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Matings between Drosophila simulans females and males of the sibling species D. mauritiana are of abnormally short duration. These rapid matings interrupt the transfer of sperm, leading to substantial reproductive isolation in interspecific as compared to intraspecific copulations. Genetic analysis of this behavior shows that it is influenced much more by the male than the female genotype, with genes from D. simulans being dominant. In males, shortened copulation is caused by interspecific divergence at a minimum of three loci, with one gene on each of the major chromosomes. This is an underestimate of the true number of loci affecting the trait, which could be much larger. The two autosomes have the largest effect, whereas that of the X chromosome is much smaller. The genetic architecture of copulation duration and the larger effect of male than female genotype suggest that females can detect and discriminate against differences in male genitalia.  相似文献   
Fenamate NSAIDs have several central effects, including anti-epileptic and neuroprotective actions. The underlying mechanism(s) of these actions are not presently understood. In this study, the effects of five members of the fenamate NSAID group were investigated on native ligand-gated ion channels expressed in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. All fenamates tested (1-100 microM) dose-dependently potentiated GABA-evoked currents; mefenamic acid (MFA) was the most potent and efficacious and was found to shift the GABA dose-response curve to the left without effect on the maximum amplitude or the GABA Hill Slope. The modulation of GABA receptors by MFA was not reduced in the presence of the benzodiazepine antagonist, flumazenil (10 microM) and was moderately voltage-dependent. MFA at concentrations >or=10 microM evoked dose-dependent currents in the absence of GABA. These currents were potentiated by diazepam (1 microM) and blocked by bicuculline (10 microM). The MFA (50 microM) current-voltage relationship and reversal potential were similar to that evoked by GABA. MFA (1-100 microM) had no effects on sub-maximal glycine, glutamate or NMDA evoked currents. These data show that fenamate NSAIDs are a highly effective class of GABA(A) receptor modulator and activators.  相似文献   
The integration of satellite telemetry, remotely sensed environmental data, and habitat/environmental modelling has provided for a growing understanding of spatial and temporal ecology of species of conservation concern. The Republic of Cape Verde comprises the only substantial rookery for the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in the eastern Atlantic. A size related dichotomy in adult foraging patterns has previously been revealed for adult sea turtles from this population with a proportion of adults foraging neritically, whilst the majority forage oceanically. Here we describe observed habitat use and employ ecological niche modelling to identify suitable foraging habitats for animals utilising these two distinct behavioural strategies. We also investigate how these predicted habitat niches may alter under the influence of climate change induced oceanic temperature rises. We further contextualise our niche models with fisheries catch data and knowledge of fisheries ‘hotspots’ to infer threat from fisheries interaction to this population, for animals employing both strategies. Our analysis revealed repeated use of coincident oceanic habitat, over multiple seasons, by all smaller loggerhead turtles, whilst larger neritic foraging turtles occupied continental shelf waters. Modelled habitat niches were spatially distinct, and under the influence of predicted sea surface temperature rises, there was further spatial divergence of suitable habitats. Analysis of fisheries catch data highlighted that the observed and modelled habitats for oceanic and neritic loggerhead turtles could extensively interact with intensive fisheries activity within oceanic and continental shelf waters of northwest Africa. We suggest that the development and enforcement of sustainable management strategies, specifically multi‐national fisheries policy, may begin to address some of these issues; however, these must be flexible and adaptive to accommodate potential range shift for this species.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Greenhalgh et al. used a considerable evidence-base to develop a comprehensive model of implementation of innovations in healthcare organizations [1]. However, these authors did not fully operationalize their model, making it difficult to test formally. The present paper represents a first step in operationalizing Greenhalgh et al.'s model by providing background, rationale, working definitions, and measurement of key constructs. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was conducted for key words representing 53 separate sub-constructs from six of the model's broad constructs. Using an iterative process, we reviewed existing measures and utilized or adapted items. Where no one measure was deemed appropriate, we developed other items to measure the constructs through consensus. RESULTS: The review and iterative process of team consensus identified three types of data that can been used to operationalize the constructs in the model: survey items, interview questions, and administrative data. Specific examples of each of these are reported. CONCLUSION: Despite limitations, the mixed-methods approach to measurement using the survey, interview measure, and administrative data can facilitate research on implementation by providing investigators with a measurement tool that captures most of the constructs identified by the Greenhalgh model. These measures are currently being used to collect data concerning the implementation of two evidence-based psychotherapies disseminated nationally within Department of Veterans Affairs. Testing of psychometric properties and subsequent refinement should enhance the utility of the measures.  相似文献   
Polyclonal antibodies were used to identify heme or copper nitrite reductases in the following groups: 23 taxonomically diverse denitrifiers from culture collections, 100 numerically dominant denitrifiers from geographically diverse environments, and 51 denitrifiers from a culture collection not selected for denitrification. Antisera were raised against heme nitrite reductases from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas stutzeri and against copper nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes. Nitrite reductases were identified by Western immunoblot. Diethyldithiocarbamate, which specifically inhibits copper nitrite reductases, was used to confirm the immunological characterization and determine which type was present in strains nonreactive with any antiserum. For groups in which the type of nitrite reductase has not been previously described, we found that Alcaligenes eutrophus, Bacillus azotoformans, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Corynebacterium nephridii, and Rhizobium spp. contained copper nitrite reductase, while Aquaspirillum itersonii, Flavobacterium spp., and Pseudomonas fluorescens contained heme nitrite reductase. Heme nitrite reductases dominated, regardless of soil type or geographic origin. They occurred in 64 and 92%, respectively, of denitrifiers in the numerically dominant and nonselected collections. The two nitrite reductase types were mutually exclusive in individual bacteria, but both appeared in different strains from the Alcaligenes and Pseudomonas genera. The heme type predominated in Pseudomonas strains. The heme-type nitrite reductase appeared more conserved if judged by similarities in molecular weights and immunological reactions. The Cu type was found in more taxonomically unrelated strains and varied in molecular weight and antiserum recognition.  相似文献   
Mathematical consequences of the genealogical species concept   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A genealogical species is defined as a basal group of organisms whose members are all more closely related to each other than they are to any organisms outside the group ("exclusivity"), and which contains no exclusive group within it. In practice, a pair of species is so defined when phylogenies of alleles from a sample of loci shows them to be reciprocally monophyletic at all or some specified fraction of the loci. We investigate the length of time it takes to attain this status when an ancestral population divides into two descendant populations of equal size with no gene exchange, and when genetic drift and mutation are the only evolutionary forces operating. The number of loci used has a substantial effect on the probability of observing reciprocal monophyly at different times after population separation, with very long times needed to observe complete reciprocal monophyly for a large number of loci. In contrast, the number of alleles sampled per locus has a relatively small effect on the probability of reciprocal monophyly. Because a single mitochondrial or chloroplast locus becomes reciprocally monophyletic much faster than does a single nuclear locus, it is not advisable to use mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA to recognize genealogical species for long periods after population divergence. Using a weaker criterion of assigning genealogical species status when more than 50% of sampled nuclear loci show reciprocal monophyly, genealogical species status depends much less on the number of sampled loci, and is attained at roughly 4-7 N generations after populations are isolated, where N is the historically effective population size of each descendant. If genealogical species status is defined as more than 95% of sampled nuclear loci showing reciprocal monophyly, this status is attained after roughly 9-12 N generations.  相似文献   
