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Procedures are described for the purification to homogeneity of chloroplast thioredoxins f and m from leaves of corn (Zea mays, a C4 plant) and spinach (Spinacea oleracea, a C3 plant). The C3 and C4f thioredoxins were similar immunologically and biochemically, but differed in certain of their physiochemical properties. The f thioredoxins from the two species were capable of activating both NADP-malate dehydrogenase (EC and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (EC when tested in standard thioredoxin assays. Relative to its spinach counterpart, corn thioredoxin f showed a greater molecular mass (15.0-16.0 kDa vs 10.5 kDa), lower isoelectric point (ca. 5.2 vs 6.0), and lower ability to form a stable noncovalent complex with its target fructose bisphosphatase enzyme. The C3 and C4 m thioredoxins were similar in their specificity (ability to activate NADP-malate dehydrogenase, and not fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase) and isoelectric points (ca. 4.8), but differed slightly in molecular mass (13.0 kDa for spinach vs 13.5 kDa for corn) and substantially in their immunological properties. Results obtained in conjunction with these studies demonstrated that the thioredoxin m-linked activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase in selectively enhanced by the presence of halide ions (e.g., chloride) and by an organic solvent (e.g., 2-propanol). The results suggest that in vivo NADP-malate dehydrogenase interacts with thylakoid membranes and is regulated to a greater extent by thioredoxin m than thioredoxin f.  相似文献   
The capitular and floral morphology and anatomy ofBidens L. andCoreopsis L. were studied. All the North American species ofCoreopsis were studied. Selected species ofBidens from North and South America andCoreopsis from South America were included. The results were compared with previous observations on African species ofBidens (incl.Coreopsis). Emphasis was given to character states of the ray florets, paleae, stylearm apices, outer phyllaries, achenes, and pollen grains. Some of the character states are unique features ofCoreopsis, e.g., globular and elongately conical receptacles, deltoid outer phyllaries, truncate and indistinctly 3–5-dentate, 3–4-lobed ray florets, narrowly spathulate paleae, subulate paleae with linear-filiform upper half, hairy and apically 3-cleft paleae, truncate, convex or shallowly conical stylearm apices with the sweeping hairs limited to the area above the stigmatic surfaces and the orbicular to circular achenes. The cylindric setaceous pappus bristles so commonly encountered inBidens are unknown inCoreopsis. The pappus bristles inCoreopsis are paleaceous but similar, though thicker ones are also found in African species ofBidens (incl.Coreopsis) with winged achenes. Twin-celled hairs (setulae) with differing degrees of wall thickness are found on the achenes ofCoreopsis sect.Pseudoagarista (Mexico and South America),Coreopsis sect.Pugiopappus (California), AfricanBidens with winged achenes (e.g.,B. prestinaria, B. macroptera) and some North AmericanBidens (e.g.,B. aristosa). Similar sclerotic parenchyma make up the achenial wings of species in both genera. These may be interpreted as homologous structures, indicating the underlying similarity of these taxa and their derivation from a common ancestral stock.  相似文献   
There have been numerous reports in the literature of diverse bacteria capable of degrading pentachlorophenol (PCP). In order to gain further insight into the phylogenetic relationships of PCP-degrading bacteria, we examined four strains: Arthrobacter sp. strain ATCC 33790, Flavobacterium sp. strain ATCC 39723, Pseudomonas sp. strain SR3, and Sphingomonas sp. strain RA2. These organisms were isolated from different geographical locations and all of them degrade high concentrations (100–200 mg/L) of PCP. Southern blot analyses determined that these bacteria all harbour DNA that encodes similar, if not identical, genes involved in PCP degradation. Comparison of the 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences revealed that these organisms were very closely related and, in fact, represent a monophyletic group. The 16S rRNA analyses together with fatty acid and sphingolipid analyses strongly suggest that the four strains are members of the genus Sphingomonas . The close relationship of the four organisms is supported by nucleotide sequence analysis data of the pcpB locus encoding PCP-4-monooxygenase, the first enzyme in the PCP degradative pathway.  相似文献   
The introduction of new approaches for characterizing microbial communities and imaging soil environments has benefited soil microbiology by providing new ways of detecting and locating microorganisms. Consequently, soil microbiology is poised to progress from simply cataloguing microbial complexity to becoming a systems science. A systems approach will enable the structures of microbial communities to be characterized and will inform how microbial communities affect soil function. Systems approaches require accurate analyses of the spatio-temporal properties of the different microenvironments present in soil. In this Review we advocate the need for the convergence of the experimental and theoretical approaches that are used to characterize and model the development of microbial communities in soils.  相似文献   
