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Fitness in self-incompatible simultaneous hermaphrodites incorporates gains and costs from both male and female reproductive function, and evolutionarily stable allocation of gonadal tissue to male or female function depends on these gains and costs. Paradoxically, despite the often equal expected gains but different costs associated with each sex, contributions to expected reproductive success through male and female function must be identical. Whenever allocation costs are unequal and limiting resources are energetically expensive or risky to acquire, these costs must ultimately be paid through reduced survival, resolving the paradox by equally diminishing expected reproductive success as male and as female. Maximizing fitness as lifetime reproductive success – not just reproductive rate alone, as in previous studies – maximizes the product of expected survival time and reproductive rate. The analysis shows how male-biased allocation can thereby arise and generate novel predictions on the relation between intensity of sperm competition and allocation to male function.  相似文献   
In many dioecious bryophyte species, population sex ratios range from all female to all male. The focal species of the present study, the liverwort Marchantia inflexa, forms patches on rock and bark surfaces, and these differ widely in sex ratio at a rainforest field site in Trinidad. This analysis – to our knowledge the first modeling study of sex-ratio dynamics in a dioecious clonal organism – addresses abundances of male and female M. inflexa through time within an individual patch. We represent the life history of this species using seven different stages (non-reproductive, asexually reproductive, sexually reproductive males, non-reproductive, asexually reproductive, unfertilized and fertilized sexual females) and express their dynamics using ordinary differential equations. Some of the stages become more abundant as thalli extend over the substrate and may overgrow each other to capture space. Our simple representation of dynamics within the patch failed to stabilize the sex ratio: females gradually eliminated males at low to moderate disturbance frequency and males eliminated females at high disturbance frequency. This pattern did not hinge on whether sexual propagules could germinate within the patch, but asexual reproduction (via gemmae dispersed within the patch) played an important role. This suggests that the maintenance of sex in these populations may hinge on metapopulation structure and dynamics. Though sexual reproduction appears to be unimportant within patches, spores provide the primary means of recolonizing patches eliminated by large-scale disturbances. We found that shortly after the patch was fully occupied, the production of these wind-dispersed spores was maximized, but spore production declined thereafter as the sex ratio became increasingly biased toward one sex or the other. Much additional modeling and empirical work is needed to link within-patch dynamics across patches and account for dynamics at the metapopulation level.  相似文献   
We documented the progression and timing of the annual molt of harbor seals on Tugidak Island, Alaska, from 1997 to 1999. In all years the timing of molting differed among age-sex classes. Yearlings molted first, subadults second, adult females third, and lastly adult males. Timing of molting was nearly identical in 1997–1998, whereas in 1999 molting occurred three to six days later for all age-sex classes except yearlings. Estimated dates when peak proportions of each age-sex class were molting ranged from 2 August (yearlings) to 2 September (adult males). The number of seals hauled out was positively related to the proportion of seals in the molt and negatively related to the proportion of seals in the postmolt. Population trend estimates, based on aerial counts conducted during a narrow window within the molting period, are likely biased toward certain age-sex classes. Statistical models used to estimate trend include covariates to help account for within-year variation in seal numbers, but do not account for compositional changes that occur during molting. Population modeling may elucidate the effects of within-year population structure on trend estimates. Monitoring molting phenology at additional sites is necessary to determine the extent of geographic variation in molting.  相似文献   
Aim We sought to quantify geographical variation in the stable isotope values of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) and to determine whether this variation reflects trophic differences among populations or baseline isotopic differences among habitats. If the latter pattern is demonstrated, then Microcebus can become a proxy for tracking baseline habitat isotopic variability. Establishing such a baseline is crucial for identifying niche partitioning in modern and ancient communities. Location We studied five species of Microcebus from eight distinct habitats across Madagascar. Methods We compared isotopic variation in C3 plants and Microcebus fur within and among localities. We predicted that carbon and nitrogen isotope values of Microcebus should: (1) vary as a function of abiotic variables such as rainfall and temperature, and (2) covary with isotopic values in plants. We checked for trophic differences among Microcebus populations by comparing the average difference between mouse lemur and plant isotope values for each locality. We then used multiple regression models to explain spatial isotope variation in mouse lemurs, testing a suite of explanatory abiotic variables. Results We found substantial isotopic variation geographically. Ranges for mean isotope values were similar for both Microcebus and plants across localities (carbon 3.5–4.0‰; nitrogen 10.5–11.0‰). Mean mouse lemur and plant isotope values were