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G L?ngst  E J Bonte  D F Corona  P B Becker 《Cell》1999,97(7):843-852
The chromatin accessibility complex (CHRAC) belongs to the class of nucleosome remodeling factors that increase the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. We found that CHRAC induces movements of intact histone octamers to neighboring DNA segments without facilitating their displacement to competing DNA or histone chaperones in trans. CHRAC-induced energy-dependent nucleosome sliding may, in principle, explain nucleosome remodeling, nucleosome positioning, and nucleosome spacing reactions known to be catalyzed by CHRAC. The catalytic core of CHRAC, the ATPase ISWI, also mobilized nucleosomes at the expense of energy. However, the directionality of the CHRAC- and ISWI-induced nucleosome movements differed drastically, indicating that the geometry of the native complex modulates the activity of its catalytic core.  相似文献   
A number of international agreements and commitments emphasize the importance of appropriate monitoring protocols and assessments as prerequisites for sound conservation and management of the world’s forest ecosystems. Mandated periodic surveys, like forest inventories, provide a unique opportunity to identify and properly satisfy natural resource management information needs. Distinctively, there is an increasing need for detecting diversity by means of unambiguous diversity measures. Because all diversity measures are functions of tree species abundances, estimation of tree diversity indices and profiles is inevitably performed by estimating tree species abundances and then estimating indices and profiles as functions of the abundance estimates. This strategy can be readily implemented in the framework of current forest inventory approaches, where tree species abundances are routinely estimated by means of plots placed onto the surveyed area in accordance with probabilistic schemes. The purpose of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of this strategy by reviewing theoretical results from published case studies. Under uniform random sampling (URS), that is when plots are uniformly and independently located on the study region, consistency and asymptotic normality of diversity index estimators follow from standard limit theorems as the sampling effort increases. In addition, variance estimation and bias reduction are achieved using the jackknife method. Despite its theoretical simplicity, URS may lead to uneven coverage of the study region. In order to avoid unbalanced sampling, the use of tessellation stratified sampling (TSS) is suggested. TSS involves covering the study region by a polygonal grid and randomly selecting a plot in each polygon. Under TSS, the diversity index estimators are consistent, asymptotically normal and more precise than those achieved using URS. Variance estimation is possible and there is no need to reduce bias.  相似文献   
GpsB regulatory protein and StkP protein kinase have been proposed as molecular switches that balance septal and peripheral (side‐wall like) peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus); yet, mechanisms of this switching remain unknown. We report that ΔdivIVA mutations are not epistatic to ΔgpsB division‐protein mutations in progenitor D39 and related genetic backgrounds; nor is GpsB required for StkP localization or FDAA labeling at septal division rings. However, we confirm that reduction of GpsB amount leads to decreased protein phosphorylation by StkP and report that the essentiality of ΔgpsB mutations is suppressed by inactivation of PhpP protein phosphatase, which concomitantly restores protein phosphorylation levels. ΔgpsB mutations are also suppressed by other classes of mutations, including one that eliminates protein phosphorylation and may alter division. Moreover, ΔgpsB mutations are synthetically lethal with Δpbp1a, but not Δpbp2a or Δpbp1b mutations, suggesting GpsB activation of PBP2a activity. Consistent with this result, co‐IP experiments showed that GpsB complexes with EzrA, StkP, PBP2a, PBP2b and MreC in pneumococcal cells. Furthermore, depletion of GpsB prevents PBP2x migration to septal centers. These results support a model in which GpsB negatively regulates peripheral PG synthesis by PBP2b and positively regulates septal ring closure through its interactions with StkP‐PBP2x.  相似文献   
Cry1Ab toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis exerts insecticidal action upon binding to BT-R1, a cadherin receptor localized in the midgut epithelium of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. The univalent binding of toxin to receptor transmits a death signal into the cell and turns on a multi-step signal transduction pathway involving adenylyl cyclase (AC) and protein kinase A (PKA), which drives the biochemical events that culminate in oncotic cell death. Here, we report that cell killing by the Cry1Ab toxin is a dynamic episode in which the toxin promotes exocytotic transport of BT-R1 from intracellular membrane vesicles to the plasma membrane. The resultant dramatic increase in BT-R1 displayed on the surface of toxin-treated cells effects the recruitment and concomitant binding of additional toxin monomers which, in turn, amplifies the original signal in a cascade-like manner. Blocking the activation of AC/PKA signal transduction by either EDTA or PKAi inhibits exocytotic trafficking of BT-R1 and prevents cell death. Moreover, the exocytosis inhibitor Exo1 blocks translocation of receptor and progression of cell death alike. Obviously, movement of BT-R1 is mediated by toxin-induced signal transduction and amplification of this signaling apparently is critical to the execution of cell death.  相似文献   
Transgene expression from the plant's plastid genome represents a promising strategy in molecular farming because of the plastid's potential to accumulate foreign proteins to high levels and the increased biosafety provided by the maternal mode of organelle inheritance. In this article, we explore the potential of transplastomic plants to produce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens as potential components of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) vaccine. It is shown that the HIV antigens p24 (the major target of T‐cell‐mediated immune responses in HIV‐positive individuals) and Nef can be expressed to high levels in plastids of tobacco, a non‐food crop, and tomato, a food crop with an edible fruit. Optimized p24‐Nef fusion gene cassettes trigger antigen protein accumulation to up to approximately 40% of the plant's total protein, demonstrating the great potential of transgenic plastids to produce AIDS vaccine components at low cost and high yield.  相似文献   
