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We tested the hypothesis that the administration of recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH) and exercise would increase lean body mass (LBM) and muscle strength in burned children to a greater extent than rHGH or exercise separately. Children, ages 7-17 yr, with >40% body surface area burned, were randomized into groups. One group (GHEX, n = 10) participated in a 12-wk in-hospital physical rehabilitation program supplemented with an exercise program and received 0.05 mg. kg(-1). day(-1) of rHGH. A second exercising group (SALEX, n = 13) received saline. A third group (GH, n = 10) received a similar dose of rHGH as GHEX and participated in a 12-wk, home-based physical rehabilitation program without exercise. The fourth group (Saline, n = 11) received saline and participated in a 12-wk, home-based physical rehabilitation program without exercise. The mean (+/-SE) percent change in lean body mass after 12 wk was not significantly different between GHEX (9.0 +/- 2.1%), SALEX (5.4 +/- 1.6%), and GH (5.8 +/- 1.8%) groups (P = 0.33). However, the mean percent change in muscle strength was significantly greater in the GHEX (36.2 +/- 5.4%) and SALEX (42.6 +/- 10.0%) groups than in the GH (-7.4 +/- 4.7%) or Saline (6.7 +/- 4.4%) groups (P = 0.008). In summary, rHGH GHEX, SALEX, and GH alone produced similar improvements in LBM. However, muscle strength was only increased via exercise.  相似文献   
A deficiency of 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH) is a disorder of serine biosynthesis identified in children with congenital microcephaly, seizures, and severe psychomotor retardation. We report here the identification of the 1468G-->A (V490M) mutation of this gene in two siblings of an Ashkenazi Jewish family, providing further evidence that the V490M mutation is a common, panethnic cause of this deficiency. Using a novel, DNA-based diagnostic test, the mutation was not detected in 400 non-Jewish controls; one heterozygote was found among 400 persons of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity. Extensive biochemical studies were undertaken to characterize the effect of this mutation on enzyme activity, turnover, and stability. The V490M PHGDH yielded less than 35% of the activity observed for the wild-type enzyme when overexpressed by transient transfection or when comparing the endogenous activity in fibroblast cells from the patients with controls. Immunoblotting studies showed a comparable reduction in the level of immunoreactive PHGDH in cells expressing the mutant enzyme. Pulse-chase experiments with metabolically labeled PHGDH indicated that this resulted from an increased rate of degradation of the mutant enzyme following its synthesis. Thermolability analyses of mutant and wild-type enzyme activity revealed no significant differences. While others have proposed that the V490M mutation decreases the V(max) of the enzyme, we conclude that this mutation impairs the folding and/or assembly of PHGDH but has minimal effects on the activity or stability of that portion of the V490M mutant that reaches a mature conformation.  相似文献   
Hubert  S.  O'Keeffe  A. M.  Cotter  D.  Wilkins  N. P.  & Cairns  M. T. 《Journal of fish biology》2004,65(S1):329-330
Ireland has the world's largest stocks of wild Atlantic salmon. A better understanding of gene expression will benefit conservation of wild stock as well as salmon aquaculture. We describe the PRTLI project designed to advance the fundamental understanding of the genome of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar . The major objective is to create the first comprehensive database of gene expression and functional information using cDNA libraries and Microarray technology. One key area of interest to salmon biology is osmoregulation, which is critical to the ability of salmon to adapt in seawater. Tissues implicated in this process are the gills, intestine and skin. To initiate studies, SSH (suppression subtractive hybridization) libraries were constructed from intestine RNA extracted from smolts sampled in January and May. A number of potentially interesting clones have been identified, among those a heat shock protein, hsp90 in the reverse library. Others SSH libraries from various tissues (pituitary, hypothalamus, brain, gill, intestine, head kidney and spleen) have also been constructed and will be used to construct a 5000 clone microarray slide. This slide will then be used to elucidate gene expression profiles in various tissues. Further sample collection has been carried out to answer questions regarding biologicaldifferences between one‐ year and two‐year old parr and wild and hatchery smolt.  相似文献   
