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Contaminated surfaces are possible vehicles in infection transmission. It is known that both Copper (Cu) and Silver (Ag) efficiently inactivate microbes by direct contact. Aiming at using these metals for benefitting from their antimicrobial effect, but to avoid subsequent toxic effects, we evaluated the antimicrobial activity of nanometric thin Silver and Copper films covering less expensive materials. Using a modified version of the Japan Industrial Standard JIS Z 2801:2000, we demonstrated the antimicrobial activity of the surfaces covered with metal ions nanofilms on microorganisms possibly involved in nosocomial infections and on Bacillus anthracis, bacteria with possible implication in bioterrorist attacks. Copper covered surfaces proved to have better antimicrobial activity than Silver surfaces. Silver covered surfaces showed better activity on Gram negative bacteria than on Gram positive cocci. Going deeper with studies on antimicrobial effects using new methods with better direct and/or functional discriminatory capacity is needed in order to provide additional information on the mechanisms of Silver and Copper nanofilms antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the nonthermal effects of radiofrequency (RF) fields on human immune cells exposed to a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) signal generated by a commercial cellular phone and by a sinusoidal non-modulated signal. To assess whether mobile phone RF-field exposure affects human immune cell functions, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy donors were exposed in vitro to a 900 MHz GSM or continuous-wave (CW) RF field 1 h/day for 3 days in a transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM) cell system (70-76 mW/kg average specific absorption rate, SAR). The cells were cultured for 48 or 72 h, and the following end points were studied: (1) mitogen-induced proliferation; (2) cell cycle progression; (3) spontaneous and 2-deoxy-D-ribose (dRib)-induced apoptosis; (4) mitochondrial membrane potential modifications during spontaneous and dRib-induced-apoptosis. Data obtained from cells exposed to a GSM-modulated RF field showed a slight decrease in cell proliferation when PBMCs were stimulated with the lowest mitogen concentration and a slight increase in the number of cells with altered distribution of phosphatidylserine across the membrane. On the other hand, cell cycle phases, mitochondrial membrane potential and susceptibility to apoptosis were found to be unaffected by the RF field. When cells were exposed to a CW RF field, no significant modifications were observed in comparison with sham-exposed cells for all the end points investigated.  相似文献   
Pseudallescheria boydii is an emerging fungal pathogen that has a worldwide distribution. Virulence mechanisms of P. boydii are largely unknown. We studied the interaction between P. boydii and HEp2 cells and demonstrated that conidia of P. boydii attached to, and were ingested by, HEp2 cells in a time-dependent process. After 2 h of interaction, the conidia produced a germ-tube like projection, which was able to penetrate the epithelial cell membrane. Recently, our group characterized a peptidorhamnomannan (PRM) antigen on the cell surface of P. boydii. In order to better understand the role played by this surface glycoconjugate during cell adhesion and endocytosis, inhibition assays were performed using intact PRM and anti-PRM polyclonal antibody. When HEp2 cells were pre-treated with whole PRM molecule, the adhesion and endocytic indices were, respectively, 50% and 60% lower than in non-treated epithelial cells. Moreover, when the conidial cells were pre-incubated with anti-PRM antibodies, the adherence and endocytosis processes were inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. As PRM influenced the conidia P. boydii-HEp2 cell interaction, we also performed inhibition assays in order to observe which PRM moieties could be involved in this process. Treatment of PRM with proteinase K promoted a slight inhibition of adhesion. However, the de-O-glycosylated PRM molecule as well as the monosaccharide mannose was able to efficiently inhibit the adhesion and endocytic processes. In addition, our results indicate for the first time that P. boydii PRM binds to a polypeptide of 25 kDa on the HEp2 cell surface.  相似文献   
In Alpine Corsica, the Balagne Nappe displays the best-developed sedimentary succession associated with an ophiolite sequence. This sedimentary succession includes the Alturaia Arkose, whose age is still unknown. Several shale horizons cropping out in the Cima di Alturaia area were studied for palynological analyses. In this paper, a new palaeontological find in the Alturaia Arkose is reported and the related geological implications are discussed. The collected data indicate the occurrence of a palynological assemblage of Late Barremian to Middle Aptian age. The Alturaia Arkose can be regarded as a clastic deposit of Late Barremian–Middle Aptian age derived from rocks cropping out in Hercynian Corsica. To cite this article: M. Marroni et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).


