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The slow-channel congenital myasthenic syndrome (SCCMS) is a disorder of the neuromuscular junction caused by gain-of-function mutations to the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (AChR). Although it is clear that the slower deactivation time course of the ACh-elicited currents plays a central role in the etiology of this disease, it has been suggested that other abnormal properties of these mutant receptors may also be critical in this respect. We characterized the kinetics of a panel of five SCCMS AChRs (αS269I, βV266M, εL221F, εT264P, and εL269F) at the ensemble level in rapidly perfused outside-out patches. We found that, for all of these mutants, the peak-current amplitude decreases along trains of nearly saturating ACh pulses delivered at physiologically relevant frequencies in a manner that is consistent with enhanced entry into desensitization during the prolonged deactivation phase. This suggests that the increasingly reduced availability of activatable AChRs upon repetitive stimulation may well contribute to the fatigability and weakness of skeletal muscle that characterize this disease. Also, these results emphasize the importance of explicitly accounting for entry into desensitization as one of the pathways for burst termination, if meaningful mechanistic insight is to be inferred from the study of the effect of these naturally occurring mutations on channel function. Applying a novel single-channel–based approach to estimate the contribution of Ca2+ to the total cation currents, we also found that none of these mutants affects the Ca2+-conduction properties of the AChR to an extent that seems to be of physiological importance. Our estimate of the Ca2+-carried component of the total (inward) conductance of wild-type and SCCMS AChRs in the presence of 150 mM Na+, 1.8 mM Ca2+, and 1.7 mM Mg2+ on the extracellular side of cell-attached patches turned out be in the 5.0–9.4 pS range, representing a fractional Ca2+ current of ∼14%, on average. Remarkably, these values are nearly identical to those we estimated for the NR1-NR2A N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), which has generally been considered to be the main neurotransmitter-gated pathway of Ca2+ entry into the cell. Our estimate of the rat NMDAR Ca2+ conductance (using the same single-channel approach as for the AChR but in the nominal absence of extracellular Mg2+) was 7.9 pS, corresponding to a fractional Ca2+ current of 13%.  相似文献   
Pulmonary acariasis is a sporadic, incidental finding in colony‐raised rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Prophylactic treatment in indoor‐raised and indoor‐housed macaques is not routine due to low prevalence, lack of clinical significance, and potential risk of toxicosis. This case is an unusually severe infestation of Pneumonyssus simicola in an indoor‐housed rhesus macaque, which ultimately resulted in this animal's death.  相似文献   
In periodontitis, polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) are activated. They entrap and eliminate pathogens by releasing neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Abnormal NET degradation is part of a pro-inflammatory status, affecting co-morbidities such as cardiovascular disease. We aimed to investigate the ex vivo NET degradation capacity of plasma from periodontitis patients compared to controls (part 1) and to quantify NET degradation before and after periodontal therapy (part 2). Fresh NETs were obtained by stimulating blood-derived PMNs with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Plasma samples from untreated periodontitis patients and controls were incubated for 3 h onto freshly generated NETs (part 1). Similarly, for part 2, NET degradation was studied for 91 patients before and 3, 6 and 12 mo after non-surgical periodontal therapy with and without adjunctive systemic antibiotics. Finally, NET degradation was fluorospectrometrically quantified. NET degradation levels did not differ between periodontitis patients and controls, irrespective of subject-related background characteristics. NET degradation significantly increased from 65.6 ± 1.7% before periodontal treatment to 75.7 ± 1.2% at 3 mo post periodontal therapy, and this improvement was maintained at 6 and 12 mo, irrespective of systemic usage of antibiotics. Improved NET degradation after periodontitis treatment is another systemic biomarker reflecting a decreased pro-inflammatory status, which also contributes to an improved cardiovascular condition.  相似文献   
Cymes GD  Grosman C 《Proteins》2011,79(12):3485-3493
As a step toward gaining a better understanding of the physicochemical bases of pK(a)-value shifts in ion channels, we have previously proposed a method for estimating the proton affinities of systematically engineered ionizable side chains from the kinetic analysis of single-channel current recordings. We reported that the open-channel current flowing through mutants of the (cation-selective) muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) engineered to bear single basic residues in the transmembrane portion of the pore domain fluctuates between two levels of conductance. Our observations were consistent with the idea that these fluctuations track directly the alternate protonation-deprotonation of basic side chains: protonation of the introduced basic group would attenuate the single-channel conductance, whereas its deprotonation would restore the wild-type-like level. Thus, analysis of the kinetics of these transitions was interpreted to yield the pK(a) values of the substituted side chains. However, other mechanisms can be postulated that would also be consistent with some of our findings but according to which the kinetic analysis of the fluctuations would not yield true pK(a)s. Such mechanisms include the pH-dependent interconversion between two conformations of the channel that, while both ion permeable, would support different cation-conduction rates. In this article, we present experimental evidence for the notion that the fluctuations of the open-channel current observed for the muscle AChR result from the electrostatic interaction between fixed charges and the passing cations rather than from a change in conformation. Hence, we conclude that bona fide pK(a) values can be obtained from single-channel recordings.  相似文献   
