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Predictive models for phosphorus retention in wetlands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The potential of wetlands to efficiently remove (i.e., act as a nutrient sink) or to transform nutrients like phosphorus under high nutrient loading has resulted in their consideration as a cost-effective means of treating wastewater on the landscape. Few predictive models exist which can accurately assess P retention capacity. An analysis of the north American data base (NADB) allowed us to develop a mass loading model that can be used to predict P storage and effluent concentrations from wetlands. Phosphorus storage in wetlands is proportional to P loadings but the output total phosphorus (TP) concentrations increase exponentially after a P loading threshold is reached. The threshold P assimilative capacity based on the NADB and a test site in the Everglades is approximately 1 g m–2 yr–1. We hypothesize that once loadings exceed 1 g m–2 yr–1 and short-term mechanisms are saturated, that the mechanisms controlling the uptake and storage of P in wetlands are exceeded and effluent concentrations of TP rise exponentially. We propose a One Gram Rule for freshwater wetlands and contend that this loading is near the assimilative capacity of wetlands. Our analysis further suggests that P loadings must be reduced to 1 g m–2 yr–1 or lower within the wetland if maintaining long-term low P output concentrations from the wetlands is the central goal. A carbon based phosphorus retention model developed for peatlands and tested in the Everglades of Florida provided further evidence of the proposed One Gram Rule for wetlands. This model is based on data from the Everglades areas impacted by agricultural runoff during the past 30 years. Preliminary estimates indicate that these wetlands store P primarily as humic organic-P, insoluble P, and Ca bound P at 0.44 g m–2 yr–1 on average. Areas loaded with 4.0 g m–2 yr–1 (at water concentrations>150 g·L–1 TP) stored 0.8 to 0.6 g m–2 yr–1 P, areas loaded with 3.3 g m–2 yr–1 P retained 0.6 to 0.4 g m–2 yr–1 P, and areas receiving 0.6 g m–2 yr–1 P retained 0.3 to 0.2 g m–2 yr–1. The TP water concentrations in the wetland did not drop below 50 g·L–1 until loadings were below 1 g m2 yr–1 P.  相似文献   
A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method is described that allows improved resolution of several chemotaxonomically significant phytoplankton pigments. The protocol, which employs two pumps and a modified Mantoura and Llewellyn (1983) solvent system, can be easily adapted for many HPLC systems currently in use. The most unique aspect of the method is the use of a polymeric C18 reversed phase HPLC column (VYDAC 201TP). In comparison to the monomeric C18 columns typically used in the characterization of phytoplankton pigments, polymeric C18 columns offer superior selectivity for structurally similar compounds. The protocol was evaluated for the ability to resolve most of the phytoplankton pigments of diagnostic importance using algal cultures from nine classes. Pigment pairs that were resolved by the method include a) lutein and zeaxanthin, b) neoxanthin and 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, and c) α-carotene and β-carotene, and partial resolution of chlorophyll c1 and chlorophyll c2.  相似文献   
Since the summer of 1982, we have cultured patient specimens for Lyme disease spirochetes. Of 118 patients cultured, four specimens yielded spirochetes: two from blood, one from a skin biopsy specimen of erythema chronicum migrans (ECM), and one from cerebrospinal fluid. All four isolates appeared identical when examined with a monoclonal antibody. However, attempts to recover the spirochete from synovium or synovial fluid were unsuccessful. In addition, the organism could not be visualized in skin or synovial biopsy specimens using the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex detection system. Thus, the current yield in culturing spirochetes from patients is quite low, and it is not yet known whether the organism is still alive later in the disease when arthritis is present.  相似文献   
Catecholamines induce net salt and water movements in duck red cells incubated in isotonic solutions. The rate of this response is approximately three times greater than a comparable effect observed in 400 mosmol hypertonic solutions in the absence of hormone (W.F. Schmidt and T. J. McManus. 1977 a.J. Gen. Physiol. 70:59-79. Otherwise, these two systems share a great many similarities. In both cases, net water and salt movements have a marked dependence on external cation concentrations, are sensitive to furosemide and insensitive to ouabain, and allow the substitution of rubidium for external potassium. In the presence of ouabain, but the absence of external potassium (or rubidium), a furosemide-sensitive net extrusion of sodium against a large electrochemical gradient can be demonstrated. When norepinephrine-treated cells are incubated with ouabain and sufficient external sodium, the furosemide-sensitive, unidirectional influxes of both sodium and rubidium are half- maximally saturated at similar rubidium concentrations; with saturating external rubidium, the same fluxes are half-maximal at comparable levels of external sodium. In the absence of sodium, a catecholamine-stimulated, furosemide-sensitive influx of rubidium persists. In the absence of rubidium, a similar but smaller component of sodium influx can be seen. We interpret these results in terms of a cotransport model for sodium plus potassium which is activated by hypertonicity or norepinephrine. When either ion is absent from the incubation medium, the system promotes an exchange-diffusion type of movement of the co-ion into the cells. In the absence of external potassium, net movement of potassium out of the cell leads to a coupled extrusion of sodium against its electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   
