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Aspects of the reproductive performance of Moniliformis moniliformis were investigated in rats allowed to feed ad libitum on a purified diet containing 1% (w/w) fructose as an energy source for the worms. The rats were infected with either 10, 20, 40 or 80 cystacanths each with the intention of investigating density-dependent effects on worm fecundity. The establishment of the worms in the gut was independent of dose, but survival, growth and reproductive performance generally were shown to be related to the infective dose given to the rats. The effects could not be related to the absolute numbers of worms present in the small intestine at post-mortem examination. In general, some unidentified regulatory process appeared to operate to create severe density-dependence in survival so that surviving parasites were not present in numbers expected to generate competition. Attainment of sexual maturity, growth and the production of mature eggs by worms from rats given doses of 80 cystacanths each were delayed compared with worms from rats given the other doses, but eventually the performance of the high-dose worms caught up. Worms attached more anteriorly in the small intestine grew bigger and produced more mature eggs. Possible mechanisms responsible for the observed effects are discussed.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of adrenergic agonists and mitochondrial energy state on the activities of the Ca2+ transport systems of female rat liver mitochondria. Tissue perfusion with the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine and with adrenaline, but not with the beta-adrenergic agonist isoprenaline, induced significant activation of the uniporter and the respiratory chain. Uniporter activation was evident under two sets of experimental conditions that excluded influences of delta psi, i.e., at high delta psi, where uniporter activity was delta psi independent, and at low delta psi, where uniporter conductance was measured. Preincubation of mitochondria with extracts from phenylephrine-perfused tissue quantitatively reproduced uniporter activation when comparison was made with mitochondria treated similarly with extracts from tissue perfused without agonist. Similar, but more extensive, data were obtained with heart mitochondria pretreated with extracts from hearts perfused with the alpha-adrenergic agonist methoxamine. Phenylephrine did not affect Ca2+ efflux mediated by the Na+-Ca2+ carrier or the Na+-independent system. In contrast, the liver mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ carrier was activated by tissue perfusion with isoprenaline; the Na+-independent system was unaffected. Na+-Ca2+ carrier activation was not associated with any change in a number of basic bioenergetic parameters. It is concluded that the Ca2+ transport systems of liver mitochondria may be controlled in an opposing manner by alpha-adrenergic agonists (promotion of Ca2+ influx) and beta-adrenergic agonists (promotion of Ca2+ efflux). At delta psi values greater than 110 mV, the Na+-independent system was activated by increase in delta psi; the uniporter and Na+-Ca2+ carrier activities were insensitive to delta psi changes in this range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Regular chewing was studied in the specialized Malagasy insectivore Tenrec ecaudatus with the aid of precisely correlated electromyography of the main adductors, digastrics, and two hyoid muscles and cineradiography for which metallic markers were placed in the mandibles, tongue, and hyoid bone. During the power stroke the body of the mandible moves dorsally and medially. The medially directed component of movement at this time is greatly increased by simultaneous rotation of the mandible about its longitudinal axis. The highly mobile symphysis, spherical dentary condyle, loss of superficial masseter muscle and zygoma, and the simplified zalamnodont molars all appear to be related to the large amount of mandibular rotation that occurs during occlusion. The balancing side lateral pterygoid muscle (inferior head) apparently shifts the working side mandible laterally during the last part of opening and the first part of closing. The working side temporalis and the superficial masseter muscle are both responsible for the shift back to the midline. The temporalis is usually active to the same extent on the working and balancing sides during the power stroke. The level of activity (amplitude) of the temporalis and duration of the power stroke increase with harder foods. Whenever soft foods are chewed, the superficial masseter is only active on the working side; whenever foods of increasing hardness are chewed, its level of activity on the balancing side increases to approach that of the working side. Mandibular rotation is greatly reduced when hard foods are chewed.  相似文献   
Rat liver mitochondria became permeabilized to sucrose according to an apparent first-order process after accumulating 35 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein in the presence of 2.5 mM-Pi, but not in its absence. A fraction (24-32%) of the internal space remains sucrose-inaccessible. The rate constant for permeabilization to sucrose decreases slightly when the pH is decreased from 7.5 to 6.5, whereas the rate of inner-membrane potential (delta psi) dissipation is markedly increased, which indicates that H+ permeation precedes sucrose permeation. Permeabilization does not release mitochondrial proteins. [14C]Sucrose appears to enter permeabilized mitochondria instantaneously. Chelation of Ca2+ with EGTA restores delta psi and entraps sucrose in the matrix space. With 20 mM-sucrose at the instant of resealing, about 21 nmol of sucrose/mg of protein becomes entrapped. The amount of sucrose entrapped is proportional to the degree of permeabilization. Entrapped sucrose is not removed by dilution of the mitochondrial suspension. Resealed mitochondria washed three times retain about 74% of the entrapped sucrose. In the presence of Ruthenium Red and Ca2+ buffers permeabilized mitochondria reseal only partially with free [Ca2+] greater than 3 microM. [14C]Sucrose enters partially resealed mitochondria continuously with time, despite maintenance of delta psi, in accordance with continued interconversion of permeable and impermeable forms. Kinetic analyses of [14C]sucrose entry indicate two Ca2+-sensitive reactions in permeabilization. This conclusion is supported by the biphasic time courses of resealing and repolarization of permeabilized mitochondria and the acute dependence of the rapid repolarization on the free [Ca2+]. A hypothetical model of permeabilization and resealing is suggested and the potential of the procedure for matrix entrapment of substances is discussed.  相似文献   
