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Tuberculosis requires rapid diagnosis to prevent further transmission and allow prompt administration of treatment. Current methods for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis lack sensitivity are expensive or are extremely slow. The identification of lipids using gas chromatography- electron impact mass spectrometry (GC-EI/MS) could provide an alternative solution. We have studied mycocerosic acid components of the phthiocerol dimycocerosate (PDIM) family of lipids using thermochemolysis GC-EI/MS. To facilitate use of the technology in a routine diagnostic laboratory a simple extraction procedure was employed where PDIMs were extracted from sputum using petroleum ether, a solvent of low polarity. We also investigated a method using methanolic tetramethylammonium hydroxide, which facilitates direct transesterification of acidic components to methyl esters in the inlet of the GC-MS system. This eliminates conventional chemical manipulations allowing rapid and convenient analysis of samples. When applied to an initial set of 40 sputum samples, interpretable results were obtained for 35 samples with a sensitivity relative to culture of 94% (95%CI: 69.2,100) and a specificity of 100% (95%CI: 78.1,100). However, blinded testing of a larger set of 395 sputum samples found the assay to have a sensitivity of 61.3% (95%CI: 54.9,67.3) and a specificity of 70.6% (95%CI: 62.3,77.8) when compared to culture. Using the results obtained we developed an improved set of classification criteria, which when applied in a blinded re-analysis increased the sensitivity and specificity of the assay to 64.9% (95%CI: 58.6,70.8) and 76.2% (95%CI: 68.2,82.8) respectively. Highly variable levels of background signal were observed from individual sputum samples that inhibited interpretation of the data. The diagnostic potential of using thermochemolytic GC-EI/MS of PDIM biomarkers for diagnosis of tuberculosis in sputum has been established; however, further refinements in sample processing are required to enhance the sensitivity and robustness of the test.  相似文献   
The abundances, compositions, and activities of microbial communities were investigated at bog and fen sites in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatland of northwestern Minnesota. These sites contrast in the reactivity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the presence or absence of groundwater inputs. Microbial community composition was characterized using pyrosequencing and clone library construction of phylogenetic marker genes. Microbial distribution patterns were linked to pH, concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen, C/N ratios, optical properties of DOM, and activities of laccase and peroxidase enzymes. Both bacterial and archaeal richness and rRNA gene abundance were >2 times higher on average in the fen than in the bog, in agreement with a higher pH, labile DOM content, and enhanced enzyme activities in the fen. Fungi were equivalent to an average of 1.4% of total prokaryotes in gene abundance assayed by quantitative PCR. Results revealed statistically distinct spatial patterns between bacterial and fungal communities. Fungal distribution did not covary with pH and DOM optical properties and was vertically stratified, with a prevalence of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota near the surface and much higher representation of Zygomycota in the subsurface. In contrast, bacterial community composition largely varied between environments, with the bog dominated by Acidobacteria (61% of total sequences), while the Firmicutes (52%) dominated in the fen. Acetoclastic Methanosarcinales showed a much higher relative abundance in the bog, in contrast to the dominance of diverse hydrogenotrophic methanogens in the fen. This is the first quantitative and compositional analysis of three microbial domains in peatlands and demonstrates that the microbial abundance, diversity, and activity parallel with the pronounced differences in environmental variables between bog and fen sites.  相似文献   
Polyadenylation regulation and efficient nuclear export of mature mRNPs both require the polyadenosine-RNA-binding protein, Nab2, which contains seven CCCH Zn fingers. We describe here the solution structure of fingers 5-7, which are necessary and sufficient for high-affinity polyadenosine-RNA binding, and identify key residues involved. These Zn fingers form a single structural unit. Structural coherence is lost in the RNA-binding compromised Nab2-C437S mutant, which also suppresses the rat8-2 allele of RNA helicase Dbp5. Structure-guided Nab2 variants indicate that dbp5(rat8-2) suppression is more closely linked to hyperadenylation and suppression of mutant alleles of the nuclear RNA export adaptor, Yra1, than to affinity for polyadenosine-RNA. These results indicate that, in addition to modulating polyA tail length, Nab2 has an unanticipated function associated with generating export-competent mRNPs, and that changes within fingers 5-7 lead to suboptimal assembly of mRNP export complexes that are more easily disassembled by Dbp5 upon reaching the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Neuroinflammation and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress are associated with many neurological diseases. Here, we have examined the interaction between ER stress and JAK/STAT-dependent inflammation in glial cells. We show that ER stress is present in the central nervous system (CNS) concomitant with inflammation and astrogliosis in the multiple sclerosis (MS) mouse model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Astrocytes do not easily succumb to ER stress but rather activate an inflammatory program involving activation of STAT3 in a JAK1-dependent fashion. ER stress-induced activation of the JAK1/STAT3 axis leads to expression of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and several chemokines. Moreover, the activation of STAT3 signaling is dependent on PERK, a central component of the ER stress response, which we show is phosphorylated by JAK1. Disruption of PERK abrogates ER stress-induced activation of STAT3 and subsequent gene expression. Additionally, ER-stressed astrocytes, via paracrine signaling, can stimulate activation of microglia, leading to production of IL-6 and oncostatin M (OSM). These IL-6 cytokines can then synergize with ER stress in astrocytes to drive inflammation. Together, this work describes a new PERK/JAK1/STAT3 signaling pathway that elicits a feed-forward inflammatory loop involving astrocytes and microglia to drive neuroinflammation, which may be relevant in diseases such as MS.  相似文献   
