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In the honeybee octopamine mediates mechanisms of arousal that interfere with the appetitive proboscis extension response to food-indicating chemosensory stimuli. This study demonstrates that injections of octopamine or cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) into the primary chemosensory neuropil of the honeybee, the antennal lobe, evokes a rapid and transient activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Other monoamines detectable in the antennal lobe, dopamine and serotonin, do not affect the level of PKA activity. Stimulation of the bees' antenna with the appetitive stimulus water or sucrose solution in vivo also causes a short-term activation of PKA in the antennal lobe. The increased PKA activity can be detected immediately (0.5 s) after stimulation but reverts to the basal level within 3 s. This effect can be abolished by monoamine depletion with reserpine. Since octopamine is the only monoamine that stimulates PKA, it appears to mediate the PKA activation after sucrose stimulus and may contribute to the processing of this chemosensory input. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Halvorson''s Response to Horiuti and Sakoda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Holophosphorylase kinase was digested with Glu-C specific protease; from the peptide mixture calmodulin binding peptides were isolated by affinity chromatography and identified by N-terminal sequence analysis. Two peptides originating from the subunit, having a high tendency to form a positively charged amphiphilic helix and containing tryptophane, were synthesized. Additionally, a homologous region of the subunit and a peptide from the subunit present in a region deleted in the isoform were also selected for synthesis. Binding stoichiometry and affinity were determined by following the enhancement in tryptophane fluorescence occurring upon 1:1 complex formation between these peptides and calmodulin. Finally, Ca2+ binding to calmodulin in presence of peptides was measured. By this way, the peptides 542–566, 547–571, 660–677 and 597–614 have been found to bind specifically to calmodulin.Together with previously predicted and synthesized calmodulin binding peptides four calmodulin binding regions have been characterized on each the and subunits. It can be concluded that endogenous calmodulin can bind to two calmodulin binding regions in as well as to two regions in and . Exogenous calmodulin can bind to two regions in and in . A binding stoichiometry of 0.8mol of calmodulin/ protomer of phosphorylase kinase has been determined by inhibiting the ubiquitination of calmodulin with phosphorylase kinase. Phosphorylase kinase is half maximally activated by 23nM calmodulin which is in the affinity range of calmodulin binding peptides from to calmodulin. Therefore, binding of exogenous calmodulin to activates the enzyme. A model for switching endogenous calmodulin between , and and modulation of ATP binding to as well as Mg2+/ADP binding to by calmodulin is presented.  相似文献   
Plant cell wall polysaccharides are primarily composed of hexose or hexose derivatives, but a significant fraction is hemicellulose which contains pentose sugars. Prevotella ruminicola B14, a predominant ruminal bacterium, simultaneously metabolized pentoses and glucose or maltose, but the organism preferentially fermented pentoses over cellobiose and preferred xylose to sucrose. Xylose and arabinose transport at either low (2 M) or high (1 mM) substrate concentrations were observed only in the presence of sodium and if oxygen was excluded during the harvest and assay procedures. An artificial electrical potential () or chemical gradient of sodium (pNa) drove transport in anaerobically prepared membrane vesicles. Because (i) transport was electrogenic, (ii) a pNa drove uptake, and (iii) the number of sodium binding sites was approximately 1, it appeared that P. ruminicola possessed pentose/sodium symport mechanisms for the transport of arabinose and xylose at low substrate concentrations. Pentose uptake exhibited a low affinity for xylose or arabinose (>300M), and transport of xylose exhibited bi-phasic kinetics which suggested that a second sodium-dependent xylose transport system was present. Little study has been made on solute transport by Prevotella (Bacteroides) species and this work represents the first use of isolated membrane vesicles from these organisms.  相似文献   
A clinical trial of adoptive immunotherapy was carried out with peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), cocultured in vitro with autologous tumor cells and interieukin-2 (IL-2), in 14 patients with advanced melanoma. PBL from these patients were cocultured with irradiated autologous tumor cells for 7 days, which was followed by expansion in IL-2-containing medium. These lymphocytes were returned to the patient along with intravenous IL-2 at doses up to 2×106 IU m–2 day–1. A dose of 300 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide was administered to each patient intravenously 4 days prior to each treatment. Following coculture, the lymphocytes were primarily CD3+ T cells and they expressed varied degrees of cytotoxicity against autologous melanoma cells. In 9 patients the activated cells were al least 80% CD4+ and in 2 cases they were mostly CD8+. Some of the activated cells exhibited suppressor or helper activity in a functional regulatory coculture assay. No major therapeutic response was observed in this study. Minor responses were observed in 2 patients. Toxicities were those expected from the IL-2 dose administered.This work has been supported by an American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACS-IRG 91-230), by the University of Connecticut Clinical Research Center (grant 0021), and by the Hartford Hospital Research Fund (grant 1017-20-018). Dr. Sporn is a recipient of American Cancer Society Clinical Oncology Career Development Award 90-230  相似文献   
