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Nitrogen variations at different spatial scales and integrated across functional groups were addressed for lowland tropical forests in the Brazilian Amazon as follows: (1) how does N availability vary across the region over different spatial scales (regional × landscape scale); (2) how are these variations in N availability integrated across plant functional groups (legume × non-legume trees). Leaf N, P, and Ca concentrations as well the leaf N isotope ratios (δ15N) from a large set of legume and non-legume tree species were measured. Legumes had higher foliar N/Ca ratios than non-legumes, consistent with the high energetic costs in plant growth associated with higher foliar P/Ca ratios found in legumes than in non-legumes. At the regional level, foliar δ15N decreased with increasing rainfall. At the landscape level, N availability was higher in the forests on clayey soils on the plateau than in forests on sandier soils. The isotope as well as the non-isotope data relationships here documented, explain to a large extent the variation in δ15N signatures across gradients of rainfall and soil. Although at the regional level, the precipitation regime is a major determinant of differences in N availability, at the landscape level, under the same precipitation regime, soil type seems to be a major factor influencing the availability of N in the Brazilian Amazon forest.  相似文献   
Biomass deconstruction to small simple sugars is a potential approach to biofuels production; however, the highly recalcitrant nature of biomass limits the economic viability of this approach. Thus, research on efficient biomass degradation is necessary to achieve large‐scale production of biofuels. Enhancement of cellulolytic activity by increasing synergism between cellulase enzymes holds promise in achieving high‐yield biofuels production. Here we have inserted cellulase pairs from extremophiles into hyperstable α‐helical consensus ankyrin repeat domain scaffolds. Such chimeric constructs allowed us to optimize arrays of enzyme pairs against a variety of cellulolytic substrates. We found that endocellulolytic domains CelA (CA) and Cel12A (C12A) act synergistically in the context of ankyrin repeats, with both three and four repeat spacing. The extent of synergy differs for different substrates. Also, having C12A N‐terminal to CA provides greater synergy than the reverse construct, especially against filter paper. In contrast, we do not see synergy for these enzymes in tandem with CelK (CK) catalytic domain, a larger exocellulase, demonstrating the importance of enzyme identity in synergistic enhancement. Furthermore, we found endocellulases CelD and CA with three repeat spacing to act synergistically against filter paper. Importantly, connecting CA and C12A with a disordered linker of similar contour length shows no synergistic enhancement, indicating that synergism results from connecting these domains with folded ankyrin repeats. These results show that ankyrin arrays can be used to vary spacing and orientation between enzymes, helping to design and optimize artificial cellulosomes, providing a novel architecture for synergistic enhancement of enzymatic cellulose degradation. Proteins 2016; 84:1043–1054. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Diffusable growth factors induce bladder smooth muscle differentiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bladder smooth muscle differentiation is dependent on the presence of bladder epithelium. Previously, we have shown that direct contact between the epithelium and bladder mesenchyme (BLM) is necessary for this interaction. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that bladder smooth muscle can be induced via diffusable growth factors. Fourteen-day embryonic rat bladders were separated into bladder mesenchyme (prior to smooth muscle differentiation) and epithelium by enzymatic digestion and microdissection. Six in vitro experiments were performed with either direct cellular contact or no contact (1) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme (BLM) alone (control), (Contact) (2) 14-d embryonic bladders intact (control), (3) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme combined with BPH-1 cells (an epithelial prostate cell line) in direct contact, (4) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme with recombined bladder epithelium (BLE) in direct contact, (No Contact) (5) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme with BPH-1 prostatic epithelial cells cocultured in type 1 collagen gel on the bottom of the well, and (6) 14-d embryonic bladder mesenchyme with BPH-1 epithelium cultured in a monolayer on a transwell filter. In each case the bladder tissue was cultured on Millicell-CM 0.4-microm membranes for 7 d in plastic wells using serum free medium. Growth was assessed by observing the size of the bladder organoids in histologic cross section as well as the vertical height obtained in vitro. Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue explants was performed to assess cellular differentiation with markers for smooth muscle alpha-actin and pancytokeratin to detect epithelial cells. Control (1) bladder mesenchyme grown alone did not exhibit growth or smooth muscle and epithelial differentiation. Contact experiments (2) intact embryonic bladder, (3) embryonic bladder mesenchyme recombined with BPH-1 cells, and (4) embryonic bladder mesenchyme recombined with urothelium each exhibited excellent growth and bladder smooth muscle and epithelial differentiation. Both noncontact experiments (5) and (6) exhibited growth as well as bladder smooth muscle and epithelial differentiation but to a subjectively lesser degree than the contact experiments. Direct contact of the epithelium with bladder mesenchyme provides the optimal environment for growth and smooth muscle differentiation. Smooth muscle growth and differentiation can also occur without direct cell to cell contact and is not specific to urothelium. This data supports the hypothesis that epithelium produces diffusable growth factors that induce bladder smooth muscle.  相似文献   
It is desirable to obtain TR antagonists for treatment of hyperthyroidism and other conditions. We have designed TR antagonists from first principles based on TR crystal structures. Since agonist ligands are buried in the fold of the TR ligand binding domain (LBD), we reasoned that ligands that resemble agonists with large extensions should bind the LBD, but would prevent its folding into an active conformation. In particular, we predicted that extensions at the 5′ aryl position of ligand should reposition helix (H) 12, which forms part of the co-activator binding surface, and thereby inhibit TR activity. We have found that some synthetic ligands with 5′ aryl ring extensions behave as antagonists (DIBRT, NH-3), or partial antagonists (GC-14, NH-4). Moreover, one compound (NH-3) represents the first potent TR antagonist with nanomolar affinity that also inhibits TR action in an animal model. However, the properties of the ligands also reveal unexpected aspects of TR behavior. While nuclear receptor antagonists generally promote binding of co-repressors, NH-3 blocks co-activator binding and also prevents co-repressor binding. More surprisingly, many compounds with extensions behave as full or partial agonists. We present hypotheses to explain both behaviors in terms of dynamic equilibrium of H12 position.  相似文献   
Reactivity of snails against parasites exhibits a primitive focal reaction, with encapsulation, phagocytosis and destruction of parasite larvae by macrophage-like cells - the hemocytes. This reaction mimics granulomatous inflammation seen in higher animals. However, different from the latter, little is known about the participation of extra-cellular matrix in such snail defense reactions. Normal and Schistosoma mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata of different strains were submitted to cytological, histological, ultrastructural and biochemical methods in order to investigate the behavior of extra-cellular tissues at the site of anti-parasite reactions. In spite of the presence of two cell-types in peripheral hemolymph, only one cell-type was present at the sites of tissue reactions. Although pre-existent collagen and elastic fibers and microfibrils sometimes appeared slightly compressed around focal reactions, no evidences of duplication, synthesis or deposition of connective-tissue extra-cellular components were observed within or around the zones of reactive cell accumulations. Thus, tissue reactions against S. mansoni in the snail B. glabrata appeared exclusively dependent on one specific population of hemocytes.  相似文献   
