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Ventilation is unstable during drowsiness before sleep onset. We have studied the effects of transitory changes in cerebral state during drowsiness on breath duration and lung volume in eight healthy subjects in the absence of changes in airway resistance and fluctuations of ventilation and CO2 tension, characteristic of the onset of non-rapid eye movement sleep. A volume-cycled ventilator in the assist control mode was used to maintain CO2 tension close to that when awake. Changes in cerebral state were determined by the EEG on a breath-by-breath basis and classified as alpha or theta breaths. Breath duration and the pause in gas flow between the end of expiratory airflow and the next breath were computed for two alpha breaths which preceded a theta breath and for the theta breath itself. The group mean (SD) results for this alpha-to-theta transition was associated with a prolongation in breath duration from 5.2 (SD 1.3) to 13.0 s (SD 2.1) and expiratory pause from 0.7 (SD 0.4) to 7.5 s (SD 2.2). Because the changes in arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) are unknown during the theta breaths, we made in two subjects a continuous record of PaCO2 in the radial artery. PaCO2 remained constant from the alpha breaths through to the expiratory period of the theta breath by which time the duration of breath was already prolonged, representing an immediate and altered ventilatory response to the prevailing PaCO2. In the eight subjects, the CO2 tension awake was 39.6 Torr (SD 2.3) and on assisted ventilation 38.0 Torr (1.4). We conclude that the ventilatory instability recorded in the present experiments is due to the apneic threshold for CO2 being at or just below that when awake.  相似文献   
The complete sequence of a type-1 metacaspase from Acanthamoeba castellanii is reported comprising 478 amino acids. The metacaspase was recovered from an expression library using sera specific for membrane components implicated in stimulating encystation. A central domain of 155 amino acid residues contains the Cys/His catalytic dyad and is the most conserved region containing at least 30 amino acid identities in all metacaspases. The Acanthamoeba castellanii metacaspase has the most proline-rich N-terminus so far reported in type-1 metacaspases with over 40 prolines in the first 150 residues. Ala–Pro–Pro is present 11 times. Phylogenies constructed using only the conserved proteolytic domains or the complete sequences show identical branching patterns, differing only in the rates of change.  相似文献   
The histone demethylase, lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2A (Kdm2a), is highly conserved and expressed ubiquitously. Kdm2a can regulate cell proliferation and osteo/dentinogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from dental tissue. We used quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemistry to detect Kdm2a expression during development of the murine molar at embryonic days E12, E14, E16 and E17 and postnatal days P3 and P14. Immunohistochemistry results showed no positive staining of Kdm2a at E12. At E14, Kdm2a was expressed weakly in the inner enamel epithelium, stellate reticulum cells and dental sac. At E16, Kdm2a was expressed mainly in the inner and outer enamel epithelium, stratum intermedium and dental sac, but weaker staining was found in cervical loop and dental papilla cells adjacent to the basement membrane. At E17, the strongest Kdm2a staining was detected in the ameloblasts and stronger Kdm2a staining also was detected in the stratum intermedium, outer enamel epithelium and dental papilla cells compared to the expression at E16. Postnatally, we found that Kdm2a was localized in secretory and mature ameloblasts and odontoblasts, and dentin was unstained. Real-time RT-PCR showed that Kdm2a mRNA levels in murine germ cells increased from E12 to E14 and from E14 to E16; no significant change occurred at E16, E17 or P3, then the levels decreased at P14 compared to P3. Kdm2a expression may be closely related to cell proliferation, to ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation and to the secretion of extracellular enamel and dentin during murine tooth development.  相似文献   
We have discovered a series of inhibitors of the assembly of the HPV11 E1-E2-origin DNA complex, which incorporate an indandione fused to a substituted tetrahydrofuran.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex virus infections are the cause of significant morbidity, and currently used therapeutics are largely based on modified nucleoside analogs that inhibit viral DNA polymerase function. To target this disease in a new way, we have identified and optimized selective thiazolylphenyl-containing inhibitors of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) helicase-primase enzyme. The most potent compounds inhibited the helicase, the primase and the DNA-dependent ATPase activities of the enzyme with IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) values less than 100 nM. Inhibition of the enzymatic activities was through stabilization of the interaction between the helicase-primase and DNA substrates, preventing the progression through helicase or primase catalytic cycles. Helicase-primase inhibitors also prevented viral replication as demonstrated in viral growth assays. One compound, BILS 179 BS, displayed an EC50 (effective concentration inhibiting viral growth by 50%) of 27 nM against viral growth with a selectivity index greater than 2,000. Antiviral activity was also demonstrated for multiple strains of HSV, including strains resistant to nucleoside-based therapies. Most importantly, BILS 179 BS was orally active against HSV infections in murine models of HSV-1 and HSV-2 disease and more effective than acyclovir when the treatment frequency per day was reduced or when initiation of treatment was delayed up to 65 hours after infection. These studies validate the use of helicase-primase inhibitors for the treatment of acute herpesvirus infections and provide new lead compounds for optimization and design of superior anti-HSV agents.  相似文献   
The E1 helicase of papillomavirus is required, in addition to host cell DNA replication factors, during the initiation and elongation phases of viral episome replication. During initiation, the viral E2 protein promotes the assembly of enzymatically active multimeric E1 complexes at the viral origin of DNA replication. In this study we used the two-hybrid system and chemical cross-linking to demonstrate that human papillomavirus type 11 (HPV11) E1 can self-associate in yeast and form hexamers in vitro in a reaction stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Self-association in yeast was most readily detected using constructs spanning the E1 C-terminal domain (amino acids 353 to 649) and was dependent on a minimal E1-E1 interaction region located between amino acids 353 and 431. The E1 C-terminal domain was also able to oligomerize in vitro but, in contrast to wild-type E1, did so efficiently in the absence of single-stranded DNA. Sequences located between amino acids 191 and 353 were necessary for single-stranded DNA to modulate oligomerization of E1 and were also required, together with the rest of the C terminus, for binding of E1 to the origin. Two regions within the C-terminal domain were identified as important for oligomerization: the ATP-binding domain and region A, which is located within the minimal E1-E1 interaction domain and is one of four regions of E1 that is highly conserved with the large T antigens of simian virus 40 and polyomavirus. Amino acid substitutions of highly conserved residues within the ATP-binding domain and region A were identified that reduced the ability of E1 to oligomerize and bind to the origin in vitro and to support transient DNA replication in vivo. These results support the notion that oligomerization of E1 occurs primarily through the C-terminal domain of the protein and is allosterically regulated by DNA and ATP. The bipartite organization of the E1 C-terminal domain is reminiscent of that found in other hexameric proteins and suggests that these proteins may oligomerize by a similar mechanism.  相似文献   
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