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Drought is one of the key restraints to agricultural productivity worldwide and is expected to increase further. Drought stress accompanied by reduction in precipitation pose major challenges to future food safety. Strategies should be develop to enhance drought tolerance in crops like chickpea and wheat, in order to enhance their growth and yield. Drought tolerance strategies are costly and time consuming however, recent studies specify that plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and plant growth regulators (PGRs) can help plants to withstand under harsh environmental condition and enable plants to cope with drought stress. PGPR can act as biofertilizer and bioenhancer for different legumes and non-legumes. The use of PGPR and symbiotic microorganisms, may be valuable in developing strategies to assist water conservation in plants. The use of PGPR has been confirmed to be an ecologically sound way of enhancing crop yields by facilitating plant growth through direct or indirect mechanism. The mechanisms of PGPR for water conservation include secretion of exopolysaccharides, biofilm formation, alternation in phytohormone content, improvement in sugar concentration, enhancing availability of micro- and macronutrients and changes in plant functional traits. Similarly, plant growth regulators (PGRs) are specially noticed in actively growing tissues under stress conditions and have been associated in the control of cell division, embryogenesis, root formation, fruit development and ripening, and reactions to biotic and abiotic stresses and upholding water conservation status in plants. Previous studies also suggest that plant metabolites interact with plant physiology under stress condition and impart drought tolerance. Metabolites like, sugars, amino acids, organic acid and polyols play a key role in drought tolerance of crop plants grown under stress condition. It is concluded from the present study that PGRs in combination with PGPR consortium can be an effective formulation to promote plant growth and maintenance of plant turgidity under drought stress. This review is a compilation of the effect of drought stress on crop plants and described interactions between PGPR/PGRs and plant development, knowledge of water conservation and stress release strategies of PGPR and PGRs and the role of plant metabolites in drought tolerance of crop plants. This review also bridges the gaps that summarizes the mechanism of action of PGPR for drought tolerance of crop plants and sustainability of agriculture and applicability of these beneficial rhizobacteria in different agro-ecosystems under drought stress.  相似文献   
Summary Met-enkephalin (ME) exerts a bimodal effect on functional activities of rat peritoneal macrophages (PM); in a range of low concentration (10-9-10-7 M) antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)was markedly stimulated with a simultaneous decrease of Fc receptor (FcR) mediated phagocytosis while the opposite was observed at 10-6-10-5 M concentrations.Studying the possible underlying mechanism(s) the followings were recorded: (1) ME in all applied concentrations induced an early Na+ influx which was followed by a Ca2+ efflux in the range of low concentrations. In the range of high concentrations Na+ influx was accompanied by a Ca2+ influx. (2) ME at 10-8 M concentration induced a rise in cGMP level with a plateau in the 60–120th min of incubation. This effect was prevented by 10-5 M of naloxone. At 10-6 M concentration a transient rise of cAMP level was recorded which was not affected by naloxone. (3) Verapamil in 10-6 M abolished both the Ca2+ influx and the rise in cAMP level induced by 10-6-10-5 M ME but not the rise in cGMP level induced by lower ME concentrations. (4) cAMP elevation by high ME concentrations was abolished by enkephalinase inhibitory puromycin. (5) PM-enkephalinase as assessed by the cleavage of fluorogenic substrate L-alanine beta naphthylamide (ABNA), was inhibited by 10-6-10-5 M of ME. This inhibition was abolished by verapamil, but not affected by naloxone. In the range of low concentrations ME appears to act on specific delta opioid receptors and its action is positively coupled to guanylate cyclase. In relatively higher concentrations ME-action is not mediated by specific delta opioid receptors and it appears to involve Ca2+ influx, adenylate cyclase activation as well as the processing of hormone by PM-enkephalinase.  相似文献   
Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages were studied fromJanuary 2003 to June 2004 in a temperate shallow estuary (Mondegoestuary, Portugal). Monthly sampling was performed at five stationsat high and low tides, with subsurface tows with 335 and 500µm mesh Bongo nets. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showeda significant effect (P < 0.05) of the mesh size of the neton the abundance of main zooplankton groups. On average, theabundance of the 500 µm taxocenosis was 67 and 102 timeslower than the 335 µm taxocenosis at high and low tidesrespectively, especially in the south arm. More than 80 specieswere identified in the zooplankton samples. The upper reachesof northern arm are dominated by freshwater crustacean mesozooplanktonlike Acanthocyclops robustus and Diaptomus spp. and the cladoceransDaphnia, Ceriodaphnia and Bosmina, often being codominant. Inthe southern arm, the resident estuarine copepod Acartia tonsawas dominant, eventually being the most abundant taxon. Marinereaches of estuary are usually dominated by the marine calanoidcopepods Acartia clausi and Temora longicornis and the siphonophoresMuggiaea atlantica. Concerning the ichthyoplankton, this wasdominated by the larvae of estuarine resident species, mainlyPomatoschistus sp., and eggs of Engraulis encrasicolus. Theabundance of Pomatoschistus sp. larvae was positively correlatedwith water temperature. Statistical analysis (canonical correspondenceanalysis) used to determine the spatiotemporal structure ofthe zooplankton assemblages and its correlation with environmentalvariables showed that salinity and temperature were the mainfactors influencing the distribution of zooplankton. The resultsobtained also showed that abundance was strongly influencedby the hydrological circulation pattern and direct or indirecthuman impacts that occur in each arm of the estuary. This article was presented at Plankton Symposium III, held atFiguera da Foz, portugal, between 17 and 20 March 2005, underthe auspices of the University of Coimbra and the Universityof Aveiro, and coordinated by Mário Jorge Pereira andUlisses M. Azeiteiro.  相似文献   
