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The susceptibility to Tedion of haploid and diploid-haploid mixtures of eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch was examined. It was concluded for a normal susceptible strain that haploid eggs are more susceptible to Tedion than diploid eggs. This difference in tolerance between haploid and diploid eggs could not be established for a strain resistant to Tedion.Mass crosses between the susceptible and the resistant strain were made. Susceptible females, mated by resistant males, produce susceptible haploid and resistant diploid offspring. Resistant females, mated by susceptible males, gave a resistant offspring. Both sexes can also transmit resistance to Tedion. As there was a difference in tolerance between diploid offspring in the reciprocal crosses, it is assumed that either a maternal or a cytoplasmic component is also present in the genetical mechanism of Tedion-resistance.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Empfindlichkeit haploider und diploid-haploider Gemische von Eiern von Tetranychus urticae Koch gegenüber Tedion untersucht. Für einen normal empfindlichen Stamm wurde aus toxikologischen Daten und einer Verschiebung des Geschlechterverhältnisses erschlossen, daß haploide Eier gegenüber Tedion empfindlicher sind als diploide. Dieser Toleranzunterschied zwischen haploiden und diploiden Nachkommen konnte bei einem gegen Tedion resistenten Stamm nicht nachgewiesen werden.Es wurden Massenkreuzungen zwischen empfindlichen und resistenten Stämmen durch-geführt. Empfindliche Weibchen, mit resistenten Männchen gepaart, produzierten empfindliche haploide und resistente diploide Nachkommen. Resistente Weibchen, mit empfindlichen Männchen gepaart, ergaben eine resistente Nachkommenschaft. Beide Geschlechter können also die Resistenz gegen Tedion übertragen. Da bei den reziproken Kreuzungen ein Toleranzunterschied zwischen den diploiden Nachkommen auftritt, wird angenommen, daß in dem genetischen Mechanismus der Tedion-Resistenz auch eine mütterliche oder eine zytoplasmatische Komponente vorhanden ist.
An albino male was discovered in a population of Tetranychus pacificus, as a result of spontaneous mutation. It appeared that this albinism was recessive and under monogenic control. A maternal effect was demonstrated. The albinism is a suitable marker for all stages of development in this mite species.
Albinismus als genetische markierung bei tetranychus pacificus
Zusammenfassung In einer Population von Tetranychus pacificus wurde als Ergebnis spontaner Mutation ein albinotisches Männchen entdeckt. Es wird erwiesen dass dieser Albinismus rezessiv und monogenetisch beding ist. Ein mütterlicher Effekt war nachzuweisen. Der Albinismus ist eine geeignete genetische Markierung für alle Entwicklungsstadien bei dieser Spinnmilben-Art.
Ansari , A. Q., and W. E. Loomis . (Iowa State University, Ames.) Leaf temperatures. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(10): 713–717. Illus. 1959.—Leaf temperatures were measured with a thermocouple and potentiometer. Readings were taken on leaves of varying thickness, under varying environmental and plant conditions, and during alternating heating and cooling cycles in sun and shade. Leaves tended to assume air temperature. Sunshine heated thin leaves 6–10°C. above the air in about 1 min. Very thick leaves were heated 20°C. above air in 20–30 min. Cooling in still air in shade was at the same rate as heating in sunshine, and the product of this rate times leaf mass in g./cm.2 was constant for all leaves tested. Wind at 5 m.p.h. lowered leaf temperature in the sun about half way to air temperature. This cooling effect can result in a reduction of transpiration by wind. Transpiration had a minor effect on leaf temperature. Wilted leaves showed nearly the same temperature response as turgid ones. Dried leaves heated less and cooled faster in shade than transpiring leaves. Vaselined leaves were 1–3°C. warmer than transpiring leaves but showed similar heating and cooling curves.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Axial muscles used for oscillatory swimming are foundnot only in fish and other vertebrates but also in some protochordatesand invertebrates. Chaetognaths have unsegmented locomotor musculaturewith some unusual features, but larvacean tunicates and thetadpole larvae of ascidians show the simplest variant of thechordate segmented axial muscle arrangement for flexing a notochordalcolumn, where all muscle cells along one side are electricallycoupled. With amphioxus, the basic fish myotomal layout is established,with two main fibre types probably used for different patternsof swimming (as in fish). There are, however, several uniquefeatures, including the flattened fibre shape and the paramyosinsystem of the notochord. Agnatha have two fibre types in themyotomes, a third type perhaps being a developmental stage inthe ontogeny of fast fibres. In lampreys, the central fibresof the characteristic fibre sandwiches in the myotomes are flattened(though less so than in amphioxus); they have a dual innervationof unknown function seen also in the fast fibre system of manyGnathostome fish groups. Hagfish fast fibres are not flattenednor do they have a dual innervation. Gnathostome fish axialmuscles are strikingly uniform in design with two possible exceptions:(1) higher teleost fast fibres which, unlike those of othergroups, are multiply-innervated and (2) tonic fibres in a fewfish, which seem not to be involved in locomotion.  相似文献   
The possibility that differences in beta-adrenergic sensitivity among canine trachealis muscles contracted with different contractile agonists are related to differences in the receptor-occupancy characteristics of the contractile agonists was investigated. Relaxation to isoproterenol was compared in muscles contracted with the muscarinic agonists McN-A-343 and acetylcholine (ACh). The apparent dissociation constant (pKB) values for the M1-antagonist, pirenzepine, against ACh (6.96 +/- 0.18) and McN-A-343 (6.84 +/- 0.08) were similar. The pKB values for the M3-antagonist 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) against ACh (8.76 +/- 0.13) and McN-A-343 (8.71 +/- 0.10) were also similar, suggesting that these agonists were activating the same subtype of muscarinic receptor, probably M3. However, the contractile response to ACh was associated with a greater receptor reserve than that for McN-A-343. Isoproterenol relaxed muscles contracted with McN-A-343 much more effectively than those contracted with an equieffective concentration of ACh. The results suggest that the relative resistance of ACh-induced contractions to relaxation by isoproterenol may not be an inherent quality of muscarinic receptor stimulation. The large receptor reserve available to ACh may act to buffer the contractile response from the inhibitory effects of beta-adrenergic stimulation. Alternatively, ACh may be able to initiate subcellular mechanisms that are unavailable to agonists of lower efficacy.  相似文献   
To distinguish experimentally between motor nerve activity destined for vocal cord abductor muscles and that bound for muscles that adduct the cords, we recorded efferent activities of intralaryngeal branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) in decerebrate, vagotomized, paralyzed, ventilated cats. Activities of the whole RLN and phrenic nerve were also recorded. Nerve activities were assessed at several steady-state end-tidal O2 and CO2 concentrations. The nerve to the thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle, a vocal cord adductor, was only slightly active under base-line (normocapnic, hyperoxic) conditions but in most cats developed strong activity during expiration in hypocapnia or hypoxia. In severe hypocapnia, phasic expiratory TA activity persisted even during phrenic apnea, indicating continuing activity of the respiratory rhythm generator. The nerve to the posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscle, the vocal cord abductor, was always active in inspiration but often showed expiratory activity as well. This expiratory activity was usually enhanced by hypercapnia and often inhibited by hypoxia. The results are consistent with previous electromyographic findings and emphasize the importance of distinguishing abductor from adductor activity in studies of laryngeal control.  相似文献   
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