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Segregation of chromosomes during meiosis depends on separase cleavage of Rec8, the meiosis-specific alpha-kleisin subunit of cohesin. We mapped Rec8 phosphorylation sites by mass spectrometry and show that, in fission yeast, Rec8 phosphorylation is required for proper chromosome disjunction during meiosis. We further show that the fission yeast casein kinase 1 (CK1) delta/epsilon isoforms Hhp1 and Hhp2 are required for full levels of Rec8 phosphorylation and for efficient removal of Rec8 at the onset of anaphase I. Our data are consistent with the model that Hhp1/Hhp2-dependent phosphorylation of Rec8 is required for separase-mediated cleavage of Rec8 during meiosis I.Key words: meiosis, chromosome segregation, cohesin, casein kinase, fission yeast  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is a process required not only for embryonal development but is encountered in wound healing and in pathological situations such as tumour growth. In vitro, formation of capillary-like structures can be induced by seeding human microvascular endothelial cells (HDMECs) on top of a fibrin matrix in the presence of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) as a stimulating agent. In this study, we show that supernatants collected from high-invasive melanoma cells (BLM) induce the formation of tubular structures similar to PMA treatment whereas supernatants from low-invasive cells (WM164) did not. Analysis of proteins secreted into the supernatant of both melanoma cell lines identified differential expression of several pro-angiogenic proteins in high- and low-invasive melanoma cells. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was strongly expressed by high- but not by low-invasive melanoma cells. Neutralisation of VEGF as well as inhibition of matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) using the broad spectrum MMP inhibitor 1,10-phenanthroline, both strongly reduced the melanoma-induced tube formation. PMA treatment of HDMECs on a fibrin matrix stimulated MT1-MMP synthesis, indicating that this protease is involved in PMA-induced angiogenesis. In addition, stimulation of HDMECs by supernatants of BLM melanoma cells resulted in a strong induction of ADAM-15, which is known to act as a metalloproteinase. In conclusion, these results show that VEGF released by melanoma cells is an important mediator of neo-vascularisation and that this process depends on the presence of metalloproteinases.  相似文献   
Proliferation studies on mammalian cells have been disadvantaged by the limited availability of non-invasive assays as the majority of approaches are based on chemical treatment, sampling or staining of cells removed from culture. In this study, we utilised the Cellscreen system (Innovatis AG, Bielefeld, Germany), a non-invasive automated technique for measuring proliferation of adherent and suspension cells over time. We have evaluated the ability of the Cellscreen system to monitor and quantify growth of adherent liver progenitor cells over time and tested several applications, (i) serum reduction or (ii) treatment with a cytokine. Our results demonstrate that the Cellscreen system reproducibly documents pro- and anti-proliferative effects of cytokines and growth factors and quantifies changes by providing cell-doubling times for control and test cultures. However, we found that for the conversion of cell density values into absolute cell numbers different conversion factors, which better suit the individual growth phases, need to be established. Collectively, these findings reveal that the Cellscreen system is applicable for the determination of cell proliferation of adherent and suspension cells in response to a variety of (growth) factors. It minimises operator participation and thus enables more rapid and larger screens and, being non-invasive, permits multiple assays on the same culture of cells. Hence, this technique proves superior to the common proliferation assays opening up new dimensions of proliferation studies in cell biology.  相似文献   
We studied patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) from an isolated population in the Netherlands aiming to map gene(s) involved in PD susceptibility. A total of 109 parkinsonism patients were independently ascertained, of whom 62 presented late-onset, idiopathic PD. Genealogical research showed that 45 index cases with idiopathic PD were linked to a common ancestor, indicating familiar clustering among the patients. This strong familial clustering was highly significant (P=0.005) when compared to random controls from the same population. We performed a genome wide scan using 382 polymorphic markers in 44 distantly related PD patients plus 112 unaffected first-degree relatives and spouses. Our genome wide association analysis (DISLAMB) revealed evidence of association at a nominal P-value<0.01 for markers D2S2333, D4S405, D9S158, D13S153. Other regions on chromosomes 3p, 4q, 14q, 17p and 17q were found at a significance level of P<0.05. In a follow-up study, we investigated all the positive regions using a denser marker set and a larger sample (total of 630 individuals including all late-onset PD patients). The strongest evidence for association remained for the 9q and 14q region. A significant association was found for marker D9S1838 (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.1–3.5, P=0.014) and D14S65 (OR=3.2, 95% CI 1.7–6.1, P<0.001). Moreover, a common haplotype with excess of sharing among late-onset PD cases was observed on both regions. Our results suggest the existence of two loci influencing PD susceptibility on chromosome 9q and 14q.  相似文献   
