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The aim of the study was to see whether adults who had been sexually abused in childhood were vulnerable to physical symptoms and therefore investigation and intervention. The case histories of seven patients who were aged 22-39, were under the care of three consultant psychiatrists, had experienced childhood sexual abuse, and had a history of medical or surgical intervention were surveyed. The patients had had a mean of 18 contacts with non-psychiatric consultant teams and a mean of eight operations, with a high rate (66-70%) of normal findings. They had experienced many somatic symptoms, which led to investigations and interventions in the specialties of gynaecology, obstetrics, gastroenterology, urology, rheumatology, haematology, orthopaedics, neurology, and neuropsychiatry. The history of childhood sexual abuse was recognised only in the later stages of this medical and surgical intervention. The possibility of childhood sexual abuse should be considered earlier in such cases to prevent further unnecessary intervention.  相似文献   
A series of oligonucleotides containing biotin-11-dUMP at various positions were synthesized and compared in quantitative, colorimetric hybridization-detection studies. A deoxyuridine phosphoramidite containing a protected allylamino sidearm was synthesized and used in standard, automated synthesis cycles to prepare oligonucleotides with allylamino residues at various positions within a standard 17-base sequence. Biotin substituents were subsequently attached to the allylamino sidearms by reaction with N-biotinyl-6-aminocaproic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester. These oligomers were hybridized to target DNA immobilized on microtiter wells (ELISA plates), and were detected with a streptavidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase complex using hydrogen peroxide as substrate and o-phenylenediamine as chromogen. We found that the sensitivity of detection of target DNA by biotin-labeled oligonucleotide probes was strongly dependent upon the position of the biotin label. Oligonucleotides containing biotin labels near or off the ends of the hybridizing sequence were more effective probes than oligonucleotides containing internal biotin labels. An additive effect of increasing numbers of biotin-dUMP residues was found for some labeling configurations.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that the ability of lactobacilli to attach to and colonize uroepithelial surfaces is an important characteristic that enhances interference against uropathogenic bacteria. This adherence capacity was found to vary amongst lactobacillus strains and with the type of growth medium used to culture the organisms. The present study was undertaken to examine further the effect of culture media and growth phase on lactobacillus adherence to uroepithelial cells in vitro. In addition, a freeze substitution technique was developed to examine the morphology of strainsLactobacillus casei ssrhamnosus RC-17,L. casei GR-1, andL. acidophilus T-13 in relation to growth conditions and adhesion. A growth curve was plotted for strain GR-1, and adherence was found to be lowest for bacteria in early log phase (39 bacteria per uroepithelial cell) and highest in stationary phase (59 bacteria per uroepithelial cell). Strains RC-17 and GR-1 attached in high numbers to uroepithelial cells, whereas T-13 was poorly adherent. The latter formed a long, relatively dense, fibrous capsule after growth in brain heart infusion yeast extract agar, unlike strains GR-1 and RC-17, which formed a short, tightly bound, electron-dense capsule which surrounded the cells in a radial fashion. Growth of RC-17 in batch cultures of human urine, with and without addition of carbohydrates, resulted in formation of an irregular, fibrous extracellular matrix. These experiments illustrate that growth phase and culture conditions affect the extracellular structure of lactobacilli and also affect the adherence capacity of these bacteria. Structural changes mediated by availability of nutrients may partly explain why lactobacilli vary between species and between hosts in their colonization of the urogenital tract.  相似文献   
Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that oleic acid and 3-(1'-oxo-7'-carboxyheptyl)-4-hydroxy-6-octyl-2-pyrone (and other 3,6-dialkyl-2-pyrones) occupy the same binding region on human sputum elastase. The mechanism of inhibition is strongly dependent on the substitution pattern of the 2-pyrone, and these mechanisms correlate with those of oleic acid and 11-undecenoic acid ("half oleic acid"). Based on the assumption that the 2-pyrone moiety and the double bond of the fatty acids bind to the same region of elastase (subsite S3), we believe that the alkyl chain points towards the S1 subsite, with the carboxylate anion fragment pointing away and probably associated with positively charged Arg217. (subsite S4 or S5).  相似文献   
Virus specific, major histocompatibility complex-restricted, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) generated in Fischer strain rats infected with human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) were found to recognize antigenic determinants encoded within the Ad5 early region 1A (E1A) gene. Preliminary mapping studies suggest that the E1A CTL epitopes are encoded within the regions between bp 625 to 810 and 916 to 974 in the first exon of this gene. These epitope-coding regions occur within subregions of E1A that are conserved functionally, and to some extent structurally (approximately 50% sequence homology), among adenoviruses of different groups. Nevertheless, Ad5-specific CTL lysed only targets infected with adenoviruses of the same group (group C; e.g., Ad2) and not targets infected with adenoviruses of different groups (groups A, B, and E). These results suggest that virus-specific CTL may limit adenoviral dissemination by destroying virus-infected cells at an early stage in the viral replicative cycle, during E1A gene expression. Expression of other adenovirus genes does not appear to be required to target infected cells for elimination by CTL.  相似文献   
Seasonal carbon isotope discrimination in a grassland community   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Grassland communities of arid western North America are often characterized by a seasonal increase in ambient temperature and evaporative demand and a corresponding decline in soil moisture availability. As the environment changes, particular species could respond differently, which should be reflected in a number of physiological processes. Carbon isotope discrimination varies during photosynthetic activity as a function of both stomatal aperture and the biochemistry of the fixation process, and provides an integrated measure of plant response to seasonal changes in the environment. We measured the seasonal course of carbon isotope discrimination in 42 grassland species to evaluate changes in gas exchange processes in response to these varying environmental factors. The seasonal courses were then used to identify community-wide patterns associated with life form, with phenology and with differences between grasses and forbs. Significant differences were detected in the following comparisons: (1) Carbon isotope discrimination decreased throughout the growing season; (2) perennial species discriminated less than annual species; (3) grasses discriminated less than forbs; and (4) early flowering species discriminated more than the later flowering ones. These comparisons suggested that (1) species active only during the initial, less stressful months of the growing season used water less efficiently, and (2) that physiological responses increasing the ratio of carbon fixed to water lost were common in these grassland species, and were correlated with the increase in evaporative demand and the decrease in soil moisture.  相似文献   
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