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General anesthetics exert many of their CNS actions by binding to and modulating membrane-embedded pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs). The structural mechanisms underlying how anesthetics modulate pLGIC function remain largely unknown. GLIC, a prokaryotic pLGIC homologue, is inhibited by general anesthetics, suggesting anesthetics stabilize a closed channel state, but in anesthetic-bound GLIC crystal structures the channel appears open. Here, using functional GLIC channels expressed in oocytes, we examined whether propofol induces structural rearrangements in the GLIC transmembrane domain (TMD). Residues in the GLIC TMD that frame intrasubunit and intersubunit water-accessible cavities were individually mutated to cysteine. We measured and compared the rates of modification of the introduced cysteines by sulfhydryl-reactive reagents in the absence and presence of propofol. Propofol slowed the rate of modification of L240C (intersubunit) and increased the rate of modification of T254C (intrasubunit), indicating that propofol binding induces structural rearrangements in these cavities that alter the local environment near these residues. Propofol acceleration of T254C modification suggests that in the resting state propofol does not bind in the TMD intrasubunit cavity as observed in the crystal structure of GLIC with bound propofol (Nury, H., Van Renterghem, C., Weng, Y., Tran, A., Baaden, M., Dufresne, V., Changeux, J. P., Sonner, J. M., Delarue, M., and Corringer, P. J. (2011) Nature 469, 428–431). In silico docking using a GLIC closed channel homology model suggests propofol binds to intersubunit sites in the TMD in the resting state. Propofol-induced motions in the intersubunit cavity were distinct from motions associated with channel activation, indicating propofol stabilizes a novel closed state.  相似文献   
The bat skin shows an unusual morphology that corresponds to flying adaptations but also performs multiple functions including a protective barrier against microbes and parasites. Here, we compare the microscopic structure of the skin and hairs collected from the membranes with other body parts in the Common Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) in relation to parasite availability. Statistical analysis of whole‐skin thickness revealed two main groups according to body regions; the first with thin skin (wing and tail membrane) and the second with thick skin (head and dorsum, abdomen, footpad). The density of hair was evaluated by a novel method, and it revealed that the density was significantly higher in the head region than in dorsal and ventral body parts. These differences possibly play a role for bat ectoparasites when choosing the preferred region of their host. Along the axis of each hair, the scale morphology was found to be variable. Hair morphology, however, did not vary among body regions. Mast cells were numerous in the hairy areas around vessels and hair follicles of the dorsum and abdomen, which are easily accessible to ectoparasites. Increased numbers of mast cells in hair‐bearing skin are part of the host adaptation system in parasite‐preferred locations.  相似文献   
Pollen analysis of the larval food supply is an important tool for identifying the plants that provide the floral resources used by bees. The present study documents the pollen sources consumed by larvae of the solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes in a tropical agroecosystem. A total of 60 pollen types were recorded with three families being the most important. Euphorbiaceae (60.5%), Malpighiaceae (16.8%) and Asteraceae (12.2%) pollen had the greatest representation in the samples examined. The pollen of Dalechampia dioscoreifolia predominated in the diet of the larvae of T. diversipes (RF?=?56.35%) and indicates the importance of this plant in maintaining populations of this solitary bee.  相似文献   
Described is the antibiotic activity of a marine natural product. Psammaplysin F (1) inhibited the growth of four Gram-positive strains by >80% at 50 μM, and the amine at position C-20 is responsible for the observed antibacterial activity. When tested against two strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for psammaplysin F (40–80 μM) were similar to the structurally-related alkaloid psammaplysin H (2). Psammaplysin F (1) increased membrane permeability by two to four-fold compared to psammaplysin H (2) or control-treated bacteria, respectively. Unlike psammaplysin H (2), we show that psammaplysin F (1) inhibits equal partitioning of DNA into each daughter cell, suggesting that this natural product is a unique prokaryotic cell division inhibitor.  相似文献   
For many marine species, locations of key foraging areas are not well defined. We used satellite telemetry and switching state‐space modeling (SSM) to identify distinct foraging areas used by Kemp's ridley turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) tagged after nesting during 1998–2011 at Padre Island National Seashore, Texas, USA (PAIS;= 22), and Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, Mexico (RN;= 9). Overall, turtles traveled a mean distance of 793.1 km (±347.8 SD) to foraging sites, where 24 of 31 turtles showed foraging area fidelity (FAF) over time (= 22 in USA,= 2 in Mexico). Multiple turtles foraged along their migratory route, prior to arrival at their “final” foraging sites. We identified new foraging “hotspots” where adult female Kemp's ridley turtles spent 44% of their time during tracking (i.e., 2641/6009 tracking days in foraging mode). Nearshore Gulf of Mexico waters served as foraging habitat for all turtles tracked in this study; final foraging sites were located in water <68 m deep and a mean distance of 33.2 km (±25.3 SD) from the nearest mainland coast. Distance to release site, distance to mainland shore, annual mean sea surface temperature, bathymetry, and net primary production were significant predictors of sites where turtles spent large numbers of days in foraging mode. Spatial similarity of particular foraging sites selected by different turtles over the 13‐year tracking period indicates that these areas represent critical foraging habitat, particularly in waters off Louisiana. Furthermore, the wide distribution of foraging sites indicates that a foraging corridor exists for Kemp's ridleys in the Gulf. Our results highlight the need for further study of environmental and bathymetric components of foraging sites and prey resources contained therein, as well as international cooperation to protect essential at‐sea foraging habitats for this imperiled species.  相似文献   


Multi-level fission-fusion societies, characteristic of a number of large brained mammal species including some primates, cetaceans and elephants, are among the most complex and cognitively demanding animal social systems. Many free-ranging populations of these highly social mammals already face severe human disturbance, which is set to accelerate with projected anthropogenic environmental change. Despite this, our understanding of how such disruption affects core aspects of social functioning is still very limited.