lowest in cool, moist localities and highest in hot, dry localities. Rainfall explained 58% of the variation in Microcebus carbon isotope values, and mean plant nitrogen isotope values explained 99.7% of the variation in Microcebus nitrogen isotope values. Average differences between mouse lemur and plant isotope values (carbon 5.0‰; nitrogen 5.9‰) were similar across localities. Main conclusions Isotopic data suggest that trophic differences among Microcebus populations were small. Carbon isotope values in mouse lemurs were negatively correlated with rainfall. Nitrogen isotope values in Microcebus and plants covaried. Such findings suggest that nitrogen isotope values for Microcebus are a particularly good proxy for tracking baseline isotopic differences among habitats. Our results will facilitate future comparative research on modern mouse lemur communities, and ecological interpretations of extinct Holocene communities.  相似文献   
Malaria parasites induce changes in the permeability of the infected erythrocyte membrane to numerous solutes, including toxic compounds. In Plasmodium falciparum, this is mainly mediated by PSAC, a broad‐selectivity channel that requires the product of parasite clag3 genes for its activity. The two paralogous clag3 genes, clag3.1 and clag3.2, can be silenced by epigenetic mechanisms and show mutually exclusive expression. Here we show that resistance to the antibiotic blasticidin S (BSD) is associated with switches in the expression of these genes that result in altered solute uptake. Low concentrations of the drug selected parasites that switched from clag3.2 to clag3.1 expression, implying that expression of one or the other clag3 gene confers different transport efficiency to PSAC for some solutes. Selection with higher BSD concentrations resulted in simultaneous silencing of both clag3 genes, which severely compromises PSAC formation as demonstrated by blocked uptake of other PSAC substrates. Changes in the expression of clag3 genes were not accompanied by large genetic rearrangements or mutations at the clag3 loci or elsewhere in the genome. These resultsdemonstrate that malaria parasites can become resistant to toxic compounds such as drugs by epigenetic switches in the expression of genes necessary for the formation of solute channels.  相似文献   
A 30-bed coronary care unit with facilities for fluoroscopy, haemodynamic monitoring, mechanical heart assistance, and long-term electrocardiographic monitoring operated at a reasonable cost over five years. Much of the work was entrusted to trained nurses, and there was close consultation with cardiac surgeons over those patients who needed catheterisation or surgery. New procedures greatly reduced the numbers of early deaths from cardiac arrest and cardiac failure but had less influence on late mortality. Hospital mortality for all 3353 patients was 6-8%, and for patients under 65 with definite infarction, who were admitted direct it was 5-7%.  相似文献   
The gamma delta T cell clone LBK5 recognizes the MHC molecule IEk. Here, we demonstrate that the affinity of this interaction is weaker than those typically reported for alpha beta TCRs that recognize peptide/MHC complexes. Consistent with our previous finding that peptide bound to the IE molecule does not confer specificity, we show that the entire epitope for LBK5 is contained within the polypeptide chains of the molecule, centered around the polymorphic residues 67 and 70 of the IE beta-chain. However, LBK5 recognition is profoundly influenced by the N-linked glycosylation at residue 82 of the IE alpha-chain. Since infected, stressed, or transformed cells often change the posttranslational modifications of their surface glycoproteins, this finding suggests a new way in which gamma delta T cell Ag recognition can be regulated.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism in Odonata: age, size, and sex ratio at emergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Males and females of many organisms differ in important life-history and behavioral characters. Following a recent optimization analysis of sexually dimorphic life histories, we employed an odonate-like parameter set to identify patterns of life history and behavior to be expected in an odonate population. The default parameter magnitudes generated a smaller body size and shorter development time for males than for females, which resulted in a male-biased sex ratio. Whether population growth was density dependent or density independent, and whether development time was fixed or flexible had major impacts on life-history features. The model generated five general predictions for odonate systems. (1) For species with fixed development times, males and females should differ more in activity level, growth and mortality rates than for species with flexible life cycles. (2) In species with fixed development times, populations at high latitude or high altitude should be more active, emerge and reproduce at smaller size and have a more male-biased sex ratio than low latitude and low altitude populations. (3) In density-dependent populations, with density dependence mediated by activity-dependent mortality, higher predation rates should increase activity levels and reduce development time in species with flexible development times. (4) For species with flexible development times, in strongly density-dependent populations with density dependence mediated by mortality, activity levels should decrease and development times should increase at high prey abundance. (5) Males should be larger at emergence relative to females, and the sex ratio at emergence should be more female-biased in territorial than in non-territorial species. Existing empirical evidence concerning these predictions is generally sparse and equivocal; focused tests are clearly needed.  相似文献   
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