The coevolution of humans with their intestinal microflora has resulted in cooperative relationships that have shaped the biology and the genomes of these symbiotic partners. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is one such bacterial symbiont that is a dominant member of the intestinal microbiota of humans and other mammals. The recent report of the genome sequence of B. thetaiotaomicron is the first reported for an abundant Gram-negative organism of the human colonic microbiota and, as such, provides the first glimpse on a genomic scale of the genetic arsenal used by a Gram-negative symbiont to dominate in this ecosystem. The genome has revealed large expansions of many paralogous groups of genes that encode products essential to the organism's ability to successfully compete in this environment. Most noteable is the organism's abundant machinery for utilizing a large variety of complex polysaccharides as a source of carbon and energy. The proteome also reveals the organism's extensive ability to adapt and regulate expression of its genes in response to the changing ecosystem. These factors, as well as others highlighted below, suggest an incredibly flexible and adaptable organism that is exquisitely equipped to dominate in its challenging and competitive niche.  相似文献   
Heterozygotes for pericentric inversions are expected to be semisterile because recombination in the inverted region produces aneuploid gametes. Newly arising pericentric inversions should therefore be quickly eliminated from populations by natural selection. The occasional polymorphism for such inversions and their fixation among closely related species have supported the idea that genetic drift in very small populations can overcome natural selection in the wild. We studied the effect of 7 second-chromosome and 30 third-chromosome pericentric inversions on the fertility of heterokaryotypic Drosophila melanogaster females. Surprisingly, fertility was not significantly reduced in many cases, even when the inversion was quite large. This lack of underdominance is almost certainly due to suppressed recombination in inversion heterozygotes, a phenomenon previously observed in Drosophila. In the large sample of third-chromosome inversions, the degree of underdominance depends far more on the position of breakpoints than on the inversion's length. Analysis of these positions shows that this chromosome has a pair of ``sensitive sites' near cytological divisions 68 and 92: these sites appear to reduce recombination in a heterozygous inversion whose breakpoints are nearby. There may also be ``sensitive sites' near divisions 31 and 49 on the second chromosome. Such sites may be important in initiating synapsis. Because many pericentric inversions do not reduce the fertility of heterozyotes, we conclude that the observed fixation or polymorphism of such rearrangements in nature does not imply genetic drift in very small populations.  相似文献   
Cell populations derived from viable Haemonchus contortus L(3) larvae were propagated in vitro in a tissue culture environment for a prolonged period (>48 months). Microscopic evaluation of H. contortus-derived cell populations revealed gross morphological characteristics highly analogous to those described for cell types originating from species of plant nematodes propagated in vitro in a tissue culture environment for a briefer period of time (<6 months). The characterisation of extracts harvested from tissue culture populations of H. contortus-derived cells by SDS-PAGE analysis detected molecular fractions of approximately 29, 45, 55, and 200-kDa that closely correlated with reports for preparations obtained from intact/viable H. contortus larvae. Complementary investigations detected the dual biochemical expression of phosphohydrolase and aminopeptidase-M activities based on the hydrolysis of the synthetic enzyme-specific substrates, para-nitrophenylphosphate and leucine-para-nitroanaline, respectively. The identification of phosphohydrolase and aminopeptidase-M-like biochemical activity in fractions harvested from H. contortus-derived cell populations and propagated in vitro in tissue culture served as evidence validating their parasitic-origin. Further validation of H. contortus-derived cell populations propagated in tissue culture entailed the formulation of Triton X-100 extracts containing potential immunoprotective antigens with SEAM adjuvant and its administration by intramuscular injection (100 microg total protein) to healthy sheep (n=8) on day 0 (left rear-limb) and day +14 (right rear-limb). Animals on day 28 subsequently received a single oral challenge of 10,000 infective L(3)-stage H. contortus larvae. Applying ELISA methodologies, increases in antigen-specific IgM and IgG were detected in ovine serum samples. Interpretation of experimental findings revealed that sheep with the greatest antigen-specific humoral immune responses (IgG titre 1/3125) also demonstrated a degree of reduced abomasal H. contortuslarvae burdens (60% reduction). Polyclonal antibody from immunoprotected sheep was subsequently found to recognise both the: (i), digestive tract; and (ii), antigen extracts associated with intact/viable H. contortus larvae. These experimental findings reveal the potential feasibility of propagating parasite-derived cell populations in an in vitro tissue culture environment in a manner that retains their ability to express immunoprotective antigenic fractions.  相似文献   
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