The locomotor behaviour ofGalago senegalensis andG. crassicaudatus (Primates: Lorisidae) was quantified in an 11-month field study in the Northern Transvaal of South Africa. This paper assesses the distinction between the behaviour of adults, and that of infants at the age when they first began foraging independently, taking into account seasonal variations in adult behaviour. Infants of both species differ significantly from adults in the types of locomotion they use, postures, activity, support use, height of observation and tree use. While all these factors are inter-connected, it is concluded that infants exploit a quantitatively different part of the arboreal habitat from adults, because of factors such as locomotor maturation and gross body size. Dietary differences are also possible but the present study cannot establish or deny this possibility.  相似文献   
Administration of methoxamine (10 microM, 2 min) to perfused rat hearts increased the rate at which subsequently isolated mitochondria accumulated Ca2+. Methoxamine did not change significantly the development of delta phi with time or the basal rates of Ca2+ flux on inhibition of the uniporter with Ruthenium Red. With 200 microM-Pi, the rates of Ca2+ uptake at constant delta phi were unaffected by the small variations in endogenous [Pi] between mitochondrial preparations, and were also unaffected by changes in internal Ca2+ over the approximate range 8-43 nmol of Ca2+/mg. At low internal Ca2+ (about 8 nmol/mg of protein) the rates of Ca2+ uptake at constant delta phi were unaffected by addition of 200 microM-Pi. Under these conditions, the uniporter activity and the uniporter conductance were increased by 38-40% by methoxamine pretreatment. The endogenous Ca2+ content of mitochondria from control heart was about 1.8 nmol of Ca2+/mg of protein. Perfusion with agonist increased the Ca2+ content as follows: 10 microM-methoxamine (2 min), 48%; 1 microM-isoprenaline (2 min), 100%; 1 microM-adrenaline (2 min), 140%. The implications of the data for the adrenergic control of oxidative metabolism by intramitochondrial Ca2+ is discussed.  相似文献   
1H NMR spectroscopy at 100 MHz was used to determine the first-order rate constants for the 1H-2H exchange of the H-2 histidine resonances of RNase-A in 2H2O at 35 degrees C and pH meter readings of 7, 9, 10 and 10.5. Prolonged exposure in 2H2O at 35 degrees C and pH meter reading 11 caused irreversible denaturation of RN-ase-A. The rate constants at pH 7 and 9 agreed reasonably well with those obtained in 1H-3H exchange experiments by Ohe, J., Matsuo, H., Sakiyama, F. and Narita, K. [J. Biochem, (Tokyo) 75, 1197-1200 (1974)]. The rate data obtained by various authors is summarised and the reasons for the poor agreement between the data is discussed. The first-order rate constant for the exchange of His-48 increases rapidly from near zero at pH 9 (due to its inaccessibility to solvent) with increase of pH to 10.5 The corresponding values for His-119 show a decrease and those for His-12 a small increase over the same pH range. These changes are attributed to a conformational change in the hinge region of RNase-A (probably due to the titration of Tyr-25) which allows His-48 to become accessible to solvent. 1H NMR spectra of S-protein and S-peptide, and of material partially deuterated at the C-2 positions of the histidine residues confirm the reassignment of the histidine resonances of RNase-A [Bradbury, J. H. & Teh, J. S. (1975) Chem. Commun., 936-937]. The chemical shifts of the C-2 and C-4 protons of histidine-12 of S-peptide are followed as a function of pH and a pK' value of 6.75 is obtained. The reassignment of the three C-2 histidine resonances of S-protein is confirmed by partial deuteration studies. The pK' values obtained from titration of the H-2 resonances of His-48, His-105 and His-119 are 5.3, 6.5 and 6.0, respectively. The S-protein is less stable to acid than RNase-A since the former, but not the latter, shows evidence of reversible denaturation at pH 3 and 26 degrees C. His-48 in S-protein titrates normally and has a lower pK than in RN-ase-A probably because of the absence of Asp-14, which in RN-ase-A forms a a hydrogen bond with His-48 and causes it to be inaccessible to solvent, at pH values below 9.  相似文献   
The sequestration of Ca2+ by mitochondria in rat heart cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P Kessar  M Crompton 《Cell calcium》1983,4(4):295-305
Rat heart ventricular cells, purified by Percoll density gradient centrifugation, were incubated in the presence of 1.3 mM CaCl2. After 20 min incubation, samples of the cells were lysed in medium containing 0.3 mM digitonin, ruthenium red and EGTA, and a mitochondrial fraction was isolated at intervals thereafter. Extrapolation of the mitochondrial 45Ca2+ contents to zero time enabled the endogenous 45Ca2+ to be estimated at the time of cell lysis. The lysis conditions yielded essentially complete release of lactate dehydrogenase from the cells, but caused negligible damage to the mitochondria as judged by their retention of glutamate dehydrogenase, and their ability to accumulate and retain Ca2+ in the absence of ruthenium red and EGTA. The data indicate that about 13% of total cell Ca2+ only may be mitochondrial in vivo.  相似文献   
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