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We compare a recombinant cDNA plasmid (pAF81) complementary to a fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA with a plasmid (pAM91) complementary to the actin mRNA expressed in adult skeletal muscle. The two mRNAs are significantly diverged in silent nucleotide positions; they are coexpressed in fetal skeletal muscle, and in differentiating muscle cell cultures their accumulation begins coordinately. The sequence of pAF81 shows that the amino acid sequence of mouse fetal skeletal muscle actin is almost identical to that of adult bovine cardiac actin. Hybridization of pAF81 to RNA from different mouse tissues shows that fetal skeletal muscle actin mRNA is very homologous or identical to fetal and adult cardiac actin mRNA. Only one gene homologous to pAF81 is detected on blots of restricted mouse DNA. We conclude that this gene must be expressed both in fetal skeletal muscle and in fetal heart. Whereas mRNA transcribed from this gene is the major actin mRNA species in adult heart, it is present in low amounts, if at all, in adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Summary A 2-year-old girl had a de novo duplication in the long arm of one chromosome 7 and an increased level of the enzyme -glucuronidase in cultured fibroblasts. The phenotype of the girl partly overlaps those of two presumptive syndromes due to secondary partial trisomies 7q. The ratio of the enzyme activity was 1.43 to the controls, and 1.37 to her parent's values. We could not define the abnormality but suggest two alternatives: either the patient is trisomic for region q112 to q22 or for the region q22 to q34. If the second alternative is correct the locus for -glucuronidase is possibly assigned to band 7q22.  相似文献   
Summary Correlative immunocytochemical and electron microscopic studies, using the semi thin-thin technic, were performed to identify the (entero) glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactive cells of the human colonic mucosa. Mean granule diameter for each cell type was estimated according to two methods and histograms showing the granule size distribution were constructed. A total of 139 immunostained cells identified at the ultrastructural level were analyzed. Mean granule diameter for (entero)glucagon-containing cells was 318±11 nm but a reduction of granule size with age was noteworthy: granules were larger in the fetus (mean diameter 350±15) than in adults (mean diameter 310±10 nm). Somatostatin-containing cells, very rare in adults, were present in the fetal distal colon. Their general mean granule diameter was 354±18 nm but many cells had a mean granule diameter of more than 400 nm. A pancreatic polypeptidelike immunoreactivity was found only in (entero)glucagon-containing cells, pointing out the possible occurrence of both peptides (or of similar sequences) in the same cells. Previous ultrastructural studies dealing with a tentative classification of the human colonic endocrine cells were compared with the present data.This work was supported by the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM).  相似文献   
Novel acidic oligosaccharides were isolated in large amounts by reductive alkaline treatment of the jelly coat of Pleurodeles waltlii (Michah) eggs. The oligosaccharides were found to contain the newly described KDN as acidic monosaccharide and possess either the Le(x), Le(y) and A Le(y) antigenic determinants. Occurrence of Le(x) and Le(y) determinants previously recognized as tumor-associated antigen (TAA) demonstrates that mucins of lower animals may represent a rich and easily available source for preparing TAA. Moreover, it reinforces the hypothesis according to which TAA are evolution markers.  相似文献   
Four platinum(II) aminobenzamidine complexes have been prepared and characterized by IR and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, and tested for their ability to interact with the nicked and closed circular forms of the pUC8 plasmid DNA. The results show that the complexes of formula [Pt(LH)2Cl2]2X have a cis- geometry with an amino-Pt bonding, where L is either p- or m-aminobenzamidine and where 2X is 2Cl- or PtCl4(2-). It was observed that these complexes significantly alter the electrophoretic mobility of nicked and closed circular forms of DNA and that the alteration in electrophoretic mobility due to Pt(II)-p-aminobenzamidine binding is higher than that due to Pt(II)-m-aminobenzamidine. No difference in mobility was observed whether the DNA interacted with complexes having as counteranion Cl- or PtCl4(2-). The synthesized compounds were, in addition, assayed for antitumor activity in vitro against colon (CX-1), lung (LX-1), and mammary (MX-1) human tumor cells. The results show that these complexes inhibited the multiplication of the tumor cells and that they show higher specificity for lung cells.  相似文献   
