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In two recent reports (D. L. Crimmins, J. Gorka, R. S. Thoma, and B. D. Schwartz (1988) J. Chromatogr. 443, 63-71; A. J. Alpert and P. C. Andrews (1988) J. Chromatogr. 443, 85-96) a sulfoethyl aspartamide column was shown to efficiently analyze peptides less than 25 residues in length which differ in the number of nominal positive charges at pH 3.0. In particular, the elution order for a series of distinct peptides ranging in nominal charge from +1 to +7 was found to be monotonic in nature indicating that separation was primarily via a cation-exchange mechanism. The present study employs this chromatographic system to isolate and characterize major fragments of proteolytic digests. Six commercially available proteins of known sequence (myoglobin, beta-casein, concanavalin A, carbonic anhydrase, lentil lectin, and enolase) were digested with Staphylococcus aureus V8 to generate peptide fragments. The resulting mixture was chromatographed on a sulfoethyl aspartamide column to isolate major fragments which were then subjected to amino acid analysis and N-terminal sequencing. With complete proteolysis (i.e., peptide fragments terminating in either an aspartic or a glutamic acid) separation of the fragments should result from the sum of histidine, lysine, and arginine residues contained in each fragment. Most of the peptide fragments eluted at the expected time on the sulfoethyl aspartamide column. Those fragments with anomalous behavior resulted from incomplete cleavage or cleavage at nonacidic residues or were greater than 35 residues in length. Each proteolytic digest was also analyzed by standard reverse-phase C4 chromatography to compare the peptide maps for these two distinct chromatographic modes.  相似文献   
Homozygous ataxia (axJ) mice have reduced expression of ubiquitin-specific protease 14 (Usp14), resulting in severe neuromuscular defects and death by 2 months of age. Transgenic expression of Usp14 exclusively in the nervous system of axJ mice (axJ-Tg) prevents early lethality and restores motor system function to the axJ mice, enabling an analysis of the reproductive capabilities of Usp14-deficient mice. Although female axJ-Tg mice had a 75% reduction of Usp14 in the ovaries, they were able to produce normal litters. Ovary transfer experiments also demonstrated that the ovaries of axJ mice were capable of producing viable pups. In contrast, male axJ and axJ-Tg mice displayed a 50% reduction in testicular Usp14 levels and were infertile, indicating that Usp14 is required for development and function of the male reproductive system. Immunohistochemistry experiments showed that Usp14 is found in the redundant nuclear envelope and cytoplasmic droplet of epididymal spermatozoa. Analysis of axJ testes demonstrated a 50% reduction in testis weight, a 100-fold reduction in sperm number and the presence of abnormal spermatozoa in the epididymis. Histological examination of the Usp14-deficient testes revealed abnormal spermatogenesis and the presence of degenerating germ cells, indicating that Usp14 and the ubiquitin proteasome system are required for spermatid differentiation during spermiogenesis.  相似文献   
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are a top-predator species in the Laurentian Great Lakes that are often used as bioindicators of chemical stressors in the ecosystem. Although many studies are done using these fish to determine concentrations of stressors like legacy persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals, there are currently no proteomic studies on the biological effects these stressors have on the ecosystem. This lack of proteomic studies on Great Lakes lake trout is because there is currently no complete, comprehensive protein database for this species. Here, we employed proteomics approaches to develop a lake trout protein database that could aid in future research on this fish, in particular exposomics and adductomics. The current study utilized heart tissue and blood from two lake trout. Our previous work using lake trout liver revealed 4194 potential protein hits in the NCBI databases and 3811 potential protein hits in the UniProtKB databases. In the current study, using the NCBI databases we identified 838 proteins for the heart and 580 proteins for the blood tissues in the biological replicate 1 (BR1) and 1180 potential protein hits for the heart and 561 potential protein hits for the blood in BR2. Similar results were obtained using the UniProtKB databases. This study builds on our previous work by continuing to build the first comprehensive lake trout protein database and provides insight into protein homology through evolutionary relationships. This data is available via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD023970.  相似文献   
Mutations in the brain specific P/Q type Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunit gene, CACNA1A, have been identified in three clinically distinct disorders, viz. episodic ataxia type 2 (EA-2), familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) and spinocerebellar ataxia 6 (SCA6). For individuals with EA-2, the mutations described thus far are presumed to result in a truncated protein product. Several different missense mutations have been identified in patients with FHM. At least two of these mutations have been identified on two different chromosome 19p13 haplotypes and thus represent recurrent mutations. In the present study, we have screened several individuals for mutations in all 47 exons in the CACNA1A gene by single-strand conformation analysis. We have characterised a novel missense mutation, G5260A, in exon 32 in a family segregating for EA-2. The consequence of this mutation is an amino acid substitution at a highly conserved position within the CACNA1A gene. This represents the first point mutation not resulting in a proposed truncated protein. Furthermore, this mutation has been detected in a family member with mild clinical signs including only migraine. Additionally, a second previously identified recurrent muta tion, C2272T, in exon 16 has been discovered in a patient with FHM.  相似文献   
