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To study environmental risk assessment, echinoderms provide a useful model for ecotoxicological testing. However, limited knowledge of the life history of field collected heart urchins is a problem and the use of cultured urchins has been investigated here. The present study describes a culture method for the heart urchin Echinocardium cordatum under controlled laboratory conditions, providing organisms with a low biological variation. Based on our optimized growth protocol both larvae and juveniles have a growth rate comparable to E. cordatum in the wild. The toxicological response of cultured and field-collected E. cordatum was compared in standard saltwater toxicity bioassays. Using ammonium chloride as a water-soluble reference toxicant, mean 96 h LC50 values for cultured heart urchins versus field collected animals were 37.4 ± 7.6 mg NH4+/l (n = 5) versus 22.5 ± 4.9 mg NH4+/l (n = 19), respectively. Additional toxicity experiments with tributyl tin (TBT) spiked sediments revealed 14d LC50 values of 1,242 (95% confidence interval 986–1,564) and 964 (95% confidence interval 843–1,102) µg Sn/kg dw respectively in cultured and field collected E. cordatum. From this it was concluded that cultured heart urchins are less sensitive to TBT than field collected E. cordatum. Furthermore in whole sediment toxicity tests, survival of cultured sea urchins was higher or at least similar to that of field collected E. cordatum. The increased sensitivity of field urchins compared to cultured urchins in various toxicity tests may be due to multiple environmental stressors reducing their overall performance. Overall it was demonstrated that the use of cultured E. cordatum provides a significant advance for urchin-based bioassays for marine environmental toxicity testing, resulting in a more homogeneous, vital population with experimental data displaying reduced variability.  相似文献   
Before, during and after habitat restoration from 1984 to 1994, we monitored population size of the federally listed endangered El Segundo blue butterfly, Euphilotes bernardino allyni (Shields). In the subsequent formalization of a recovery plan for the species, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service established several recovery criteria, including a requirement of a scientifically credible monitoring plan to track population size annually. To avoid detrimental effects of the extensively used mark-release-recapture method on the delicate El Segundo blue butterfly, which would conflict with protection afforded by the Endangered Species Act, we chose instead to perform transect counts to estimate relative population size. Herein, we analyze the results of our transect counts by three different methods, developed by or modified from Pollard, Watt et al. and Zonneveld. Qualitatively, the three methods, which have different assumptions, produced similar results when applied to the same data. Zonneveld's model estimates death rate in addition to an index of population size, thus providing more information than the other two methods. The El Segundo blue butterfly's sedentary nature and the close relationship of its adult and early stages to one foodplant permits extrapolation of the index of population size based on transect counts, to an estimate of actual population size. Our data document butterfly numbers increasing from 1984 to 1989, but then declining until the end of our observations in 1994. Based on analysis of our El Segundo blue butterfly data, we propose an implementation of a scientifically credible monitoring plan.  相似文献   
Treatment of female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) with 17-beta-estradiol leads to a female-biased sex ratio in their offspring at the age of independence [Horm. Behav. 35 (1999) 135]. It is unclear whether this is due to a bias of the primary sex ratio or to sex-specific survival. We replicated this experiment and found again a significantly higher total number of daughters than sons at independence in the estradiol-treated group. This was due to higher embryonic survival of daughters compared with sons in the estradiol-treated group and the reverse in the control group. There was no effect of the hormone treatment on the primary sex ratio. Treatment with 17-beta-estradiol led to a significantly shorter hatching time and to heavier offspring at day 7 after hatching. This weight was correlated with maternal plasma estradiol levels on the day of the first egg, which were significantly higher in the estradiol-treated group than in the control group. The results do not support the idea that maternal estradiol levels influence the primary sex ratio. They indicate that maternal estradiol differentially affects survival of sons and daughters via an influence on the embryonic environment, possibly enhancing offspring growth.  相似文献   
During the past years, remarkable progress has been made in our understanding of the replication cycle of bacteriophage M13 and the molecular details that enable phage proteins to navigate in the complex environment of the host cell. With new developments in molecular membrane biology in combination with spectroscopic techniques, we are now in a position to ask how phages carry out this delicate process on a molecular level, and what sort of protein-lipid and protein-protein interactions are involved. In this review we will focus on the molecular details of the protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions of the major coat protein (gp8) that may play a role during the infection of Escherichia coli by bacteriophage M13.  相似文献   
