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Malaria transmission is dependent on the propensity of Anopheles mosquitoes to bite humans (anthropophily) instead of other dead end hosts. Recent increases in the usage of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs) in Africa have been associated with reductions in highly anthropophilic and endophilic vectors such as Anopheles gambiae s.s., leaving species with a broader host range, such as Anopheles arabiensis, as the most prominent remaining source of transmission in many settings. An. arabiensis appears to be more of a generalist in terms of its host choice and resting behavior, which may be due to phenotypic plasticity and/or segregating allelic variation. To investigate the genetic basis of host choice and resting behavior in An. arabiensis we sequenced the genomes of 23 human-fed and 25 cattle-fed mosquitoes collected both in-doors and out-doors in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. We identified a total of 4,820,851 SNPs, which were used to conduct the first genome-wide estimates of “SNP heritability” for host choice and resting behavior in this species. A genetic component was detected for host choice (human vs cow fed; permuted P = 0.002), but there was no evidence of a genetic component for resting behavior (indoors versus outside; permuted P = 0.465). A principal component analysis (PCA) segregated individuals based on genomic variation into three groups which were characterized by differences at the 2Rb and/or 3Ra paracentromeric chromosome inversions. There was a non-random distribution of cattle-fed mosquitoes between the PCA clusters, suggesting that alleles linked to the 2Rb and/or 3Ra inversions may influence host choice. Using a novel inversion genotyping assay, we detected a significant enrichment of the standard arrangement (non-inverted) of 3Ra among cattle-fed mosquitoes (N = 129) versus all non-cattle-fed individuals (N = 234; χ2, p = 0.007). Thus, tracking the frequency of the 3Ra in An. arabiensis populations may be of use to infer selection on host choice behavior within these vector populations; possibly in response to vector control. Controlled host-choice assays are needed to discern whether the observed genetic component has a direct relationship with innate host preference. A better understanding of the genetic basis for host feeding behavior in An. arabiensis may also open avenues for novel vector control strategies based on driving genes for zoophily into wild mosquito populations.  相似文献   
Herpesvirus envelopment is assumed to follow an uneconomical pathway including primary envelopment at the inner nuclear membrane, de-envelopment at the outer nuclear membrane, and reenvelopment at the trans-Golgi network. In contrast to the hypothesis of de-envelopment by fusion of the primary envelope with the outer nuclear membrane, virions were demonstrated to be transported from the perinuclear space to rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisternae. Here we show by high-resolution microscopy that herpes simplex virus 1 envelopment follows two diverse pathways. First, nuclear envelopment includes budding of capsids at the inner nuclear membrane into the perinuclear space whereby tegument and a thick electron dense envelope are acquired. The substance responsible for the dense envelope is speculated to enable intraluminal transportation of virions via RER into Golgi cisternae. Within Golgi cisternae, virions are packaged into transport vacuoles containing one or several virions. Second, for cytoplasmic envelopment, capsids gain direct access from the nucleus to the cytoplasm via impaired nuclear pores. Cytoplasmic capsids could bud at the outer nuclear membrane, at membranes of RER, Golgi cisternae, and large vacuoles, and at banana-shaped membranous entities that were found to continue into Golgi membranes. Envelopes originating by budding at the outer nuclear membrane and RER membrane also acquire a dense substance. Budding at Golgi stacks, designated wrapping, results in single virions within small vacuoles that contain electron-dense substances between envelope and vacuolar membranes.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-based amplicon vectors have a large transgene capacity and can efficiently infect many different cell types. One disadvantage of HSV-1 vectors is their instability of transgene expression. By contrast, vectors based on adeno-associated virus (AAV) can either persist in an episomal form or integrate into the host cell genome, thereby supporting long-term gene expression. AAV expresses four rep genes, rep68, -78, -40, and -52. Of those, rep68 or rep78 are sufficient to mediate site-specific integration of the AAV DNA into the host cell genome. The major disadvantage of AAV vectors is the small transgene capacity ( approximately 4.6 kb). In this study, we constructed HSV/AAV hybrid vectors that contained, in addition to the standard HSV-1 amplicon elements, AAV rep68, rep78, both rep68 and -78, or all four rep genes and a reporter gene that was flanked by the AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). Southern blots of Hirt DNA from cells transfected with the hybrid vectors and HSV-1 helper DNA demonstrated that both the