The study of bacterial pathogens has historically been viewed with a wide lens, providing a picture of how bacterial populations act as groups, but with insufficient resolution to see how microorganisms act as individuals. For most bacterial pathogens, we do not know the minimal number of microbes that initiate infection in a particular organ site, the number that spread outside the site of initial colonization, and how many persist over time. Recent studies have begun to shed light on these points, and the development of new techniques has dramatically increased the ability of researchers to interrogate these problems. With new approaches, the field of bacterial pathogenesis is on the verge of understanding the role and fate of individual bacteria during infection.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the need for and choice of stratification factors, and the effects of blinding and placebo in a clinical experiment. Eighty dogs with canine hip dysplasia (CHD) were included in a randomized, placebo-controlled and double blind clinical trial with stratified parallel group design, in which body weight and degree of CHD were used as stratification factors. Thirty-eight dogs were allocated to gold bead implantation and 42 to placebo. After six months, 33 of the 42 placebo-treated dogs received gold bead implantation in an open study lasting a further 18 months. The main outcome variable in the study was change in pain signs of CHD as assessed by the owner. No significant difference in the main outcome variable, regardless of the treatment given, could be detected in the two chosen stratification factors. The only factor to influence the main outcome variable significantly was age. The blinding procedure used in the study, in which 60% of the owners correctly guessed the treatment given, was found sufficient. Of those who guessed the treatment erroneously, 88% believed the treatment given was gold bead implantation. The treatment efficacy after six months in the blinded treatment group was found to be significantly larger compared to the efficacy obtained in the open study. A significant placebo effect was therefore detected. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: The age of the dogs influenced the outcome of the CHD treatment, and is recommended as a stratification factor. A significant placebo effect has to be expected and an optimal blinding procedure is necessary in similar clinical studies.  相似文献   
Human regenerating (Reg) gene products are regionally expressed by gut-derived tissues, and are markedly up-regulated in cancer and in diseases characterized by mucosal injury. We recently identified Reg IV, a novel regenerating gene product that is uniquely expressed by the normal distal gastrointestinal mucosa. The function remains poorly understood due to the lack of significant purified Reg IV for biochemical and functional studies. Recombinant human Reg IV was efficiently expressed under the control of the AOX1 gene promoter in Pichia pastoris using the MutS strain KM71H. We describe the unique conditions that are required for efficient production of Reg IV protein in high density fermentation. Optimal protein expression was obtained by reduction of the fermentation temperature and addition of casamino acids as a supplemental nitrogen source and to minimize the activity of yeast produced proteases. Recombinant Reg IV protein was purified by tangential flow filtration and reverse phase chromatography. The purified protein was characterized by amino terminus sequence analysis and MALDI-TOFMS showing that the engineered protein had the expected sequence and molecular weight without secondary modification. Recombinant Reg IV was further characterized by specific monoclonal and polyclonal reagents that function for Western blot analysis and for immunolocalization studies.  相似文献   
Disparate ecological datasets are often organized into databases post hoc and then analyzed and interpreted in ways that may diverge from the purposes of the original data collections. Few studies, however, have attempted to quantify how biases inherent in these data (for example, species richness, replication, climate) affect their suitability for addressing broad scientific questions, especially in under-represented systems (for example, deserts, tropical forests) and wild communities. Here, we quantitatively compare the sensitivity of species first flowering and leafing dates to spring warmth in two phenological databases from the Northern Hemisphere. One??PEP725??has high replication within and across sites, but has low species diversity and spans a limited climate gradient. The other??NECTAR??includes many more species and a wider range of climates, but has fewer sites and low replication of species across sites. PEP725, despite low species diversity and relatively low seasonality, accurately captures the magnitude and seasonality of warming responses at climatically similar NECTAR sites, with most species showing earlier phenological events in response to warming. In NECTAR, the prevalence of temperature responders significantly declines with increasing mean annual temperature, a pattern that cannot be detected across the limited climate gradient spanned by the PEP725 flowering and leafing data. Our results showcase broad areas of agreement between the two databases, despite significant differences in species richness and geographic coverage, while also noting areas where including data across broader climate gradients may provide added value. Such comparisons help to identify gaps in our observations and knowledge base that can be addressed by ongoing monitoring and research efforts. Resolving these issues will be critical for improving predictions in understudied and under-sampled systems outside of the temperature seasonal mid-latitudes.  相似文献   


Calcified deposits (CDs) in skin and muscles are common in juvenile dermatomyositis (DM), and less frequent in adult DM. Limited information exists about the microstructure and composition of these deposits, and no information is available on their elemental composition and contents, mineral density (MD) and stiffness. We determined the microstructure, chemical composition, MD and stiffness of CDs obtained from DM patients.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to identify the site(s) in CR1 that mediate the dissociation of the C3 and C5 convertases. To that end, truncated derivatives of CR1 whose extracellular part is composed of 30 tandem repeating modules, termed complement control protein repeats (CCPs), were generated. Site 1 (CCPs 1-3) alone mediated the decay acceleration of the classical and alternative pathway C3 convertases. Site 2 (CCPs 8-10 or the nearly identical CCPs 15-17) had one-fifth the activity of site 1. In contrast, for the C5 convertase, site 1 had only 0.5% of the decay accelerating activity, while site 2 had no detectable activity. Efficient C5 decay accelerating activity was detected in recombinants that carried both site 1 and site 2. The activity was reduced if the intervening repeats between site 1 and site 2 were deleted. The results indicate that, for the C5 convertases, decay accelerating activity is mediated primarily by site 1. A properly spaced site 2 has an important auxiliary role, which may involve its C3b binding capacity. Moreover, using homologous substitution mutagenesis, residues important in site 1 for dissociating activity were identified. Based on these results, we generated proteins one-fourth the size of CR1 but with enhanced decay accelerating activity for the C3 convertases.  相似文献   
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