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Glutathione is a tripeptide important in a number of diverse cellular functions including enzymatic reactions involved in prostaglandin endoperoxide metabolism. We have previously reported that cyclophosphamide administration to rats results in acute lung injury manifested by increased bronchoalveolar lavage albumin concentrations. In the current study we examine whether cyclophosphamide treatment affects pulmonary glutathione stores or bronchoalveolar endoperoxide metabolic product levels and whether these effects may be related to acute lung injury caused by the drug. We show that cyclophosphamide treatment causes a dose-dependent reduction in pulmonary glutathione stores 4 h after drug administration. In addition, acute lung injury as the result of cyclophosphamide can be abrogated by coadministration of oxothiazolidine carboxylate, an intracellular cysteine delivery system that also reverses pulmonary glutathione depletion induced by cyclophosphamide in our study. Finally, cyclophosphamide treatment reduces prostaglandin E2 concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage and alveolar macrophage culture supernatant in a dose-dependent fashion and increases bronchoalveolar thromboxane concentrations in low dose-treated animals. These effects are reversed to a variable degree by coadministration of oxothiazolidine carboxylate. Our study suggests in vivo pulmonary arachidonic acid metabolism and cyclophosphamide-induced acute lung injury are modulated by cellular glutathione stores. These findings may have important implications for the treatment of acute lung injury.  相似文献   
We compared the pulmonary transvascular fluxes of transferrin and albumin in the intact sheep lung. Anesthetized sheep were prepared with lung lymph fistulas. The vascular blood pool was marked with 99mTc-erythrocytes, autologous transferrin was labeled with 113mIn, and albumin was labeled with 125I. Samples of blood, plasma, lymph, and lung were obtained up to 180 min after tracer infusion. Lymph tissue radioactivities were corrected for the intravascular component and expressed as extravascular-to-plasma concentration ratios. Clearance of transferrin and albumin from the plasma space followed a two-compartment model. The clearance rate constant was 2.1 +/- 0.1 x 10(-3) min for albumin and 2.4 +/- 0.1 x 10(-3) min for transferrin (P less than 0.05). Lymph-to-plasma ratios for albumin and transferrin were not different. However, the extravascular-to-plasma ratio for albumin was greater than transferrin (P less than 0.05). The lymph and lung data were deconvoluted for the plasma input function and fit to a two-compartment model. The results indicate that albumin and transferrin have similar permeabilities across the vascular barrier but have different pulmonary circulation to lymph kinetics because the extravascular volume of distribution of albumin is greater than transferrin.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that O2 uptake (VO2) dynamics are different in adults and children, we examined the response to and recovery from short bursts of exercise in 10 children (7-11 yr) and 13 adults (26-42 yr). Each subject performed 1 min of cycle ergometer exercise at 50% of the anaerobic threshold (AT), 80% AT, and 50% of the difference between the AT and the maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) and 100 and 125% VO2max. Gas exchange was measured breath by breath. The cumulative O2 cost [the integral of VO2 (over baseline) through exercise and 10 min of recovery (ml O2/J)] was independent of work intensity in both children and adults. In above-AT exercise, O2 cost was significantly higher in children [0.25 +/- 0.05 (SD) ml/J] than in adults (0.18 +/- 0.02 ml/J, P less than 0.01). Recovery dynamics of VO2 in above-AT exercise [measured as the time constant (tau VO2) of the best-fit single exponential] were independent of work intensity in children and adults. Recovery tau VO2 was the same in both groups except at 125% VO2max, where tau VO2 was significantly smaller in children (35.5 +/- 5.9 s) than in adults (46.3 +/- 4 s, P less than 0.001). VO2 responses (i.e., time course, kinetics) to short bursts of exercise are, surprisingly, largely independent of work rate (power output) in both adults and children. In children, certain features of the VO2 response to high-intensity exercise are, to a small but significant degree, different from those in adults, indicating an underlying process of physiological maturation.  相似文献   
The endotoxin-resistant strain of mouse, C3H/Hej, was assessed for hematological responsiveness to multiple injections of high dosages of purified recombinant human macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhu-M-CSF). Mice were administered the rhu M-CSF i.p. at dosages of 40 micrograms per injection, 2 or 3 times per day for 4 days. This resulted in significant increases in circulating leukocytes compared to control mice given sterile pyrogen-free saline. Assessment of the marrow and spleen of these mice on the 5th day noted a significant reduction in the numbers of marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells, with no change in their cycling rates. In contrast, splenic granulocyte-macrophage and erythroid progenitor cell numbers were markedly increased and the cycling rates of these progenitors plus those of multipotential progenitors were significantly enhanced. Marrow and splenic early myeloid cells (blasts, promyelocytes, and myelocytes) and macrophages were increased, while marrow and splenic PMN were decreased. The results suggest that multiple injections of high dosages of rhu-M-CSF to previously untreated mice for a short period of time has a modest enhancing effect on blood leukocyte levels. This is associated with a shift of hematopoietic cell activity from the marrow to the spleen.  相似文献   
We examine the paraphylectic hypothesis of bat origins, both in the light of previous discussions, and in the light of new evidence from our analyses of neurological traits and wing morphology. Megabats share with primates a variety of complex details in the organization of neural pathways that have not been found in any other mammalian group, particularly not in microbats. The features previously used to link microbats and megabats have been examined and found to be questionable bases for support of a monophyletic origin. In particular, morphological analyses of the musculoskeletal adaptations associated with the flight apparatus are consistent with two separate origins of the mammalian wing. Taken together, these analyses suggest that megabats evolved from an early branch of the primate lineage. This branch was comprised of moderate-sized, phytophagous gliders, of which the other living descendants are the dermopterans. Microbats, in contrast, probably evolved much earlier from small, agile insectivores whose forelimbs had long metacarpals in relation to their phalanges.  相似文献   