We have developed a microarray-based system for cell adhesion profiling of large panels of cell-adhesive proteins to increase the throughput of in vitro cell adhesion assays, which are currently primarily performed in multiwell plates. Miniaturizing cell adhesion assays to an array format required the development of protocols for the reproducible microspotting of extracellular matrix (ECM) protein solutions and for the handling of cell suspensions during the assay. We generated ECM protein microarrays with high reproducibility in microspot protein content using nitrocellulose-coated glass microslides, combined with piezoelectric microspotting of protein solutions. Protocols were developed that allowed us to use 5000 cells or fewer on an array of 4 x 4 mm consisting of 64 microspots. Using this microarray system, we identified differences of adhesive properties of three cell lines to 14 different ECM proteins. Furthermore, the sensitivity and accuracy of the assays were increased using microarrays with ranges of ECM protein amounts. This microarray system will be particularly useful for extensive comparative cell adhesion profiling studies when only low amounts of adhesive substrate and cells, such as stem cells or cells from biopsies, are available.  相似文献   
Wolf F  Wandke C  Isenberg N  Geley S 《The EMBO journal》2006,25(12):2802-2813
The disassembly of the mitotic spindle and exit from mitosis require the inactivation of Cdk1. Here, we show that expression of nondegradable cyclinB1 causes dose-dependent mitotic arrest phenotypes. By monitoring chromosomes in living cells, we determined that pronounced overexpression of stable cyclinB1 entailed metaphase arrest without detectable sister chromatid separation, while moderate overexpression arrested cells in a pseudometaphase state, in which separated sister chromatids were kept at the cellular equator by a bipolar 'metaphase-like' spindle. Chromosomes that left the pseudometaphase plate became pulled back and individual kinetochores were found to be merotelically attached to both spindle poles in stable cyclinB1 arrested cells. Inactivation of the chromokinesin hKid, by RNAi or antibody microinjection, prevented the formation of stable bipolar spindles and the 'metaphase-like' alignment of chromosomes in cells expressing stable cyclinB1. These experiments show that cyclinB1 is able to maintain a bipolar spindle even after sister chromatids had become separated and suggest an important role of hKid in this process. Cells expressing low levels of nondegradable cyclinB1 progressed further in mitosis and arrested in telophase.  相似文献   
Malaria parasites export proteins beyond their own plasma membrane to locations in the red blood cells in which they reside. Maurer's clefts are parasite-derived structures within the host cell cytoplasm that are thought to function as a sorting compartment between the parasite and the erythrocyte membrane. However, the genesis of this compartment and the signals directing proteins to the Maurer's clefts are not known. We have generated Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimeras of a Maurer's cleft resident protein, the membrane-associated histidine-rich protein 1 (MAHRP1). Chimeras of full-length MAHRP1 or fragments containing part of the N-terminal domain and the transmembrane domain are successfully delivered to Maurer's clefts. Other fragments remain trapped within the parasite. Fluorescence photobleaching and time-lapse imaging techniques indicate that MAHRP1-GFP is initially trafficked to isolated subdomains in the parasitophorous vacuole membrane that appear to represent nascent Maurer's clefts. The data suggest that the Maurer's clefts bud from the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and diffuse within the erythrocyte cytoplasm before taking up residence at the cell periphery.  相似文献   
Blood coagulation factor XII (FXII, Hageman factor) is a plasma serine protease which is autoactivated following contact with negatively charged surfaces in a reaction involving plasma kallikrein and high-molecular-weight kininogen (contact phase activation). Active FXII has the ability to initiate blood clotting via the intrinsic pathway of coagulation and inflammatory reactions via the kallikrein-kinin system. Here we have determined FXII-mediated bradykinin formation and clotting in plasma. Western blotting analysis with specific antibodies against various parts of the contact factors revealed that limited activation of FXII is sufficient to promote plasma kallikrein activation, resulting in the conversion of high-molecular-weight kininogen and bradykinin generation. The presence of platelets significantly promoted FXII-initiated bradykinin formation. Similarly, in vitro clotting assays revealed that platelets critically promoted FXII-driven thrombin and fibrin formation. In summary, our data suggest that FXII-initiated protease cascades may proceed on platelet surfaces, with implications for inflammation and clotting.  相似文献   
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