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5'-Methylthioadenosine (MTA) is a naturally occurring sulfur-containing nucleoside present in all mammalian tissues. MTA is produced from S-adenosylmethionine mainly through the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, where it behaves as a powerful inhibitory product. This compound is metabolized solely by MTA-phosphorylase, to yield 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate and adenine, a crucial step in the methionine and purine salvage pathways, respectively. Abundant evidence has accumulated over time suggesting that MTA can affect cellular processes in many ways. MTA has been shown to influence numerous critical responses of the cell including regulation of gene expression, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Although most of these responses have been observed at the pharmacological level, their specificity makes it tempting to speculate that endogenous MTA could play a regulatory role in the cell. Finally, observations carried out in models of liver damage and cancer demonstrate a therapeutic potential for MTA that deserves further consideration.  相似文献   
Parasitic protozoa of the genus Leishmania are the causative agents of leishmaniasis. Survival and transmission of these parasites in their different hosts require membrane-bound or extracellular factors to interact with and modify their host environments. Over the last decade, several approaches have been applied to study all the extracellular proteins exported by an organism at a particular time or stage in its life cycle and under defined conditions, collectively termed the secretome or the exoproteome. In this review, we focus on emerging data shedding light on the secretion mechanisms involved in the production of the Leishmania exoproteome. We also describe other methodologies currently available that could be used to analyse the Leishmania exoproteome. Understanding the complexity of the Leishmania exoproteome is a key component to elucidating the mechanisms used by these parasites for exporting proteins to the extracellular space during its life cycle. Given the importance of extracellular factors, a detailed knowledge of the Leishmania exoproteome may provide novel targets for rational drug design and/or a source of antigens for vaccine development.  相似文献   
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common neoplasm with more than 500 000 new cases diagnosed yearly. Although major risk factors of HCC are currently known, the identification of biological targets leading to an early diagnosis of the disease is considered one of the priorities of clinical hepatology. In this work we have used a proteomic approach to identify markers of hepatocarcinogenesis in the serum of a knockout mice deficient in hepatic AdoMet synthesis (MAT1A(-/-)), as well as in patients with HCC. Three isoforms of apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) with different pI were identified in murine serum. Isoform 1 is up-regulated in the serum of MAT1A(-/-) mice much earlier than any histological manifestation of liver disease. Further characterization of the differential isoform by electrospray MS/MS revealed specific oxidation of methionine 85 and 216 to methionine sulfoxide while the sequence of the analogous peptides on isoforms 2 and 3 showed the nonoxidized methionine residues. Enrichment of an acidic isoform of Apo A-I was also assessed in the serum of hepatitis B virus patients who developed HCC. Specific oxidation of methionine 112 to methionine sulfoxide and tryptophans 50 and 108 to formylkinurenine were identified selectively in the up-regulated isoform. Although it is not clear at present whether the occurrence of these modifications has a causal role or simply reflects secondary epiphenomena, this selectively oxidized Apo A-I isoform may be considered as a pathological hallmark that may help to the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of HCC.  相似文献   
Recent attention regarding the impacts of oil and gas development and exploitation has focused on the unintentional release of hydrocarbons into the environment, whilst the potential negative effects of other possible avenues of environmental contamination are less well documented. In the hydrocarbon-rich and ecologically sensitive Mackenzie Delta region (NT, Canada), saline wastes associated with hydrocarbon exploration have typically been disposed of in drilling sumps (i.e., large pits excavated into the permafrost) that were believed to be a permanent containment solution. However, failure of permafrost as a waste containment medium may cause impacts to lakes in this sensitive environment. Here, we examine the effects of degrading drilling sumps on water quality by combining paleolimnological approaches with the analysis of an extensive present-day water chemistry dataset. This dataset includes lakes believed to have been impacted by saline drilling fluids leaching from drilling sumps, lakes with no visible disturbances, and lakes impacted by significant, naturally occurring permafrost thaw in the form of retrogressive thaw slumps. We show that lakes impacted by compromised drilling sumps have significantly elevated lakewater conductivity levels compared to control sites. Chloride levels are particularly elevated in sump-impacted lakes relative to all other lakes included