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed for measurement of low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors. A monospecific polyclonal antibody to LDL receptor purified from rat liver that reacted with rat, mouse, canine, and human LDL receptor was used. With this assay, LDL receptors could be measured on 2-4 x 10(5) adherent cells and 1.0 x 10(5) cells in suspension, although results were more variable with cell suspensions. Membranes from a variety of receptor-rich and receptor-poor tissues could be assayed directly after adherence of the membranes to the ELISA plate by an overnight incubation. In some instances, the quality of the assay was improved by first solubilizing the membranes. The sensitivity of the assay is such that between 0.15 and 2 micrograms of membrane protein is required. This could be obtained from leukocytes in a modest (20-30 ml) quantity of human blood. The assay was used to demonstrate the rapid down-regulation of LDL receptors in human mononuclear leukocytes in response to a cholesterol-containing meal. Overall, the results support the use of ELISA technology to measure LDL receptors, particularly for physiologic studies.  相似文献   
The major manifestations of amoeboid locomotion in Naegleria-cytoplasmic streaming, pseudopod production, cell polarity and focal contact production-require that the actin-based cytoskeleton be extremely dynamic. Whether these features are causally linked is unclear. In an attempt to answer this question we have used the fungal product cytochalasin B (cyt B) to dissect the motility process. This drug can perturb the organisation of actin filaments both in vivo and in vitro. Essentially cyt B acts as a molecule which can cap the barbed ends of actin filaments. Not surprisingly, therefore cyt B has an effect on rates of actin polymerization and the dynamic state of actin in the cytoplasm. We have found that cyt B has a profound effect on focal contact production and breakdown. Within minutes of addition of cyt B focal contact production ceases, existing focal contacts are stabilised but cytoplasmic streaming and pseudopod production are not blocked. In conclusion it is now clear that the state of actin required for focal contact production is different from that required for pseudopod extension and cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   
Prosolin is a major cytosolic protein (Mr 18400, isoelectric point 5.9) first reported in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells. It is rapidly phosphorylated (15 to 30 min) in response to TPA treatment as an early event in a sequence that leads to cessation of cell proliferation and to differentiation of promyelocytes into monocytes. In our study we examined the expression of prosolin in human peripheral lymphocytes and investigated the effects of TPA treatment on prosolin phosphorylation and on lymphocyte proliferation. Prosolin was not expressed in resting PBL but was induced after 24 to 36 h of PHA stimulation, simultaneously with induction of DNA synthesis. In rapidly proliferating (IL-2 dependent) PBL prosolin was a major cytosolic component, comprising 0.5% of total cytosolic protein, of which approximately 28% was phosphorylated. Expression of prosolin decreased again when either mitogen-induced or IL-2-dependent proliferation diminished during extended periods in culture. Thus, expression of prosolin is correlated with periods when PBL are cycling through S-phase. TPA treatment of IL-2-dependent PBL at the peak of their growth caused phosphorylation of about two-thirds of preexisting unphosphorylated prosolin within 1 h. This was accompanied by cessation of cell proliferation, as indicated by measurements of TdR incorporation. Although TPA has well known mitogenic effects in lymphocytes during initial activation, this result shows that it exerts an antiproliferative effect in rapidly dividing PBL. It is suggested that increased phosphorylation of prosolin may be an initiating event in the antiproliferative response to TPA, which would occur only in proliferating lymphocytes expressing prosolin.  相似文献   
Expression and function of the UM4D4 antigen in human thymus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
UM4D4 is a newly identified T cell surface molecule, distinct from the Ag receptor and CD2, which is expressed on 25% of peripheral blood T cells, resting or activated. Monoclonal anti-UM4D4 is mitogenic for T cells and T cell clones. Since alternative activation pathways independent of Ag/MHC recognition may be important in thymic differentiation, the expression and function of UM4D4 was examined in human thymus. UM4D4 was found on the surface of 6% of thymocytes. All thymocyte subsets contained UM4D4+ cells but expression was greatest on thymocytes that were CD1- (12%), CD3+ (11%) and especially CD4-CD8- (18%). CD3+CD4- CD8- cells, most of which bear the gamma delta-receptor, were greater than or equal to 50% + for UM4D4. Moreover, anti-UM4D4 was comitogenic for thymocytes together with PMA or IL-2. Anti-UM4D4 also reacted strongly with a subset of thymic epithelial cells in both cortex and medulla. Dual color fluorescence microscopy, with anti-UM4D4 and antibodies to other thymic epithelial Ag, showed UM4D4 expression on neuroendocrine thymic epithelium but not on thymic fibrous stroma. Thus, UM4D4 is expressed on, and represents an activation pathway for, a subset of thymic T cells. In addition, this determinant, initially identified as a novel T cell activating molecule, is broadly expressed by neuroendocrine thymic epithelium. Although the function of UM4D4 on the thymic epithelial cells is not yet clear, it is possible that UM4D4 represents a pathway for the functional activation of a subset of the thymic epithelium as well as a subset of thymocytes, thus playing a dual role in T cell differentiation.  相似文献   
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