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Ocean acidification (OA) is a major threat to marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs which are heavily reliant on calcareous species. OA decreases seawater pH and calcium carbonate saturation state (Ω), and increases the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Intense scientific effort has attempted to determine the mechanisms via which ocean acidification (OA) influences calcification, led by early hypotheses that calcium carbonate saturation state (Ω) is the main driver. We grew corals and coralline algae for 8–21 weeks, under treatments where the seawater parameters Ω, pH, and DIC were manipulated to examine their differential effects on calcification rates and calcifying fluid chemistry (Ωcf, pHcf, and DICcf). Here, using long duration experiments, we provide geochemical evidence that differing physiological controls on carbonate chemistry at the site of calcification, rather than seawater Ω, are the main determinants of calcification. We found that changes in seawater pH and DIC rather than Ω had the greatest effects on calcification and calcifying fluid chemistry, though the effects of seawater carbonate chemistry were limited. Our results demonstrate the capacity of organisms from taxa with vastly different calcification mechanisms to regulate their internal chemistry under extreme chemical conditions. These findings provide an explanation for the resistance of some species to OA, while also demonstrating how changes in seawater DIC and pH under OA influence calcification of key coral reef taxa.  相似文献   
The respiratory sensation and some routine cardiorespiratory parameters were studied on native Highlanders from the Argentine Andes and on Lowlanders from Europe, already tested during previous high altitude expeditions. The tests were performed at various altitude levels from 2688m e.i., the village altitude for Highlanders, to 5600m during an expedition to Mt. Aconcagua (6990m). At rest, the perception of 4 external inspiratory resistive loads (ranged between 2.5 and 13 cm.H2O.L-1.s) can allow us to fix by discrimination the sensitivity index P(A) independently of response bias (B) according to Sensory Decision Theory (SDT). The Andean highlanders did not experience the respiratory sensation at the same limits as the European lowlanders well adaptated to high altitude. At higher altitudes than their village altitude, their respiratory sensation presented a lower threshold of perception and a weaker discrimination which might be partly explained by the evolution of some parameters of their cardio-respiratory function when altitude increased. Indeed, in response to high altitude hypoxia (5600m), they increased their respiratory frequency and not their minuteventilation or mouth pressure. This chosen ventilatory pattern was opposite to the one chosen by the Lowlanders and did not allow for sufficient adaptation to a more important altitude hypoxia than that of their village altitude. In conclusion, the Andean highlanders wellbeing adapted to their village altitude, exhibited a difficult acclimatization to higher altitudes which might be due to the characteristics of their respiratory sensation. These results might explain their weak physical performances during ascent to the Mt. Aconcagua summit in spite of special training.  相似文献   
A group IC1 intron occurs in nuclear small-subunit (18S) ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes of the marine red alga Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia. This intron occurs at the same position as the self- splicing group IC1 introns in nuclear SSU rDNAs of the fungus Pneumocystis carinii and in the green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea and shares sequence identity with the Pneumocystis carinii intron in domains L1, P1, P2, and L2, outside the conserved core. Three size variants, differing in amount of sequence in L1, exist and are differentially distributed in geographically distinct populations. Preliminary data suggest that the largest variant can self-splice in vitro. Short open reading frames are present but do not correspond to known genes. Repeated nucleotide motifs, reminiscent of duplicated target sites of transposons or Alu elements, are associated with the intron and with one of the variant forms of L1. Insertions are present in nuclear SSU rDNAs of several other Porphyra species and of the red alga Bangia atropurpurea; insertionless rDNA variants also occur in several Porphyra species. Our observations are most readily explained by intron mobility, although it remains unclear how transfer could have been mediated between genomes of organisms as ecologically diverse as marine red algae, freshwater green algae, and a mammalian-pathogenic fungus.   相似文献   
Progressive motility was induced in hamster caput epididymal spermatozoa incubated in Tyrodes medium containing 50 mM theophylline, 1.0% Fraction V bovine serum albumin, and 15% (v/v) heat-treated human seminal plasma. Under these induction conditions, however, the maximum percent of caput spermatozoa exhibiting progressive motility (21%) and the time during which motility was sustained (120 min) were significantly less (p less than 0.05) than that of controls from the cauda epididymidis. Moreover, in contrast to caudal spermatozoa, the majority of the induced caput spermatozoa exhibited some degree of flagellar bending at the neck or midpiece. In subsequent experiments the procedure for motility induction was modified to achieve levels of motility in caput spermatozoa equivalent to those observed for caudal spermatozoa. The addition of 5 microM diamide, a sulfhydryl oxidant, to the induction medium prevented the flagellar angularity observed in induced caput sperm preparations. The percentage of caput spermatozoa induced to progressive motility was increased to levels characteristic of caudal spermatozoa (48%) by the addition of hamster caudal epididymal fluid (CEF) to the induction medium. Finally, the viability of the induced caput spermatozoa was significantly enhanced (p less than 0.05) by the removal of Fraction V albumin from the induction medium. In the presence of CEF and in the absence of albumin, 50% of the caput spermatozoa acquired progressive motility and sustained this motility for 4 h. Moreover, when fatty acid-free, charcoal-extracted albumin instead of Fraction V albumin was utilized in the induction procedure, a maximum of 43% of the caput spermatozoa acquired progressive motility and maintained this motility for 4 h, suggesting that the decreased sperm viability observed in the presence of Fraction V albumin was due to a contaminant of albumin, possibly fatty acids. The studies described herein demonstrate for the first time that immature quiescent caput epididymal spermatozoa can be induced to acquire progressive and sustained motility equivalent to that observed in mature caudal epididymal spermatozoa.  相似文献   