Euplotes raikovi, like other ciliates, passes through a postconjugal immaturity, operatively identified by an apparent cell inability to form mating pairs under experimental conditions that are the same as those used for inducing mating at maturity. In cells homozygous for the gene mat-2, which controls the pheromone Er-2, Er-2 mRNA synthesis and mature Er-2 secretion were shown to start from the very beginning of the life cycle and continue throughout immaturity, although to extents estimated to be 5- to 10-fold lower than at maturity. In addition, experiments of 125 I-Er-2 binding and crosslinking provided evidence that autocrine pheromone-binding sites, showing values of the dissociation constant of the order of 10?9 M, are on the surface of immature cells. The number of these sites per cell was estimated to increase from less than 106 per cell of 5–7 fissions of age, to about 16 × 106 at maturity. These results were taken to suggest that a pheromone-receptor production is stimulated during immaturity by autocrine pheromone binding to cells and that this production might be essential for the development of a pheromone-receptor density high enough to transform the cell from “immature” to “adult,” that is competent to respond as well to pheromones of conspecific, genetically different cells. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The Ca2(+)-dependent adenosinetriphosphatase (Ca2(+)-ATPase) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of rat skeletal muscles is phosphorylated by inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the absence of Ca2+. The reaction can be described by the following simplified scheme: [formula: see text] where E-P is a covalent, acid-stable and ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme, and E.Pi is a noncovalent and acid-labile complex. The reaction is Mg2(+)-dependent. Membrane fragments deposited on Millipore filters were successively perfused with two solutions, at constant flow. The effluent samples were analyzed. The perfused solutions were Ca2+ free and always contained 40% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), plus other reactants. Following the successive perfusion of solutions without and with [32P]Pi, 32P binding is only detected in the presence of Mg2+, indicating the formation of the phosphoenzymes (E.Pi and E-P). Following perfusions of the phosphoenzymes with 5% trichloroacetic acid, 32P release indicates the amount of the acid-labile moiety (E.Pi). After phosphorylations, the filters were washed with acid and unlabeled Pi, and the remaining radioactivity was measured to evaluate the acid-stable phosphoenzyme (E-P). The acid-labile and acid-stable phosphoenzymes amounted, respectively, 0.72 +/- 0.12, and 1.48 +/- 0.10 nmol of Pi/mg of protein ( +/- S.E., n = 5), after phosphorylations with 20 microM Pi. The results indicate: (1) The method allowed the evaluation of the acid-labile intermediate of the SR Ca2(+)-ATPase cycle. Keq = k2/k-2), in the above scheme, approaches 2.0. (2) The substrate of the phosphorylation reaction, in the presence of DMSO, is likely to be the Mg.Pi complex, since Mg2+ is necessary for step 1 in the above scheme.  相似文献   
A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been used for the quantitative determination of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) in urine. After incubation with glusulase, free MHPG is extracted into ethyl acetate and further isolated by a combination of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The addition of amperometric detection provides increased sensitivity to a highly specific assay.  相似文献   
Yersinia enterocolitica andY. enterocolitica-like strains were characterized by DNA relatedness. These strains formed four distinct DNA relatedness groups: (i) the 5 classical biotypes ofY. enterocolitica sensu stricto as designated by Wauters; (ii) strains that are rhamnose positive and also positive in tests for melibiose, α-methyl-d-glucoside, raffinose, and Simmons' citrate; (iii) strains that are rhamnose positive but negative in tests for melibiose, α-methyl-d-glucoside, and raffinose; (iv) sucrose-negative, Voges-Proskauer-negative, trehalose-positive strains.  相似文献   
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