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Microcystis aeruginosa is a bloom-forming cyanobacteria, which currently has a cosmopolitan distribution. Since M. aeruginosa can produce toxic compounds across all continents that it inhabits, it is of major public health relevance to assess its origin and dispersal. Thus, we conducted a worldwide study using 29 isolates representative of all the main continents, and used a concatenated genetic system for phylogenetic analyses consisting of four genetic markers (spanning ca. 3,485 bp). Our results support an early origin of M. aeruginosa in the African continent, with a subsequent dispersal to establish a second genetic pool in the European continent, from where M. aeruginosa then colonized the remaining continental regions. Our findings indicate that the European population has a cosmopolitan distribution, and is genetically closer to populations from Africa and North America. Our study also highlights the utility of using a concatenated dataset for phylogenetic inferences in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   


Survivin is a member of the inhibitor-of-apoptosis family. Essential for tumor cell survival and overexpressed in most cancers, survivin is a promising target for anti-cancer immunotherapy. Immunogenicity has been demonstrated in multiple cancers. Nonetheless, few clinical trials have demonstrated survivin-vaccine-induced immune responses.

Experimental design

This phase I trial was conducted to test whether vaccine EMD640744, a cocktail of five HLA class I-binding survivin peptides in Montanide® ISA 51 VG, promotes anti-survivin T-cell responses in patients with solid cancers. The primary objective was to compare immunologic efficacy of EMD640744 at doses of 30, 100, and 300 μg. Secondary objectives included safety, tolerability, and clinical efficacy.


In total, 49 patients who received ≥2 EMD640744 injections with available baseline- and ≥1 post-vaccination samples [immunologic-diagnostic (ID)-intention-to-treat] were analyzed by ELISpot- and peptide/MHC-multimer staining, revealing vaccine-activated peptide-specific T-cell responses in 31 patients (63 %). This cohort included the per study protocol relevant ID population for the primary objective, i.e., T-cell responses by ELISpot in 17 weeks following first vaccination, as well as subjects who discontinued the study before week 17 but showed responses to the treatment. No dose-dependent effects were observed. In the majority of patients (61 %), anti-survivin responses were detected only after vaccination, providing evidence for de novo induction. Best overall tumor response was stable disease (28 %). EMD640744 was well tolerated; local injection-site reactions constituted the most frequent adverse event.


Vaccination with EMD640744 elicited T-cell responses against survivin peptides in the majority of patients, demonstrating the immunologic efficacy of EMD640744.  相似文献   
Cancer stem cells (CSC) were isolated via a non-adherent neurosphere assay from three glioma cell lines: LI, U87, and U373. Using a clonal assay, two clones (D2 and F11) were selected from spheres derived from LI cells and were characterized for the: expression of stem cell markers (CD133, Nestin, Musashi-1 and Sox2); proliferation; differentiation capability (determined by the expression of GalC, βIII-Tubulin and GFAP); Ca2+ signaling and tumorigenicity in nude mice. Both D2 and F11 clones expressed higher levels of all stem cell markers with respect to the parental cell line. Clones grew more slowly than LI cells with a two-fold increase in duplication time. Markers of differentiation (βIII-Tubulin and GFAP) were expressed at high levels in both LI cells and in neurospheres. The expression of Nestin, Sox2, and βIII-Tubulin was down-regulated in D2 and F11 when cultured in serum-containing medium, whereas Musashi-1 was increased. In this condition, duplication time of D2 and F11 increased without reaching that of LI cells. D2, F11 and parental cells did not express voltage-dependent Ca2+-channels but they exhibited increased intracellular Ca2+ levels in response to ATP. These Ca2+ signals were larger in LI cells and in spheres cultured in serum-containing medium, while they were smaller in serum-free medium. The ATP treatment did not affect cell proliferation. Both D2 and F11 induced the appearance of tumors when ortotopically injected in athymic nude mice at a density 50-fold lower than that of LI cells. All these data indicate that both clones have characteristics of CSC and share the same stemness properties. The findings regarding the expression of differentiation markers and Ca2+-channels show that both clones are unable to reach the terminal differentiation. Both D2 and F11 might represent a good model to improve the knowledge on CSC in glioblastoma and to identify new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
The most critical phase of exposure to schistosomal infection is the infancy, because of the more frequent contact with contaminated water and the immaturity of the immune system. One of the most severe presentations of this parasitosis is the involvement of the spinal cord, which prognosis is largely dependent on early diagnosis and treatment. Reports on this clinical form of schistosomiasis in children are rare in the literature. We present here the clinical-epidemiological profile of schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) from ten children who were admitted at the Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco over a five-year period. They were evaluated according to an investigation protocol. Most of these patients presented an acute neurological picture which included as the main clinical manifestations: sphincteral disorders, low back and lower limbs pain, paresthesia, lower limbs muscle weakness and absence of deep tendon reflex, and impairment of the gait. The diagnosis was presumptive in the majority of the cases. This study emphasizes the importance of considering the diagnosis of SMR in pediatric patients coming from endemic areas who present a low cord syndrome, in order to start the appropriate therapy and avoid future complications.  相似文献   
UV radiation (UVR) has different effects on prokaryotic cells, such as, for instance, filamentation and aggregation in bacteria. Here we studied the effect of UVR on microcolony formation in two freshwater Synechococcus strains of different ribotypes (group B and group I) and phycobiliprotein compositions (phycoerythrin [PE] and phycocyanin [PC]). Each strain was photoacclimated at two light intensities, low light (LL) (10 μmol m−2 s−1) and moderate light (ML) (100 μmol m−2 s−1). The cultures were exposed for 6 days to treatments with UVR or without UVR. PE-rich Synechococcus acclimated to LL had a low carotenoid/chlorophyll a (car/chl) ratio but responded faster to UVR treatment, producing the highest percentages of microcolonies and of cells in microcolonies. Conversely, the same strain acclimated to ML, with a higher car/chl ratio, did not aggregate significantly. These results suggest that microcolony formation by PE-rich Synechococcus is induced by UVR if carotenoid levels are low. PC-rich Synechococcus formed a very low percentage of microcolonies in both acclimations even with low car/chl ratio. The different responses of the two Synechococcus strains to UVR depend on their pigment compositions. On the other hand, this study does not exclude that UVR-induced microcolony formation could also be related to specific ribotypes.  相似文献   
Tissue cultures of Nicotiana tabacum were utilized to investigate the mechanisms associated with host specificity and non-host incompatibility in mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi. They were tested for expression of resistance to different species of mycorrhizal fungi and to a fungal pathogen of tobacco, Thielaviopsis basicola , by monitoring the production of callose, phenolic compounds and peroxidases in dual cultures. Tobacco cells reacted to the presence of all the mycorrhizal fungi with callose deposits, whereas callose was nearly always absent in tobacco cells inoculated with their pathogen T. basicola. The broad-host range ectomycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Lac-caria laccata and Suilhis granulatus elicited less intense responses than did Hymenoscyphus ericae. The results obtained for phenolic production and peroxidase activity were consistently similar to those obtained for callose deposition. They showed that H. ericae , an endomycorrhizal symbiont of Ericaceae, was highly incompatible with tobacco cells and that the tobacco pathogen T. basicola did not elicit strong reactions in the cells of its host. In this paper, the possibility of utilizing callus cultures as a simple model system to study both the different degrees of compatibility and the early events of recognition between mycorrhizal fungi and their host or non-host plants is discussed.  相似文献   


