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Trans-plasma membrane electron transfer is achieved by b-type cytochromes of different families, and plays a fundamental role in diverse cellular processes involving two interacting redox couples that are physically separated by a phospholipid bilayer, such as iron uptake and redox signaling. Despite their importance, no direct recordings of trans-plasma membrane electron currents have been described in plants. In this work, we provide robust electrophysiological evidence of trans-plasma membrane electron flow mediated by a soybean (Glycine max) cytochrome b561 associated with a dopamine β-monooxygenase redox domain (CYBDOM), which localizes to the plasma membrane in transgenic Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants and CYBDOM complementary RNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocytes. In oocytes, two-electrode voltage clamp experiments showed that CYBDOM-mediated currents were activated by extracellular electron acceptors in a concentration- and type-specific manner. Current amplitudes were voltage dependent, strongly potentiated in oocytes preinjected with ascorbate (the canonical electron donor for cytochrome b561), and abolished by mutating a highly conserved His residue (H292L) predicted to coordinate the cytoplasmic heme b group. We believe that this unique approach opens new perspectives in plant transmembrane electron transport and beyond.In biological membranes, the presence of ion channels and transporters enables the selective movement of ions and charged/polar metabolites across phospholipid bilayers. The development of electrophysiological techniques allowed the direct study of the functional properties of these proteins. After the first recordings of ionic currents from protoplasts enzymatically isolated from wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Vicia faba leaves more than 30 years ago (Moran et al., 1984; Schroeder et al., 1984), there was an incredible progress in the understanding of the biophysical structures and the physiological roles of a plethora of plant channels and transporters (Hedrich, 2012). However, for the intriguing class of plant transmembrane electron transporters, no direct current recordings are available.Cells and sealed plasma membrane (PM) vesicles isolated from different plant species and organs have long been known to constitutively reduce externally added, hydrosoluble electron acceptors such as ferricyanide (FeCN) or other suitable artificial dyes, often in the absence of any inductive stimulus (Lüthje et al., 2013, and references therein). Reduction of the external electron acceptors was typically associated with PM depolarization, supporting the view that the electrons required for the redox activity were provided by a cytoplasmic reductant via a transmembrane electron transport system whose molecular identity remained elusive (Lüthje et al., 2013). By their activity, these electron transport systems provide a connection between cytoplasmic and apoplastic redox couples that are physically separated by the PM.Cytochrome b561 (CYB561) and related proteins containing a CYB561 core domain are membrane-spanning proteins encoded in angiosperms by gene families of approximately 15 members (Tsubaki et al., 2005; Preger et al., 2009; Asard et al., 2013). The CYB561 core domain is constituted by a bundle of four transmembrane α-helices with two heme b groups facing opposite sides of the membrane (Asard et al., 2013). The simplest members of the CYB561 family consist of a single CYB561 core domain plus two additional transmembrane helices with no obvious catalytic role (Asard et al., 2013). Plants often contain four isoforms of these CYB561 sensu stricto; one of these (CYB561B1; for a systematic nomenclature, see Asard et al., 2013) has been localized on the tonoplast (Griesen et al., 2004; Preger et al., 2005) or the PM, depending on the plant species investigated (Nanasato et al., 2005). A second isoform from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; At_CYB561B2), for which the crystal structure has recently been solved (Lu et al., 2014), is apparently chloroplastic (Dutta et al., 2014). The few CYB561 proteins characterized to date catalyze transmembrane electron transport between cytoplasmic ascorbate (ASC) and extracytoplasmic electron acceptors that can be either monodehydroascorbate (MDHA), for extracytoplasmic ASC regeneration, or a ferrichelate, for ferrous ion mobilization (Asard et al., 2013). In animal systems as well, MDHA and ferrichelates are suitable electron acceptors for different CYB561 isoforms. CYB561 of chromaffin granules in mammals reduces intravesicular MDHA to sustain ASC-dependent catecholamine biosynthesis (Njus and Kelley, 1993), and a similar MDHA reductase activity was demonstrated in several CYB561 plant isoforms (Horemans et al., 1994; Nakanishi et al., 2009; Asard et al., 2013). On the other hand, the activity of plant CYB561 with ferrichelates (Bérczi et al., 2007) recalls the activity of a duodenal CYB561 isoform (duodenal cytochrome b564 [Dcytb]) of mammals that performs the ASC-dependent reduction of ferric chelates derived from the diet, allowing the absorption of ferrous iron by divalent metal transporters (McKie et al., 2001). In several instances, both in plants and animals, single CYB561 isoforms proved capable of reducing both MDHA and ferrichelates, leaving some uncertainty about their specific role in vivo (Asard et al., 2013).Besides CYB561 sensu stricto, the CYB561 protein family includes CYB561-related proteins in which an additional domain, known as dopamine β-monooxygenase redox domain (DOMON; Iyer et al., 2007) and sometimes present in two copies, extends toward the extracytoplasmic space. These proteins have been named cytochrome b561 associated with a dopamine β-monooxygenase redox domains (CYBDOMs; Asard et al., 2013). The hydrophilic DOMON domain binds an additional heme b group (Preger et al., 2009), such that all CYBDOMs contain two hemes in the CYB561 core plus one heme for each extracellular DOMON (Asard et al., 2013). Very little is known on the physiological role of CYBDOMs, for which angiosperms often contain around 10 encoding genes.Here, we show the electron transport capability of a soybean (Glycine max) CYBDOM localized at the PM (systematic name Gm_CYBDOMF21; Asard et al., 2013), the first plant CYBDOM ever described, and demonstrate the feasibility of electrophysiological techniques to measure electron currents generated by transmembrane electron transport systems expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The electron currents mediated by soybean CYBDOM proved to be stimulated by the membrane potential and to depend on both internal ASC concentration and external FeCN concentration. Albeit less efficiently, extracellular FeCN could be substituted by a ferrichelate (ferric nitrilotriacetate [FeNTA]). This work paves the way for further experiments, aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying these elusive electron transport systems present in particularly large numbers in plants.  相似文献   


Trypanosoma cruzi is a protist parasite that causes Chagas disease. Several proteins that are essential for parasite virulence and involved in host immune responses are anchored to the membrane through glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) molecules. In addition, T. cruzi GPI anchors have immunostimulatory activities, including the ability to stimulate the synthesis of cytokines by innate immune cells. Therefore, T. cruzi genes related to GPI anchor biosynthesis constitute potential new targets for the development of better therapies against Chagas disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In silico analysis of the T. cruzi genome resulted in the identification of 18 genes encoding proteins of the GPI biosynthetic pathway as well as the inositolphosphorylceramide (IPC) synthase gene. Expression of GFP fusions of some of these proteins in T. cruzi epimastigotes showed that they localize in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Expression analyses of two genes indicated that they are constitutively expressed in all stages of the parasite life cycle. T. cruzi genes TcDPM1, TcGPI10 and TcGPI12 complement conditional yeast mutants in GPI biosynthesis. Attempts to generate T. cruzi knockouts for three genes were unsuccessful, suggesting that GPI may be an essential component of the parasite. Regarding TcGPI8, which encodes the catalytic subunit of the transamidase complex, although we were able to generate single allele knockout mutants, attempts to disrupt both alleles failed, resulting instead in parasites that have undergone genomic recombination and maintained at least one active copy of the gene.


