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One approach to super-resolution fluorescence imaging uses sequential activation and localization of individual fluorophores to achieve high spatial resolution. Essential to this technique is the choice of fluorescent probes; the properties of the probes, including photons per switching event, on-off duty cycle, photostability and number of switching cycles, largely dictate the quality of super-resolution images. Although many probes have been reported, a systematic characterization of the properties of these probes and their impact on super-resolution image quality has been described in only a few cases. Here we quantitatively characterized the switching properties of 26 organic dyes and directly related these properties to the quality of super-resolution images. This analysis provides guidelines for characterization of super-resolution probes and a resource for selecting probes based on performance. Our evaluation identified several photoswitchable dyes with good to excellent performance in four independent spectral ranges, with which we demonstrated low-cross-talk, four-color super-resolution imaging.  相似文献   
Effect of upper airway negative pressure on inspiratory drive during sleep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To determine the effect of upper airway(UA) negative pressure and collapse during inspiration on regulation ofbreathing, we studied four unanesthetized female dogs duringwakefulness and sleep while they breathed via a fenestratedtracheostomy tube, which was sealed around the permanent trachealstoma. The snout was sealed with an airtight mask, thereby isolatingthe UA when the fenestration (Fen) was closed and exposing the UA tointrathoracic pressure changes, but not to flow changes, when Fen wasopen. During tracheal occlusion with Fen closed, inspiratory time(TI) increased duringwakefulness, non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and rapid-eye-movement(REM) sleep (155 ± 8, 164 ± 11, and 161 ± 32%,respectively), reflecting the removal of inhibitory lung inflationreflexes. During tracheal occlusion with Fen open (vs. Fen closed):1) the UA remained patent;2)TI further increased duringwakefulness and NREM (215 ± 52 and 197 ± 28%, respectively) but nonsignificantly during REM sleep (196 ± 42%);3) mean rate of rise of diaphragmEMG (EMGdi/TI) and rate offall of tracheal pressure(Ptr/TI) were decreased,reflecting an additional inhibitory input from UA receptors; and4) bothEMGdi/TI andPtr/TI were decreasedproportionately more as inspiration proceeded, suggesting greaterreflex inhibition later in the effort. Similar inhibitory effects ofexposing the UA to negative pressure (via an open tracheal Fen) wereseen when an inspiratory resistive load was applied over severalbreaths during wakefulness and sleep. These inhibitory effectspersisted even in the face of rising chemical stimuli. This inhibitionof inspiratory motor output is alinear within an inspiration andreflects the activation of UA pressure-sensitive receptors by UAdistortion, with greater distortion possibly occurring later in theeffort.

During 2013–14 and 2015–16, A/H1N1pdm09 live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) viruses replicated inefficiently in primary human nasal epithelial cells (hNEC). This led to reduced vaccine effectiveness (VE) in quadrivalent formulations, mediated by inter-strain competition. By mutating the haemagglutinin (HA) protein, we aimed to enhance hNEC replication of a novel A/H1N1pdm09 vaccine strain to overcome competition and improve VE. Combinations of N125D, D127E, D222G and R223Q substitutions were introduced to the HA protein of A/Slovenia/2903/2015 (A/SLOV15). A/SLOV15 S13, containing all four HA substitutions, produced approximately 1000-fold more virus than parental V1 during hNEC infection. Immunogenicity in ferrets was increased by approximately 10-fold, without compromising yield in eggs or antigenic match to wild-type (wt) reference strains. Despite S13 and V1 being antigenically similar, only S13 protected ferrets from wt virus shedding and fever post-challenge. Crucially, these data suggested that enhanced fitness allowed S13 to overcome inter-strain competition in quadrivalent LAIV (QLAIV). This improved efficacy was later validated by real-world VE data. S13 displayed increased binding avidity to a mammalian-like α-2,6 receptor analogue (6-SLN), relative to V1, while maintaining avian-like 3-SLN avidity. In silico modelling of the HA receptor binding site revealed additional interactions in the S13:6-SLN binding network and a mild increase in 6-SLN binding energy, indicating a possible mechanism for increased α-2,6 receptor-binding avidity. These data confirm that rational HA mutagenesis can be used to optimise hNEC replication and VE for A/H1N1pdm09 LAIV viruses.  相似文献   