AAV elements and the HSV-1 elements were functional in the context of the hybrid vector. All hybrid vectors could be packaged into HSV-1 virions, although those containing rep sequences had lower titers than vectors that did not. Site-specific integration at AAVS1 on human chromosome 19 was directly demonstrated by PCR and sequence analysis of ITR-AAVS1 junctions in hybrid vector-transduced 293 cells. Cell clones that stably expressed the transgene for at least 12 months could easily be isolated without chemical selection. In the majority of these clones, the transgene cassette was integrated at AAVS1, and no sequences outside the ITR cassette, rep in particular, were present as determined by PCR, ITR rescue/replication assays, and Southern analysis. Some of the clones contained random integrations of the transgene cassette alone or together with sequences outside the ITR cassette. These data indicate that the long-term transgene expression observed following transduction with HSV/AAV hybrid vectors is, at least in part, supported by chromosomal integration of the transgene cassette, both randomly and site specifically.  相似文献   
We performed live cell visualization assays to directly assess the interaction between competing adeno-associated virus (AAV) and herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA replication. Our studies reveal the formation of separate AAV and HSV-1 replication compartments and the inhibition of HSV-1 replication compartment formation in the presence of AAV. AAV Rep is recruited into AAV replication compartments but not into those of HSV-1, while the single-stranded DNA-binding protein HSV-1 ICP8 is recruited into both AAV and HSV-1 replication compartments, although with differential staining patterns. Slot blot analysis of coinfected cells revealed a dose-dependent inhibition of HSV-1 DNA replication by wild-type AAV but not by rep-negative recombinant AAV. Consistent with this, Western blot analysis indicated that wild-type AAV affects the levels of the HSV-1 immediate-early protein ICP4 and the early protein ICP8 only modestly but strongly inhibits the accumulation of the late proteins VP16 and gC. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the presence of Rep in the absence of AAV DNA replication is sufficient for the inhibition of HSV-1. In particular, Rep68/78 proteins severely inhibit the formation of mature HSV-1 replication compartments and lead to the accumulation of ICP8 at sites of cellular DNA synthesis, a phenomenon previously observed in the presence of viral polymerase inhibitors. Taken together, our results suggest that AAV and HSV-1 replicate in separate compartments and that AAV Rep inhibits HSV-1 at the level of DNA replication.  相似文献   


The process of restenosis after a stenting procedure is related to local biomechanical environment. Arterial wall stresses caused by the interaction of the stent with the vascular wall and possibly stress induced stent strut fracture are two important parameters. The knowledge of these parameters after stent deployment in a patient derived 3D reconstruction of a diseased coronary artery might give insights in the understanding of the process of restenosis.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are secreted regulatory proteins involved in various developmental processes. In vertebrates, the FGF superfamily comprises 22 members. In non-vertebrates, six FGF genes have been identified in Ciona intestinalis, three in Drosophila melanogaster, and two (let-756 and egl-17) in Caenorhabditis elegans. The core of LET-756 shares a 30-50% sequence identity with the various members of the superfamily. The relationships between vertebrate and non-vertebrate FGFs are not clear. We made chimeric FGFs by replacing the core region of LET-756 by the cores of various mammalian, fly, and worm FGFs. LET-756 deleted in its core region was no longer able to rescue the lethal phenotype of a let-756 null mutant, and only chimeras containing the cores of FGFs 9, 16, and 20 showed rescue capacity. This core contains an internal motif of six amino acid residues (EFISIA) whose deletion or mutation abolished both the rescue activity and FGF secretion in the supernatant of transfected COS-1 cells. Chimera containing the core of C. intestinalis FGF9/16/20, a potential ortholog of FGF9 lacking the complete EFISIA motif, was not able to rescue the lethal phenotype or be secreted. However, the introduction of the EFISIA motif restored both activities. The data show that the EFISIA motif in the core of LET-756 is essential for its biological activity and that FGFs 9, 16, and 20, which contain that motif, are functionally close to LET-756 and may be evolutionary related. This non-classical mode of secretion using an internal motif is conserved throughout evolution.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis suspension cells a rapid plasma membrane depolarization is triggered by abscisic acid (ABA). Activation of anion channels was shown to be a component leading to this ABA-induced plasma membrane depolarization. Using experiments employing combined voltage clamping, continuous measurement of extracellular pH, we examined whether plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases could also be involved in the depolarization. We found that ABA causes simultaneously cell depolarization and medium alkalinization, the second effect being abolished when ABA is added in the presence of H+ pump inhibitors. Inhibition of the proton pump by ABA is thus a second component leading to the plasma membrane depolarization. The ABA-induced depolarization is therefore the result of two different processes: activation of anion channels and inhibition of H(+)-ATPases. These two processes are independent because impairing one did not suppress the depolarization. Both processes are however dependent on the [Ca2+]cyt increase induced by ABA since increase in [Ca(2+)](cyt) enhanced anion channels and impaired H(+)-ATPases.  相似文献   