Datation palynologique de l’arkose de l’Alturaia (Balagne, Corse septentrionale) : conséquences géologiques. En Corse alpine, la nappe de Balagne montre la meilleure succession sédimentaire associée à une séquence ophiolitique. Cette succession inclut l’arkose de l’Alturaia, dont l’âge est encore inconnu. Plusieurs horizons de shales ont été étudiés en vue d’analyses palynologiques, dans la zone de la Cima di l’Alturaia. Nous y indiquons une découverte paléontologique, et nous en discutons les implications géologiques. Les données nouvelles montrent la présence d’un assemblage palynologique d’âge Barrémien supérieur–Aptien moyen. L’arkose de l’Alturaia peut ainsi être considérée comme un dépôt détritique de cet âge, alimenté par les roches affleurant dans la Corse hercynienne. Pour citer cet article : M. Marroni et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).  相似文献   
Exonic sequence variations may induce exon inclusion or exclusion from the mature mRNA by disrupting exonic regulatory elements and/or by affecting a nuclear reading frame scanning mechanism. We have carried out a systematic study of the effect on cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator exon 9 splicing of natural and site-directed sequence mutations. We have observed that changes in the splicing pattern were not related to the creation of premature termination codons, a fact that indicates the lack of a significant nuclear check of the reading frame in this system. In addition, the splice pattern could not be predicted by available Ser/Arg protein matrices score analysis. An extensive site-directed mutagenesis of the 3' portion of the exon has identified two juxtaposed splicing enhancer and silencer elements. The study of double mutants at these regulatory elements showed a complex regulatory activity. For example, one natural mutation (146C) enhances exon inclusion and overrides all of the downstream silencing mutations except for a C to G transversion (155G). This unusual effect is explained by the creation of a specific binding site for the inhibitory splicing factor hnRNPH. In fact, on the double mutant 146C-155G, the silencing effect is dominant. These results indicate a strict dependence between the two juxtaposed enhancer and silencer sequences and show that many point mutations in these elements cause changes in splicing efficiency by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
A variety of evidence suggests that endothelial cell functions are impaired in altered gravity conditions. Nevertheless, the effects of hypergravity on endothelial cell physiology remain unclear. In this study we cultured primary human endothelial cells under mild hypergravity conditions for 24-48 h, then we evaluated the changes in cell cycle progression, caveolin1 gene expression and in the caveolae status by confocal microscopy. Moreover, we analyzed the activity of enzymes known to be resident in caveolae such as endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), cycloxygenase 2 (COX-2), and prostacyclin synthase (PGIS). Finally, we performed a three-dimensional in vitro collagen gel test to evaluate the modification of the angiogenic responses. Results indicate that hypergravity shifts endothelial cells to G(0)/G(1) phase of cell cycle, reducing S phase, increasing caveolin1 gene expression and causing an increased distribution of caveolae in the cell interior. Hypergravity also increases COX-2 expression, nitric oxide (NO) and prostacyclin (PGI2) production, and inhibits angiogenesis as evaluated by 3-D collagen gel test, through a pathway not involving apoptosis. Thus, endothelial cell caveolae may be responsible for adaptation of endothelium to hypergravity and the mechanism of adaptation involves an increased caveolin1 gene expression coupled to upregulation of vasodilators as NO and PGI2.  相似文献   
Yeast mitochondrial initiation factor 2 (ymIF2) is encoded by the nuclear IFM1 gene. A His-tagged version of ymIF2, lacking its predicted mitochondrial presequence, was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Purified ymIF2 bound both E. coli fMet-tRNA(f)(Met) and Met-tRNA(f)(Met), but binding of formylated initiator tRNA was about four times higher than that of the unformylated species under the same conditions. In addition, the isolated ymIF2 was compared to E. coli IF2 in four other assays commonly used to characterize this initiation factor. Formylated and nonformylated Met-tRNA(f)(Met) were bound to E. coli 30S ribosomal subunits in the presence of ymIF2, GTP, and a short synthetic mRNA. The GTPase activity of ymIF2 was found to be dependent on the presence of E. coli ribosomes. The ymIF2 protected fMet-tRNA(f)(Met) to about the same extent as E. coli IF2 against nonenzymatic deaminoacylation. In contrast to E. coli IF2, the complex formed between ymIF2 and fMet-tRNA(f)(Met) was not stable enough to be analyzed in a gel shift assay. In similarity to other IF2 species isolated from bacteria or bovine mitochondria, the N-terminal domain could be eliminated without loss of initiator tRNA binding activity.  相似文献   