We measured the litter chemistry of two co‐dominant alpine species, Acomastylis rossii, a forb characterized by a low growth rate and N uptake capacity, and Deschampsia caespitosa, a grass characterized by a high growth rate and N uptake capacity, and examined the effect litter of these two species had on the growth of Deschampsia phytometers in a greenhouse. We also examined the influence of litter from the two species on microbial respiration and immobilization of N, in two separate laboratory microcosm experiments and in the field. We hypothesized that Acomastylis litter would reduce plant growth more than Deschampsia litter, corresponding with either 1) suppression of microbial activity and thus a decrease in N mineralization, or 2) by stimulation of microbial biomass and increasing microbial immobilization of N. Relative to Deschampsia litter, Acomastylis litter had higher total water soluble organic carbon (DOC), and higher total phenolic concentration. Deschampsia litter had 30 times higher carbohydrate (primarily glucose and fructose) concentrations than Acomastylis litter. Soil respiration, microbial biomass N, and consumption of DOC and N were higher with the Acomastylis litter treatment than the Deschampsia litter treatment in experimental microcosms, and both respiration and microbial biomass N were higher in field soils under canopies dominated by Acomastylis relative to those dominated by Deschampsia. These results indicate that phenolics in Acomastylis are a C source for soil microorganisms, rather than an inhibitor of microbial activity. Deschampsia phytometers grew significantly less, had higher root: shoot biomass ratios, and acquired less nitrogen in the Acomastylis litter treatment relative to the control and Deschampsia litter treatments. The results of these experiments indicate that Acomastylis litter influences soil N cycling by increasing microbial activity and N immobilization, which may influence N supply to neighboring plants. This mechanism has the potential to influence competitive interactions between Acomastylis and its neighbors.  相似文献   
Recently much effort has been spent on providing a shared address space abstraction on clusters of small-scale symmetric multiprocessors. However, advances in technology will soon make it possible to construct these clusters with larger-scale cc-NUMA nodes, connected with non-coherent networks that offer latencies and bandwidth comparable to interconnection networks used in hardware cache-coherent systems. The shared memory abstraction can be provided on these systems in software across nodes and hardware within nodes.Recent simulation results have demonstrated that certain features of modern system area networks can be used to greatly reduce shared virtual memory (SVM) overheads [5,19]. In this work we leverage these results and we use detailed system emulation to investigate building future software shared memory clusters. We use an existing, large-scale hardware cache-coherent system with 64 processors to emulate a complete future cluster. We port our existing infrastructure (communication layer and shared memory protocol) on this system and study the behavior of a set of real applications. We present results for both 32- and 64-processor system configurations.We find that: (i) System emulation is invaluable in quantifying potential benefits from changes in the technology of commodity components. More importantly, it reveals potential problems in future systems that are easily overlooked in simulation studies. Thus, system emulation should be used along with other modeling techniques (e.g., simulation, implementation) to investigate future trends. (ii) Our work shows that current SVM protocols can only partially take advantage of faster interconnects and wider nodes due to operating system and architectural implications. We quantify the related issues and identify the areas where more research is required for future SVM clusters.  相似文献   
A review of past behavioral ultrasonic telemetry studies of sharks and rays is presented together with previously unpublished material on the behavior of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, around the Bimini Islands, Bahamas. The review, focusing on movement behaviors of 20 shark and three ray species, reveals that elasmobranchs exhibit a variety of temporal and spatial patterns in terms of rates-of-movement and vertical as well as horizontal migrations. The lack of an apparent pattern in a few species is probably attributable to the scarcity of tracking data. Movements are probably governed by several factors, some still not studied, but data show that food, water temperature, bottom type, and magnetic gradient play major roles in a shark's decision of where and when to swim. A few species exhibit differences in behavior between groups of sharks within the same geographical area. This interesting finding warrants further research to evaluate the causes of these apparent differences and whether these groups constitute different subpopulations of the same species. The lack of telemetry data on batoids and some orders of sharks must be addressed before we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of elasmobranch fishes. Previously unpublished data from 47 smaller and 38 larger juvenile lemon sharks, collected over the decade 1988–1998, provide new results on movement patterns, habitat selection, activity rhythms, swimming speed, rate-of-movement, and homing behavior. From these results we conclude that the lemon shark is an active predator with a strong, apparently innate homing mechanism. This species shows ontogenetic differences in habitat selection and behavior, as well as differences in movements between groups of individuals within the same area. We suggest three hypotheses for future research on related topics that will help to understand the enigmatic behavior of sharks.  相似文献   