Both enteroviral infection of the heart and mutations in the dystrophin gene can cause cardiomyopathy. Little is known, however, about the interaction between genetic and acquired forms of cardiomyopathy. We previously demonstrated that the enteroviral protease 2A cleaves dystrophin; therefore, we hypothesized that dystrophin deficiency would predispose to enterovirus-induced cardiomyopathy. We observed more severe cardiomyopathy, worsening over time, and greater viral replication in dystrophin-deficient mice infected with enterovirus than in infected wild-type mice. This difference appears to be a result of more efficient release of the virus from dystrophin-deficient myocytes. In addition, we found that expression of wild-type dystrophin in cultured cells decreased the cytopathic effect of enteroviral infection and the release of virus from the cell. We also found that expression of a cleavage-resistant mutant dystrophin further inhibited the virally mediated cytopathic effect and viral release. These results indicate that viral infection can influence the severity and penetrance of the cardiomyopathy that occurs in the hearts of dystrophin-deficient individuals.  相似文献   
Macrophage pseudopodia that surround objects during phagocytosis contain a meshwork of actin filaments and exclude organelles. Between these pseudopodia at the base of developing phagosomes, the organelle exclusion ceases, and lysosomes enter the cell periphery to fuse with the phagosomes. Macrophages also extend hyaline pseudopodia on the surface of nylon wool fibers and secrete lysosomal enzymes into the extracellular medium instead of into phagosomes. To analyze biochemically these concurrent alterations in cytoplasmic architecture, we allowed rabbit lung macrophages to spread on nylon wool fibers and then subjected the adherent cells to shear. This procedure caused the selective release of β-glucoronidase into the extracellular medium and yielded two fractions, cell bodies and isolated pseudopod blebs resembling podosomes, which are plasma-lemma-bounded sacs of cortical cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic extracts of the cell bodies eluted from nylon fibers contained two-thirds less actin-binding protein and myosin, and approximately 20 percent less actin and two-thirds of the other two proteins were accounted for in podosomes. The alterations in protein composition correlated with assays of myosin-associated EDTA-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity, and with a diminution in the capacity of extracts of nylon wool fiber-treated cell bodies to gel, a property dependent on the interaction between actin-binding protein and F-actin. However, the capacity of the remaining actin in cell bodies to polymerize did not change. We propose that actin-binding protein and myosin are concentrated in the cell cortex and particularly in pseudopodia where prominent gelation and syneresis of actin occur. Actin in the regions from which actin-binding protein and myosin are displaced disaggregates without depolymerizing, permitting lysosomes to gain access to the plasmalemma. Translocation of contractile proteins could therefore account for the concomitant differences in organelle exclusion that characterize phagocytosis.  相似文献   
Patients with coronary disease remain at high risk for future cardiovascular events, even with optimal risk factor modification, lipid-lowering drugs and antithrombotic regimens. A myriad of inflammatory pathways contribute to progression of the atherosclerotic burden in these patients. Only in the last few years has the inflammatory biology of atherosclerosis translated into clinical therapeutic options. Low-dose colchicine can provide a clinically relevant reduction in the risk for composite and individual major cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute and chronic coronary syndromes. Among others, its anti-inflammatory effects in atherosclerosis seem to be related to neutrophil recruitment and adhesion, inflammasome inhibition, and morphological changes in platelets and platelet aggregation. Future research is aimed at further elucidating its particular mechanism of action, as well as identifying patients with the highest expected benefit and evaluating efficacy in other vascular beds. These data will help to formulate the role of colchicine and other anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with coronary disease and atherosclerosis in general in the near future.  相似文献   
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