Monocytes/macrophages (Mphi) play a pivotal role in the persistence of chronic inflammation and local tissue destruction in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis. The production by Mphi of cytokines, chemokines, metalloproteinases and their inhibitors is an essential component in this process, which is tightly regulated by multiple factors. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) were shown to be involved in modulating inflammation. PPARgamma is activated by a wide variety of ligands such as fatty acids, the anti-diabetic thiazolidinediones (TZDs), and also by certain prostaglandins of which 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-PGJ2 (PGJ2). High concentrations of PPARgamma ligands were shown to have anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting the secretion of interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) by stimulated monocytes.The aim of this study was to determine whether PGJ2 and TZDs would also exert an immunomodulatory action through the up-regulation of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). THP-1 monocytic cells were stimulated with PMA, thereby enhancing the secretion of IL-1, IL-6, TNFalpha, IL-1Ra and metalloproteinases. Addition of PGJ2 had an inhibitory effect on IL-1, IL-6 and TNFalpha secretion, while increasing IL-1Ra production. In contrast, the bona fide PPARgamma ligands (TZDs; rosiglitazone, pioglitazone and troglitazone) barely inhibited proinflammatory cytokines, but strongly enhanced the production of IL-1Ra from PMA-stimulated THP-1 cells. Unstimulated cells did not respond to TZDs in terms of IL-1Ra production, suggesting that in order to be effective, PPAR ligands depend on PMA signalling. Basal levels of PPARgamma are barely detectable in unstimulated THP-1 cells, while stimulation with PMA up-regulates its expression, suggesting that higher levels of PPARgamma expression are necessary for receptor ligand effects to occur. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time that TZDs may exert an anti-inflammatory activity by inducing the production of the IL-1Ra.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- specific CD8-positive cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) play a key role in controlling HIV infection. Monitoring CTL response could be clinically relevant during structured therapy interruption (STI), HIV exposure, and vaccine trials. However, HLA patients' restriction and HIV variability limited the development of a CTL assay with broad specificity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We designed an HLA-class I/HIV-1 clade independent assay for assessing HIV- specific CTL by using a computer-assisted selection ofthe CTL epitopes. Twenty-eight 15-mers were selected by peptide-binding motifs analysis using different databases (HIV-Immunology Database, SYFPEITHI, BIMAS). Altogether they putatively bind to more than 90% of HLA haplotypes in different populations, with an overall HIV-1 variability below 9%. The peptide pool was used as an antigen in an intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) assay for quantifying HIV-specific CTL response. RESULTS: The test can be performed using both fresh and cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), whereas GAG protein as antigen works only on fresh PBMC. A significantly higher CTL response with respect to HIV-negative controls was detected in all HIV-1 infected subjects of two groups of patients with different ethnicities (Caucasians and Africans) and coming from areas with different HIV-1 clade prevalences (clade B and A/G, respectively). In Caucasian patients, after month of STI, the number of HIV-1 specific CTL (2,896 +/- 2,780 IFN-gamma specific CD8 cells/ml) was significantly higher than that found at enrolment (2,125 +/- 4,426 IFN-gamma specific CD8 cells/ml, p< 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that this CTL assay is broadly specific and could represent a useful clinical tool for HIV immunodiagnostic independent of HLA-haplotype and HIV-clade variabilities.  相似文献   
Midzone microtubules of mammalian cells play an essential role in the induction of cell cleavage, serving as a platform for a number of proteins that play a part in cytokinesis. We demonstrate that PRC1, a mitotic spindle-associated Cdk substrate that is essential to cell cleavage, is a microtubule binding and bundling protein both in vivo and in vitro. Overexpression of PRC1 extensively bundles interphase microtubules, but does not affect early mitotic spindle organization. PRC1 contains two Cdk phosphorylation motifs, and phosphorylation is possibly important to mitotic suppression of bundling, as a Cdk phosphorylation-null mutant causes extensive bundling of the prometaphase spindle. Complete suppression of PRC1 by siRNA causes failure of microtubule interdigitation between half spindles and the absence of a spindle midzone. Truncation mutants demonstrate that the NH2-terminal region of PRC1, rich in alpha-helical sequence, is important for localization to the cleavage furrow and to the center of the midbody, whereas the central region, with the highest sequence homology between species, is required for microtubule binding and bundling activity. We conclude that PRC1 is a microtubule-associated protein required to maintain the spindle midzone, and that distinct functions are associated with modular elements of the primary sequence.  相似文献   
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