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Phloem differentiation in tobacco pith culture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of liquid fluorocarbons as bathing media were determined by use of in vitro neuromuscular preparations. Rat hemidiaphragms were bathed in either oxygenated fluorocarbon (FC) emulsion or standard oxygenated Krebs solution. Contractile force in response to simple supramaximal nerve stimuli as well as to high frequency stimulation was greater, while twitch:tetanus ratio was smaller in FC emulsion. With such medium, post-tetanic potentiation of contraction was also more consistently observed. Indirectly stimulated diaphragms survived longer in FC emulsion. After cessation of oxygenation, oxygen tension (ρO(2)) of the medium declined more rapidly with Krebs than with FC emulsion; ρO(2) directly correlated with force of contraction. Similarly, in the chick biventer cervicis preparation, FC emulsion enhanced nerve-stimulated force of contraction; returning the preparation to standard Krebs solution reversed this phenomenon. Dose-resonse curves of muscle contraction in response to acetycholine and KCl administration were shifted upward during FC emulsion superfusion. Frequency of miniature endplate potentials was lower in FC emulsion than that observed in Krebs solution, measured from the same cell of the rat diaphragm. Resting membrane potentials were also greater in muscle cells sampled from FC emulsion-bathed preparations. These data suggest that FC emulsion is superior to standard Krebs solution as a bathing medium for in vitro neuromuscular preparations by virtue of the high solubility of oxygen in it.  相似文献   
In minor veins of leaves of Beta vulgaris L. (sugar beet) yellows virus particles were found both in parenchyma cells and in mature sieve elements. In parenchyma cells the particles were usually confined to the cytoplasm, that is, they were absent from the vacuoles. In the sieve elements, which at maturity have no vacuoles, the particles were scattered throughout the cell. In dense aggregations the particles tended to assume an orderly arrangement in both parenchyma cells and sieve elements. Most of the sieve elements containing virus particles had mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membrane normal for mature sieve elements. Some sieve elements, however, showed evidence of degeneration. Virus particles were present also in the pores of the sieve plates, the plasmodesmata connecting the sieve elements with parenchyma cells, and the plasmodesmata between parenchyma cells. The distribution of the virus particles in the phloem of Beta is compatible with the concept that plant viruses move through the phloem in the sieve tubes and that this movement is a passive transport by mass flow. The observations also indicate that the beet yellows virus moves from cell to cell and in the sieve tube in the form of complete particles, and that this movement may occur through sieve-plate pores in the sieve tube and through plasmodesmata elsewhere.  相似文献   
Human pulmonary alveolar macrophages synthesized and secreted several characteristic high molecular weight proteins for at least 7 d in vitro. Immunoprecipitates of medium and cell lysates from metabolically labeled cultures with specific anti-human plasma fibronectin IgG contained one major labeled polypeptide of molecular weight 440,000 (unreduced) or 220,000 (reduced). An identical polypeptide in conditioned medium from radiolabeled macrophages bound specifically to gelatin-Sepharose, demonstrating that alveolar macrophages synthesized and secreted a molecule immunologically and functionally similar to fibronectin. Fibronectin was the major newly synthesized and secreted polypeptide of freshly harvested alveolar macrophages. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that newly synthesized fibronectin was rapidly secreted into medium, approximately 50 percent appearing by 1 h and 80 percent by 8 h. Immunoperoxidase staining using antifibronectin F(ab’)(2)-peroxidase conjugates revealed the majority of immunoreactive fibronectin to be intracellular, localized to endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. No extracellular matrix fibronectin was visualized, and cell surface staining was rarely seen, usually appearing only at sites where cells were closely apposed and not at sites of macrophage-substrate attachment. Similar immunostaining of fibroblast cultures revealed cell surface-associated fibrillar fibronectin. Ultrastructural localization of fibronectin during binding and phagocytosis of gelatin-coated and plain latex particles revealed fibronectin only on gelatin-latex beads and at their cell binding sites. Neigher plain latex beads nor their cell membrane binding sites stained for fibronectin. These results demonstrate that fibronectin is a major product of human alveolar macrophages, is rapidly secreted, and is localized at cell membrane binding sites for gelatin-coated particles. In view of the known binding properties of fibronectin, it may serve as an endogenous opsonic factor promoting the binding of staphylococcus, denatured collagen, fibrin, or other macromolecules to macrophages in the lower respiratory tract.  相似文献   
Summary The nuclear-pore complex controls the passage of macromolecules to and from the nucleus. It is a complex structure spanning the double-membrane nuclear envelope, consisting of many proteins and structural components. Structurally it consists of a series of stacked rings and associated filaments and a central cylinder which appears to contain the transport channel. Much of the pore complex appears to be dynamic, altering conformationally during transport. We review what is known about pore complex structure and dynamics and attempt to relate this to recent new information on transport pathways and the interactions of transport factors with each other and with components of the nuclear-pore complex.  相似文献   
