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In highly eutrophic ponds, buoyancy of the gas-vacuolate blue-green alga Anabaenopsis Elenkinii (Miller) was regulated by complex interactions between chemical and physical parameters, as well as by biological interactions between various trophic levels. Algal buoyancy and surface bloom formation were enhanced markedly by decreased light intensity, and to a lesser extent by decreased CO2 availability and increased availability of inorganic nitrogen. In the absence of dense populations of large-bodied Cladocera, early season blooms of diatoms and green algae reduced light availability in the ponds thus creating conditions favorable for increased buoyancy and bloom formation by A. Elenkinii. The appearance of blue-green algal blooms could be prevented by a reduced density of planktivorous fish, which allowed development of dense cladoceran populations. The cladocerans limited the growth of precursory blooms of diatoms and green algae, and given the resulting clear-water conditions, buoyancy of A. Elenkinii was reduced, and blue-green algal blooms never appeared.  相似文献   
Several mouse strains are susceptible to immunopathic myocarditis after infection with Coxsackievirus B3 (CB3). This disease is associated with autoantibodies that are directed against myosin. In this study we characterized sera from CB3-infected mice for their reactivity with three different myosin isoforms (heart, skeletal muscle, and brain myosins) and for autoantibody isotype by using an ELISA. Competitive inhibition assays and absorption studies with various myosins demonstrated the presence of two autoantibody populations in sera of susceptible A.CA and A.SW mice. The first was specific for cardiac myosin and was mainly IgG. The second antibody population cross-reacted with heart, skeletal muscle, and brain myosin and was mainly IgM. B10.PL/SgSf and B10.A/SgSf mice, which do not develop immunopathic myocarditis, produced only the IgM autoantibody population cross-reactive with all three myosin isoforms. Because the heart-specific myosin autoantibodies were found exclusively in the mouse strains that developed immunopathic myocarditis, they can be considered a serologic marker for autoimmune heart disease.  相似文献   
Summary Fruit and seed set was studied in New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax Phormiaceae) a large monocot that preferentially sets outcrossed seeds. Fruit set was low and in particular situations could result from insufficient pollinator visitation. Observations of pollinator (Meliphagidae) movements showed that birds preferentially visited male phase flowers and predominantly moved pollen within inflorescences of the same plant. More dominant resident birds moved more between plants that subordinate non-resident birds. Combination of results of fluorescent dye carryover with known bird movements allowed predictions of fruit set and seed size that closely approximated observed levels. Resident birds account for almost half the observed foraging bouts but are predicted to be responsible for the vast majority of the viable seeds.  相似文献   
Neuronal gene expression in aluminum myelopathy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Aluminum administration to susceptible animal species results in neurofilament accumulation in neuronal perikarya and proximal axons. Pathogenetic studies in vivo have shown that aluminum rapidly associates with neuronal chromatin. Whether the effect of aluminum on DNA components plays a role in the production of the neurofibrillary lesion remains unclear. 2. In this study we used Northern analysis and in situ hybridization to evaluate mRNA levels of specific neuronal and glial components in the rabbit spinal cord at various times following aluminum administration. 3. Our results show that (a) all neuronal mRNAs evaluated (neurofilament triplet components, neuronal-specific enolase, and amyloid precursor protein) are markedly decreased, with no decrease in glial fibrillary acidic protein; (b) the effect on neuronal gene expression occurs early and concurrently with the development of the neurofibrillary lesion and reverses rapidly after a single dose of aluminum; and (c) there is a direct correlation between the severity of the neurofibrillary lesion and the decrease in neuronal mRNA levels. 4. We interpret our results to mean that the accumulation of neurofilaments in this model is not due to a selective effect on neurofilament gene expression but may be due to an inhibition of genes coding for components involved in processing of neurofilament proteins.  相似文献   
The availability of light, CO2 and NH4-N interacted to controlbuoyancy and growth of the gas vacuolate blue-green alga, Anabaenaflos-aquae. At high light intensities algal growth rates werehigh; however, the alga was non-buoyant regardless of the availabilityof CO2 or NH4-N. The mechanism for buoyancy loss involved increasedcell turgor pressures at higher light intensities which resultedin collapse of gas vacuoles. At lower light intensities algalgrowth rates and cell turgor pressures were reduced and buoyancywas controlled by the availability of CO2 and inorganic nitrogen.Carbon dioxide limitation increased buoyancy, while reducedinorganic nitrogen availability reduced buoyancy. Mechanismsfor buoyancy regulation at low light intensities involved changesin cellular C/N ratios which appeared to affect the rate ofsynthesis and accumulation of protein-rich gas vacuoles. Algalspecific growth rates were combined with buoyancy data to forma single index (µbloom) to the rate of surface bloom formationof A.flos-aquae as a function of the availability of light,CO2 and NH4-N. The bloom formation index was enhanced with decreasedavailability of light and CO2, and increased availability ofNH4-N.  相似文献   