1. Cytochrome P-450 has been detected in preparations of golgi apparatus from the livers of phenobarbital-induced rats. 2. Newly biosynthesized cytochrome P-450 is also present in preparations of golgi apparatus. By using three different techniques to fractionate the golgi into vesicle contents and membrane components it was found that newly biosynthesized cytochrome P-450 is associated solely with the membrane fraction. 3. By investigating the susceptibility of cytochrome P-450, present in the golgi apparatus, to the action of trypsin it was found that the majority was oriented on the cytosolic face of the membrane.  相似文献   
The pineal gland contains a soluble phosphoprotein, phosducin, which is homologous to that of retinal photoreceptors. Phosducin has been shown to bind the beta, gamma subunits of the retinal G-protein transducin. Retinal phosducin has been cloned and now we report a rat pineal cDNA encoding phosducin. A 1217-nucleotide cDNA was isolated from a rat pineal library by DNA-DNA hybridization with a polymerase chain reaction-amplified cDNA of bovine retina mRNA for phosducin. Northern blot analysis demonstrates that the mRNA for phosducin is approximately 1.3 kb in both rat pineal and rat retina. The translated mRNA from rat pineal encodes a protein with 246 amino acids, compared to the 245 amino acids of bovine retina phosducin. The predicted molecular weight of rat pineal phosducin is 28,201. Immunoblot analysis with affinity-purified antibodies against bovine retina phosducin identify a single immunoreactive protein of approximately 33 kDa in both rat retina and rat pineal. The amino acid sequence of rat pineal phosducin is homologous to that of bovine retina phosducin, revealing 89% identity and another 5.7% similarity. Both rat pineal and bovine retina phosducins are acidic proteins with pIs of 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. The translated protein lacks hydrophobic domains that would suggest an integral membrane protein. Rat pineal phosducin has a single consensus phosphorylation domain for protein kinase A that is nearly identical to that of retinal phosducin, which is phosphorylated by protein kinase A in situ. Rat phosducin also contains three potential phosphorylation domains for protein kinase C and nine for casein kinase II as well as a predicted site for N-glycosylation. The cDNA encoding phosducin was used to localize the gene within a linkage group to a large segment of mouse chromosome 1 in a conserved region with the long arm of human chromosome 1 with a panel of DNA samples from an interspecific cross. In keeping with a proposed role of retinal phosducin in down-regulation of the photo-transduction cascade, a modulatory role in signal transduction is proposed for pineal phosducin.  相似文献   
Cellulose acetate is a versatile material for evaluating cells grown under identical conditions by various morphological techniques. This inexpensive material is transparent, easily cut to size and shape, nontoxic to cell cultures, and resistant to most chemicals used in histochemistry and in scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Samples may be obtained during and after the culture process. Cellulose acetate slides can be mounted directly over glass slides for direct observation and are easily peeled off plastic blocks for electron microscopy, leaving the cells behind. Relative disadvantages include its autofluorescence and a tendency to soften in strong acids or pure solutions of organic solvents such as xylene and propylene oxide.  相似文献   
Many wetland restoration projects occur on former agricultural soils that have a history of disturbance and fertilization, making them prone to phosphorus (P) release upon flooding. To study the relationship between P release and hydrologic regime, we collected soil cores from three restoration wetlands and three undisturbed wetlands around Upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon, U.S.A. Soil cores were subjected to one of three hydrologic regimes—flooded, moist, and dry—for 7.5 weeks, and P fluxes were measured upon reflooding. Soils from restoration wetlands released P upon reflooding regardless of the hydrologic regime, with the greatest releases coming from soils that had been flooded or dried. Undisturbed wetland soils released P only after drying. Patterns in P release can be explained by a combination of physical and biological processes, including the release of iron‐bound P due to anoxia in the flooded treatment and the mineralization of organic P under aerobic conditions in the dry treatment. Higher rates of soil P release from restoration wetland soils, particularly under flooded conditions, were associated with higher total P concentrations compared with undisturbed wetland soils. We conclude that maintaining moist soil is the means to minimize P release from recently flooded wetland soils. Alternatively, prolonged flooding provides a means of liberating excess labile P from former agricultural soils while minimizing continued organic P mineralization and soil subsidence.  相似文献   
Although edema is evident immediately after a burn, the diffusion of nutrient chemical constituents of the body is not impaired. Blister fluid, not unlike plasma or serum, contained all substances found in the body, including parenterally administered penicillin. The elevation of potassium and the cation to anion imbalance is primarily due to the Na/K cellular pump malfunction, and the destruction of the permeability of the cell membrane is most likely a direct result of complement and other cellular enzymes, which include the prostaglandins and thromboxanes. The elevated SGOT, CPK, and LDH indicated severe trauma to the cells in the immediate area of burn and possibly to the skeletal muscle. The presence of immunoglobulins indicated that high-molecular-weight proteins diffuse equally well during this edematous phase (IgM, 900,000; IgG, 190,000). Evidence of this nature strongly suggests that the integrity of the burn blister by maintained.  相似文献   
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