Recent clinical studies have shown that the presence of CC genotype in the rs12979860 region of IL28B gene is associated with an increase in the probability of spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Moreover, IL28B polymorphism seems to influence the probability of developing liver steatosis in chronic HCV patients.


The aims of our clinical study were 1) to verify the distribution of IL28B genotypes (CC, CT or TT) among subjects with spontaneous clearance of HCV infection and 2) to examine the correlation between IL28B polymorphism and hepatic steatosis among these subjects.

Methods and patients

We enrolled 41 subjects with spontaneous resolution of HCV infection (detectable serum anti-HCV but undetectable HCV-RNA) and 134 healthy controls from the same geographical area. The IL28B single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12979860 was genotyped by using a Pyrosequencing™ technique. The presence of steatosis was assessed by liver biopsy or ultrasound examination in the 41 study subjects.


CC, CT and TT-genotypes of the SNP rs1979860 were found in 66%, 24% and 10% of the subjects who spontaneously cleared HCV and in 31%, 54% and 15% of controls, respectively (p = 0.0003). Among the study subjects, females with CC-genotype were significantly more represented (p = 0.02). Hepatic steatosis did not correlate with IL28B genotype (p = 0,14) but only with a high body mass index (BMI) value (p = 0.03).


Female subjects carrying IL28B CC-genotype are significantly more represented among Italian patients who spontaneously cleared HCV infection. In addition, among these subjects, the presence of liver steatosis does not correlate with IL28B genotype but is solely related to the occurrence of high BMI. Thus, the association between IL28B polymorphism and steatosis in chronic HCV patients requires the presence of active HCV replication to occur, while in subjects who have cleared the infection, the mechanism(s) inducing liver steatosis are independent from IL28B profile.  相似文献   
We detected, for the first time, the occurrence of vegetative incompatibility between different isolates of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species Glomus mosseae. Vegetative compatibility tests performed on germlings belonging to the same isolate showed that six geographically different isolates were capable of self-anastomosing, and that the percentage of hyphal contacts leading to fusions ranged from 60 to 85%. Successful anastomoses were characterized by complete fusion of hyphal walls, protoplasm continuity and occurrence of nuclei in the middle of hyphal bridges. No anastomoses could be detected between hyphae belonging to different isolates, which intersected without any reaction in 49 to 68% of contacts. Microscopic examinations detected hyphal incompatibility responses in diverse pairings, consisting of protoplasm retraction from the tips and septum formation in the approaching hyphae, even before physical contact with neighboring hyphae. Interestingly, many hyphal tips showed precontact tropism, suggesting that specific recognition signals may be involved during this stage. The intraspecific genetic diversity of G. mosseae revealed by vegetative compatibility tests was confirmed by total protein profiles and internal transcribed spacer-restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles, which evidenced a higher level of molecular diversity between the two European isolates IMA1 and BEG25 than between IMA1 and the two American isolates. Since arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi lack a tractable genetic system, vegetative compatibility tests may represent an easy assay for the detection of genetically different mycelia and an additional powerful tool for investigating the population structure and genetics of these obligate symbionts.  相似文献   
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