center in a 1:1 ratio. Phthalate oxygenase reductase is specific for NADH but can pass electrons to a variety of acceptors, including: phthalate oxygenase, cytochrome c, ferricyanide, and dichlorophenolindophenol. This system is similar to other bacterial oxygenase systems involved in aromatic degradation including: benzoate dioxygenase, toluene dioxygenase, benzene dioxygenase, and 4-methoxybenzoate demethoxylase. However, phthalate oxygenase can be isolated in large quantities and is more stable than most other such systems.  相似文献   
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