Prosthetic devices need to be controlled by their users, typically using physiological signals. People tend to look at objects before reaching for them and we have shown that combining eye movements with other continuous physiological signal sources enhances control. This approach suffers when subjects also look at non-targets, a problem we addressed with a probabilistic mixture over targets where subject gaze information is used to identify target candidates. However, this approach would be ineffective if a user wanted to move towards targets that have not been foveated. Here we evaluated how the accuracy of prior target information influenced decoding accuracy, as the availability of neural control signals was varied. We also considered a mixture model where we assumed that the target may be foveated or, alternatively, that the target may not be foveated. We tested the accuracy of the models at decoding natural reaching data, and also in a closed-loop robot-assisted reaching task. The mixture model worked well in the face of high target uncertainty. Furthermore, errors due to inaccurate target information were reduced by including a generic model that relied on neural signals only.  相似文献   
In addition to environmental factors and intrinsic variations in base substitution rates, specific genome-destabilizing mutations can shape the mutational trajectory of genomes. How specific alleles influence the nature and position of accumulated mutations in a genomic context is largely unknown. Understanding the impact of genome-destabilizing alleles is particularly relevant to cancer genomes where biased mutational signatures are identifiable. We first created a more complete picture of cellular pathways that impact mutation rate using a primary screen to identify essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene mutations that cause mutator phenotypes. Drawing primarily on new alleles identified in this resource, we measure the impact of diverse mutator alleles on mutation patterns directly by whole-genome sequencing of 68 mutation-accumulation strains derived from wild-type and 11 parental mutator genotypes. The accumulated mutations differ across mutator strains, displaying base-substitution biases, allele-specific mutation hotspots, and break-associated mutation clustering. For example, in mutants of POLα and the Cdc13Stn1Ten1 complex, we find a distinct subtelomeric bias for mutations that we show is independent of the target sequence. Together our data suggest that specific genome-instability mutations are sufficient to drive discrete mutational signatures, some of which share properties with mutation patterns seen in tumors. Thus, in a population of cells, genome-instability mutations could influence clonal evolution by establishing discrete mutational trajectories for genomes.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of cytokines on the activation of the DNA double strand break repair factors histone H2AX (H2AX) and ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) were examined in pancreatic β cells. We show that cytokines stimulate H2AX phosphorylation (γH2AX formation) in rat islets and insulinoma cells in a nitric oxide- and ATM-dependent manner. In contrast to the well documented role of ATM in DNA repair, ATM does not appear to participate in the repair of nitric oxide-induced DNA damage. Instead, nitric oxide-induced γH2AX formation correlates temporally with the onset of irreversible DNA damage and the induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, inhibition of ATM attenuates cytokine-induced caspase activation. These findings show that the formation of DNA double strand breaks correlates with ATM activation, irreversible DNA damage, and ATM-dependent induction of apoptosis in cytokine-treated β cells.  相似文献   
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an important disease of low birth-weight neonates. The immaturity of the gut mucosa may result in close contact between the host epithelium and microorganisms which are normally confined to the gut lumen. Damage of the mucosa due to endotoxin, cytokine production or other factors is believed to then occur. The aim of this study was to determine whether spray-dried bovine colostrum demonstrated potential in vitro as a prophylactic for NEC. Antiadherence was measured using a tissue culture assay and antibody levels against Enterobacteriaceae were determined by ELISA. The effect of bovine colostrum on the production of cytokines implicated in NEC was determined by a multiplex bead assay. Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens and Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp. pneumoniae were common in both NEC positive and NEC negative infants and IgA and IgG1 antibodies to these species were present in the bovine colostrum. Pretreatment with bovine colostrum produced a significant decrease (P<0.001) in attachment of bacteria to HT-29 cells. Bovine colostrum significantly increased the production of IL-8 in HT-29 cells and IL-8, IL-6 and TNF-alpha in THP-1 cells (P<0.001). The potential of bovine colostrum to increase the production of inflammatory mediators could limit its usefulness.  相似文献   
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