Fenge  Christel  Klein  Cornelia  Heuer  Carsten  Siegel  Ursula  Fraune  Elisabeth 《Cytotechnology》1993,11(3):233-244
For an optimized bioreactor design which is adapted to the cultivation of sensitive animal cells different modular bioreactor components for gentle agitation, sufficient aeration and long-term perfusion were developed and investigated with respect to their suitability from laboratory to production scale. Aeration systems have been designed for both shear sensitive cells and cells which tolerate bubbles. The systems are based on either membranes for bubble-free aeration or stainless steel sparger systems. They were characterized by determination of their oxygen transfer capacity and optimized in cultivation processes of different cell lines under process conditions such as batch and perfusion mode.Different impellers for suspension cells and cells grown on carriers were investigated for their suitability to ensure homogeneous gentle mixing. A large pitch blade impeller as well as a novel 3-blade segment impeller are appropriate for homogeneous mixing at low shear rates. Especially with the 3-blade segment impeller fluid mechanical stress can be reduced at a given stirrer speed which is advantageous for the cultivation of cells attached to microcarriers or extremely shear sensitive suspension cells. However, our results indicate that shear sensitivity of animal cells has been generally overestimated.Continuous perfusion of both suspension cell cultures and cells cultivated on microcarriers could be successfully performed over extended periods of time using stainless steel spinfilters with appropriate pore sizes and systems based on microporous hydrophilic membranes. Spinfilters are suitable cell retention systems for technical scale bioreactors allowing continuous perfusion cultures of suspension cells (pore size 10 to 20 m) as well as anchorage dependent cells grown on microcarriers (pore size 75 m) over six weeks to 3 months.Applying the developed modules for agitation, aeration and perfusion process adapted bioreactor set-ups can be realized which ensure optimum growth and product formation conditions in order to maximize cell and product yields.  相似文献   
Microspores of Lilium longiflorum were isolated at various stages of development surrounding the mitotic interval and were analyzed for changes in the activities of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and aldolase. Fructose 1,6 diphosphate was used as substrate. Activities were measured by the increase in optical density due to the reduction of diphosphopyridine nucleotide. It was found that mitosis occurs during the minimal activity of both aldolase and D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, thus indicating that heightened glycolytic capacity is not necessarily related to mitosis. It was also found that soluble-SH levels were highest when the enzymes were least active. It appeared, therefore, that the "—SH enzymes" are not necessarily activated intracellularly by high concentrations of soluble thiol. These results are discussed in connection with the theory that soluble-SH compounds stimulate glycolysis and in this way initiate mitosis.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurden die Aktionspotentiale der afferenten Nervenfasern aus den Lorenzinischen Ampullen des Katzenhaies (Scylliam) untersucht, während an den Ampullen definierte und thermoelektrisch registrierte Temperaturreize gesetzt wurden. Versuche in situ und an isolierten Präparationen ergaben keinen Unterschied. Die Entladung der Ampullen erwies sich als unempfindlich gegen mechanische Reize, dagegen äußerst empfindlich gegen thermische Einwirkung. Temperaturregistrierungen in den Ampullen zeigten, daß bei thermischen Reizen an der unverletzten Haut starke Temperaturänderungen il den Ampullen ablaufen.Bei konstanter Temperatur zeigt die Einzelfaser eine Dauerentladung, deren Frequenz zwischen 15 und 23° ein Maximum bis zu 65 Impulsen · sec–1 hat und nach den wärmeren und kälteren Temperaturen stetig bis zum Nullwert abfällt; die äußersten Grenzen sind 2 und 34°. Das Frequenzmaximum des Gesamtnerven liegt bei etwa 20°. Die höchste statische Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit der Einzelfaser erreicht im Bereich des positiven Temperaturkoeffizienten +7 Imp · s–1 · grad–1, im Bereich des negativen — 20 Imp · s–1 · grad–1. Kältesprünge führen im gesamten Aktionsbereich der Einzelfaser zu einer vorübergehenden Frequenzerhöhung bis 180 sec–1 mit anschließender Adaptation auf einen niedrigeren Dauerwert; die überschießende Frequenzerhöhung hängt dabei neben der Temperatur vor allem auch von deren Änderungsgesehwindigkeit d/dt ab. Die dynamische Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit erreicht dabei bis—90 Imp·s–1 · grad–1, wobei der Receptor auch außerhalb des statischen Aktionsbereiches noch dynamisch erregbar ist. — Bei Wärmesprüngen verhält sich die Entladung genau spiegelbildlich zur Abkühlung; nach vorübergehender partieller oder völliger Hemmung der Entladung stellt sie sich wieder auf einen Dauerwert ein.Isolierte Einzelampullen zeigen dieselben Erregungsgesetze, nur gehen hier die Spikes bei Abkühlung in regelmäßige Wellen über, die schwebungsartig moduliert sind und vermutlich durch Synchronisation von Fasern innerhalb der Ampulle zustande kommen.Das Verhalten der Lorenzinischen Ampullen entspricht qualitativ in allen Punkten dem der Kältereceptoren der Warmblüter; quantitativ sind die Ampullen noch etwas empfindlicher.Die Versuche wurden mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ausgeführt. Den Kollegen an der Zoologischen Station Neapel, insbesondere Herrn Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dohrn, möchte ich an dieser Stelle meinen aufrichtigen Dank für ihre freundliche Hilfe zum Ausdruck bringen.  相似文献   
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