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Hawasli AH  Saifee O  Liu C  Nonet ML  Crowder CM 《Genetics》2004,168(2):831-843
The molecular mechanisms whereby volatile general anesthetics (VAs) disrupt behavior remain undefined. In Caenorhabditis elegans mutations in the gene unc-64, which encodes the presynaptic protein syntaxin 1A, produce large allele-specific differences in VA sensitivity. UNC-64 syntaxin normally functions to mediate fusion of neurotransmitter vesicles with the presynaptic membrane. The precise role of syntaxin in the VA mechanism is as yet unclear, but a variety of results suggests that a protein interacting with syntaxin to regulate neurotransmitter release is essential for VA action in C. elegans. To identify additional proteins that function with syntaxin to control neurotransmitter release and VA action, we screened for suppressors of the phenotypes produced by unc-64 reduction of function. Loss-of-function mutations in slo-1, which encodes a Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel, and in unc-43, which encodes CaM-kinase II, and a gain-of-function mutation in egl-30, which encodes Gqalpha, were isolated as syntaxin suppressors. The slo-1 and egl-30 mutations conferred resistance to VAs, but unc-43 mutations did not. The effects of slo-1 and egl-30 on VA sensitivity can be explained by their actions upstream or parallel to syntaxin to increase the level of excitatory neurotransmitter release. These results strengthen the link between transmitter release and VA action.  相似文献   
The skeletal remains of an infant from a southwest South African rock shelter at Byneskranskop show pervasive abnormalities that are consistent with the effects of hypertrophic (hyperplastic) rickets. Diagnostic features include beading of the costochondral junctions of the ribs, flaring and tilting of the metaphyses, and cupping of the distal ulna, as well as general skeletal hypertrophy. With an uncalibrated accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon date of 4820 +/- 90 BP (TO-9531), this is a very early instance of the condition, among foragers whose environment and diet make dietary shortages of active vitamin D or dietary calcium improbable. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios indicate a mixed diet, including marine as well as terrestrial protein. Solicitous care maintained the sick infant to an estimated age of 3.5-5 months; it was buried in a manner like that of other deceased group members. This case suggests that if infanticide was practiced, it was an option only during the immediate perinatal period, when this infant would have appeared normal. This is consistent with documentation of infanticide practices among historic foragers from southern Africa.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to prepare a dry powder vaccine formulation containing whole inactivated influenza virus (VIIV) and a mucoadhesive compound suitable for nasal delivery. Powders containing WIIV and either lactose or trehalose were produced by lyophilization. A micro-ball mill was used to reduce the lyophilized cake to sizes suitable for nasal delivery. Chitosan flakes were reduced in size using a cryo-milling technique. Milled powders were sieved between 45 and 125 μm aggregate sizes and characterized for particle size and distribution, morphology, and flow properties. Powders were blended in the micro-ball mill without the ball. Lyophilization followed by milling produced irregularly shaped, polydisperse particles with a median primary particle diameter of ≈21 μm and a yield of ≈37% of particles in the 45 to 125 μm particle size range. Flow properties of lactose and trehalose powders after lyophilization followed by milling and sieving were similar. Cryo-milling produced a small yield of particles in the desired size range (<10%). Lyophilization followed by milling and sieving produced particles suitable for nasal delivery with different physicochemical properties as a function of processing conditions and components of the formulation. Further optimization of particle size and morphology is required for these powders to be suitable for clinical evaluation. Published: March 10, 2006  相似文献   
In an effort to biochemically characterize metallo-β-lactamase NDM-1, we cloned, overexpressed, purified, and characterized several maltose binding protein (MBP)-NDM-1 fusion proteins with different N-termini (full-length, Δ6, Δ21, and Δ36). All MBP-NDM-1 fusion proteins were soluble; however, only one, MBP-NDM-1Δ36, exhibited high activity and bound 2 equiv of Zn(II). Thrombin cleavage of this fusion protein resulted in the truncated NDM-1Δ36 variant, which exhibited a k(cat) of 16 s(-1) and a K(m) of 1.1 μM when using nitrocefin as a substrate, bound 2 equiv of Zn(II), and was monomeric in solution. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies of the NDM-1Δ36 variant indicate the average metal binding site for Zn(II) in this variant consists of four N/O donors (two of which are histidines) and 0.5 sulfur donor per zinc, with a Zn-Zn distance of 3.38 ?. This metal binding site is very similar to those of other metallo-β-lactamases that belong to the B1 subclass. Pre-steady-state kinetic studies using nitrocefin and chromacef and the NDM-1Δ36 variant indicate that the enzyme utilizes a kinetic mechanism similar to that used by metallo-β-lactamases L1 and CcrA, in which a reactive nitrogen anion is stabilized and its protonation is rate-limiting. While they are very different in terms of amino acid sequence, these studies demonstrate that NDM-1 is structurally and mechanistically very similar to metallo-β-lactamase CcrA.  相似文献   


Receptors with a single transmembrane (TM) domain are essential for the signal transduction across the cell membrane. NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to study structure of the single TM domain. The expression and purification of a TM domain in Escherichia coli (E.coli) is challenging due to its small molecular weight. Although ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) is a commonly used affinity tag for expression and purification of short peptides, KSI tag needs to be removed with the toxic reagent cyanogen bromide (CNBr).


