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Two adult sisters affected by cystic fibrosis were both shown to carry two different alterations within exon 11 of the CFTR gene, the nonsense mutation G542X and the missense mutation G551D. Both patients exhibit a relatively benign clinical course. In the described patients, G542X functions as a mild allele and is, in this respect, dominant to the severe G551D.  相似文献   
A cell has been isolated from explanted rabbit liver which contains, during all phases of its growth in culture, hundreds of lipid-rich particles with a distinct limiting membrane. The cell grows logarithmically with a generation time of 19 to 20 hours and during mitosis the particles are distributed between the daughter cells. Associated with the particles is the high total lipid content of the rabbit liver cell as compared with a rat liver cell, which contains few, if any, lipid-rich particles. This difference in lipid content between the two cells is due primarily to an increase in the triglyceride fraction, in contradistinction to small differences in the polar lipid and sterol ester fractions. The lipid-rich particles have been isolated and found to contain 90 per cent triglyceride on a dry weight basis. The "genetic" factors responsible for the high concentration of lipid-rich particles and triglycerides in the rabbit liver cell require for their full expression one or more factors which are present in much higher effective concentrations in rabbit serum than in horse serum. The hypothesis is advanced that the lipid-rich particles represent a normal state of the non-structural cell lipid. A procedure is described for the quantitative isolation of the lipid of cultured cells.  相似文献   
The effects of copper on the activity of erythrocyte (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase have been tested on membranes stripped of endogenous calmodulin or recombined with purified calmodulin. The interactions of copper with Ca2+, calmodulin and (Mg-ATP)2? were determined by kinetic studies. The most striking result is the potent competitive inhibition exerted by (Cu-ATP)2? against (Mg-ATP)2?Ki = 2.8 μM), while free copper gives no characteristic inhibition. Our results also demonstrate that copper does not compete with calcium either on the enzyme or on calmodulin. The fixation of calmodulin on the enzyme is not altered in the presence of copper as shown by the fact that the dissociation constant remains unaffected. It may be speculated that (Cu-ATP)2? is the active form of copper, which could plausibly be at the origin of some of the pathological features of erythrocytes observed in conditions associated with excess copper.  相似文献   
Culture filtrates were prepared from dermatophytes under standard conditions and adapted for analytical isoelectric focusing in thin layer polyacrylamide gels over the pH range 3.5-9.5. Dermatophytes grown in trypticase soy broth secreted a large number of proteins displaying a wide range of isoelectric points (pIs). Trichophyton megninii extracts contained a triplet of proteins focusing in the pH 8.0-8.5 range that were absent in taxonomically related T. kuryangei isolates. Single ascospore isolates and standard tester strains of Nannizzia otae (+) mating type were differentiated from the (-) mating type by proteins focusing at pH 6.5 and 8.4. These were markedly reduced in the (+) type. The isofocused pattern of Microsporum canis conformed closely to the (-) mating type of N. otae. The protein patterns of T. megninii and T. kuryangei were distinct from those obtained with M. canis and M. equinum because of an intense-staining broad protein band, pI 7.2, and three periodic acid-Schiff-positive glycoproteins focusing in the acidic range which were absent in the Microsporum species. A characteristic protein or doublet (pI 8.7) was present in the Microsporum species and absent in the Trichophyton species. Analytical isoelectric focusing is a potentially useful method to distinguish inter- and intra-species differences in the pattern of secreted dermatophyte proteins present in culture filtrates and in trichophytins. The information derived may be useful in the classification of species.  相似文献   
Human cell lines maintained by in vitro stimulation with the HLA-A, B-negative, DR-positive, Epstein Barr virus-transformed, lymphoblastoid cell line Daudi in the presence of conditioned medium demonstrated significant NK activity for over 6 wk in continuous culture. These cells lyse K562 and a broad panel of lymphoblastoid cell lines but do not lyse normal peripheral blood lymphocytes or pokeweed mitogen blasts. They possess the sheep red blood cell receptor but lack other T cell markers (Lyt-3+, OKT3-). Natural killer activity correlated with the presence of a Mac 1-positive subpopulation of cells present in these long-term lines.  相似文献   