Chromosome behaviour during meiosis in male Syrian hamsters heterozygous for one of three translocations was analysed as part of a study of the transmission of these structural changes. Synapsis was studied using preparations of synaptonemal complexes, and chiasmate associations and the results of anaphase I segregation were studied in air-dried preparations of metaphases I and II respectively. The main findings were: (i) that, at least in the two trivalent-forming translocations, there is no simple relationship between either the frequency or the extent of synapsis and chiasma formation between the chromosomes involved in the translocation; (ii) that the presence of a univalent in a substantial proportion of metaphase I cells does not necessarily lead to irregular segregation as judged by analysis of metaphase IIs; and (iii) conversely, that in translocation heterozyotes in which metaphase I contains the chromosomes involved in the translocation as a quadrivalent or as two bivalents, with no univalents or trivalents, unexpected numerical segregation can be found. The observations of meiotic chromosomes behaviour reported here show that it is not always possible to predict the effects of structural change, or to determine the basis of these effects, from an analysis of any stage of meiosis taken in isolation, or from an analysis of an apparently similar change.  相似文献   
Resistance to the foxglove-aphid (Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach) has been demonstrated in some inbred geranium lines (Pelargonium Xhortorum Bailey). To establish more definitively the cause/effect relationship between tall glandular trichome exudate and resistance, an intact plant bioassay was performed comparing a resistant plant line, a resistant plant line from which the tall glandular trichome exudate had been removed using a basic buffer solution, a susceptible line and a susceptible line treated with the buffer wash. After 5 days of isolation on the respective surfaces, the number of surviving adult aphids as well as the number of nymphs produced and remaining alive were determined. Aphids on the buffer washed, resistant line exhibited mortality and fecundity which was not significantly different from that produced by the susceptible line. In contrast, the untreated resistance line was clearly resistant with lower adult survival and fewer living nymphs. The tall glandular trichome exudate must therefore be a critical factor in geranium resistance to the foxglove aphid.
Zusammenfassung Widerstandsfähigkeit dem Fingerhut-Blattlaus (Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach) gegenüber wurde in einigen durch Inzucht erzeugten Pelargonie-Linien (Pelargonium Xhortorum Bailey) gezeigt. Um das Verhältnis von Ursache und Wirkung zwischen dem hochgewachsenen glandulären Trichom-Exudat und Widerstandsfähigkeit genauer zu bestimmen, wurde eine Bio-Untersuchung an intakten Pflanzen unternommen. Dabei wurden eine widerstandsfähige Pflanzenlinie, eine widerstandsfähige Pflanzenlinie, von der das hochgewachsene glanduläre Trichom-Exudat durch eine basische Pufferlösung entfernt worden war, eine anfällige Linie und eine mit Pufferlösung behandelte Linie verglichen. Zwei erwachsene weibliche Blattläuse wurden fünf Tage durch ein engmaschiges Netz auf den zu untersuchenden dritten und vierten Knotenblättern eingesperrt. Bei jeder Pflanze wurde die Untersuchung an einem nichtbehandelten Blatt und an einem Blat, von dem das Exudat durch Waschen mit der Pufferlösung entfernt worden war, durchgeführt. Für jede Linie wurden fünf Pflanzen gebraucht, und der ganze Versuch wurde sechsmal wiederholt. Nach einer fünftägigen Isolierung auf den jeweiligen Oberflächen wurden die Blätter von der Pflanze entfernt, und sowohl die Zahl der überlebenden erwachsenen Blattläuse wie auch die der produzierten und noch am Leben gebliebenen Nymphen festgestellt. Mit einer niedrigeren Überlebensrate der Erwachsenen und weniger noch lebenden Nymphen war die nichtbehandelte widerstandsfähige Linie deutlich widerstandsfähig. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten die Blattläuse auf der mit Puffer gewaschenen widerstandsfähigen Linie eine Sterblichkeit und Fruchtbarkeit, die nicht erheblich höher waren, als die auf der anfälligen Linie, was beweist, daß das Waschen mit der Pufferlösung den Widerstandsfaktor entfernt hatte. Das hochgewachsene glanduläre Trichom-Exudat muß deshalb ein kritischer Faktor in der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Pelargonie-Schädlinge sein.
An aminopeptidase specific for methionine (peptidase M) has been purified from wild-type and mutant Salmonella typhimurium strains. Recombinant peptidase M was also purified from Escherichia coli. These preparations were characterized with respect to their physicochemical properties using analytical ultracentrifugation, SDS/PAGE, isoelectric focusing, titration curve analysis, amino acid analysis, N-and C-terminal sequencing and various spectroscopic methods. Peptidase M activity is stimulated by Co2+, in agreement with previous studies using crude extracts of Salmonella. The purified preparations did not contain significant amounts of any metal. Enzymically important metal is loosely associated and lost during enzyme purification. Peptidase M was shown to contain seven free sulphydryl residues none of which are involved in either intra-or inter-molecular disulphide bonds. Most appear solvent-accessible as evidenced by their reactivity under native conditions. Limited modification of the sulphydryl residues with either iodoacetamide or 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) led to inactivation. Several cysteines were shown to be labelled to various degrees by peptide mapping of inactivated S-[14C]carboxymethylated protein. Whether cysteine modification affects enzymic activity directly (blocking an active site) or indirectly (by causing conformational change) remains to be established.  相似文献   
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