A novel soil treatment method for achieving the removal of dinoseb (2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol) from contaminated soils was investigated. One soil contained dinoseb as the major contaminant, although several other hazardous compounds were also present. A second soil was highly contaminated with dinoseb. Dinoseb was not degraded in these soils under the aerobic conditions at each site. Pretreatment of the soils by the addition of a starchy potato-processing by-product and flooding with phosphate buffer stimulated the consumption of oxygen and nitrate from the soils, thereby lowering the redox potential and creating anaerobic conditions. Anaerobiosis (Eh less than -200 mV) promoted the establishment of an anaerobic microbial consortium that degraded dinoseb completely, without the formation of the polymerization products seen under aerobic or microaerophilic conditions. When dinoseb was present at low concentrations in a chronically contaminated soil, the natural microflora was capable of establishing anaerobic conditions and degrading dinoseb as a result of starch degradation. Inoculation of this soil with an aerobic starch-degrading microorganism and then an acclimated, anaerobic, dinoseb-degrading consortium did not improve dinoseb degradation. In a second acutely contaminated soil, these inoculations improved dinoseb degradation rates over those of uninoculated controls.  相似文献   
We have developed quantitative radioimmunological solid phase assays for the host protein p53 from mouse cells and from human cells. The first assay, for mouse p53, depends on having two monoclonal antibodies reacting with different determinants on the p53 molecule. With this assay we have shown that SV40-transformed cells have approximately 100-fold more p53 than untransformed mouse cells and that other transformed cells have intermediate levels. Embryonal carcinoma cell lines have approximately 50-fold less p53 than SV40-transformed cells. This is in contrast to the high levels of incorporation of [35S]methionine into p53 in these cells and indicates that metabolic labelling is not a valid approach for measuring p53 levels. The second assay, for human p53, required a different approach and made use of the anti-p53 antibodies detected in the sera of some breast cancer patients. Human tumour cell lines contained amounts of p53 varying from the high level seen in SV40-transformed human fibroblasts down to less than one hundredth of this amount. Normal human cells showed low levels of p53. The data confirm that many, but not all, human tumour cell lines contain more p53 than normal cells.  相似文献   
Sequence data of the chloroplast gene rbcL were used to estimate the time of the well-known eastern Asian–eastern North American floristic disjunction. Sequence divergence of rbcL was examined for 22 species of 11 genera (Campsis, Caulophyllum, Cornus, Decumaria, Liriodendron, Menispermum, Mitchella, Pachysandra, Penthorum, Podophyllum, and Phryma) representing a diverse array of flowering plants occurring disjunctly in eastern Asia and eastern North America. Divergence times of putative disjunct species pairs were estimated from synonymous substitutions, using rbcL molecular clocks calibrated for Cornus. Relative rate tests were performed to assess rate constancy of rbcL evolution among lineages. Corrections of estimates of divergence times for each species pair were made based on rate differences of rbcL between Cornus and other species pairs. Results of these analyses indicate that the time of divergence of species pairs examined ranges from 12.56 ± 4.30 million years to recent (<0.31 million years), with most within the last 10 million years (in the late Miocene and Pliocene). These results suggest that the isolation of most morphologically similar disjunct species in eastern Asia and eastern North America occurred during the global climatic cooling period that took place throughout the late Tertiary and Quaternary. This estimate is closely correlated with paleontological evidence and in agreement with the hypothesis that considers the eastern Asian–eastern North American floristic disjunction to be the result of the range restriction of a once more or less continuously distributed mixed mesophytic forest of the Northern Hemisphere that occurred during the late Tertiary and Quaternary. This implies that in most taxa the disjunction may have resulted from vicariance events. However, long-distance dispersal may explain the disjunct distribution of taxa with low divergence, such as Menispermum.  相似文献   
土壤微生物削弱了水生-陆地系统补贴对植物生长的正向影响 水生-陆地系统补贴形成的联结作用在构建群落和调节生态系统功能方面发挥重要作用。在营养贫瘠的生态系统中(例如密歇根湖周围的淡水沙丘),水生-陆生系统补贴显得尤为重要。春季成年蠓在密歇根湖涌出,成群交配,然后死亡。蠓尸体在植物的基部形成土丘状,通过输入营养提高植物的生产力。然而,水生-陆地系统补贴对植物生产力的影响可能取决于其他生物的交互作用,特别是土壤微生物可能通过促进养分转化为植物可利用的形式或与植物竞争养分而发挥关键作用。在温室实验中,我们检验了湖生蠓(Chironomidae)的尸体和土壤微生物如何独立和相互影响一种常见沙丘草(沙拂子茅,Calamovilfa longifolia)的生长表现。为确定蠓是否影响土壤非生物特性,我们检验了添加蠓如何影响土壤养分和土壤湿度。研究结果显示,蠓极大地增加了植物生物量,但其效应的大小受土壤微生物的影响。在没有土壤微生物的情况下,添加蠓的植物生物量比没有添加的高7倍,而在有土壤微生物的情况下,植物生物量提高了3倍。蠓对植物生长的促进作用可能由于它们向土壤中输入养分所导致,因为与沙丘土壤相比,蠓的氮、磷、钾含量分别高100倍、10倍和150倍。我们的研究结果表明,土壤微生物可能与植物竞争这些养分。总之,我们发现蠓是重要的水生-陆地系统补贴,对密歇根湖沿岸植物生产力产生强烈和正向的影响,但水生-陆地系统补贴作用必须在生态群落内发生的复杂相互作用的背景下考虑。  相似文献   
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