Analyses of T. cruzi sequences encoding components of the GPI biosynthetic pathway indicated that they are essential genes involved in key aspects of host-parasite interactions. Complementation assays of yeast mutants with these T. cruzi genes resulted in yeast cell lines that can now be employed in high throughput screenings of drugs against this parasite.  相似文献   
Aortic root aneurysm formation is a cardinal feature of Marfan syndrome (MFS) and likely TGF‐β driven via Smad (canonical) and ERK (non‐canonical) signalling. The current study assesses human MFS vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotype, focusing on individual contributions by Smad and ERK, with Notch3 signalling identified as a novel compensatory mechanism against TGF‐β‐driven pathology. Although significant ERK activation and mixed contractile gene expression patterns were observed by traditional analysis, this did not directly correlate with the anatomic site of the aneurysm. Smooth muscle cell phenotypic changes were TGF‐β‐dependent and opposed by ERK in vitro, implicating the canonical Smad pathway. Bulk SMC RNA sequencing after ERK inhibition showed that ERK modulates cell proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation, and Notch signalling via Notch3 in MFS. Reversing Notch3 overexpression with siRNA demonstrated that Notch3 promotes several protective remodelling pathways, including increased SMC proliferation, decreased apoptosis and reduced matrix metalloproteinase activity, in vitro. In conclusion, in human MFS aortic SMCs: (a) ERK activation is enhanced but not specific to the site of aneurysm formation; (b) ERK opposes TGF‐β‐dependent negative effects on SMC phenotype; (c) multiple distinct SMC subtypes contribute to a ‘mixed’ contractile‐synthetic phenotype in MFS aortic aneurysm; and (d) ERK drives Notch3 overexpression, a potential pathway for tissue remodelling in response to aneurysm formation.  相似文献   
(1) Background: Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a highly aggressive tumor, associated with high rates of early distant recurrence and short survival times, and treatment may require surgery, and thus anesthesia. The effects of anesthetic drugs on cancer progression are under scrutiny, but published data are controversial, and the involved mechanisms unclear. Anesthetic agents have been shown to modulate several molecular cascades, including PI3K/AKT/mTOR. AKT isoforms are frequently amplified in various malignant tumors and associated with malignant cell survival, proliferation and invasion. Their activation is often observed in human cancers and is associated with decreased survival rate. Certain anesthetics are known to affect hypoxia cell signaling mechanisms by upregulating hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). (2) Methods: MCF-10A and MDA-MB 231 cells were cultivated and CellTiter-Blue® Cell Viability assay, 2D and 3D matrigel assay, immunofluorescence assays and gene expressions assay were performed after exposure to different sevoflurane concentrations. (3) Results: Sevoflurane exposure of TNBC cells results in morphological and behavioral changes. Sevoflurane differently influences the AKT isoforms expression in a time-dependent manner, with an important early AKT3 upregulation. The most significant effects occur at 72 h after 2 mM sevoflurane treatment and consist in increased viability, proliferation and aggressiveness and increased vimentin and HIF expression. (4) Conclusions: Sevoflurane exposure during surgery may contribute to cancer recurrence via AKT3 induced epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and by all three AKT isoforms enhanced cancer cell survival and proliferation.  相似文献   
SET protein (I2PP2A) is an inhibitor of PP2A, which regulates the phosphorylated Akt (protein kinase B) levels. We assessed the effects of SET overexpression in HEK293T cells, both in the presence and the absence of mild oxidative stress induced by 50 μM tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Immunoblotting assays demonstrated that SET accumulated in HEK293T cells and increased the levels of phosphorylated Akt and PTEN; in addition, SET decreased glutathione antioxidant defense of cell and increased expression of genes encoding antioxidant defense proteins. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that accumulated SET was equally distributed in cytoplasm and nucleus; however, in cells that had been exposed to oxidative stress, SET was found in large aggregates in the cytoplasm. SET accumulation in HEK293T cells correlated with inhibition of basal apoptosis as evidenced by a decrease in annexin V staining and activity of caspases; under mild oxidative stress, SET accumulation correlated with caspase-independent cell death, as evidenced by increased PI and annexin V/PI double staining. The results suggest that accumulated SET could act via Akt/PTEN either as cell survival signal or as oxidative stress sensor for cell death.  相似文献   
A wide difference in the susceptibility to undergo in vitro apoptosis exists among individuals, and this fact has potential implications in predicting the in vivo response to apoptotic agents, such as those employed in chemotherapy. In this report, we addressed the question whether the natural variability at p53 locus (the proline-arginine substitution at codon 72) affects the capacity of peripheral-blood mononuclear cells from healthy subjects to undergo in vitro apoptosis in response to the cytotoxic drug cytosine arabinoside. We found that cells from subjects carrying the arginine/arginine genotype undergo in vitro apoptosis at a higher extent in comparison to those from arginine/proline subjects. This finding suggests that naturally occurring genetic variability at p53 gene explains part of the inter-individual difference in the in vitro susceptibility to a chemotherapeutic drug, thus resulting as an eligible predictor marker of in vivo response to chemotherapy and its adverse effects.  相似文献   