We now use novel playback experiments to assess decision-making abilities integral to operating successfully within complex societies, and provide the first systematic evidence that fundamental social skills may be significantly impaired by anthropogenic disruption. African elephants (Loxodonta africana) that had experienced separation from family members and translocation during culling operations decades previously performed poorly on systematic tests of their social knowledge, failing to distinguish between callers on the basis of social familiarity. Moreover, elephants from the disrupted population showed no evidence of discriminating between callers when age-related cues simulated individuals on an increasing scale of social dominance, in sharp contrast to the undisturbed population where this core social ability was well developed.


Key decision-making abilities that are fundamental to living in complex societies could be significantly altered in the long-term through exposure to severely disruptive events (e.g. culling and translocation). There is an assumption that wildlife responds to increasing pressure from human societies only in terms of demography, however our study demonstrates that the effects may be considerably more pervasive. These findings highlight the potential long-term negative consequences of acute social disruption in cognitively advanced species that live in close-knit kin-based societies, and alter our perspective on the health and functioning of populations that have been subjected to anthropogenic disturbance.


Degos disease is a frequently fatal and incurable occlusive vasculopathy most commonly affecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract and brain. Vascular C5b-9 deposition and a type I interferon (IFN) rich microenvironment are held to be pathogenetically important in the evolution of the vascular changes. We recently discovered the use of eculizumab as a salvage drug in the treatment of near fatal Malignant atrophic papulosis (MAP). The effects of eculizumab on the pathology of MAP are explored.


Archival skin and gastrointestinal biopsy material was procured over a 2.5-year period before and after eculizumab therapy in our index case. Routine light microscopy and immunohistochemical assessment for C3d, C4d, C5b-9, MxA and caspase 3 were examined. Direct immunofluorescent studies were also conducted on select biopsy material.


The patient had received eculizumab as a emergent life saving measure and following rapid improvement he continued with biweekly infusions for 4 years. Although improved he continues to have signs and symptoms of persistent abdominal disease. Pre-Eculizumab biopsies showed an active thrombotic microangiopathy associated with a high type I interferon signature and extensive vascular deposits of C5b-9 in skin and gastrointestinal biopsies. Endothelial cell apoptosis as revealed by Caspase 3 expression was noted. Inflammation comprising lymphocytes and macrophages along with mesenchymal mucin was observed as well. Post-eculizumab biopsies did not show active luminal thrombosis but only chronic sequelae of prior episodes of vascular injury. There was no discernible caspase 3 expression. After 12 months of therapy, C5b-9 was no longer detectable in tissue. The high type I IFN signature and inflammation along with mucin deposition was not altered by the drug. In addition, there was little effect of the drug on the occlusive fibrointimal arteriopathy which appears to be one characterized by extensive myofibroblastic expansion of the intima potentially as revealed by staining for smooth muscle actin without immunoreactivity for desmin and myogenin.


Complement activation and enhanced endothelial cell apoptosis play an important role in the thrombotic complications of MAP. However, the larger vessel proliferative intimal changes appear to be independent of complement activation and may be on the basis of other upstream mechanisms. Monitoring C5b-9 deposition in tissue is likely not of great value in assessing treatment response to eculizumab given the persistence of C5b-9 in tissue for several months despite clinically effective C5 blocking therapy. A more integrated approach addressing upstream and downstream pathways in addition to those attributable to complement activation are critical for the successful treatment of MAP. Eculizumab may be used as salvage therapy in critically ill patients with thrombotic microangiopathy.
Treatment of chronic wounds is becoming increasingly difficult due to antibiotic resistance. Complex natural products with antimicrobial activity, such as honey, are now under the spotlight as alternative treatments to antibiotics. Several studies have shown honey to have broad-spectrum antibacterial activity at concentrations present in honey dressings, and resistance to honey has not been attainable in the laboratory. However not all honeys are the same and few studies have used honey that is well defined both in geographic and chemical terms. Here we have used a range of concentrations of clover honey and a suite of manuka and kanuka honeys from known geographical locations, and for which the floral source and concentration of methylglyoxal and hydrogen peroxide potential were defined, to determine their effect on growth and cellular morphology of four bacteria: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. While the general trend in effectiveness of growth inhibition was manuka>manuka-kanuka blend>kanuka>clover, the honeys had varying and diverse effects on the growth and cellular morphology of each bacterium, and each organism had a unique response profile to these honeys. P. aeruginosa showed a markedly different pattern of growth inhibition to the other three organisms when treated with sub-inhibitory concentrations of honey, being equally sensitive to all honeys, including clover, and the least sensitive to honey overall. While hydrogen peroxide potential contributed to the antibacterial activity of the manuka and kanuka honeys, it was never essential for complete growth inhibition. Cell morphology analysis also showed a varied and diverse set of responses to the honeys that included cell length changes, cell lysis, and alterations to DNA appearance. These changes are likely to reflect the different regulatory circuits of the organisms that are activated by the stress of honey treatment.  相似文献   
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