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The method differs from mammalian techniques for somatic chromosomes in that it uses very small amounts of material. Drosophila melanogaster and an ant, Dorymyrmex sp., are used as examples. Pretreatment with 0.05% Colcemid in insect Ringer solution is applied to mature Drosophila larvae for 5 hr, by feeding, but Dorymyrmex prepupae require puncture and a 15 hr exposure of the puncture to the solution. Organs are removed under 1% sodium citrate, tansferred to fresh citrate for 10-20 min, than fixed in acetic-methanol, 1:3, for 30 min. Transfer to a drop of 60% acetic acid on a clean warmed slide dissociates the cells, which are spread by adding a small drop of fixative and tilting the slide in all directions. After immersion in acetic ethanol, 1:3, for 4 hr, rinsing in the stain solvent and draining the slides then have 2-3 drops of aceto-lactic orcein placed on each, coverslips added, and warmed (at about 50 C) for about 12 hr or until staining is sufficient. They can then either be treated as semipermanent or made permanent by allowing the coverslips to slide off in acetic-ethanol, dehydrating, and mounting in Euparal, or a synthetic resin.  相似文献   
1. When there is projected on the retina (man, monocularly) the shadow of a grid which forms a visual field in several distinct pieces (not including the fovea in the present tests), the ordinary properties of the flicker recognition contour (F vs. log I) as a function of the light-time cycle fraction (tL) can be markedly disturbed. In the present experiments flicker was produced by the rotation of a cylinder with opaque vertical stripes. In the absence of such a grid shadow the "cone" segments of the contours form a set in which Fmax. and the abscissa of inflection are opposite but rectilinear functions of tL, while the third parameter of the probability integral (σ''log I) remains constant. This is the case also with diverse other animals tested. In the data with the grid, however, analysis shows that even for low values of tL (up to 0.50) there occurs an enhancement of the production of elements of neural effect, so that Fmax. rises rather than falls as ordinarily with increase of tL, although σ''log I stays constant and hence the total number of acting units is presumed not to change. This constitutes valid evidence for neural integration of effects due to the illumination of separated retinal patches. Beginning at tL = 0.75, and at 0.90, the slope of the "cone" curve is sharply increased, and the maximum F is far above its position in the absence of the grid. The decrease of σ''log I (the slope constant) signifies, in terms of other information, an increase in the number of acting cone units. The abscissa of inflection is also much lowered, relatively, whereas without the grid it increases as tL is made larger. These effects correspond subjectively to the fact that at the end-point flicker is most pronounced, on the "cone" curve, along the edges of the grid shadow where contrast is particularly evident with the longer light-times. The "rod" portion of the F - log I contour is not specifically affected by the presence of the grid shadow. Its form is obtainable at tL = 0.90 free from the influence of summating "cone" contributions, because then almost no overlapping occurs. Analysis shows that when overlapping does occur a certain number of rod units are inhibited by concurrent cone excitation, and that the mean contribution of elements of neural action from each of the non-inhibited units is also reduced to an extent depending on the degree of overlap. The isolated "rod" curve at tL = 0.90 is quite accurately in the form of a probability integral. The data thus give a new experimental proof of the occurrence of two distinct but interlocking populations of visual effects, and experimentally justify the analytical procedures which have been used to separate them. 2. The changing form of the F - log I contour as a function of tL, produced in man when the illuminated field is divided into parts by a shadow pattern, is normally found with the bird Taeniopygia castenotis (Gould), the zebra finch. The retina has elements of one general structural type (cones), and the F - log I contour is a simplex symmetrical probability integral. The eye of this bird has a large, complex, and darkly pigmented pecten, which casts a foliated shadow on the retina. The change in form of the F - log I curve occurs with tL above 0,50, and at tL = 0.90 is quite extreme. It is more pronounced than the one that is secured in the human data with the particular grid we have used, but there is no doubt that it could be mimicked completely by the use of other grids. The increase of flicker acuity due to the pecten shadow is considerable, when the dark spaces are brief relative to the light. The evidence thus confirms the suggestion (Menner) drawn from comparative natural history that the visual significance of the avian pecten might be to increase the sensory effect of small moving images. It is theoretically important that (as in the human experiment) this may be brought about by an actual decrease of effective retinal area illuminated. It is also significant theoretically that despite the presence of shadows of pecten or of grid, and of the sensory influences thus introduced, the probability integral formulation remains effective.  相似文献   
In a survey of 1781 patients who had mild dyskaryosis in a cervical smear taken between 1965 and 1984 invasive cancer occurred in 10 women. In four cancer was diagnosed soon after presentation, and in three it developed some years after default from follow up. Invasion occurred in one patient during cytological surveillance and in a further two after referral for colposcopic supervision. A poor correlation was found between a single cervical smear showing mild dyskaryosis and biopsy results. This was, however, improved by a series of smears. During initial surveillance cervical smear results reverted to normal in 46% of our patients within two years. During longer term follow up none of these patients developed invasive cancer, and life table analysis showed that three quarters had not relapsed after 14 years. We also found no evidence to suggest that preinvasive disease is more rapidly progressive in younger women. Our results indicate that cytological surveillance is acceptably safe provided that biopsy is advised if dyskaryosis persists.  相似文献   
