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Geographic patterns of genetic variation within modern populations, produced by complex histories of migration, can be difficult to infer and visually summarize. A general consequence of geographically limited dispersal is that samples from nearby locations tend to be more closely related than samples from distant locations, and so genetic covariance often recapitulates geographic proximity. We use genome-wide polymorphism data to build “geogenetic maps,” which, when applied to stationary populations, produces a map of the geographic positions of the populations, but with distances distorted to reflect historical rates of gene flow. In the underlying model, allele frequency covariance is a decreasing function of geogenetic distance, and nonlocal gene flow such as admixture can be identified as anomalously strong covariance over long distances. This admixture is explicitly co-estimated and depicted as arrows, from the source of admixture to the recipient, on the geogenetic map. We demonstrate the utility of this method on a circum-Tibetan sampling of the greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides), in which we find evidence for gene flow between the adjacent, terminal populations of the ring species. We also analyze a global sampling of human populations, for which we largely recover the geography of the sampling, with support for significant histories of admixture in many samples. This new tool for understanding and visualizing patterns of population structure is implemented in a Bayesian framework in the program SpaceMix.  相似文献   
Hybridization between humans and Neanderthals has resulted in a low level of Neanderthal ancestry scattered across the genomes of many modern-day humans. After hybridization, on average, selection appears to have removed Neanderthal alleles from the human population. Quantifying the strength and causes of this selection against Neanderthal ancestry is key to understanding our relationship to Neanderthals and, more broadly, how populations remain distinct after secondary contact. Here, we develop a novel method for estimating the genome-wide average strength of selection and the density of selected sites using estimates of Neanderthal allele frequency along the genomes of modern-day humans. We confirm that East Asians had somewhat higher initial levels of Neanderthal ancestry than Europeans even after accounting for selection. We find that the bulk of purifying selection against Neanderthal ancestry is best understood as acting on many weakly deleterious alleles. We propose that the majority of these alleles were effectively neutral—and segregating at high frequency—in Neanderthals, but became selected against after entering human populations of much larger effective size. While individually of small effect, these alleles potentially imposed a heavy genetic load on the early-generation human–Neanderthal hybrids. This work suggests that differences in effective population size may play a far more important role in shaping levels of introgression than previously thought.  相似文献   
As part of an effort to inhibit S100B, structures of pentamidine (Pnt) bound to Ca2+-loaded and Zn2+,Ca2+-loaded S100B were determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.15 Å (Rfree = 0.266) and 1.85 Å (Rfree = 0.243) resolution, respectively. These data were compared to X-ray structures solved in the absence of Pnt, including Ca2+-loaded S100B and Zn2+,Ca2+-loaded S100B determined here (1.88 Å; Rfree = 0.267). In the presence and absence of Zn2+, electron density corresponding to two Pnt molecules per S100B subunit was mapped for both drug-bound structures. One Pnt binding site (site 1) was adjacent to a p53 peptide binding site on S100B (± Zn2+), and the second Pnt molecule was mapped to the dimer interface (site 2; ± Zn2+) and in a pocket near residues that define the Zn2+ binding site on S100B. In addition, a conformational change in S100B was observed upon the addition of Zn2+ to Ca2+-S100B, which changed the conformation and orientation of Pnt bound to sites 1 and 2 of Pnt-Zn2+,Ca2+-S100B when compared to Pnt-Ca2+-S100B. That Pnt can adapt to this Zn2+-dependent conformational change was unexpected and provides a new mode for S100B inhibition by this drug. These data will be useful for developing novel inhibitors of both Ca2+- and Ca2+,Zn2+-bound S100B.  相似文献   
In three separate tests, 100 adult female Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) (plus immatures) were released at five point locations across 1.6-m rows of strawberries to control twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Beginning in April, during 6–12 weeks, predators controlled pests locally and dispersed downwind by 20–30 m. Up to 100 m2 around each release point was colonized, and the entire 2.5 ha field was covered by predators by September. Distances dispersed by N. fallacis were similar within and across rows, suggesting that dispersal was primarily by aerial rather than by ambulatory means. Factors that affected dispersal were temperature, wind direction, density of spider mites, and mowing and flailing of foliage. An exponential model of dispersal was fitted to the data. On average, the area dispersed by N. fallacis doubled every 70 degree-days. From these results, a strategy of minimum release is suggested. To establish N. fallacis over a field in a single season, ca. 100 adult females per 1–2 m of row can be released before 1 July, after T. urticae have achieved 2–5 female adults per leaf. Releases should be 50 m apart and to the upwind side of the field. Selective sprays may be needed to suppress spider mites until predators gain control and disperse over the field.  相似文献   
Although recombination is essential to the successful completion of human meiosis, it remains unclear how tightly the process is regulated and over what scale. To assess the nature and stringency of constraints on human recombination, we examined crossover patterns in transmissions to viable, non-trisomic offspring, using dense genotyping data collected in a large set of pedigrees. Our analysis supports a requirement for one chiasma per chromosome rather than per arm to ensure proper disjunction, with additional chiasmata occurring in proportion to physical length. The requirement is not absolute, however, as chromosome 21 seems to be frequently transmitted properly in the absence of a chiasma in females, a finding that raises the possibility of a back-up mechanism aiding in its correct segregation. We also found a set of double crossovers in surprisingly close proximity, as expected from a second pathway that is not subject to crossover interference. These findings point to multiple mechanisms that shape the distribution of crossovers, influencing proper disjunction in humans.  相似文献   