A process that combines the advantages of solid state fermentation (SSF) and submerged fermentation (SmF) could increase the efficiency of cellulase production required in the cellulosic ethanol industry. Due to the difficulty of measuring cellular biomass in the presence of solids, we developed a novel methodology for indirect quantification of biomass during production of the preculture for a combined fermentation process. Cultivation of Aspergillus niger was initiated as SSF using sugar cane bagasse as a solid substrate. Experiments were conducted in the absence of bagasse to determine growth kinetic parameters. Changes in glucose and biomass concentrations were measured. and the data were used for simulation employing a simple unstructured model. Parameters were estimated by applying a combination of Simulated Annealing (SA) and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithms to search for minimization of the error between model estimates and experimental data. Growth kinetics followed the Contois model, with a maximum specific growth rate (μmax) of 0.042/h, a yield coefficient for biomass formation (Yx/s) of 0.30 g/g and a death constant (kD) of 0.005/h.These parameters were used to simulate cellular growth in the solids-containing medium. The proposed model accurately described the experimental data and succeeded in simulating the cell concentration profile. The selected pre-culture conditions (24 h as SSF followed by 48 h as SmF) were applied for cellulase production using the combined fermentation process and resulted in an endoglucanase activity (1,052 ± 34 U/L) greater than that obtained using the conventional SmF procedure (824 ± 44 U/L). Besides the standardization of pre-culture conditions, this methodology could be very useful in systems where direct measurement of cell mass is not possible.  相似文献   
The natural habitat of Tritirachium oryzae is soil and decaying plant material. It is also an insect pathogen. As a human pathogen, it has been reported as a cause of corneal ulcers and otomycosis. The case of a 4-year-old infant is reported with Tritirachium oryzae infection of the scalp. Diagnosis was established by direct mycological study and culture that showed Tritirachium oryzae as the only agent in a pure culture. The topical treatment involved an antifungal medication to a complete cure. We report the first case of scalp dermatomycosis due to Tritirachium oryzae infection, illustrating a novel clinical manifestation.  相似文献   
The plasma membrane urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) localizes and enhances activation of pro-uPA. Active uPA, in turn, promotes increased degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) by activation of plasminogen. uPAR binds to ECM molecules and integrins, which can affect cellular adhesion, signal transduction, and gene regulation. The current study examines the expression and function of uPAR in developing rat ventral prostates (VPs). We report that newborn VPs express uPAR mRNA and protein. In addition, the function of uPAR-bound uPA during in vitro prostatic development was studied by adding recombinant peptide competitive inhibitors of uPA-uPAR binding. Newborn VP explants were cultured in serum-free media for one week with 10(-8) M testosterone plus chimeric peptides containing a human immunoglobulin G Fc domain and either human uPA amino acids 1-138 (hu-uPA 1-138) as a control or mouse uPA amino acids 1-138 (mo-uPA 1-138) or 1-48 (mo-uPA 1-48). Hu-uPA 1-138-treated VPs underwent normal ductal branching morphogenesis and tissue differentiation. In contrast, VPs treated with mo-uPA 1-138 or mo-uPA 1-48 displayed a dose-dependent perturbation of ductal branching. Differentiation of both epithelial and mesenchymal tissues was also impaired. Mo-uPA 1-48-treated VPs contained significantly more apoptotic cells. These observations suggest that disruption of uPA binding to uPAR results in a retardation of the development of newborn VPs.  相似文献   
The epithelium of the mammalian vagina arises from two distinct germ layers, endoderm from the urogenital sinus and mesoderm from the Müllerian ducts. While neonatal vaginal epithelium can be induced to form prostate which is normally an endodermal derivative, it has not been determined whether this ability to form prostate is shared by both mesoderm- and endoderm-derived vaginal epithelia. To test the competence of vaginal epithelia we have isolated sinus-derived and Müllerian-derived vaginal epithelia from newborn mice, combined them with rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme, and grown the tissue recombinants for 4 weeks in male athymic nude mice. Endoderm-derived sinus vaginal epithelium was induced to form prostatic tissue which expressed prostate-specific secretory proteins in 21 of 23 tissue recombinants. Müllerian-derived vaginal epithelium formed small ducts and cysts lined by a simple epithelium. These latter tissue recombinants lacked any evidence of prostatic secretory proteins. Similarly, endoderm-derived urethral epithelium was induced to form prostate (17 of 17 cases), while mesoderm-derived uterine epithelium was not (0 of 13 cases). Therefore, the ability to form prostatic epithelium was limited to endodermal derivatives of the urogenital tract.  相似文献   
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