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Biochemical markers in a species endangered by introgression: The red wolf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The red wolf (Canis rufus), native to much of the southeastern United States, is endangered by man's activities and by hybridization with other species of the genus Canis. The absence of diagnostic morphological markers to distinguish the red wolf from its hybrids has led to the application of the methods of biochemical genetics to this problem. The finding of a unique electrophoretically determined allele with a distribution congruent with the geographical distribution of the remaining red wolf population is reported.This research was supported by NIH Public Health Service Grants GM 19513 and CA 19311 and by the State of Texas.  相似文献   
Brain temperature in pigeons: Effects of anterior respiratory bypass   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary During heat stress in domestic pigeons (Columba livia, mean mass 0.43 kg) brain temperature (T B) varied in parallel with colonic temperature (T c). The difference between these (T CT B=T) averaged 0.7°C and was not significantly altered when the animal breathed through a trachael cannula bypassing the buccopharyngeal cavity. When we sealed the nares and beak in bypass animals, T was significantly reduced but was nevertheless maintained at 0.4°C. When the eyes were sealed as well, however, T was reversed, amounting to –0.4°C. Conversely, with eyes sealed but beak and nares open, T was indistinguishable from that in controls. These results suggest a role for the cornea in evaporative cooling, at least when respiratory evaporation is impaired, and are consistent with the hypothesis that buccopharyngeal and corneal evaporation are coupled to brain cooling. The probable mechanism for this coupling is the flow of venous blood from evaporative surfaces through theretia mirabilia in the temporal areas. Here heat is transferred from the warmer arterial blood flowing through theretia toward the brain to the centrally flowing, cooler venous blood.  相似文献   
The distribution pattern of 14C-malformin in major fractionsof Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings shifted during water treatmentin the absence of malformin. From these shifts, and by comparisonof the 14C distribution patterns at the base and top of theseedlings, it was concluded that some 14C-malformin enters thecell and proceeds to the cell wall via intermediate compounds.As a working hypothesis it was suggested that in roots 14C-malforminfirst appears in a soluble "small molecules" fraction, bindsto a soluble protein fraction, and proceeds via die wall lipidfraction to the wall itself. Direct binding of some 14C-malforminto the wall fraction was not precluded. In leaves, the pathwayof 14C-malformin to the cell wall was similar in some respectsto that in roots. 1 Present address: American Cyanamid, P.O. Box 400, Princeton,New Jersey 08540, U.S.A. (Received January 21, 1976; )  相似文献   
The problem of evaluating the epidemic potential of western equine encephalitis in the northeastern United States is presented and possible reasons are discussed for the present lack of human and horse cases of this disease even though increased numbers of isolations of the virus have been obtained in the East during recent years. Epidemiologic factors of vector bionomics and virus strain variations are considered. It is concluded that while this virus strain can no longer be regarded as uncommon in the Northeast, the evidence indicates there is little potential for epidemic expression of this agent in the human and horse population. This appears to be due to differences in the bionomics of the mosquito Culiseta melanura, which serves as the primary enzootic vector in the northeastern United States and in the bionomics of Culex tarsalis that is the vector in the western region of the United States. Other limiting factors in the epidemic potential may be variations between virus strains located in the East and West.  相似文献   
The two preceding papers of this series suggest that the state of the plasmalemmal lipids affects cell adhesion. Plasmalemmal composition was altered by the experimental incorporation of fatty acids into R1 and R2 positions in the phosphatidyl components of the cell surface. In this paper we report that: (1) If the incorporation is of long chain length fatty acids (saturated) cell adhesion rises. (2) If the incorporation is of unsaturated fatty acids cell adhesion falls as the unsaturation increases. (3) Incorporation has to be extensive to produce a large change in adhesion. (4) Changes in adhesion parallel the plasmalemmal incorporation but do not follow the total cell incorporation. Item (4) argues that it is plasmalemmal and not other membrane lipids that are involved in cell adhesion. Item (3) suggests that bulk membrane properties and not some very specific grouping are involved in the effects of lipids on adhesion. The similar extents of incorporation of the various different fatty acids and the negligible amounts of lysophospholipids in the membranes of cells that have incorporated fatty acids argue that the effects are not due to differential accumulations of these lysolipids when incubations are done with different fatty acids. The changes in adhesion cannot be accounted for by changes in surface charge density since the electrophoretic mobility of the cells is unchanged by these incubations. It is suggested that these effects on adhesion due to changes in plasmalemmal lipids can be explained either in terms of the action of intermembrane van der Waals--London (electrodynamic) forces in cell adhesion or of changes in surface fluidity. These alternatives are discussed.  相似文献   
Cycling populations of Aedes aegypti were set up in cages and managed in such a way that the populations had a maximum of threefold recovery potential in response to control measures. Into three such populations daily releases were made of males which had been chemosterilised, or were double translocation heterozygotes (T1T3) or T1T3 with sex ration distortion (DT1T3). Eradication of the populations was achieved with all cases, but the rate of suppression was markedly slower with T1T3 than the other two systems, with which the rates were similar. T1T3 and DT1T3 releases introduced considerable inherited genetic loads into the target populations. The results were in general agreement with computer predictions.  相似文献   
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is an important human pathogen. In cell culture, CCHFV is sensed by the cytoplasmic RNA sensor retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) molecule and its adaptor molecule mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) protein. MAVS initiates both type I interferon (IFN-I) and proinflammatory responses. Here, we studied the role MAVS plays in CCHFV infection in mice in both the presence and absence of IFN-I activity. MAVS-deficient mice were not susceptible to CCHFV infection when IFN-I signaling was active and showed no signs of disease. When IFN-I signaling was blocked by antibody, MAVS-deficient mice lost significant weight, but were uniformly protected from lethal disease, whereas all control mice succumbed to infection. Cytokine activity in the infected MAVS-deficient mice was markedly blunted. Subsequent investigation revealed that CCHFV infected mice lacking TNF-α receptor signaling (TNFA-R-deficient), but not IL-6 or IL-1 activity, had more limited liver injury and were largely protected from lethal outcomes. Treatment of mice with an anti-TNF-α neutralizing antibody also conferred partial protection in a post-virus exposure setting. Additionally, we found that a disease causing, but non-lethal strain of CCHFV produced more blunted inflammatory cytokine responses compared to a lethal strain in mice. Our work reveals that MAVS activation and cytokine production both contribute to CCHFV pathogenesis, potentially identifying new therapeutic targets to treat this disease.  相似文献   
Transgenic radish (Raphanus sativus L. longipinnatus Bailey) plants were produced from the progeny of plants which were dipped into a suspension of Agrobacterium carrying both the -glucuronidase (gusA) gene and a gene for resistance to the herbicide Basta (bar) between T-DNA border sequences. The importance of development of the floral-dipped plant and presence of surfactant in the inoculation medium were evaluated in terms of transgenic plant production. Plants dipped at the primary bolt stage of growth, into a suspension of Agrobacterium containing 0.05% (v/v) Silwet L-77 resulted in optimum transformation efficiency, with 1.4% from 1110 seeds. The presence of Pluronic F-68 or Tween 20 in the inoculation medium was beneficial towards transgenic plant output compared to treatments without surfactant. Putative transformed T1 plants were efficiently selected by spraying with 0.03% (v/v) Basta and all herbicide-resistant plants tested positive for GUS activity when analysed both histochemically and fluorometrically. Southern analysis revealed that both the gusA and bar genes integrated into the genome of transformed plants and segregated as dominant Mendelian traits. These results demonstrate that radish can be genetically modified for the improvement of this important vegetable crop.  相似文献   
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