Summary Cells derived from the adrenal glands of duck embryos immediately prior to hatching were grown in culture and used to study the morphological and cytoskeletal changes and steroidogenic responses induced by 1–24 ACTH. Changes in the cytoskeletal components were observed by rhodamine-phalloidin staining for actin and by staining the tubulin immunoreactive components with FITC. The cultures were comprised of a small population of chromaffin cells and a larger population of steroidogenic cells. The chromaffin cells were distinguished by their tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. The steroidogenic cells were characterized by the presence of sudanophilic lipid droplets, numerous mitochondria, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules distributed as a fairly even network throughout the cytoplasm, and microfilaments that formed an extensive and elaborate system of stress fibers with many parallel arrays. The cells readily responded to stimulation with ACTH by releasing corticosterone, aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone. Stimulation with ACTH also induced changes in both the cell morphology and the cytoskeleton. Exposure of the cells to Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 1–24 ACTH caused them to form numerous fine filopodia, to lose their stress fibers, and to form a thick ring of actin at the periphery of the cell. In addition, many cells became extremely arborized with many long branched dendritic processes. The morphological changes appeared to be related to a redistribution of the actin components, and may be explained only in part by the rounding up or retraction of the cytoplasm. The results strongly suggest an involvement of the actin components of the cytoskeleton in the steroidogenic response to corticotropic stimulation.  相似文献   
Is there an inner nose?   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Elmes  DG 《Chemical senses》1998,23(4):443-445
Although behavioral and neuropsychological data regarding the existence of images for odors are inconclusive, reconsideration of earlier EEG work provides reasonably clear evidence for an inner nose. However, further EEG studies and neuroimaging data seem essential for conclusive demonstration of an inner nose.   相似文献   
Fine structure of the aesthetasc hairs of Coenobita compressus Edwards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aesthetascs, short thin-walled pegs on the antennule flagella of Coenobita clypeatus, a terrestrial hermit crab, are similar to those of other decapod crustacea in containing the dendrites of many bipolar neurons whose cell bodies are grouped in spindle-shaped masses beneath the bases of each hair. The dendrites contain rootlets, basal bodies, and cilia, which divide dichotomously before entering the aesthetasc, so that within the hair, each cilium becomes represented by a group of slender branches. The aesthetascs themselves are short, blunt, and partially recumbent so that each has an exposed and an unexposed side. The cuticle on the exposed side is thinner and more tenuous than that on the protected side, and the dendrite branches are concentrated just underneath. The protected side, on the other hand, is lined with nondendritic supporting cells, and the cuticle is thicker, more lamellar, and probably less permeable. All dendritic elements proximal to the dendrite branches are enclosed within the main body of the antennular flagellum, and the initial segments of the cilia lie within a vacuole. In these respects, the aesthetascs of Coenobita resemble the thin-walled pegs on insect antennae more than they do those of the marine decapods thus far examined. This convergence in the terrestrial forms may be in response to the need to conserve water.  相似文献   
The Alpha class glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in human liver are composed of polypeptides of Mr 25,900. These enzymes are dimeric, and two immunochemically distinct subunits, B1 and B2, have been described that combine to form GSTs B1B1, B1B2 and B2B2 [Stockman, Beckett & Hayes (1985) Biochem. J. 227, 457-465]. Gradient affinity elution from GSH-Sepharose has been used to resolve the three Alpha class GSTs, and this method has been applied to demonstrate marked inter-individual differences in the hepatic content of GSTs B1B1, B1B2 and B2B2. The B1 and B2 subunits can be resolved by reverse-phase h.p.l.c., and their elution positions suggest that they are equivalent to the alpha chi and alpha y h.p.l.c. peaks described by Ketterer and his colleagues [Ostlund Farrants, Meyer, Coles, Southan, Aitken, Johnson & Ketterer (1987) Biochem. J. 245, 423-428]. The B1 and B2 subunits have now been cleaved with CNBr and the fragments subjected to automated amino acid sequence analysis. The sequence data show that B1 and B2 subunits do not arise from post-translational modification, as had been previously believed for the hepatic Alpha class GSTs, but are instead the products of separate genes; B1 and B2 subunits were found to contain different amino acid residues at positions 88, 110, 111, 112, 116, 124 and 127. The relationship between the B1 and B2 subunits and the cloned GTH1 and GTH2 cDNA sequences [Rhoads, Zarlengo & Tu (1987) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 145, 474-481] is discussed.  相似文献   
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