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3, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (3,4-D) and benzylaminopurine(BAP) at 9 µM (control medium) was compared with 4.5,2.25, and 0.45 µM for ability to induce callogenesis andembryogenesis from seed explants of Hevea brasiliensis. Supplyingthese growth regulators at 4.5 µM for 20 d improved embryogenicpotential compared with the control medium (El Hadrami, Carronand d'Auzac, 1991, Annals of Botany 67, 511–515), sustainedputrescine, spermidine and spermine at a higher level throughoutof much of the culture period (40–70 d), and maintainedlow levels of peroxidase activity. In the control medium, poorcallus embryogenesis is considered a consequence of rapid ageingof tissues characterized by (i) acceleration of an early buttransient production of polyamines, which promoted embryogeniccapacity, and (ii) an early peak in peroxidase activity thatwas positively correlated with callus browning, one of the factorslimiting embryogenesis. Somatic embryogenesis, polyamines, peroxidase, Hevea brasiliensis, rubber-tree  相似文献   
The increase of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) activityhas been proposed as an early marker of floral evocation inthe shoot apical meristem of spinach. This induction is obtainedby the transfer of vegetative plants from short days to continuouslight. The exposure of a single leaf to continuous light inducedthe same effect as that produced with the whole plant. In vegetativeconditions (short days), an electrical potential of ten volts(electrical current: 12·5 µA) applied to the petioleof a single leaf induced a weak increase of G-6-PD activityin the shoot apex, while under inductive conditions, this increasewas similar to that of control plants (transferred to continuouslight). Application of an electrical potential to the petioleand the root inhibits the increase linked to the inductive transfer.These results show that an externally applied electrical potentialmay interact with the natural electrical gradients along theshoot and consequently inhibit the normal floral developmentby an as yet unspecified mechanism. Spinacia oleracea, floral induction, interorganic relations, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, shoot apex, electrical potentials  相似文献   
Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of the argan tree of Morocco   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Polymorphisms in the chloroplast genome of the argan tree (Sapotaceae), an endemic species of south-western Morocco, have been detected by restriction site studies of PCR-amplified fragments. A total of 12 chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments were amplified and digested with a single restriction enzyme ( Hin fI). Polymorphisms were identified in six of the cpDNA fragments, whereas no mtDNA polymorphisms were detected in a survey of 95 individuals from 19 populations encompassing most of the natural range of the species. The cpDNA polymorphisms allowed the identification of 11 haplotypes. Two lineages, one in the south-east and the other in the north-west, divide the range of the argan tree into two distinct areas. The level of genetic differentiation measured at the haplotype level ( G STc= 0.60) (i.e. with unordered haplotypes) was smaller than when phylogenetic relationships were taken into account ( N STc= 0.71–0.74) (ordered haplotypes), indicating that population history must be considered in the study of the geographical distribution of cpDNA lineages in this species. If contrasted with the level of nuclear genetic differentiation measured in a previous study with isozymes ( G STn= 0.25), the results indicate a relatively high level of gene flow by seeds, or conversely a relatively low level of gene flow by pollen, as compared with other tree species. Goats and camels could have played an important role in disseminating the fruits of this tree.  相似文献   
The number of tumours developing on primary pinto bean leaves(Phaseolus vulgaris L. variety Pinto) inoculated with Agrobacteriumtumefaciens (Smith and Town.) Conn, strain B6, was increasedby as much as 100 per cent through the addition of several plant-growthfactors and antagonists of some of these factors to the freshlyinoculated leaves. Naphthylacetic acid, gibberellic acid, (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride, and adenine gave a biphasic responsewith optimal promotions of tumour initiation at 10-5 to 10-4mg/ml. Tri-iodobenzoic acid and 4-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acidwere most active at 10-1 mg/ml. Mean tumour diameter showeda direct correlation with tumour number in these experiments.The results show tumour initiation to be sensitive to growthfactor changes, possibly through a heightened traumatic responseof the wounded leaves. The growth of the tumours was unaffectedby these additions except as they altered tumour number andthis secondarily affected tumour growth.  相似文献   
