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The effects of L-azetidine 2-carboxylic acid on growth and proline metabolism in a proline-requiring auxotroph of Escherichia coli are described. The homologue inhibited growth of the wild type and it, alone, did not substitute effectively for proline as a growth supplement for the mutant. In medium containing 0.05 mM proline, the addition of increasing amounts of homologue progressively inhibited growth of the wild type but stimulated growth of the mutant at homologue: proline ratios of 10 : 1 and 50 : 1. This suggested that the homologue exerted a “sparing effect” on proline in the mutant.The incorporation of L-[U-14C]proline and L-[3H]azetidine 2-carboxylic acid into hot trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material in the mutant was measured. Amino acid analysis of the insoluble material from cells incubated with radiolabeled proline alone revealed that proline was partially degraded and metabolized to other amino acids prior to incorporation into protein. The addition of unlabeled homologue to the incubation medium significantly reduced proline catabolism, suggesting that the homologue exerted a sparing effect on proline in this mutant. In medium containing unlabeled proline and radiolabeled L-azetidine 2-carboxylic acid, the homologuewas incorporated both intact and partially degraded prior to incorporation into protein. Alanine was the major L-azetidine 2-carboxylic acid catabolite.  相似文献   
Genetic evidence is given to support consecutive parthenogenesis in a spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari using nuclear microsatellite genotyping. To date, only a handful of births involving the parthenogenesis process in chondrichthyans have been verified using microsatellite markers and even fewer verified as recurring births. This appears to be the first documented case of this process occurring in a myliobatid species.  相似文献   
A panel of six complementary monodeoxy and mono-O-methyl congeners of methyl β-d-mannopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-d-mannopyranoside (1) were synthesized by stereoselective glycosylation of monodeoxy and mono-O-methyl monosaccharide acceptors with a 2-O-acetyl-glucosyl trichloroacetimidate donor, followed by a two-step oxidation-reduction sequence at C-2′. The β-manno configurations of the final deprotected congeners 2-7 were confirmed by measurement of 1JC1,H1 heteronuclear and 3J1′,2′ homonuclear coupling constants. These disaccharide derivatives will be used to map the protective epitope recognized by a protective anti-Candida albicans monoclonal antibody C3.1 (IgG3) and to determine its key polar contacts with the binding site.  相似文献   
记河北省后城组新发现之小型兽脚类足迹(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
几十年前人们就已经开始研究中国东北侏罗纪—白垩纪界线附近地层中的小型兽脚类恐龙足迹,虽然这些遗迹化石比辽宁省义县组带羽毛的恐龙及其他实体化石逊色了许多。本文记述了河北省承德南双庙后城组(土城子组)最下部河流相沉积中发现的一组兽脚类恐龙足迹。南双庙足迹具有三趾,趾粗大,其形态与美国下侏罗统经典的"brontozoid"足迹(Gral- lator,Anchisauripus和Eubrontes)相符。虽然许多产自辽宁土城子组中基本同时的brontozoid足迹被鉴定为小型的跷脚龙足迹属(Grallator),但南双庙足迹更大一些(全长可达28.8 cm),可能应该归入安琪龙足迹属(Anchisauripus)。南双庙足迹很可能是一群小型兽脚类行走而产生。在辽宁义县组的兽脚类恐龙中,最可能留下这类足迹的是小型的窃蛋龙类——尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)。不过这个解释还很勉强,因为这些足迹缺乏鉴定性特征,而且河北的后城组与辽宁的义县组之间还有一定的时间及地理间隔。  相似文献   
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is associated with the expansion of a CAG trinucleotide repeat in a novel gene on 14q32.1. We confirmed the presence of this expansion in 156 MJD patients from 33 families of different geographic origins: 15 Portuguese Azorean, 2 Brazilian, and 16 North American of Portuguese Azorean descent. Normal chromosomes contain between 12 and 37 CAG repeats in the MJD gene, whereas MJD gene carriers have alleles within the expanded range of 62–84 CAG units. The distribution of expanded alleles and the gap between normal and expanded allele sizes is either inconsistent with a premutation hypothesis or most (if not all) of the alleles we studied descend from a common ancestor. There is a strong correlation between the expanded repeat size and the age at onset of the disease as well as the clinical presentation. There is mild instability of the CAG tract length with transmission of the expanded alleles; both increase and decrease in size between parents and progeny occur, with larger variations in male than in female transmissions. Together, these effects can partly explain the variability of age at onset and of phenotypic features in MJD; however, other modifying factors must exist.  相似文献   
Summary The first morphological examination of the surface and internal anatomy of the kinorhynch, Echinoderes dujardini was undertaken using the scanning and transmission electron microscopes.The oral styles and at least the first ring of scalids were found to have a basal pectinate fringe that resembles the pectinate fringe found at the posterior margins of the trunk segments. In addition to the fringe, the scalids were subdivisible into at least two distinct classes which are similar in structure to the trichoscalid and type I spinocalid identified by Moritz and Storch in T. giganteus. The trichoscalid of E. dujardini however, was found to possess a unique fluted cuticle structure with spines arising only on the medial surface.Although pores are known to occur in the cuticle of homalorhagid kinorhynchs, such pores were not found in the cyclorhagid, E. dujardini.A structure, provisionally designated sensory-like structure is described. Some 60 or more compactly placed spines occur as paired circles or ellipses on all but the terminal trunk segment.An electron dense structure was seen in the subsurface of the placids that may lend mechanical support and may contribute to the Napoleon hats seen with light microscopy. Micrographs of the circumentric nerve ring, gut, epidermis and pharynx are presented. Located at the anterior of the pharynx is a peripharyngeal muscle. The muscle, composed of two membrane bounded smooth muscle strands, probably acts as a sphincter to prevent a reverse flow of food material. Finally, scanning micrographs show a single opening located dorsolaterally on the 10th segment. This opening has been interpreted as an excretory pore even though it does not occur ventrolaterally on the 11th segment as reported for other kinorhynchs.This investigation was supported in part by NIH Contract 70-4136 from the Division of Research Resources.  相似文献   
An Escherichia coli-Shigella flexneri hybrid of intermediate virulence was studied to determine whether its shorter survival in host cells might be due to a metabolic defect. Investigation of its growth in minimal glucose medium showed that the hybrid, like its E. coli parent, had a longer lag phase and a slower growth rate than its virulent Shigella parent. Methionine was found to increase the growth rate of the hybrid. The Shigella parent of the hybrid can synthesize methionine normally, but the E. coli parent has a point mutation in its metA gene. Since it synthesizes enough methionine to grow slowly, it is postulated that the hybrid strain has a hybrid metA gene, that is, a gene composed partly of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from E. coli, with the balance of the DNA from S. flexneri. Phage P1-mediated transduction, with the metA(-)E. coli parent as recipient and the Shigella parent as donor, yielded a few transductants that responded to methionine in the same way the hybrid did. Many more transductants of the hybrid type were produced when the hybrid strain was used as a donor. It is suggested that this poorly functioning gene acts synergistically with the hybrid strain's relaxed synthesis of ribonucleic acid to prevent its survival in the host.  相似文献   
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