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Hyphal anastomoses which play a key role in the formation of interconnected mycorrhizal networks and in genetic exchange among compatible individuals have been studied in a limited number of species and isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), mainly in symbiotic mycelium. In this work, the occurrence and frequency of anastomosis between hyphae of the same and different germlings were assessed in tropical isolates belonging to Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Gigaspora, Glomus, Rhizophagus and Scutellospora. Germlings belonging to Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Glomus and Rhizophagus formed perfect hyphal fusions, with frequencies ranging from 9.29?±?3.01 to 79.84?±?4.39 % within the same germling and from 14.02?±?7.36 to 91.41?±?3.92 % between different germlings. Rare fusions, occurring within the same hypha, were detected in Gigaspora species, and no anastomoses were observed in Scutellospora species. The consistent detection of nuclei in perfect fusions suggests that nuclear migration is active both within and between germlings. Present data on anastomosis formation, nuclear migration and germling viability in tropical isolates of AMF widen our knowledge on the extensive and consistent occurrence of successful hyphal fusions in this group of beneficial symbionts. The ability to anastomose and establish protoplasm flow, fundamental for the maintenance of physiological and genetic continuity, may produce important fitness consequences for the obligately biotrophic AMF.  相似文献   
Despite numerous reports on the ability of ascorbic acid and β‐glycerophosphate (AA/β‐GP) to induce osteoblast differentiation, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in this phenomenon. In this work, we used a peptide array containing specific consensus sequences (potential substrates) for protein kinases and traditional biochemical techniques to examine the signaling pathways modulated during AA/β‐GP‐induced osteoblast differentiation. The kinomic profile obtained after 7 days of treatment with AA/β‐GP identified 18 kinase substrates with significantly enhanced or reduced phosphorylation. Peptide substrates for Akt, PI3K, PKC, BCR, ABL, PRKG1, PAK1, PAK2, ERK1, ERBB2, and SYK showed a considerable reduction in phosphorylation, whereas enhanced phosphorylation was observed in substrates for CHKB, CHKA, PKA, FAK, ATM, PKA, and VEGFR‐1. These findings confirm the potential usefulness of peptide microarrays for identifying kinases known to be involved in bone development in vivo and in vitro and show that this technique can be used to investigate kinases whose function in osteoblastic differentiation is poorly understood. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 71–77, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder with no effective treatment and commonly diagnosed only on late stages. Amyloid-β (Aβ) accumulation and exacerbated tau phosphorylation are molecular hallmarks of AD implicated in cognitive deficits and synaptic and neuronal loss. The Aβ and tau connection is beginning to be elucidated and attributed to interaction with different components of common signaling pathways. Recent evidences suggest that non-fibrillary Aβ forms bind to membrane receptors and modulate GSK-3β activity, which in turn phosphorylates the microtubule-associated tau protein leading to axonal disruption and toxic accumulation. Available AD animal models, ranging from rodent to invertebrates, significantly contributed to our current knowledge, but complementary platforms for mechanistic and candidate drug screenings remain critical for the identification of early stage biomarkers and potential disease-modifying therapies. Here we show that Aβ1–42 injection in the hindbrain ventricle of 24 hpf zebrafish embryos results in specific cognitive deficits and increased tau phosphorylation in GSK-3β target residues at 5dpf larvae. These effects are reversed by lithium incubation and not accompanied by apoptotic markers. We believe this may represent a straightforward platform useful to identification of cellular and molecular mechanisms of early stage AD-like symptoms and the effects of neuroactive molecules in pharmacological screenings.  相似文献   
Glioma biology is a major focus in tumour research, primarily due to the aggressiveness and high mortality rate of its most aggressive form, glioblastoma. Progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms behind poor prognosis of glioblastoma, regardless of treatment approaches, has changed the classification of brain tumours after nearly 100 years of relying on anatomopathological criteria. Expanding knowledge in genetic, epigenetic and translational medicine is also beginning to contribute to further elucidating molecular dysregulation in glioma. Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and their main representatives, large intergenic non‐coding RNAs (lincRNAs), have recently been under scrutiny in glioma research, revealing novel mechanisms of pathogenesis and reinforcing others. Among those confirmed was the reactivation of events significant for foetal brain development and neuronal commitment. Novel mechanisms of tumour suppression and activation of stem‐like behaviour in tumour cells have also been examined. Interestingly, these processes involve lncRNAs that are present both during normal brain development and in brain malignancies and their reactivation might be explained by epigenetic mechanisms, which we discuss in detail in the present review. In addition, the review discusses the lncRNAs‐induced changes, as well as epigenetic changes that are consequential for tumour formation, affecting, in turn, the expression of various types of lncRNAs.  相似文献   
