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The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of 17 alpha-methyltestosterone treatment upon the testicular germ cells of gynogenetic masculinized neomale common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in comparison with diploid carp. Gynogenetic common carp progeny (mean body weight, BW, 2.6+/-0.3g; mean total length, 10.4+/-0.5 cm) were treated for a period of 40 days with 17 alpha-methyltestosterone (MT) at a dose of 100mg kg(-1). The oral administration of MT resulted in 61.5-100% of fish exhibiting male gonads. The masculinized neomales exhibited reduced (P<0.05) body weight (BW=22.9+/-0.8) but significantly increased (P<0.05) mean testis weight (2.1+/-0.3) and mean gonadosomatic index (GSI=9.5+/-0.2%) in comparison with fish not treated with MT (BW 54.8+/-1.3; GSI=0.61%). Furthermore, treatment with MT also resulted in an increased number of fish exhibiting abnormal gonads. However, neomales did not exhibit abnormalities in the development of sperm ducts. MT treatment significantly increased germ cell volume, nuclear diameter, nuclear volume and cyst volume (P<0.01 in all cases) in MT-treated fish compared to untreated fish. The area occupied by seminiferous tubules, the number of Sertoli cells and germ cells per cyst, and the number of Leydig cells were significantly (P<0.05) greater in fish treated with MT. The carp neomales exhibited approximately 20-60% more Sertoli cells per cyst (P<0.05). Leydig cell nuclear volume and Leydig cell individual volume were significantly reduced in MT-treated groups (P<0.05) compared with untreated groups. In conclusion, our study strongly suggests that the abnormal gonadal structure evident in masculinized neomales could be explained by a combination of MT-induced genetic (homozygosity) and anabolic effects (upon germ and somatic cells).  相似文献   
The actinorhizal bacterium Frankia expresses nitrogenase and can therefore convert molecular nitrogen into ammonia and the by-product hydrogen. However, nitrogenase is inhibited by oxygen. Consequently, Frankia and its actinorhizal hosts have developed various mechanisms for excluding oxygen from their nitrogen-containing compartments. These include the expression of oxygen-scavenging uptake hydrogenases, the formation of hopanoid-rich vesicles, enclosed by multi-layered hopanoid structures, the lignification of hyphal cell walls, and the production of haemoglobins in the symbiotic nodule. In this work, we analysed the expression and structure of the so-called uptake hydrogenase (Hup), which catalyses the in vivo dissociation of hydrogen to recycle the energy locked up in this ‘waste’ product. Two uptake hydrogenase syntons have been identified in Frankia: synton 1 is expressed under free-living conditions while synton 2 is expressed during symbiosis. We used qPCR to determine synton 1 hup gene expression in two Frankia strains under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. We also predicted the 3D structures of the Hup protein subunits based on multiple sequence alignments and remote homology modelling. Finally, we performed BLAST searches of genome and protein databases to identify genes that may contribute to the protection of nitrogenase against oxygen in the two Frankia strains. Our results show that in Frankia strain ACN14a, the expression patterns of the large (HupL1) and small (HupS1) uptake hydrogenase subunits depend on the abundance of oxygen in the external environment. Structural models of the membrane-bound hydrogenase subunits of ACN14a showed that both subunits resemble the structures of known [NiFe] hydrogenases (Volbeda et al. 1995), but contain fewer cysteine residues than the uptake hydrogenase of the Frankia DC12 and Eu1c strains. Moreover, we show that all of the investigated Frankia strains have two squalene hopane cyclase genes (shc1 and shc2). The only exceptions were CcI3 and the symbiont of Datisca glomerata, which possess shc1 but not shc2. Four truncated haemoglobin genes were identified in Frankia ACN14a and Eu1f, three in CcI3, two in EANpec1 and one in the Datisca glomerata symbiont (Dg).  相似文献   
This study characterizes the interaction between Campylobacter jejuni and the 16 phages used in the United Kingdom typing scheme by screening spontaneous mutants of the phage-type strains and transposon mutants of the sequenced strain NCTC 11168. We show that the 16 typing phages fall into four groups based on their patterns of activity against spontaneous mutants. Screens of transposon and defined mutants indicate that the phage-bacterium interaction for one of these groups appears to involve the capsular polysaccharide (CPS), while two of the other three groups consist of flagellatropic phages. The expression of CPS and flagella is potentially phase variable in C. jejuni, and the implications of these findings for typing and intervention strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
Structural modification of a series of dual LXRα/β agonists led to the identification of a new class of LXRβ partial agonists. An X-ray co-crystal structure shows that a representative member of this series, pyrrole 5, binds to LXRβ with a reversed orientation compared to 1.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Infertility affects one in seven couples globally and has recently been classified as a disease by the World Health Organisation (WHO). While in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) offers effective treatment for many infertile couples, cases exhibiting severe male infertility (19-57%) often remain difficult, if not impossible to treat. In such cases, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a technique in which a single sperm is microinjected into the oocyte, is implemented. However, 1-5% of ICSI cycles still fail to fertilise, affecting over 1000 couples per year in the UK alone. Pregnancy and delivery rates for IVF and ICSI rarely exceed 30% and 23% respectively. It is therefore imperative that Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) protocols are constantly modified by associated research programmes, in order to provide patients with the best chances of conception. Prior to fertilisation, mature oocytes are arrested in the metaphase stage of the second meiotic division (MII), which must be alleviated to allow the cell cycle, and subsequent embryogenesis, to proceed. Alleviation occurs through a series of concurrent events, collectively termed 'oocyte activation'. In mammals, oocytes are activated by a series of intracellular calcium (Ca2+) oscillations following gamete fusion. Recent evidence implicates a sperm-specific phospholipase C, PLCzeta (PLCζ), introduced into the oocyte following membrane fusion as the factor responsible. This review summarises our current understanding of oocyte activation failure in human males, and describes recent advances in our knowledge linking certain cases of male infertility with defects in PLCζ expression and activity. Systematic literature searches were performed using PubMed and the ISI-Web of Knowledge. Databases compiled by the United Nations and World Health Organisation databases (UNWHO), and the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) were also scrutinised. It is clear that PLCζ plays a fundamental role in the activation of mammalian oocytes, and that genetic, molecular, or biochemical perturbation of this key enzyme is strongly linked to human infertility where oocyte activation is deficient. Consequently, there is significant scope for our understanding of PLCζ to be translated to the ART clinic, both as a novel therapeutic agent with which to rescue oocyte activation deficiency (OAD), or as a prognostic/diagnostic biomarker of oocyte activation ability in target sperm samples.  相似文献   
We have constructed plasmids to be used for in vitro signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) of Campylobacter jejuni and used these to generate STM libraries in three different strains. Statistical analysis of the transposon insertion sites in the C. jejuni NCTC 11168 chromosome and the plasmids of strain 81-176 indicated that their distribution was not uniform. Visual inspection of the distribution suggested that deviation from uniformity was not due to preferential integration of the transposon into a limited number of hot spots but rather that there was a bias towards insertions around the origin. We screened pools of mutants from the STM libraries for their ability to colonize the ceca of 2-week-old chickens harboring a standardized gut flora. We observed high-frequency random loss of colonization proficient mutants. When cohoused birds were individually inoculated with different tagged mutants, random loss of colonization-proficient mutants was similarly observed, as was extensive bird-to-bird transmission of mutants. This indicates that the nature of campylobacter colonization in chickens is complex and dynamic, and we hypothesize that bottlenecks in the colonization process and between-bird transmission account for these observations.  相似文献   
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