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Time series of rapid phenotypic change have been documented in age-structured populations living in the wild. Researchers are often interested in identifying the processes responsible for such change. We derive an equation to exactly decompose change in the mean value of a phenotypic trait into contributions from fluctuations in the demographic structure and age-specific viability selection, fertility selection, phenotypic plasticity, and differences between offspring and parental trait values. We treat fitness as a sum of its components rather than as a scalar and explicitly consider age structure by focusing on short time steps, which are appropriate for describing phenotypic change in species with overlapping generations. We apply the method to examine stasis in birth weight in a well-characterized population of red deer. Stasis is achieved because positive viability selection for an increase in birth weight is countered by parents producing offspring that are, on average, smaller than they were at birth. This is one of many ways in which equilibria in the mean value of a phenotypic trait can be maintained. The age-structured Price equation we derive has the potential to provide considerable insight into the processes generating now frequently reported cases of rapid phenotypic change.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that within a relatively homogeneous vegetation type the spatial configuration of different plant species may be a determining factor in the composition of the soil animal communities. Six vascular plant species (Luzula confusa, Dryas octopetala, Cassiope tetragona, Salix polaris, Silene acaulis and Saxifraga opposigifolia), growing within high Arctic Saxifraga‐lichen heath vegetation, showed different distributional patterns. Luzula confusa and S. polaris were ubiquitous throughout while D. octopetala and C. tetragona had the most scattered distributions. Soil microarthropod density varied significantly among plant species from 18 000 (S. polaris) to 42 000 m?2 (S. acaulis). Few significant numerical interrelationships were found between the population densities of the different Collembola or cryptostigmatic mite species or between microarthropod densities and variation in the physical properties of the soil associated with each plant species. However, despite the high similarity of species present, Discriminant Analysis idengified distinct microarthropod assemblages associated with each plant species. Over 70% of microarthropod samples taken from soil beneath S. polaris or L. confusa were correctly classified. Rank order of animal species abundance, however, varied among plant species. The collembolan Folsomia quadrioculata ranked first in five of the six plant species but the mite Camisia anomia was numerically dominant under S. polaris. The second most abundant species was much more variable. Despite these variations, the shape of the species rank abundance curve for microarthropods was remarkably similar for all plant species, with rank one and two species comprising ca 55 and 27% of the fauna respectively. These conclusions were reinforced by χ2 analysis which idengified significantly distinct faunal communities between each plant species. Those microarthropod species contributing most to these between‐plant differences, as measured by higher or lower than expected populations, were idengified and were shown to be not always the most abundant species. Thus, on a local scale plants of different species were shown to act as useful proxy indicators of soil conditions that affect the soil microarthropod community. This should be taken into account when designing sampling programmes for soil invertebrates.  相似文献   
A unifold, mesofold, and superfold model of protein fold use.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As more and more protein structures are determined, there is increasing interest in the question of how many different folds have been used in biology. The history of the rate of discovery of new folds and the distribution of sequence families among known folds provide a means of estimating the underlying distribution of fold use. Previous models exploiting these data have led to rather different conclusions on the total number of folds. We present a new model, based on the notion that the folds used in biology fall naturally into three classes: unifolds, that is, folds found only in a single narrow sequence family; mesofolds, found in an intermediate number of families; and the previously noted superfolds, found in many protein families. We show that this model fits the available data well and has predicted the development of SCOP over the past 2 years. The principle implications of the model are as follows: (1) The vast majority of folds will be found in only a single sequence family; (2) the total number of folds is at least 10,000; and (3) 80% of sequence families have one of about 400 folds, most of which are already known.  相似文献   
Julia P. G. Jones  Tim Coulson 《Oikos》2006,112(3):602-611
Despite advances in statistical techniques for investigating population dynamics based on mark–recapture data, the majority of our understanding about demography and regulation comes from relatively few taxa. Most proposed generalisations about the association between demography and variation in population size are based on data from vertebrates, there are few sufficiently detailed invertebrate studies to examine whether these generalisations are widely supported. The population biology of freshwater invertebrates is especially poorly known. We present a large-scale mark–recapture study of an endemic freshwater crayfish from Madagascar ( Astacoides granulimanus ). Variation in density, caused by difference in fishing pressure due to local taboos, allowed us to investigate density-dependent regulation. We found evidence of density dependence in fecundity operating through the proportion of reproductive females by size but no significant evidence of density dependence in growth. Using a prospective analysis based on the elasticities from a size-structured matrix model, we found that both recruitment rates and survival rates of large individuals were strongly associated with deterministic population growth – a result that differs from generalisations drawn from vertebrate studies. A central assumption in mark–recapture studies is that handling does not affect mortality. By treating the number of times an individual was captured as an individual covariate, easily done using the freeware program MARK, we were able to test for, and take account of, handling-induced mortality. Our results show interesting similarities, and important differences, to generalisations based on vertebrate studies and emphasise the importance of population studies on poorly known taxa.  相似文献   
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