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By means of a consensus polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, the prevalence of HPV types was determined in cervical biopsies from 137 women referred to the gynecological outpatient clinic for colposcopy because of an abnormal cervical smear. The prevalence of HPV was 80.3%. There was a statistically highly significant rise in the prevalence of the oncogenic HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33) with increasing severity of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN I to III), indicating a role for these HPV types in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. The prevalence of other HPV types decreased significantly with the severity of the lesion, suggesting that these HPV types play a less significant role in this process. These data indicate that HPV typing with PCR may be a valuable tool for distinguishing between high-risk and low-risk cervical lesions. Furthermore, our results suggest that the detection of HPV types by consensus PCR in the cervix of patients with an abnormal smear but without histologically detectable CIN is a useful tool for predicting which of these patients will eventually develop CIN. Finally, a relatively low percentage (3%) of HPV double infections is reported in this study.  相似文献   
 A hypothesized relationship between seed weight and leaf size was investigated for 58 diverse British (semi-)woody species. Interspecific variation in leaf size of adult plants corresponded allometrically with interspecific variation in the weight of an infructescence (seed-bearing inflorescence). The relationship between seed size and leaf size of adult plants was triangular. The corners of the triangle were interpreted in terms of ecological strategy. Medium-sized infructescences, small seeds and large leaves were seen among medium-sized, fast-growing, earlier-successional, mostly deciduous shrubs and trees; small infructescences, small seeds and small leaves mostly among low, slow-growing evergreens from stress-prone, proclimax habitats; and large infructescences, large seeds and large leaves among slow-growing, later-successional trees of potential competitive vigour. The hypothesis that the combination of large seeds and small leaves is allometrically unlikely was supported by the data. The roles of ontogeny and taxonomic relatedness in the seed size-leaf size relationship were examined by correlative and taxonomic analyses of seed, plant and leaf size during the unfolding of the life history from seed through two seedling phases to adulthood. Deciduous versus evergreen leaf habit was a source of deviation from the otherwise linear allometric relationships during ontogenetic development, none of which were, individually, confounded significantly with taxonomy. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

The integration of biotechnology into chemical manufacturing has been recognized as a key technology to build a sustainable society. However, the practical applications of biocatalytic chemical conversions are often restricted due to their complexities involving the unpredictability of product yield and the troublesome controls in fermentation processes. One of the possible strategies to overcome these limitations is to eliminate the use of living microorganisms and to use only enzymes involved in the metabolic pathway. Use of recombinant mesophiles producing thermophilic enzymes at high temperature results in denaturation of indigenous proteins and elimination of undesired side reactions; consequently, highly selective and stable biocatalytic modules can be readily prepared. By rationally combining those modules together, artificial synthetic pathways specialized for chemical manufacturing could be designed and constructed.


A chimeric Embden-Meyerhof (EM) pathway with balanced consumption and regeneration of ATP and ADP was constructed by using nine recombinant E. coli strains overproducing either one of the seven glycolytic enzymes of Thermus thermophilus, the cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase of Pyrococcus horikoshii, or the non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Thermococcus kodakarensis. By coupling this pathway with the Thermus malate/lactate dehydrogenase, a stoichiometric amount of lactate was produced from glucose with an overall ATP turnover number of 31.


In this study, a novel and simple technology for flexible design of a bespoke metabolic pathway was developed. The concept has been testified via a non-ATP-forming chimeric EM pathway. We designated this technology as “synthetic metabolic engineering”. Our technology is, in principle, applicable to all thermophilic enzymes as long as they can be functionally expressed in the host, and thus would be potentially applicable to the biocatalytic manufacture of any chemicals or materials on demand.

cDNA to an mRNA that is strongly induced in Samsun NN tobacco after tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection or salicylic acid treatment was used to probe a genomic blot and to screen a genomic library. The mRNA corresponds to a family of approximately eight genes, four of which were cloned. The sequence of the genes and flanking DNA in two clones was determined. One gene was found to contain an intron of 555 bp; S1-nuclease mapping studies indicated that this gene is expressed. The other gene is interrupted by an intron of 1,954 bp and is probably not expressed after TMV infection. The genes encode a protein of 109 amino acids with a putative N-terminal signal peptide of 26 amino acids. The protein contains a high proportion of glycine (25%) and charged amino acids (29%), suggesting that it may be a cell wall component. A comparison of the upstream sequences of the genes encoding the glycine-rich protein and the pathogenesis-related protein 1a showed only limited homology, although both genes are TMV- and salicylic acid-inducible. However, the upstream sequence of the glycine-rich protein gene contains a 64-bp inverted repeat that occurs in a similar position in the tobacco ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene.  相似文献   
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