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Summary Continuing a line of investigations on methods for formation and growth of high-quality crystals of peptides, the glycylglycine sequence has been crystallized by evaporation methods as a salt with 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonic acid. The structure of the peptide is highly extended, and is conformationally quite similar to the structures which have been characterized for other zwitterionic and salt forms of this sequence. Thus, crystallization as a salt with this sulfonic acid has imposed no undue influence upon the molecular conformation. These results offer further indication that the preparation of peptide sulfonate salts, particularly with arene templates, may have broad general utility for crystallization of interesting sequences which until now have not been approachable in their zwitterionic forms.  相似文献   
Blue jays consume large quantities of acorns to fuel energy-demanding caching flights in the fall. Yet blue jays possess no known physiological adaptation to counter the negative effects of a high tannin diet on protein digestion. Dietary experiments were conducted to determine if blue jays could subsist on an acorn-only diet, and if they could not, to determine whether supplements of acorn weevil larvae (Curculio), present inside acorns, enabled them to maintain their mass. Comparative tannin assays also were conducted on Lepidobalanus (low tannin; white oak) and Erythrobalanus (high tannin; pin oak) acorns using radial diffusion assay. Captive jays consumed considerable acorn material, yet were unable to maintain mass on ad lib. acorn-only diets or on an acorn +1.5 g larvae/day supplement. There were no significant differences in mass loss between high and low tannin diets. In contrast, blue jays were able to stabilize mass on a diet of acorns +5.0 g larvae supplement/day. These results suggest that acorn weevil larvae, or perhaps other insects, counteract the effects of acorn tannins in the jay diet allowing jays to subsist largely on acorns during the fall caching season. Oak demographic processes may be partly regulated by a tri-trophic relationship among plant, insect and bird. Acorn weevil larvae, considered damaging to oak populations, may actually facilitate oak recruitment and population vagility in the long-term.  相似文献   
Five genomic clones containing ribosomal DNA repeats from the gymnosperm white spruce (Picea glauca) have been isolated and characterized by restriction enzyme analysis. No nucleotide variation or length variation was detected within the region encoding the ribosomal RNAs. Four clones which contained the intergenic spacer (IGS) region from different rDNA repeats were further characterized to reveal the sub-repeat structure within the IGS. The sub-repeats were unusually long, ranging from 540 to 990 bp but in all other respects the structure of the IGS was very similar to the organization of the IGS from wheat, Drosophila and Xenopus.  相似文献   
Evidence for a locus (EJM1) in the HLA region of chromosome 6p predisposing to idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) in the families of patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) has been obtained in two previous studies of separately ascertained groups of kindreds. Linkage analysis has been undertaken in a third set of 25 families including a patient with JME and at least one first-degree relative with IGE. Family members were typed for eight polymorphic loci on chromosome 6p: F13A, D6S89, D6S109, D6S105, D6S10, C4B, DQA1/A2, and TCTE1. Pairwise and multipoint linkage analysis was carried out assuming autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance and age-dependent high or low penetrance. No significant evidence in favor of linkage was obtained at any locus. Multipoint linkage analysis generated significant exclusion data (lod score < -2.0) at HLA and for a region 10-30 cM telomeric to HLA, the extent of which varied with the level of penetrance assumed. These observations indicate that genetic heterogeneity exists within this epilepsy phenotype.  相似文献   
We describe a large pedigree of individuals with autosomal dominant atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). The pedigree includes affected individuals and individuals who have transmitted the defect but are not clinically affected. AVSDs are a rare congenital heart malformation that occurs as only 2.8% of isolated cardiac lesions. They are the predominant heart defect in children with Down syndrome, making chromosome 21 a candidate for genes involved in atrioventricular septal development. We have carried out a linkage study in the pedigree by using 10 simple-sequence polymorphisms from chromosome 21. Multipoint linkage analysis gives lod scores of less than -2 for the region of trisomy 21 associated with heart defects, which excludes a locus within this region as the cause of the defect in this family.  相似文献   
Four families, each with two individuals affectecd by Rett Syndrome (RS), were analysed using restriction fragment lenght polymorphisms and microsatellite markers from the X chromosome. In two of the families, X-linked dominant inheritance of the RS defect from a germinally mosaic mother could be assumed. Therefore, maternal X chromosome markers showing discordant inheritance were used to exclude regions of the X chromosome as locations of the RS gene. Much of the short arm could be excluded, including regions containing three candidate genes, OTC, synapsin 1 and synaptophysin. Although most of the long arm was inherited in common it was possible to exclude a centromeric region. Inheritance of X chromosome markers is also presented for two families with affected aunt-niece pairs, one of which has not been previously studied at the DNA level.  相似文献   
A recessive allele of a gene in Tripsacum dactyloides L. (eastern gamagrass) changes staminate florets to pistillate or hermaphrodite, and restores fertility to suppressed florets. There were ten to 25 times more seeds in the mutant pistillate form, and these were 0.32 to 0.59 times smaller than seeds from the normal form. Seeds from pistillate plants had significantly lower germination rates (22% vs. 50%), and seedlings grew 20% slower than those of normal plants in a greenhouse experiment. Pistillate seedling survival rates were lower in both high- (18.8% vs. 62.6%) and low- (52.8% vs. 72.6%) competition environments in a field experiment, and surviving seedlings were smaller. The maternal parent of volunteer seedlings next to a plantation of normal and pistillate plants was determined by dissecting the attached fruitcases of 1,313 seedlings. Pistillate plants in the plantation produced 90% of all seeds falling on the site but only 29% of the volunteer seedlings. The pistillate macromutation is not likely to spread in the wild due to morphological constraints on seed size and packaging.  相似文献   
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