Adaptation in response to selection on polygenic phenotypes may occur via subtle allele frequencies shifts at many loci. Current population genomic techniques are not well posed to identify such signals. In the past decade, detailed knowledge about the specific loci underlying polygenic traits has begun to emerge from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we combine this knowledge from GWAS with robust population genetic modeling to identify traits that may have been influenced by local adaptation. We exploit the fact that GWAS provide an estimate of the additive effect size of many loci to estimate the mean additive genetic value for a given phenotype across many populations as simple weighted sums of allele frequencies. We use a general model of neutral genetic value drift for an arbitrary number of populations with an arbitrary relatedness structure. Based on this model, we develop methods for detecting unusually strong correlations between genetic values and specific environmental variables, as well as a generalization of comparisons to test for over-dispersion of genetic values among populations. Finally we lay out a framework to identify the individual populations or groups of populations that contribute to the signal of overdispersion. These tests have considerably greater power than their single locus equivalents due to the fact that they look for positive covariance between like effect alleles, and also significantly outperform methods that do not account for population structure. We apply our tests to the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) dataset using GWAS data for height, skin pigmentation, type 2 diabetes, body mass index, and two inflammatory bowel disease datasets. This analysis uncovers a number of putative signals of local adaptation, and we discuss the biological interpretation and caveats of these results.  相似文献   
To further investigate the unusual profile of N-benzyl substituted opioids, N-trifluoromethylbenzyl normetazocines and norketobemidones were prepared. The introduction of trifluoromethyl substituents on the benzyl group of the (-)-metazocines reduced affinity at all three receptors, with the greatest loss at kappa receptors. Surprisingly, some of the (+)-normetazocines actually possessed higher affinity than the corresponding (-)-isomers. In the ketobemidone series, the effects were different-the 4-trifluoromethyl substituted ketobemidone actually possessed 3-fold higher mu affinity than the unsubstituted parent to give a ligand with good mu affinity. In functional in vitro assays, this compound was a weak antagonists, but in apparent contradiction it was inactive in in vivo assays.  相似文献   
Coop G  Ralph P 《Genetics》2012,192(1):205-224
Two major sources of stochasticity in the dynamics of neutral alleles result from resampling of finite populations (genetic drift) and the random genetic background of nearby selected alleles on which the neutral alleles are found (linked selection). There is now good evidence that linked selection plays an important role in shaping polymorphism levels in a number of species. One of the best-investigated models of linked selection is the recurrent full-sweep model, in which newly arisen selected alleles fix rapidly. However, the bulk of selected alleles that sweep into the population may not be destined for rapid fixation. Here we develop a general model of recurrent selective sweeps in a coalescent framework, one that generalizes the recurrent full-sweep model to the case where selected alleles do not sweep to fixation. We show that in a large population, only the initial rapid increase of a selected allele affects the genealogy at partially linked sites, which under fairly general assumptions are unaffected by the subsequent fate of the selected allele. We also apply the theory to a simple model to investigate the impact of recurrent partial sweeps on levels of neutral diversity and find that for a given reduction in diversity, the impact of recurrent partial sweeps on the frequency spectrum at neutral sites is determined primarily by the frequencies rapidly achieved by the selected alleles. Consequently, recurrent sweeps of selected alleles to low frequencies can have a profound effect on levels of diversity but can leave the frequency spectrum relatively unperturbed. In fact, the limiting coalescent model under a high rate of sweeps to low frequency is identical to the standard neutral model. The general model of selective sweeps we describe goes some way toward providing a more flexible framework to describe genomic patterns of diversity than is currently available.  相似文献   
Mapes C.J. and Coop R.L. 1973. The fate of multiple doses of infective larvae of Nematodirus battus in 8-month-old lambs and their effect on intestinal enzyme activity. International Journal for Parasitology3: 363–370. The fate of five daily doses of 60,000 infective larvae of Nematodirus battus was studied in 8-month-old lambs. On 18, 26 and 34 days after the last larval dose 4.0, 3.3 and 1.0 per cent of the total infective dose was recovered. Approximately 50 per cent of the worms recovered on these days were fourth-stage larvae. It is suggested that L5 and adult stages were preferentially lost from the hosts and that male worms were developing at a faster rate than the females. The populations of N. battus were smaller, contained higher proportions of fourth-stage larvae and shorter L5 and adult worms than those developing from similar infective doses in 3-month-old lambs. A transient decrease in alkaline phosphatase and maltase levels was found in the mucosa of the small intestine and was compared with the marked and persistent changes in mucosal enzyme activities found with similar infective doses in 3-month-old hosts.  相似文献   
Mapes C.J., Coop R.L. and Angus K.W. 1973. The fate of large infective doses of Nematodirus battus in young lambs. International Journal for Parasitology3: 339–347. The fate of 300,000 and 5 × 60,000 infective larvae of Nematodirus battus during the 2–3 weeks after patency was studied in 3-month-old lambs. The proportions of the infective doses recovered after 18, 26 and 34 days were 37, 6 and 3.5 per cent in the single dose and 29,12 and 4.7 in the multiple dose groups. Fifth-stage larvae and adults, especially females, were preferentially lost from the hosts. The numbers of worms present and the percentage of fourth-stage larvae present were similar in both the single and multiple dose groups.  相似文献   
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