Humans and laboratory animals remain highly vulnerable to relapse to cocaine-seeking after prolonged periods of withdrawal from the drug. It has been hypothesized that this persistent cocaine relapse vulnerability involves drug-induced alterations in glutamatergic synapses within the mesolimbic dopamine reward system. Previous studies have shown that cocaine self-administration induces long-lasting neuroadaptations in glutamate neurons of the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. Here, we determined the effect of cocaine self-administration and subsequent withdrawal on glutamate receptor expression in the amygdala, a component of the mesolimbic dopamine system that is involved in cocaine seeking and craving induced by drug-associated cues. Rats were trained for 10 days to self-administer intravenous cocaine (6 h/day) or saline (a control condition) and were killed after one or 30 withdrawal days. Basolateral and central amygdala tissues were assayed for protein expression of the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunits (GluR1 and GluR2) and the NMDA receptor subunits (NR1, NR2A and NR2B). In the basolateral amygdala, GluR1 but not GluR2 levels were increased on days 1 and 30, NR2A levels were increased on day 1, and NR2B levels were decreased on day 30 of withdrawal from cocaine. In the central amygdala, GluR2 but not GluR1 levels were increased on days 1 and 30, NR1 levels were increased on day 30 and NR2A or NR2B levels were not altered after withdrawal from cocaine. These results indicate that cocaine self-administration and subsequent withdrawal induces long-lasting and differential neuroadaptations in basolateral and central amygdala glutamate receptors.  相似文献   
Loss of PKC-epsilon limits the magnitude of acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in the mouse. Therefore, we hypothesized that loss of PKC-epsilon would decrease the contractile and/or structural response of the murine pulmonary circulation to chronic hypoxia (Hx). However, the pattern of lung vascular responses to chronic Hx may or may not be predicted by the acute HPV response. Adult PKC-epsilon wild-type (PKC-epsilon(+/+)), heterozygous null, and homozygous null (PKC-epsilon(-/-)) mice were exposed to normoxia or Hx for 5 wk. PKC-epsilon(-/-) mice actually had a greater increase in right ventricular (RV) systolic pressure, RV mass, and hematocrit in response to chronic Hx than PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice. In contrast to the augmented PA pressure and RV hypertrophy, pulmonary vascular remodeling was increased less than expected (i.e., equal to PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice) in both the proximal and distal PKC-epsilon(-/-) pulmonary vasculature. The contribution of increased vascular tone to this pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) was assessed by measuring the acute vasodilator response to nitric oxide (NO). Acute inhalation of NO reversed the increased PA pressure in hypoxic PKC-epsilon(-/-) mice, implying that the exaggerated PHTN may be due to a relative deficiency in nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Despite the higher PA pressure, chronic Hx stimulated less of an increase in lung endothelial (e) and inducible (i) NOS expression in PKC-epsilon(-/-) than PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice. In contrast, expression of nNOS in PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice decreased in response to chronic Hx, while lung levels in PKC-epsilon(-/-) mice remained unchanged. In summary, loss of PKC-epsilon results in increased vascular tone, but not pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to chronic Hx. Blunting of Hx-induced eNOS and iNOS expression may contribute to the increased vascular tone. PKC-epsilon appears to be an important signaling intermediate in the hypoxic regulation of each NOS isoform.  相似文献   