A statistical method for analyzing sensory profiling data obtained by means of fixed vocabulary or free choice profiling is discussed. The most interesting feature of this method is that it involves only simple statistical treatment and can therefore be performed using standard software packages. The outcomes of this method are compared to those of Generalized Procrustes Analysis on the basis of two data sets obtained, respectively, by means of fixed vocabulary and free choice profiling. A significance test is also discussed in order to assess whether the overall configuration of the products is meaningful. This significance test is based upon a simulation study involving the permutation procedure.  相似文献   
The vegetative growth of Dactylis glomerata L. in sand was studiedunder controlled light, temperature, and nutritional conditions.Plants were daily supplied with three nutrient solutions ofdifferent nitrate concentrations (10–2, 10–3 and2 x 10–4 mol I–1). For each concentration, growthobeyed an exponential law between the fourth and seventh weeksafter sowing. The time constant of the exponential was the samefor the shoot as for the root, and showed no significant variationwith nitrate concentration. The kinetic results and the strong dependence of the root: shootratio on nitrate concentration are discussed on the basis ofThornley's model. Hypothesizing that the molecular mechanismsof nitrate absorption are independent of the nitrate concentrationof the nutrient solution, we derived a relationship betweenthe root: shoot ratio and nitrate concentration. This relationshipwas found to be compatible with the experimental results. Dactylis glomerata L., vegetative phase, kinetics of growth, root: shoot equilibrium, nitrate absorption  相似文献   
Annual growth of the polar evergreen shrub Cassiope tetragona on Svalbard was evaluated as a proxy for Arctic summer temperatures. Transfer functions were derived from temperature‐growth correlations of shoots and from a temperature‐growth response, obtained from experimental warming using open top chambers (OTC) in high Arctic tundra vegetation at Isdammen approximately 1.5 km southeast of Longyearbyen, Svalbard (78°N, 15 E) and in Longyeardalen, 3 km west of Isdammen from 2004 to 2006. Air temperatures, monitored throughout the summer months, were 1.3 °C higher inside the OTCs than in the control plots. Annual stem growth was measured by tagging stems and leaves, and in the lab with shoots harvested from OTCs and control plots. Annual growth parameters assessed were leaf production, sum of length and weight of individual leaves, and stem length increment derived from leaf scar distances and the distances between wintermarksepta in the stem. Wintermarksepta are formed at the end of the summer growth period when the pith is narrowing and consist of dense and dark tissue ( Fig. 1b ). The variation of annual growth in a 34‐year site chronology (based on Cassiope shoots from the surroundings of the OTCs and control plots) correlated strongly with the mean summer temperature on Svalbard. The number of leaf pairs, leaf length and stem length also increased in the OTC warmed plots in the second and third year of warming. Transfer functions were derived from the temperature‐annual growth correlations from a single shoot from Longyeardalen, from the cross‐dated Isdammen site chronology and from the growth response to experimental warming. Based on leaf scar distances and distances between wintermarksepta of well‐preserved subfossil shoots in arctic tundra soil, annual stem length increase was assessed for the layers of a soil core collected at the Isdammen site. Based on the derived transfer functions summer temperature of the period relating to the 15 cm deep tundra soil core layer, radiocarbon dated at 4230±40 bp , may have been 3.0 °C lower than the present‐day 6.2 °C value. These results indicate that the transfer functions can be used to reconstruct past temperatures, beyond the time range of instrumental temperature and ice core records of Svalbard.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint (a) Morphology of shoot of Cassiope tetragona collected May 26, 2007, Longyeardalen. Removal of the front row of leaves shows four leaf pairs of the 2006 summer, the leaf primordium for the 2007 growing season and the stem length increase summer 2006. (b) Wintermarksepta, darker colored than the pith tissue, indicating the winterperiod in a longitudinal section of an air‐dried shoot collected August 26, 2006, Longyeardalen.  相似文献   
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