Chloroplast transformation of the high‐biomass tobacco variety Maryland Mammoth has been assessed as a production platform for the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1) p24 antigen. Maryland Mammoth offers the prospect of higher yields of intact functional protein per unit floor area of contained glasshouse per unit time prior to flowering. Two different transformation constructs, pZSJH1p24 (for the insertion of a native p24 cDNA between the rbcL and accD genes) and pZF5 (for the insertion of a chloroplast‐codon‐optimized p24 gene between trnfM and trnG) were examined for the production of p24. Plants generated with construct pZSJH1p24 exhibited a normal green phenotype, but p24 protein accumulated only in the youngest leaves (up to approximately 350 µg/g fresh weight or ~2.5% total soluble protein) and was undetectable in mature leaves. In contrast, some of the plants generated with pZF5 exhibited a yellow phenotype (pZF5‐yellow) with detectable p24 accumulation (up to approximately 450 µg/g fresh weight or ~4.5% total soluble protein) in all leaves, regardless of age. Total protein in pZF5‐yellow leaves was reduced by ~40%. The pZF5‐yellow phenotype was associated with recombination between native and introduced direct repeat sequences of the rbcL 3′ untransformed region in the plastid genome. Chloroplast‐expressed p24 was recognized by a conformation‐dependent monoclonal antibody to p24, and p24 protein could be purified from pZF5‐yellow leaves using a simple procedure, involving ammonium sulphate precipitation and ion‐exchange chromatography, without the use of an affinity tag. The purified p24 was shown to be full length with no modifications, such as glycosylation or phosphorylation, using N‐terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are vascular abnormalities that may cause seizures, intracerebral haemorrhages, and focal neurological deficits. Familial form shows an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance with incomplete penetrance and variable clinical expression. Three genes have been identified causing familial CCM: KRIT1/CCM1, MGC4607/CCM2, and PDCD10/CCM3. Aim of this study is to report additional PDCD10/CCM3 families poorly described so far which account for 10-15% of hereditary cerebral cavernous malformations. Our group investigated 87 consecutive Italian affected individuals (i.e. positive Magnetic Resonance Imaging) with multiple/familial CCM through direct sequencing and Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) analysis. We identified mutations in over 97.7% of cases, and PDCD10/CCM3 accounts for 13.1%. PDCD10/CCM3 molecular screening revealed four already known mutations and four novel ones. The mutated patients show an earlier onset of clinical manifestations as compared to CCM1/CCM2 mutated patients. The study of further families carrying mutations in PDCD10/CCM3 may help define a possible correlation between genotype and phenotype; an accurate clinical follow up of the subjects would help define more precisely whether mutations in PDCD10/CCM3 lead to a characteristic phenotype.  相似文献   
Periodate oxidation of terminalN-acetyl- andN-glycoloylneuraminic acid residues in the mucins from edible bird nest substance and pig submandibular gland, respectively, can be carried out under conditions which exclusively give rise to the formation of the C-7 analogues of these sialic acids. In contrast, the C-8 compounds can be obtained in a maximum yield of about 40%. Under identical conditions,N-glycoloylneuraminic acid is oxidized about 1.5 times faster than theN-acetylated derivative. After release of the sialic acids by acid hydrolysis, the characterization of the oxidation products was carried out by TLC, by GLC and GLC-MS of the corresponding pertrimethylsilyl derivatives, and by 500-MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy. In addition, molar response factors for GLC analysis and extinction coefficients in the orcinol/Fe3+/HCl assay were determined.  相似文献   
Translational repression of male-specific-lethal 2 (msl-2) mRNA by Sex-lethal (SXL) controls dosage compensation in Drosophila. In vivo regulation involves cooperativity between SXL-binding sites in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). To investigate the mechanism of msl-2 translational control, we have developed a novel cell-free translation system from Drosophila embryos that recapitulates the critical features of mRNA translation in eukaryotes: cap and poly(A) tail dependence. Importantly, tight regulation of msl-2 translation in this system requires cooperation between the SXL-binding sites in both the 5' and 3' UTRs, as seen in vivo. However, in contrast to numerous other developmentally regulated mRNAs, the regulation of msl-2 mRNA occurs by a poly(A) tail-independent mechanism. The approach described here allows mechanistic analysis of translational control in early Drosophila development and has revealed insights into the regulation of dosage compensation by SXL.  相似文献   
The effect of two inorganic selenium forms has been investigated in the mycelia of Pleurotus ostreatus exposed to cadmium and silver salts in the shaken cultures. The degree of toxicity was assessed by the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA; a common biomarker of lipid peroxidation). The mycelia were exposed to one element form (up to 5 mg l−1) and also to the following combinations: cadmium(II) + selenium(IV); cadmium(II) + selenium(VI); silver(I) + selenium(IV); silver(I) + selenium(VI). The concentrations of cadmium, silver, selenium, and MDA were assessed in the mixed cytosol and cell membrane fractions (CCM). A positive correlation between MDA and cadmium was found in the CCM (β = 0.7775, P = 0.0001), whereas the effect of silver was less significant (β = 0.4642, P = 0.039). These results indicate that silver(I) and cadmium(II) have different capacities to induce lipid peroxidation in P. ostreatus. The protective role of selenium against metal-induced oxidative damage was found to be dependent on the oxidation state of the element form in the growth medium. The strongest beneficial effect was observed in mycelia exposed to cadmium(II) + selenium(IV) (inverse correlation between MDA and selenium in the CCM: β = −0.7129, P = 0.009) and it has been ascribed to a lower incorporation of the toxic metal and/or to possible intracellular interaction between selenium and cadmium. Under exposure to silver(I), the protective effect of selenium(IV) was less noticeable (correlation between MDA and selenium in the CCM; β = −0.6068, P = 0.036); in the presence of selenium(VI), no beneficial effect was observed.  相似文献   
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