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Exercise has beneficial effects on lipoproteins. Little is known about how long the effects persist with detraining or whether the duration of benefit is effected by training intensity or amount. Sedentary, overweight subjects (n = 240) were randomized to 6-mo control or one of three exercise groups: 1) high-amount/vigorous-intensity exercise; 2) low-amount/vigorous-intensity exercise; or 3) low-amount/moderate-intensity exercise. Training consisted of a gradual increase in amount of exercise followed by 6 mo of exercise at the prescribed level. Exercise included treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bicycle. The number of minutes necessary to expend the prescribed kilocalories per week (14 kcal x kg body wt(-1) x wk(-1) for both low-amount groups; 23 kcal x kg body wt(-1) x wk(-1) for high-amount group) was calculated for each subject. Average adherence was 83-92% for the three groups; minutes per week were 207, 125, and 203 and sessions per week were 3.6, 2.9, and 3.5 for high-amount/vigorous-intensity, low-amount/vigorous intensity, and low-amount/moderate-intensity groups, respectively. Plasma was obtained at baseline, 24 h, 5 days, and 15 days after exercise cessation. Continued inactivity resulted in significant increases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle number, small dense LDL, and LDL-cholesterol. A modest amount of exercise training prevented this deterioration. Moderate-intensity but not vigorous-intensity exercise resulted in a sustained reduction in very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-triglycerides over 15 days of detraining (P < 0.05). The high-amount group had significant improvements in high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, HDL particle size, and large HDL levels that were sustained for 15 days after exercise stopped. In conclusion, physical inactivity has profound negative effects on lipoprotein metabolism. Modest exercise prevented this. Moderate-intensity but not vigorous-intensity exercise resulted in sustained VLDL-triglyceride lowering. Thirty minutes per day of vigorous exercise, like jogging, has sustained beneficial effects on HDL metabolism.  相似文献   
The performance of a full-scale (500 m3) sulfidogenic synthesis gas fed gas-lift reactor treating metal- and sulfate-rich wastewater was investigated over a period of 128 weeks. After startup, the reactor had a high methanogenic activity of 46 Nm3·h−1. Lowering the carbon dioxide feed rate during the first 6 weeks gradually lowered the methane production rate. Between weeks 8 and 93, less than 1% of the hydrogen supplied was used for methanogenesis. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments showed that the archaeal community decreased in diversity but did not disappear completely. After the carbon dioxide feed rate increased in week 88, the methane production rate also increased, confirming that methane production was carbon dioxide limited. Even though lowering the carbon dioxide feed appeared to affect part of the sulfate-reducing community, it did not prevent achieving the desired rates of sulfate reduction. The average sulfate conversion rate was 181 kg∙h−1 for the first 92 weeks. After 92 weeks, the sulfate input rate was increased and from week 94 to 128, the average weekly sulfate conversion rate was 295 kg·h−1 (SD ± 87). Even higher sulfate conversion rates of up to 400 kg·h−1 could be sustained for weeks 120–128. The long-term performance and stability together with the ability to control methanogenesis demonstrates that synthesis gas fed reactor can be used successfully at full scale to treat metal and sulfate-rich wastewater.  相似文献   
Stimulation of cell surface death receptors activates caspase-8, which targets a limited number of substrates including BAP31, an integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Recently, we reported that a caspase-resistant BAP31 mutant inhibited several features of Fas-induced apoptosis, including the release of cytochrome c (cyt.c) from mitochondria (Nguyen, M., D.G. Breckenridge, A. Ducret, and G.C. Shore. 2000. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:6731-6740), implicating ER-mitochondria crosstalk in this pathway. Here, we report that the p20 caspase cleavage fragment of BAP31 can direct pro-apoptotic signals between the ER and mitochondria. Adenoviral expression of p20 caused an early release of Ca2+ from the ER, concomitant uptake of Ca2+ into mitochondria, and mitochondrial recruitment of Drp1, a dynamin-related protein that mediates scission of the outer mitochondrial membrane, resulting in dramatic fragmentation and fission of the mitochondrial network. Inhibition of Drp1 or ER-mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling prevented p20-induced fission of mitochondria. p20 strongly sensitized mitochondria to caspase-8-induced cyt.c release, whereas prolonged expression of p20 on its own ultimately induced caspase activation and apoptosis through the mitochondrial apoptosome stress pathway. Therefore, caspase-8 cleavage of BAP31 at the ER stimulates Ca2+-dependent mitochondrial fission, enhancing the release of cyt.c in response to this initiator caspase.  相似文献   