in the survey. Paleolimnological analyses showed that invertebrate assemblages appear to have responded to the leaching of drilling wastes by a discernible increase in a taxon known to be tolerant of elevated conductivity coincident with the timing of sump construction. This suggests construction and abandonment techniques at, or soon after, sump establishment may result in impacts to downstream aquatic ecosystems. With hydrocarbon development in the north predicted to expand in the coming decades, the use of sumps must be examined in light of the threat of accelerated permafrost thaw, and the potential for these industrial wastes to impact sensitive Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SahH) is known as an ubiquitous player in methylation-based process that maintains the intracellular S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) equilibrium. Given its crucial role in central metabolism in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, it is assumed that SahH must be regulated, albeit little is known regarding molecular mechanisms governing its activity. We report here that SahH from Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be phosphorylated by mycobacterial Ser/Thr protein kinases and that phosphorylation negatively affects its enzymatic activity. Mass spectrometric analyses and site-directed mutagenesis identified Thr2 and Thr221 as the two phosphoacceptors. SahH_T2D, SahH_T221D and SahH_T2D/T221D, designed to mimic constitutive phosphorylation, exhibited markedly decreased activity compared to the wild-type enzyme. Both residues are fully conserved in other mycobacterial SahH orthologues, suggesting that SahH phosphorylation on Thr2 and Thr221 may represent a novel and presumably more general mechanism of regulation of the SAH/SAM balance in mycobacteria.  相似文献   
The formation of a diazotrophic cyanobacterial filament represents a simple example of biological development. In Anabaena, a non‐random pattern of one nitrogen‐fixing heterocyst separated by about 10 photosynthetic vegetative cells results from lateral inhibition elicited by the cells differentiating into heterocysts. Key to this process is the patS gene, which has been shown to produce an inhibitor of heterocyst differentiation that involves the C‐terminal RGSGR pentapeptide. Complementation of a ΔpatS Anabaena mutant with different versions of PatS, including point mutations or tag fusions, showed that patS is translated into a 17‐amino acid polypeptide. Alterations in the N‐terminal part of PatS produced inhibition of heterocyst differentiation, thus this part of the peptide appears necessary for proper processing and self‐immunity in the producing cells. Alterations in the C‐terminal part of PatS led to over‐differentiation, thus supporting its role in inhibition of heterocyst differentiation. A polypeptide, produced in proheterocysts, consisting of a methionine followed by the eight, but not the five, terminal amino acids of PatS recreated the full activity of the native peptide. Immunofluorescence detection showed that an RGSGR‐containing peptide accumulated in the cells adjacent to the producing proheterocysts, illustrating intercellular transfer of a morphogen in the cyanobacterial filaments.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) participates in the cell death induced by d-Galactosamine (d-GalN) in hepatocytes, and NO-derived reactive oxygen intermediates are critical contributors to protein modification and hepatocellular injury. It is anticipated that S-nitrosation of proteins will participate in the mechanisms leading to cell death in d-GalN-treated human hepatocytes. In the present study, d-GalN-induced cell death was related to augmented levels of NO production and S-nitrosothiol (SNO) content. The biotin switch assay confirmed that d-GalN increased the levels of S-nitrosated proteins in human hepatocytes. S-nitrosocysteine (CSNO) enhanced protein S-nitrosation and altered cell death parameters that were related to S-nitrosation of the executioner caspase-3. Fifteen S-nitrosated proteins participating in metabolism, antioxidative defense and cellular homeostasis were identified in human hepatocytes treated with CSNO. Among them, seven were also identified in d-GalN-treated hepatocytes. The results here reported underline the importance of the alteration of SNO homeostasis during d-GalN-induced cell death in human hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Methylmethacrylate (MMA) is the most commonly used embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone; however, a number of problems exist with its use in a research laboratory. MMA requires a long infiltration time and temperature control, and it reacts with many polymers. We used Kleer Set resin? as an alternative embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone specimens. Fluorochrome labeled bone specimens were sectioned transversely using a ground section technique and longitudinally on a sledge macrotome. The slides were viewed using both transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. High quality sections were obtained using Kleer Set resin? for both sectioning techniques. We have shown that this new embedding medium is simpler, safer, quicker to use and does not interfere with visualization of fluorochromes.  相似文献   
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