Hundreds of species are shifting their ranges in response to recent climate warming. To predict how continued climate warming will affect the potential, or “bioclimatic range,” of a skipper butterfly, we present a population‐dynamic model of range shift in which population growth is a function of temperature. We estimate the parameters of this model using previously published data for Atalopedes campestris. Summer and winter temperatures affect population growth rate independently in this species and therefore interact as potential range‐limiting factors. Our model predicts a two‐phase response to climate change; one range‐limiting factor gradually becomes dominant, even if warming occurs steadily along a thermally linear landscape. Whether the range shift accelerates or decelerates and whether the number of generations per year at the range edge increases or decreases depend on whether summer or winter warms faster. To estimate the uncertainty in our predictions of range shift, we use a parametric bootstrap of biological parameter values. Our results show that even modest amounts of data yield predictions with reasonably small confidence intervals, indicating that ecophysiological models can be useful in predicting range changes. Nevertheless, the confidence intervals are sensitive to regional differences in the underlying thermal landscape and the warming scenario.  相似文献   
Animals in social groups need to differentiate between group members and others. In very large groups, such as those formed by many ant species, it is not possible to rely on individually specific cues to identify colonymates. Instead, recognition must be based on the colony-specific cues. Individual ant colonies tend to have a specific chemical gestalt that is maintained by the continual exchange of chemicals between workers. In very large polydomous colonies, the exchange of chemicals may be limited between nests within the colony, resulting in inter-nest variation in colony odour that might hinder identification of colonymates or conspecific intruders. We used near-infrared spectroscopy to explore variation in the chemical profile between and within colonies of the weaver ant Oecophylla smaragdina. We found that differences between colonies were reflected in the position, amplitude and width of spectral peaks, while differences between nests within colonies were reflected mainly in amplitude. Furthermore, in the context of colonymate recognition, the behaviour of the ants themselves was positively correlated with colony-specific spectral characteristics, rather than with nest-specific characteristics. Thus, colony spectra have features that are not obscured by intra-colonial variation and may potentially encode the chemical characteristics used by workers to identify colonymates.  相似文献   
The breakdown of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) has been considered to be a key step in the disease process of a number of neurological disorders such as cerebral ischemia and Alzheimer's disease. Many in vitro BBB models derived from animal tissues have been established to elucidate the mechanism of BBB insufficiency. However, only a few human immortalized in vitro BBB models have been reported. In the present study, a temperature‐sensitive SV40‐T antigen was introduced to immortalize cells using a retrovirus to obtain a better human in vitro BBB model which sustains physiological properties. This endothelial cell (EC) line, termed TY08, showed a spindle‐shaped morphology. The cells expressed all key tight junctional proteins, such as occludin, claudin‐5, zonula occludens (ZO)‐1 and ZO‐2 at their cell‐to‐cell boundaries, and had low permeability to inulin across its monolayer. The cells also expressed various influx and efflux transporters and exhibited the functional expression of p‐glycoprotein. Furthermore, the TY08 cells grew and proliferated well under the permissive temperature and stopped growing under the non‐permissive temperature to serve as physiological ECs forming the BBB. Thus, conditionally immortalized TY08 cells retaining the in vivo BBB functions should facilitate analyses for determining the pathophysiology of various neurological diseases. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 519–528, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The intestinal absorption and metabolism of 385 μmol chlorogenic acids following a single intake of 200 mL of instant coffee by human volunteers with an ileostomy was investigated. HPLC-MS3 analysis of 0-24 h post-ingestion ileal effluent revealed the presence of 274 ± 28 μmol of chlorogenic acids and their metabolites accounting for 71 ± 7% of intake. Of the compounds recovered, 78% comprised parent compounds initially present in the coffee, and 22% were metabolites including free and sulfated caffeic and ferulic acids. Over a 24 h period after ingestion of the coffee, excretion of chlorogenic acid metabolites in urine accounted for 8 ± 1% of intake, the main compounds being ferulic acid-4-O-sulfate, caffeic acid-3-O-sulfate, isoferulic acid-3-O-glucuronide and dihydrocaffeic acid-3-O-sulfate. In contrast, after drinking a similar coffee, urinary excretion by humans with an intact colon corresponded to 29 ± 4% of chlorogenic acid intake [23]. This difference was due to the excretion of higher levels of dihydroferulic acid and feruloylglycine together with sulfate and glucuronide conjugates of dihydrocaffeic and dihydroferulic acids. This highlights the importance of colonic metabolism. Comparison of the data obtained in the current study with that of Stalmach et al. [23] facilitated elucidation of the pathways involved in post-ingestion metabolism of chlorogenic acids and also helped distinguish between compounds absorbed in the small and the large intestine.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study described herein was to investigate how the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-signaling pathway and eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF2B) activity, both having key roles in the translational control of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, are regulated in cardiac muscle of rats in response to two different models of altered free fatty acid (FFA) and insulin availability. Protein synthetic rates were reduced in both gastrocnemius and heart of 3-day diabetic rats. The reduction was associated with diminished mTOR-mediated signaling and eIF2B activity in the gastrocnemius but only with diminished mTOR signaling in the heart. In response to the combination of acute hypoinsulinemia and hypolipidemia induced by administration of niacin, protein synthetic rates were also diminished in both gastrocnemius and heart. The niacin-induced changes were associated with diminished mTOR signaling and eIF2B activity in the heart but only with decreased mTOR signaling in the gastrocnemius. In the heart, mTOR signaling and eIF2B activity correlated with cellular energy status and/or redox potential. Thus FFAs may contribute to the translational control of protein synthesis in the heart but not in the gastrocnemius. In contrast, insulin, but not FFAs, is required for the maintenance of protein synthesis in the gastrocnemius.  相似文献   
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