Although genetic background is acknowledged as a potentially important determinant of mutant phenotypes, publications on genetically modified mice far outnumber those on progenitor strains. We have recently reported major differences in basal anxiety levels (elevated plus-maze & light/dark exploration) among three strains (C57BL/6JOlaHsd, 129/SvEv and 129S2/SvHsd) employed as progenitor stock in European laboratories (Rodgers et al. in press). Furthermore, the phenotypes of these inbred strains differed significantly from that of an outbred strain (Swiss-Webster) commonly used in behavioural pharmacology. In view of these findings, the present study assessed possible differences in the anxiolytic efficacy of chlordiazepoxide (0, 7.5 & 15.0 mg/kg, IP) in three of these strains (Swiss-Webster (SW), C57BL/6JOIaHsd (C57) & 129S2/SvHsd (129)). Experimentally naive mice were exposed to the elevated plus-maze, sessions were videotaped and behaviour analysed using ethological software. The performance of control subjects confirmed significant strain differences in basal levels of activity (SW > C57 > 129) and anxiety-related behaviours (129 = SW > C57), with hypolocomotion dominating the 129 profile. SW mice displayed an anxioselective response to both doses of chlordiazepoxide (CDP), with significant reductions in open arm avoidance and risk assessment observed in the absence of any change in general activity. In direct contrast, the lower dose of CDP (7.5 mg/kg) was without effect in either inbred strain, whereas treatment with 15.0 mg/kg induced a profile indicative of muscle relaxation/mild sedation in C57 mice and virtually abolished all behavioural activity in 129 mice. Although the absence of an anxiolytic response to CDP in C57 mice may be attributed to their low basal anxiety levels, the profile of 129 mice strongly suggests an abnormality in benzodiazepine/GABAA receptor function. The implications of these findings for research on mutant mice are discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of various anions on the rate constant for dissociation of NADH from a binary complex with horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase were evaluated. Phosphate, sulfate, and fluoride had no effect, while nitrate and the other halide ions caused a three- to fourfold increase in the rate constant for NADH dissociation. These results indicate that a ternary enzyme-NADH-anion complex is formed, and from the anion concentration dependence the relative affinities are iodide greater than nitrate and bromide greater than chloride. At high salt concentrations, above 0.2 M, the rate constants for NADH dissociation decreased, which was attributed to a decrease in the activity coefficient of the reactants or "salting in." The rate constant for NADH dissociation from ternary complex with imidazole, which crystallizes in an orthorhombic form rather than triclinic, was also substantially enhanced by anions. This provides an indication that the enhancement is independent of the conformational state of the enzyme complex. Thus, the most likely explanation for the observed enhancement of NADH dissociation is anion interference with binding of the coenzyme pyrophosphate group, which does not occur with larger anions such as phosphate or sulfate. Since NADH dissociation partially limits the turnover of the enzyme, the effect of nitrate on steady-state turnover was determined. A twofold increase was observed at optimal levels of nitrate, at both substrate inhibitory and noninhibitory concentrations of ethanol.  相似文献   
CCR5-utilizing (R5) and CXCR4-utilizing (X4) strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been studied intensively in vitro, but the pathologic correlates of such differential tropism in vivo remain incompletely defined. In this study, X4 and R5 strains of HIV-1 were compared for tropism and pathogenesis in SCID-hu Thy/Liv mice, an in vivo model of human thymopoiesis. The X4 strain NL4-3 replicates quickly and extensively in thymocytes in the cortex and medulla, causing significant depletion. In contrast, the R5 strain Ba-L initially infects stromal cells including macrophages in the thymic medulla, without any obvious pathologic consequence. After a period of 3 to 4 weeks, Ba-L infection slowly spreads through the thymocyte populations, occasionally culminating in thymocyte depletion after week 6 of infection. During the entire time of infection, Ba-L did not mutate into variants capable of utilizing CXCR4. Therefore, X4 strains are highly cytopathic after infection of the human thymus. In contrast, infection with R5 strains of HIV-1 can result in a two-phase process in vivo, involving apparently nonpathogenic replication in medullary stromal cells followed by cytopathic replication in thymocytes.  相似文献   
Ozone (O(3)), a common air pollutant, induces airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. In mice, the neutrophil chemokines KC and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) are expressed in the lungs following O(3) exposure. The purpose of this study was to determine whether CXCR2, the receptor for these chemokines, is essential to O(3)-induced neutrophil recruitment, injury to lungs, and increases in respiratory system responsiveness to methacholine (MCh). O(3) exposure (1 ppm for 3 h) increased the number of neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of wild-type (BALB/c) and CXCR2-deficient mice. However, CXCR2-deficient mice had significantly fewer emigrated neutrophils than did wild-type mice. The numbers of neutrophils in the blood and concentrations of BALF KC and MIP-2 did not differ between genotypes. Together, these data suggest CXCR2 is essential for maximal chemokine-directed migration of neutrophils to the air spaces. In wild-type mice, O(3) exposure increased BALF epithelial cell numbers and total protein levels, two indirect measures of lung injury. In contrast, in CXCR2-deficient mice, the number of BALF epithelial cells was not increased by O(3) exposure. Responses to inhaled MCh were measured by whole body plethysmography using enhanced pause as the outcome indicator. O(3) exposure increased responses to inhaled MCh in both wild-type and CXCR2-deficient mice 3 h after O(3) exposure. However, at 24 h after exposure, responses to inhaled MCh were elevated in wild-type but not CXCR2-deficient mice. These results indicate CXCR2 is essential for maximal neutrophil recruitment, epithelial cell sloughing, and persistent increases in MCh responsiveness after an acute O(3) exposure.  相似文献   
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