Betacellulin belongs to the family of epidermal growth factor-like growth factors that are expressed as transmembrane precursors and undergo proteolytic ectodomain shedding to release a soluble mature growth factor. In this study, we investigated the ectodomain shedding of the betacellulin precursor (pro-BTC) in conditionally immortalized wild-type (WT) and ADAM-deficient cell lines. Sequential ectodomain cleavage of the predominant cell-surface 40-kDa form of pro-BTC generated a major (26-28 kDa) and two minor (20 and 15 kDa) soluble forms and a cellular remnant lacking the ectodomain (12 kDa). Pro-BTC shedding was activated by calcium ionophore (A23187) and by the metalloprotease activator p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA), but not by phorbol esters. Culturing cells in calcium-free medium or with the protein kinase Cdelta inhibitor rottlerin, but not with broad-based protein kinase C inhibitors, blocked A23187-activated pro-BTC shedding. These same treatments were without effect for constitutive and APMA-induced cleavage events. All pro-BTC shedding was blocked by treatment with a broad-spectrum metalloprotease inhibitor (GM6001). In addition, constitutive and activated pro-BTC shedding was differentially blocked by TIMP-1 or TIMP-3, but was insensitive to treatment with TIMP-2. Pro-BTC shedding was functional in cells from ADAM17- and ADAM9-deficient mice and in cells overexpressing WT or catalytically inactive ADAM17. In contrast, overexpression of WT ADAM10 enhanced constitutive and activated shedding of pro-BTC, whereas overexpression of catalytically inactive ADAM10 reduced shedding. These results demonstrate, for the first time, activated pro-BTC shedding in response to extracellular calcium influx and APMA and provide evidence that ADAM10 mediates constitutive and activated pro-BTC shedding.  相似文献   
Yang H  Burke T  Dempsey J  Diaz B  Collins E  Toth J  Beckmann R  Ye X 《FEBS letters》2005,579(16):3385-3391
We investigated why treatment of cells with dual aurora A and B kinase inhibitors produces phenotypes identical to inactivation of aurora B. We found that dual aurora kinase inhibitors in fact potently inhibit cellular activities of both kinases, indicating that inactivation of aurora B bypasses aurora A in mitosis. RNAi experiments further established that inactivation of aurora B indeed bypasses the requirement for aurora A and leads to polyploidy. Inactivation of aurora A activates checkpoint kinase BubR1 in an aurora B-dependent manner. Our results thus show that aurora B is responsible for mitotic arrest in the absence of aurora A.  相似文献   
Type I IFNs are well established antiviral cytokines that have also been shown to be induced by bacteria. However, the signaling mechanisms regulating the activation of these cytokines during bacterial infections remain poorly defined. We show that although Gram-negative bacteria can activate the type I IFN pathway through TLR4, the intracellular Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes (LM) can do so independently of TLR4 and TLR2. Furthermore, experiments using genetic mutants and chemical inhibitors suggest that LM-induced type I IFN activation occurs by an intracellular pathway involving the serine-threonine kinase TNFR-associated NF-kappaB kinase (TANK)-binding kinase 1 (TBK1). Interestingly, receptor-interacting protein 2, a component of the recently discovered nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-dependent intracellular detection pathway, was not involved. Taken together, our data describe a novel signal transduction pathway involving TBK1 that is used by LM to activate type I IFNs. Additionally, we provide evidence that both the LM- and TLR-dependent pathways converge at TBK1 to activate type I IFNs, highlighting the central role of this molecule in modulating type I IFNs in host defense and disease.  相似文献   
The solution NMR structure of a 22-residue Zn(2+)-binding domain (ZBD) from Esherichia coli preprotein translocase subunit SecA is presented. In conjunction with X-ray absorption analysis, the NMR structure shows that three cysteines and a histidine in the sequence CXCXSGX(8)CH assume a tetrahedral arrangement around the Zn(2+) atom, with an average Zn(2+)-S bond distance of 2.30 A and a Zn(2+)-N bond distance of 2.03 A. The NMR structure shows that ND1 of His20 binds to the Zn(2+) atom. The ND1-Zn(2+) bond is somewhat strained: it makes an angle of approximately 17 degrees with the plane of the ring, and it also shows a significant "in-plane" distortion of 13 degrees. A comprehensive sequence alignment of the SecA-ZBD from many different organisms shows that, along with the four Zn(2+) ligands, there is a serine residue (Ser12) that is completely conserved. The NMR structure indicates that the side chain of this serine residue forms a strong hydrogen bond with the thiolate of the third cysteine residue (Cys19); therefore, the conserved serine appears to have a critical role in the structure. SecB, an export-specific chaperone, is the only known binding partner for the SecA-ZBD. A phylogenetic analysis using 86 microbial genomes shows that 59 of the organisms carry SecA with a ZBD, but only 31 of these organisms also possess a gene for SecB, indicating that there may be uncharacterized binding partners for the SecA-ZBD.  相似文献   
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