Droughts associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected fishes of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in Suriname, South America. The mean rainfall in the period August to February in 22 El Niño years was 76.6% of the mean rainfall in the same months of non-El Niño years. In the period 1900–1999, three out of four years in which an extreme drought (rainfall less then 60% of the mean value) occurred were El Niño years. The recent 1997/1998 ENSO event caused the second most severe drought in a 100-year record. Drying up of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and rainforest creeks was observed during El Niño-related droughts. In the lagoons ariid catfish died first, followed by snook, tilapia, mullet and tarpon, respectively. Landings of lagoon fish were positively correlated with rainfall in the period August–February. During the El Niño-related drought we observed failure of reproduction in three species of callichthyid armoured catfish in both coastal freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in the interior. In the El Niño year 1997/1998, the no flow period of the rainforest creek was extended by four months beyond the long dry season and the dissolved oxygen levels in the dry-season pools dropped to 1.27mg O2l–1 (as compared to 4.53mg O2l–1 under running water conditions). Other fish species of the rainforest creek also showed decreased reproductive success in the El Niño year. We suggest that the stochastic effects of El Niño-related drought may be an important non-equilibrium component in the ecology of neotropical inland fish communities.  相似文献   
Summary.  A new, large and fragrant-flowered species of Passiflora, P. gabrielliana (Passifloraceae), from French Guiana, is described; its history, taxonomy, distribution, ecology and cultivation are discussed.  相似文献   
The in vivo kinetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK 113-7D was evaluated during a 300-second transient period after applying a glucose pulse to an aerobic, carbon-limited chemostat culture. We quantified the responses of extracellular metabolites, intracellular intermediates in primary metabolism, intracellular free amino acids, and in vivo rates of O2 uptake and CO2 evolution. With these measurements, dynamic carbon, electron, and ATP balances were set up to identify major carbon, electron, and energy sinks during the postpulse period. There were three distinct metabolic phases during this time. In phase I (0 to 50 seconds after the pulse), the carbon/electron balances closed up to 85%. The accumulation of glycolytic and storage compounds accounted for 60% of the consumed glucose, caused an energy depletion, and may have led to a temporary decrease in the anabolic flux. In phase II (50 to 150 seconds), the fermentative metabolism gradually became the most important carbon/electron sink. In phase III (150 to 300 seconds), 29% of the carbon uptake was not identified in the measurements, and the ATP balance had a large surplus. These results indicate an increase in the anabolic flux, which is consistent with macroscopic balances of extracellular fluxes and the observed increase in CO2 evolution associated with nonfermentative metabolism. The identified metabolic processes involving major carbon, electron, and energy sinks must be taken into account in in vivo kinetic models based on short-term dynamic metabolome responses.  相似文献   
Offspring survival probability usually decreases with hatching order, especially in species with brood reduction. Brood reduction in combination with a sex difference in embryonic period (the time between laying and hatching of an egg) can potentially have a profound effect on sex allocation, with higher investment in chicks of the early hatching sex because they are more likely to survive to fledge. Two recent studies reported sex differences in the embryonic period, but compared embryonic period between, rather than within, clutches, which does not control for possible environmental effects on both clutch sex ratio and embryonic period. We compared the embryonic period of sons and daughters within clutches in jackdaws Corvus monedula and black‐headed gulls Larus ridibundus, two species with frequent brood reduction, and found no sexual difference in embryonic period. This suggests that sex allocation is not affected by sex differences in embryonic period in these species, but more studies are required to verify whether this is a general pattern.  相似文献   
The N-terminal domain (NTD) and the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the androgen receptor (AR) exhibit a ligand-dependent interaction (N/C interaction). Amino acids 3-36 in the NTD (AR3-36) play a dominant role in this interaction. Previously, it has been shown that a PhixxPhiPhi motif in AR3-36, 23FxxLF27, is essential for LBD interaction. We demonstrate in the current study that AR3-36 can be subdivided into two functionally distinct fragments: AR3-13 and AR16-36. AR3-13 does not directly interact with the AR LBD, but rather contributes to the transactivation function of the AR.NTD-AR.LBD complex. AR16-36, encompassing the 23FxxLF27 motif, is predicted to fold into a long amphipathic alpha-helix. A second PhixxPhiPhi candidate protein interaction motif within the helical structure, 30VREVI34, shows no affinity to the LBD. Within AR16-36, amino acid residues in and flanking the 23FxxLF27 motif are demonstrated to modulate N/C interaction. Substitution of Q24 and N25 by alanine residues enhances N/C interaction. Substitution of amino acids flanking the 23FxxLF27 motif by alanines are inhibitory to LBD interaction.  相似文献   
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