Leontopithecus comprises 4 taxa: black lion tamarins (L. chrysopygus), golden lion tamarins (L. rosalia), black-faced lion tamarins (L. caissara), and golden-headed lion tamarins (L. chrysomelas). Endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, they are endangered (Appendix I, CITES; IUCN Critically Endangered: Leontopithecus chrysopygus, L. caissara; IUCN Endangered: L. rosalia, L. chrysomelas). The 4 taxa are differentiated morphologically and geographically and occupy different habitat types. However, it is not clear if all of them are separate species, particularly Leontopithecus caissara, or how they are related to one another evolutionarily. Therefore, we investigated lion tamarin differentiation and radiation. We sequenced the mtDNA control region and performed phylogenetic analyses, population aggregation analyses, and Mantel tests for geographic/genetic correlation. Mitochondrial genetic data suggest 3 distinct lion tamarin clades (Leontopithecus chrysomelas; L. caissara; and L. chrysopygus/L. rosalia). Phylogenetic analysis also supports: 1) the basal lion tamarin is Leontopithecus chrysomelas, and not L. chrysopygus, 2) L. caissara is not subspecific to L. chrysopygus, and 3) Quaternary forest refugia may have shaped lion tamarin diversification via a pattern that does not follow the theory of metachromism. Even though mitochondrial genetic analyses do not unequivocally support the 4 lion tamarins as separate species, one should consider the 4 lion tamarins, with equal conservation priority based on the combination of morphological, genetic, and habitat differentiation. Each of them is an extremely valuable flagship species that focuses attention on the diminishing, highly endemic Atlantic Forest of Brazil.  相似文献   
Human TDP-43 represents the main component of neuronal inclusions found in patients with neurodegenerative diseases, especially frontotemporal lobar degeneration and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that the TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) Drosophila ortholog (TBPH) can biochemically and functionally overlap the properties of the human factor. The recent direct implication of the human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) A2B1 and A1, known TDP-43 partners, in the pathogenesis of multisystem proteinopathy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis supports the hypothesis that the physical and functional interplay between TDP-43 and hnRNP A/B orthologs might play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. To test this hypothesis and further validate the fly system as a useful model to study this type of diseases, we have now characterized human TDP-43 and Drosophila TBPH similarity in terms of protein-protein interaction pathways. In this work we show that TDP-43 and TBPH share the ability to associate in vitro with Hrp38/Hrb98DE/CG9983, the fruit fly ortholog of the human hnRNP A1/A2 factors. Interestingly, the protein regions of TDP-43 and Hrp38 responsible for reciprocal interactions are conserved through evolution. Functionally, experiments in HeLa cells demonstrate that TDP-43 is necessary for the inhibitory activity of Hrp38 on splicing. Finally, Drosophila in vivo studies show that Hrp38 deficiency produces locomotive defects and life span shortening in TDP-43 with and without animals. These results suggest that hnRNP protein levels can play a modulatory role on TDP-43 functions.  相似文献   
FADD (Fas–associated death domain) and TRADD (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1-associated death domain) proteins are important regulators of cell fate in mammalian cells. They are both involved in death receptors mediated signaling pathways and have been linked to the Toll-like receptor family and innate immunity. Here we identify and characterize by database search analysis, mutagenesis and calmodulin (CaM) pull-down assays a calcium-dependent CaM binding site in the α-helices 1–2 of TRADD death domain. We also show that oxidation of CaM methionines drastically reduces CaM affinity for FADD and TRADD suggesting that oxidation might regulate CaM-FADD and CaM-TRADD interactions. Finally, using Met-to-Leu CaM mutants and binding assays we show that both the N- and C-terminal domains of CaM are important for binding.  相似文献   
Modular decomposition of metabolic systems via null-space analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a method by which the reactions in a metabolic system may be grouped hierarchically into sets of modules to form a metabolic reaction tree. In contrast to previous approaches, the method described here takes into account the fact that, in a viable network, reactions must be capable of sustaining a steady-state flux. In order to achieve this decomposition we introduce a new concept--the reaction correlation coefficient, phi, and show that this is a logical extension of the concept of enzyme (or reaction) subsets. In addition to their application to modular decomposition, reaction correlation coefficients have a number of other interesting properties, including a convenient means for identifying disconnected subnetworks in a system and potential applications to metabolic engineering. The method computes reaction correlation coefficients from an orthonormal basis of the null-space of the stoichiometry matrix. We show that reaction correlation coefficients are uniquely defined, even though the basis of the null-space is not. Once a complete set of reaction correlation coefficients is calculated, a metabolic reaction tree can be determined through the application of standard programming techniques. Computation of the reaction correlation coefficients, and the subsequent construction of the metabolic reaction tree is readily achievable for genome-scale models using a commodity desk-top PC.  相似文献   
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