Bean plants grown in a controlled temperature glasshouse athigh temperatures (33/28, 30/25, or 27/22 °C) during theperiod of seed development and maturation matured early andproduced small seeds. The seeds were of lower vigour than thosegrown at 21/16 or 18/13 °C. The detrimental effect of highmaturation temperatures was observed even on plants bearingwell-developed seeds (yellow, fleshy-pod stage). Seeds maturedat high temperatures were also more susceptible to deteriorationwith delay in harvest, and to mechanical damage. Heavy wateringof plants with seed ready to harvest caused a reduction in seedvigour. For optimum quality bean seed, it appears essentialthat the seed develops and matures at cool temperatures, ina dry environment.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent mitogen for hepatocytes and various epithelial cells. Unexpectedly, it has been reported to inhibit the growth of hepatoma cells in vitro. To clarify this phenomenon, we examined the effects of recombinant baculovirus-expressed HGF on the growth of 6 human hepatoma cell lines. The growth of Hep3B and HepG2 cells was markedly stimulated to 1.8- and 1.7-fold, respectively, PLC/PRF/5 to 1.4-fold, and SK-Hep-1 to 1.2-fold in a dose-dependent manner under HGF concentrations below 20 ng/ml. Neither HuH-7 nor HCC36 were affected. None of these cells were inhibited. All these cells expressed c-Met, the membrane receptor for HGF, and their c-Met would be activated to be phosphorylated upon addition of HGF. They also contained the ERK2 subgroup of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). When HGF was added, their ERK2 would also be phosphorylated. The extent of ERK2 phosphorylation was partially correlated to their growth response to HGF. In conclusion, HGF could stimulate the growth of certain human hepatoma cells, probably through activation of c-Met and MAPKs.  相似文献   
The effects on adult Ceratitis capitata of the ingestion of formulations containing different concentrations of some essential oils were examined. The bioassays were carried out using groups of C. capitata adults fed for 3 days with formulations containing a known concentration (0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0%) of essential oils. The oils, of different chemical composition, were obtained by steam distillation from aromatic plants collected during the balmy period. The essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis , which are rich in monoterpenic hydrocarbons and monoterpenic ketones, respectively, showed poor activity, whereas the oils of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Thymus sp. showed a marked toxic effects (over 90% mortality after 72 h). This could be explained by the activity of cinnamic aldehyde (about 80% of the Cinnamomum oil) and carvacrol (68% of Th. capitatus oil and about 45% of Th. herba barona oil). The first consequence of ingesting even small quantities of essential oils was a depressive effect on the nervous system. Dissection of dead flies showed marked differences compared with the controls and microscopic examination revealed anomalies in the gut region.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes a variety of diseases in humans including lung and ocular infections. Infections of the cornea are usually associated with wearing contact lenses and can result in loss of vision. This study aimed to determine the effect of carbon or nitrogen limitation on the adhesion to contact lenses of a strain of Ps. aeruginosa isolated from contact lens-related corneal inflammation. Cells were grown in a continuous culture apparatus in varying levels of glucose or ammonia to effect nutrient limitation. Adhesion to contact lenses was measured as total counts and viable counts. The cell surface hydrophobicity and charge were measured using adhesion to surface-modified Sepharose. Changes in lipopolysaccharide were determined using 1D SDS-PAGE and changes in cell-surface proteins were measured using 2D gel electrophoresis. The more the cultures were nitrogen limited, the greater the increase in adhesion to unworn hydrogel contact lenses 0.3 x 10(3) - 2.2 x 10(3) cells/mm2 on Etafilon A lenses. Cells that were carbon limited showed a greater increase in adhesion to contact lenses when the lenses had been coated in artificial tears. It appeared that lipopolysaccharide may have been involved in the constitutive adhesion to unworn lenses that occurred during C-limitation, whereas changes in the outer membrane proteins contributed to the increased adhesion under nitrogen limitation, or the change in adhesion that occurred to carbon-limited cells using contact lenses coated in artificial tears. Nine cell-surface proteins appeared during nitrogen limitation with kDa/pI of 75/4.8, 4.9, 5.0; 62/5.6; 89/6.5; 38/6.4; 28/1.5; 18/6.4; 12/4.5. Any or all of these may have been involved in the increased adhesion and further experiments are underway to examine this possibility.  相似文献   
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