The purification of the TM domain of p75 neurotrophin receptor using a KSI tag with the introduction of a thrombin cleavage site is described herein. The recombinant fusion protein was refolded into micelles and was cleaved with thrombin. Studies showed that purified protein could be used for structural study using NMR spectroscopy.


These results provide another strategy for obtaining a single TM domain for structural studies without using toxic chemical digestion or acid to remove the fusion tag. The purified TM domain of p75 neurotrophin receptor will be useful for structural studies.  相似文献   
We evaluated effects of the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen on Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (B biotype) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) males and females in laboratory bioassays. Insects were treated with pyriproxyfen as either eggs or nymphs. In all tests, the LC50 for a laboratory-selected resistant strain was at least 620 times greater than for an unselected susceptible strain. When insects were treated as eggs, survival did not differ between males and females of either strain. When insects were treated as nymphs, survival did not differ between susceptible males and susceptible females, but resistant males had higher mortality than resistant females. The dominance of resistance decreased as pyriproxyfen concentration increased. Resistance was partially or completely dominant at the lowest concentration tested and completely recessive at the highest concentration tested. Hybrid female progeny from reciprocal crosses between the susceptible and resistant strains responded alike in bioassays; thus, maternal effects were not evident. Rapid evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen could occur if individuals in field populations had resistance with traits similar to those of the laboratory-selected strain examined here.  相似文献   
Abstract: The use of bird counts as indices has come under increasing scrutiny because assumptions concerning detection probabilities may not be met, but there also seems to be some resistance to use of model-based approaches to estimating abundance. We used data from the United States Forest Service, Southern Region bird monitoring program to compare several common approaches for estimating annual abundance or indices and population trends from point-count data. We compared indices of abundance estimated as annual means of counts and from a mixed-Poisson model to abundance estimates from a count-removal model with 3 time intervals and a distance model with 3 distance bands. We compared trend estimates calculated from an autoregressive, exponential model fit to annual abundance estimates from the above methods and also by estimating trend directly by treating year as a continuous covariate in the mixed-Poisson model. We produced estimates for 6 forest songbirds based on an average of 621 and 459 points in 2 physiographic areas from 1997 to 2004. There was strong evidence that detection probabilities varied among species and years. Nevertheless, there was good overall agreement across trend estimates from the 5 methods for 9 of 12 comparisons. In 3 of 12 comparisons, however, patterns in detection probabilities potentially confounded interpretation of uncorrected counts. Estimates of detection probabilities differed greatly between removal and distance models, likely because the methods estimated different components of detection probability and the data collection was not optimally designed for either method. Given that detection probabilities often vary among species, years, and observers investigators should address detection probability in their surveys, whether it be by estimation of probability of detection and abundance, estimation of effects of key covariates when modeling count as an index of abundance, or through design-based methods to standardize these effects.  相似文献   
江孜沙棘[Hippophea gyantsensis(Rousi)Lian]是青藏高原特有的一种广生态幅的小乔木,在拉萨河谷地区的海拔3500~4200m范围内均有分布。前人工作多集中在江孜沙棘果实的开发利用方面,对其基础生态学研究较少。本研究旨在探讨江孜沙棘沿海拔梯度的群落组成和表型变异的规律。为此,在拉萨河谷上段沿海拔梯度由东向西设置了4个样带:3850m、3950m、4050m和4200m,每个样带设置2至3个10m×10m的样方进行研究。首先,详细记录了每个样方内林下维管植物的物种组成、样方内的沙棘盖度、海拔、样方与河岸的实际距离,并用DCA[detrended correspondence analysis(去势对应分析)]排序方法对群落及其组成物种进行排序分析。随机抽取了每个样方内的20个江孜沙棘植株个体,测定其胸径、基径、株高和叶片长度,用回归分析法分析这些变量和海拔之间的关系。研究结果表明,江孜沙棘在拉萨河谷内的主要生境分为4种类型,即:河边砾石滩地、河阶草滩、河边草甸和河边林缘,样方排序结果主要受海拔的影响;同时,江孜沙棘植株的基径、胸径和高度都随着海拔的升高而显著减小,而叶片长度与海拔之间无显著相关。本文研究结果表明,对江孜沙棘而言,海拔所代表的综合环境因子对其分布和表型有显著的影响,而局部光照可能也是影响其表型特征的重要生态因子。  相似文献   
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