Using subtractive hybridization to identify genes that are androgen regulated in the mouse epididymis, a number of cDNAs were identified that represented mitochondrial genes including cytochrome oxidase c subunits I, II, and III, cytochrome b, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5, a region of the displacement loop, and the 16S rRNA. Northern blot analysis of RNA from intact, castrate, or testosterone-replaced epididymides confirmed that these mitochondrial mRNAs as well as the rRNA were androgen regulated with a 2- to 5-fold reduction in expression observed after 4 weeks castration with partial to full recovery to precastrate levels upon 4 weeks of testosterone replacement. In contrast to the mitochondrial genes, the expression of the RNA component of the mitochondrial RNA-processing endoribonuclease (RNAase MRP), a nuclear factor which is thought to be involved in the regulation of mitochondrial DNA synthesis, increased in the epididymis upon castration and then returned to precastrate levels after testosterone replacement. An examination of other androgen-responsive tissues showed that mitochondrial gene expression was also regulated by androgens in the kidney. The RNAase MRP RNA levels, however, showed an increase after castration only in the reproductive tissues (epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicle) and not in the kidney. No correlative increase in mitochondrial DNA levels was observed for any of the tissues. Finally, an analysis of various mouse tissues as well as the different regions of the epididymis revealed large differences in mitochondrial mRNA levels. While for most tissues the mRNA levels correlated with the mitochondrial DNA content, the levels of the RNAase MRP RNA did not. Taken together, these findings not only show the large variations in mitochondrial gene expression between tissues but also demonstrate that the expression of mitochondrial genes and ultimately mitochondrial function are androgen regulated in the epididymis and kidney.  相似文献   
Anthropogenically-modulated reductions in pH, termed ocean acidification, could pose a major threat to the physiological performance, stocks, and biodiversity of calcifiers and may devalue their ecosystem services. Recent debate has focussed on the need to develop approaches to arrest the potential negative impacts of ocean acidification on ecosystems dominated by calcareous organisms. In this study, we demonstrate the role of a discrete (i.e. diffusion) boundary layer (DBL), formed at the surface of some calcifying species under slow flows, in buffering them from the corrosive effects of low pH seawater. The coralline macroalga Arthrocardia corymbosa was grown in a multifactorial experiment with two mean pH levels (8.05 ‘ambient’ and 7.65 a worst case ‘ocean acidification’ scenario projected for 2100), each with two levels of seawater flow (fast and slow, i.e. DBL thin or thick). Coralline algae grown under slow flows with thick DBLs (i.e., unstirred with regular replenishment of seawater to their surface) maintained net growth and calcification at pH 7.65 whereas those in higher flows with thin DBLs had net dissolution. Growth under ambient seawater pH (8.05) was not significantly different in thin and thick DBL treatments. No other measured diagnostic (recruit sizes and numbers, photosynthetic metrics, %C, %N, %MgCO3) responded to the effects of reduced seawater pH. Thus, flow conditions that promote the formation of thick DBLs, may enhance the subsistence of calcifiers by creating localised hydrodynamic conditions where metabolic activity ameliorates the negative impacts of ocean acidification.  相似文献   
Simultaneous measurements of photocurrent and outer segment Ca2+ were made from isolated salamander cone photoreceptors. While recording the photocurrent from the inner segment, which was drawn into a suction pipette, a laser spot confocal technique was employed to evoke fluorescence from the outer segment of a cone loaded with the Ca2+ indicator fluo-3. When a dark-adapted cone was exposed to the intense illumination of the laser, the circulating current was completely suppressed and fluo-3 fluorescence rapidly declined. In the more numerous red-sensitive cones this light-induced decay in fluo-3 fluorescence was best fitted as the sum of two decaying exponentials with time constants of 43 ± 2.4 and 640 ± 55 ms (mean ± SEM, n = 25) and unequal amplitudes: the faster component was 1.7-fold larger than the slower. In blue-sensitive cones, the decay in fluorescence was slower, with time constants of 140 ± 30 and 1,400 ± 300 ms, and nearly equal amplitudes. Calibration of fluo-3 fluorescence in situ from red-sensitive cones allowed the calculation of the free-Ca2+ concentration, yielding values of 410 ± 37 nM in the dark-adapted outer segment and 5.5 ± 2.4 nM after saturating illumination (mean ± SEM, n = 8). Photopigment bleaching by the laser resulted in a considerable reduction in light sensitivity and a maintained decrease in outer segment Ca2+ concentration. When the photopigment was regenerated by applying exogenous 11-cis-retinal, both the light sensitivity and fluo-3 fluorescence recovered rapidly to near dark-adapted levels. Regeneration of the photopigment allowed repeated measurements of fluo-3 fluorescence to be made from a single red-sensitive cone during adaptation to steady light over a range of intensities. These measurements demonstrated that the outer segment Ca2+ concentration declines in a graded manner during adaptation to background light, varying linearly with the magnitude of the circulating current.  相似文献   
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