Cymes GD  Grosman C  Auerbach A 《Biochemistry》2002,41(17):5548-5555
The gating mechanism of the acetylcholine receptor channel (AChR) was investigated by using rate equilibrium linear free energy relationships (LFERs) to probe the transition state between the closed and open conformations. The properties of the transition state of gating in the second transmembrane segment (M2) of the delta subunit, one of the five homologous pore-lining segments, was measured on a residue-by-residue basis. Series of point mutations were engineered at individual positions of this domain, and the corresponding constructs were characterized electrophysiologically, at the single-channel level. Fully liganded AChR opening and closing rate constants were estimated, and Phi-values (which are a measure of the extent of the conformational change realized at the transition state) were calculated for each reaction series as the slope of the Br?nsted relationship (log rate constant versus log equilibrium constant). Our results indicate that, at the transition state of gating, the extracellular half of deltaM2 partly resembles the open state (Phi-values between 0.24 and 0.38) while the intracellular half completely resembles the closed state (Phi-values between -0.18 and 0.03), with a break point near the middle of the M2 segment. This suggests that during gating the two halves of deltaM2 move asynchronously, with the rearrangement of the extracellular portion preceding (following) that of the intracellular part of deltaM2 during opening (closing). This particular sequence of molecular events indicates that the gating conformational change, which starts at the extracellular acetylcholine-binding sites (when opening), does not propagate exclusively along the primary sequence of the protein. In addition, our data are consistent with the deltaM2 segment bending or swiveling around its central residues during gating. We also elaborate on unsettled aspects of the analysis such as the accuracy of two-point LFERs, the physical interpretation of fractional Phi-values, and the existence of single versus parallel transition states for the gating reaction.  相似文献   
Although the muscle nicotinic receptor (AChR) desensitizes almost completely in the steady presence of high concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh), it is well established that AChRs do not accumulate in desensitized states under normal physiological conditions of neurotransmitter release and clearance. Quantitative considerations in the framework of plausible kinetic schemes, however, lead us to predict that mutations that speed up channel opening, slow down channel closure, and/or slow down the dissociation of neurotransmitter (i.e., gain-of-function mutations) increase the extent to which AChRs desensitize upon ACh removal. In this paper, we confirm this prediction by applying high-frequency trains of brief ( approximately 1 ms) ACh pulses to outside-out membrane patches expressing either lab-engineered or naturally occurring (disease-causing) gain-of-function mutants. Entry into desensitization was evident in our experiments as a frequency-dependent depression in the peak value of succesive macroscopic current responses, in a manner that is remarkably consistent with the theoretical expectation. We conclude that the comparatively small depression of the macroscopic currents observed upon repetitive stimulation of the wild-type AChR is due, not to desensitization being exceedingly slow but, rather, to the particular balance between gating, entry into desensitization, and ACh dissociation rate constants. Disruption of this fine balance by, for example, mutations can lead to enhanced desensitization even if the kinetics of entry into, and recovery from, desensitization themselves are not affected. It follows that accounting for the (usually overlooked) desensitization phenomenon is essential for the correct interpretation of mutagenesis-driven structure-function relationships and for the understanding of pathological synaptic transmission at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   
Robson, G. D., Prebble, E., Rickers, A., Hosking, S., Denning, D. W., Trinci, A. P. J., and Robertson, W. 1996. Polarized growth of fungal hyphae is defined by an alkaline pH gradient. Fungal Genetics and Biology 20, 289-298. Polarized cell growth is exhibited by a diverse range of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The events which are responsible for this growth are poorly understood. However, the existence of ion gradients may play an important role in establishing and driving cell polarity. Using a pH-sensitive, ratiometric fluorescent dye to monitor intracellular pH in growing fungal hyphae, we report a gradient at the extending hyphal tip that is up to 1.4 pH units more alkaline than more distal regions. Both the magnitude and the length of the pH gradient were strongly correlated with the rate of hyphal extension and eradication of the gradient-arrested growth. These results suggest that alkaline pH gradients may be integral to hyphal extension in fungi.  相似文献   


Evolutionary rates are not constant across the human genome but genes in close proximity have been shown to experience similar levels of divergence and selection. The higher-order organisation of chromosomes has often been invoked to explain such phenomena but previously there has been insufficient data on chromosome structure to investigate this rigorously. Using the results of a recent genome-wide analysis of open and closed human chromatin structures we have investigated the global association between divergence, selection and chromatin structure for the first time.  相似文献   
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