Pollen of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. was germinated for 12 h in growth medium containing 1·10-4 M chlorotetracycline (CTC), or growing tubes were treated with 1·10-4 M CTC for up to 2 h. These treatments have drastic effects: In the CTC-containing medium, out-growing tubes form only short tubes. Irregular wall thickenings are visible. Thirty minutes CTC-treatment cause growing tubes to bend and grow back toward the grain. Electron micrographs of CTC-treated tubes show that CTC affects the organelle distribution: The polar zonation of organelles is disturbed. Vesicle-and endoplasmic reticulum-accumulations are found in the wrong places, together with extensive wall thickenings and a very irregular plasma membrane. The structural details of most cell organelles look normal after CTC treatment, but the mitochondria possess unusual cristae, and microtubules are absent. The disoriented growth is interpreted as an effect of the ability of CTC to chelate intracellular calcium ions, to bind them to membranes, and thus to disturb the dynamics of the delicate Ca2+-equilibria thought to regulate oriented exocytosis.Abbreviations CTC chlorotetracycline - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   
The effects of the broad-range cationophore X-537A on pollen tubes of Lilium longiflorum were investigated, using both light and electron microscopy. Pollen tube growth is completely inhibited within 30 min after the application of 5·10-5 M ionophore X-537A; cytoplasmic streaming is stopped only after 60 min of ionophore treatment. Ultrastructurally, X-537A effects are a vacuolation of Golgi cisternae and a general vacuolation. The wall is thickened at the very tip. Coated vesicles and coated regions are enriched close to and at the plasma membrane. The results indicate that pollen tube tip growth needs a specific ion distribution.Abbreviations CTC chlorotetracycline - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide  相似文献   
Quantitative and qualitative studies were made of the fungi of the air in Barcelona City. The genera Cladosporium and Alternaria formed two of the most important components of the fungus population studied during a two-year period running from January 1976 through January 1978. Penicillium species formed the 16.3 % of the total colonies while Aspergillus species represented only the 2.8 %. The occurrence of these genera was greatly affected by climatic conditions. An attempt was made to summariza the data of various kinds of fungi on a volumetric basis. Most of the fungi reported here have been identified as far as genera.
Résumé Une étude qualitative ainsi que quantitative a été réalisée sur la population fongique présente dans l'atmosphère de la ville de Barcelone. Les genres Cladosporium et Alternaria constituent les moisissures les plus inportantes quant à leur présence parmis la population fongique étudiée durant la période de deux ans comprise entre le mois de Janvier 1976 et le mois de Janvier 1978. Le genre Pénicillium représentait le 16.3% de la totalité des colonies isolées, tandis que le genre Aspergillus ne représentait que le 2.8%. La présence d'espéces de ces genres était largement influencée par les conditions climatologiques. Les données sur la présence des différents genres de moisissures ont été établies sur une base volumétrique. La plupart des moisissures identifiables l'ont été jusqu'au genre.
A comparative study of mechanical and energetic parameters of superfused muscle strips from normal pigs and malignant hyperthermia susceptible (MHS) pigs has been conducted. Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 80.9 MHz and mechanical measurements were used to assess muscle metabolic state. At rest, biceps femoris biopsies of MHS pigs displayed reduced phosphocreatine level, higher inorganic phosphate, and a more acidic internal pH. In normal stimulated fibers, caffeine infusion (8 or 16 mM) induced twitch potentiation and contracture while twitch tension was reduced and contracture more pronounced in malignant fibers. In normal and malignant fibers, calcium ionophore A23187 produced effects similar to those of caffeine, with the exception of twitch potentiation, which was not observed. With caffeine or A23187, the ATP level remained constant throughout the rest-stimulation-recovery protocol for normal and malignant fibers but phosphocreatine dropped to undetectable levels upon stimulation of malignant fibers. In both treatments some heterogeneity in the resonances of inorganic phosphate was observed in malignant fibers together with a more severe acidosis which might play a role in the impairment of the excitation-contraction process.  相似文献   
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