Streptococcus oralis is the predominant aciduric nonmutans streptococcus isolated from the human dentition, but the role of this organism in the initiation and progression of dental caries has yet to be established. To identify proteins that are differentially expressed by S. oralis growing under conditions of low pH, soluble cellular proteins extracted from bacteria grown in batch culture at pH 5.2 or 7.0 were analyzed by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Thirty-nine proteins had altered expression at low pH; these were excised, digested with trypsin using an in-gel protocol, and further analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. The resulting fingerprints were compared with the genomic database for Streptococcus pneumoniae, an organism that is phylogenetically closely related to S. oralis, and putative functions for the majority of these proteins were determined on the basis of functional homology. Twenty-eight proteins were up-regulated following growth at pH 5.2; these included enzymes of the glycolytic pathway (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase), the polypeptide chains comprising ATP synthase, and proteins that are considered to play a role in the general stress response of bacteria, including the 60-kDa chaperone, Hsp33, and superoxide dismutase, and three distinct ABC transporters. These data identify, for the first time, gene products that may be important in the survival and proliferation of nonmutans aciduric S. oralis under conditions of low pH that are likely to be encountered by this organism in vivo.  相似文献   
The atrioventricular canal (AVC) physically separates the atrial and ventricular chambers of the heart and plays a crucial role in the development of the valves and septa. Defects in AVC development result in aberrant heart morphogenesis and are a significant cause of congenital heart malformations. We have used a forward genetic screen in zebrafish to identify novel regulators of cardiac morphogenesis. We isolated a mutant, named wickham (wkm), that was indistinguishable from siblings at the linear heart tube stage but exhibited a specific loss of cardiac looping at later developmental stages. Positional cloning revealed that the wkm locus encodes transmembrane protein 2 (Tmem2), a single-pass transmembrane protein of previously unknown function. Expression analysis demonstrated myocardial and endocardial expression of tmem2 in zebrafish and conserved expression in the endocardium of mouse embryos. Detailed phenotypic analysis of the wkm mutant identified an expansion of expression of known myocardial and endocardial AVC markers, including bmp4 and has2. By contrast, a reduction in the expression of spp1, a marker of the maturing valvular primordia, was observed, suggesting that an expansion of immature AVC is detrimental to later valve maturation. Finally, we show that immature AVC expansion in wkm mutants is rescued by depleting Bmp4, indicating that Tmem2 restricts bmp4 expression to delimit the AVC primordium during cardiac development.  相似文献   


The genome of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 encodes for homologs of MutS and MutL, which are key proteins of a DNA mismatch repair pathway conserved in Bacteria and Eukarya. Mismatch repair is essential for retaining the fidelity of genetic information and defects in this pathway result in the deleterious accumulation of mutations and in hereditary diseases in humans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We calculated the spontaneous genomic mutation rate of H. salinarum NRC-1 using fluctuation tests targeting genes of the uracil monophosphate biosynthesis pathway. We found that H. salinarum NRC-1 has a low incidence of mutation suggesting the presence of active mechanisms to control spontaneous mutations during replication. The spectrum of mutational changes found in H. salinarum NRC-1, and in other archaea, appears to be unique to this domain of life and might be a consequence of their adaption to extreme environmental conditions. In-frame targeted gene deletions of H. salinarum NRC-1 mismatch repair genes and phenotypic characterization of the mutants demonstrated that the mutS and mutL genes are not required for maintenance of the observed mutation rate.


We established that H. salinarum NRC-1 mutS and mutL genes are redundant to an alternative system that limits spontaneous mutation in this organism. This finding leads to the puzzling question of what mechanism is responsible for maintenance of the low genomic mutation rates observed in the Archaea, which for the most part do not have MutS and MutL homologs.  相似文献   
Several potent, functionally active MCHr1 antagonists derived from quinolin-2(1H)-ones and quinazoline-2(1H)-ones have been synthesized and evaluated. Pyridylmethyl substitution at the quinolone 1-position results in derivatives with low-nM binding potency and good selectivity with respect to hERG binding.  相似文献   
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