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Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) and Wolman disease are two members of a family of storage disorders caused by mutations of genes encoding lysosomal proteins. Deficiency in function of either the NPC1 or NPC2 protein in NPC disease or lysosomal acid lipase in Wolman disease results in defective cellular cholesterol trafficking. Lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol and enlarged lysosomes are shared phenotypic characteristics of both NPC and Wolman cells. Utilizing a phenotypic screen of an approved drug collection, we found that δ-tocopherol effectively reduced lysosomal cholesterol accumulation, decreased lysosomal volume, increased cholesterol efflux, and alleviated pathological phenotypes in both NPC1 and Wolman fibroblasts. Reduction of these abnormalities may be mediated by a δ-tocopherol-induced intracellular Ca2+ response and subsequent enhancement of lysosomal exocytosis. Consistent with a general mechanism for reduction of lysosomal lipid accumulation, we also found that δ-tocopherol reduces pathological phenotypes in patient fibroblasts from other lysosomal storage diseases, including NPC2, Batten (ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 2, CLN2), Fabry, Farber, Niemann-Pick disease type A, Sanfilippo type B (mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB, MPSIIIB), and Tay-Sachs. Our data suggest that regulated exocytosis may represent a potential therapeutic target for reduction of lysosomal storage in this class of diseases.  相似文献   
A fundamental aspect of episodic memory is that retrieval of information can occur when encoding is incidental and memory assessment is unexpected. These features are difficult to model in animals because behavioral training likely gives rise to well-learned expectations about the sequence of events. Thus, the possibility remains that animals may solve an episodic memory test by using well-learned semantic rules without remembering the episode at memory assessment. Here we show that rats can answer an unexpected question after incidental encoding in a hippocampal-dependent manner, consistent with the use of episodic memory. Rats were initially trained to report about a recent event (food versus no food) and separately searched for food where there was no expectation of being asked about the presence of food. To test episodic memory, we gave rats the opportunity to incidentally encode the presence or absence of food and unexpectedly asked them to report about the recent event. Temporary inactivation of the CA3 region of the hippocampus with bilateral infusions of lidocaine selectively eliminated the ability of rats to answer the unexpected, but not the expected, question. Our studies suggest that rats remember an earlier episode after incidental encoding based upon hippocampal-dependent episodic memory.  相似文献   
Risk of gastric infection with Vibrio parahaemolyticus increases with favorable environmental conditions and population shifts that increase prevalence of infective strains. Genetic analysis of New Hampshire strains revealed a unique population with some isolates similar to outbreak-causing strains and high-level diversity that increased as waters warmed.  相似文献   
The retinoblastoma gene, RB1, is frequently inactivated in a subset of tumors, including retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma (OS). One characteristic of OS, as well as other tumors in which RB1 is frequently inactivated, is the lack of N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesions. The frequent inactivation of RB1 and parallel loss of N-cadherin expression in OS prompted us to ask whether these observations are directly related to each other. In this study, we observed reduced N-cadherin expression in RB1(-/-) calvarial osteoblasts. In addition, RB1(-/-) cell lines had increased migration potential compared to their RB1(+/+) counterparts. These properties of RB1(-/-) cell lines correlated with an adipogenic potential lacking in RB1(+/+) cell lines, suggesting that each property is present in an immature progenitor cell. The isolation of a cell population with low surface expression of N-cadherin and enhanced adipogenic ability supports this view. Interestingly, the acute loss of pRb does not affect N-cadherin expression or migration or confer adipogenic potential to immortalized RB1(+/+) calvarial cells, suggesting that these traits are not a direct consequence of pRb loss; rather, pRb loss leads to the expansion and immortalization of an immature progenitor pool characterized by these properties.  相似文献   
A frameshift mutation generated from a dinucleotide deletion (780-781del) in the GJA1 gene encoding Cx43 results in a frameshift yielding 46 aberrant amino acids after residue 259 and a shortened protein of 305 residues compared with the 382 in wild-type Cx43. This frameshift mutant (fs260) causes oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD) that includes the added condition of palmoplantar keratoderma. When expressed in a variety of cell lines, the fs260 mutant was typically localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and other intracellular compartments. The fs260 mutant, but not the G138R ODDD-linked Cx43 mutant or a Cx43 mutant truncated at residue 259 (T259), reduced the number of apparent gap junction plaques formed from endogenous Cx43 in normal rat kidney cells or keratinocytes. Interestingly, mutation of a putative FF endoplasmic reticulum retention motif encoded within the 46 aberrant amino acid domain failed to restore efficient assembly of the fs260 mutant into gap junctions. Dual whole cell patch-clamp recording revealed that fs260-expressing N2A cells exerted severely reduced electrical coupling in comparison to wild-type Cx43 or the T259 mutant, whereas single patch capacitance recordings showed that fs260 could also dominantly inhibit the function of wild-type Cx43. Co-expression studies further revealed that the dominant negative effect of fs260 on wild-type Cx43 was dose-dependent, and at a predicted 1:1 expression ratio the fs260 mutant reduced wild-type Cx43-mediated gap junctional conductance by over 60%. These results suggest that the 46 aberrant amino acid residues associated with the frameshift mutant are, at least in part, responsible for the manifestation of palmoplantar keratoderma symptoms.  相似文献   
The synthesis, structure-activity relationship, in vivo activity, and metabolic profile for a series of triazolopyridine-oxazole based p38 inhibitors are described. The deficiencies of the lead structure in the series, CP-808844, were overcome by changes to the C4 aryl group and the triazole side-chain culminating in the identification of several potential clinical candidates.  相似文献   
A fundamental question in comparative cognition is whether animals remember unique, personal past experiences. It has long been argued that memories for specific events (referred to as episodic memory) are unique to humans. Recently, considerable evidence has accumulated to show that food-storing birds possess critical behavioral elements of episodic memory, referred to as episodic-like memory in acknowledgment of the fact that behavioral criteria do not assess subjective experiences. Here we show that rats have a detailed representation of remembered events and meet behavioral criteria for episodic-like memory. We provided rats with access to locations baited with distinctive (e.g., grape and raspberry) or nondistinctive (regular chow) flavors. Locations with a distinctive flavor replenished after a long but not a short delay, and locations with the nondistinctive flavor never replenished. One distinctive flavor was devalued after encoding its location by prefeeding that flavor (satiation) or by pairing it with lithium chloride (acquired taste aversion), while the other distinctive flavor was not devalued. The rats selectively decreased revisits to the devalued distinctive flavor but not to the nondevalued distinctive flavor. The present studies demonstrate that rats selectively encode the content of episodic-like memories.  相似文献   
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