Zinc toxicity on photosynthetic activity in cells of Synechocystis aquatilis f. aquatilis Sauvageau was investigated by monitoring Hill activity and fluorescence. The oxygen‐evolving activity decreased to about 80% of the initial value after exposure to 0.1 mM ZnSO4 for 1 h. The PSII activity was inhibited by 40% in the presence of zinc concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 mM, suggesting that the metal effect is limited by zinc uptake. The fluorescence capacity (Fmax–F/Fmax) decreased from 0.57 to 0.35 and 0.20 in Zn‐treated cells for 15 and 60 min, respectively, thus providing evidence for rapid inactivation of electron transport at PSII. Zinc treatment promoted a rapid increase in PSII fluorescence that was counteracted by addition of 1,4‐benzoquinone, indicating that electron transfer at the reducing side of the PSII reaction center is arrested by zinc. Furthermore, a decline in the fluorescence yield could be observed after 1 h of zinc treatment as well as when Zn‐treated cells were excited in presence of 3‐(3′,4′‐dichlorophenyl)‐1,1‐dimethylurea. Under these conditions, zinc did not affect energy transfer from phycobilisomes to PSII, and the gradual quenching of PSII fluorescence may be due to a decrease in electron flow on the donor side of PSII. However, the 20% increase in the minimal fluorescence intensity (Fo) in parallel to the absence of changes in the maximal fluorescence intensity (Fmax), observed in the first hour of zinc treatment, could also suggest a metal‐induced decline in the energy transfer from PSII‐chl a antenna to the PSII reaction center.  相似文献   
TAR DNA ‐binding protein 43 (TDP ‐43) is an RNA ‐binding protein and a major component of protein aggregates found in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and several other neurodegenerative diseases. TDP ‐43 exists as a full‐length protein and as two shorter forms of 25 and 35 kD a. Full‐length mutant TDP ‐43s found in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients re‐localize from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and in part to mitochondria, where they exert a toxic role associated with neurodegeneration. However, induction of mitochondrial damage by TDP ‐43 fragments is yet to be clarified. In this work, we show that the mitochondrial 35 kD a truncated form of TDP ‐43 is restricted to the intermembrane space, while the full‐length forms also localize in the mitochondrial matrix in cultured neuronal NSC ‐34 cells. Interestingly, the full‐length forms clearly affect mitochondrial metabolism and morphology, possibly via their ability to inhibit the expression of Complex I subunits encoded by the mitochondrial‐transcribed mRNA s, while the 35 kD a form does not. In the light of the known differential contribution of the full‐length and short isoforms to generate toxic aggregates, we propose that the presence of full‐length TDP ‐43s in the matrix is a primary cause of mitochondrial damage. This in turn may cause oxidative stress inducing toxic oligomers formation, in which short TDP ‐43 forms play a major role.

This study examines the functional and structural effects of amino acid substitution at alpha(1)beta(2) interface of Hb Santa Clara (beta 97His-->Asn). We have characterized the variation by a combination of electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry and DNA sequence analysis followed by oxygen-binding experiments. Functional studies outlined an increased oxygen affinity, reduced effect of organic phosphates and a reduced Bohr effect with respect to HbA. In view of the primary role of this interface in the cooperative quaternary transition from the T to R conformational state, a theoretical three-dimensional model of Hb Santa Clara was generated. Structural investigations suggest that replacement of Asn for His beta 97 results in a significant stabilization of the high affinity R-state of the haemoglobin molecule with respect to the low affinity T-state. The role of beta FG4 position has been further examined by computational models of known beta FG4 variants, namely Hb Malm? (beta 97His-->Gln), Hb Wood (beta 97His-->Leu), Hb Nagoya (beta 97His-->Pro) and Hb Moriguchi (beta 97His-->Tyr). These findings demonstrate that, among the various residues at the alpha(1)beta(2) (and alpha(2)beta(1)) intersubunit interface, His beta FG4 contributes significantly to the quaternary constraints that are responsible for the low oxygen affinity of human deoxyhaemoglobin.  相似文献   
Within the red blood cell the hemoglobin molecule is subjected to modulation mechanisms, namely homo- and heterotropic interactions, which optimize its functional behavior to the specific physiological requirements. At the cellular level, these modulation mechanisms are utilized to perform a number of other functions that are not minor with respect to the basic function of oxygen transport. Here we report some key examples concerning: (i) the interaction of hemoglobin with band 3 and its influence on glucose metabolism; (ii) the role of the ligand-linked quaternary transition of hemoglobin in the control of "NO bioactivity" and of gas diffusion; (iii) the interaction of plasma membrane with the various oxidative derivatives of the hemoglobin molecule.  相似文献   
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