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Ezrin, radixin and moesin are a family of proteins that provide a link between the plasma membrane and the cortical actin cytoskeleton. The regulated targeting of ezrin to the plasma membrane and its association with cortical F-actin are more than likely functions necessary for a number of cellular processes, such as cell adhesion, motility, morphogenesis and cell signalling. The interaction with F-actin was originally mapped to the last 34 residues of ezrin, which correspond to the last three helices (αB, αC and αD) of the C-terminal tail. We set out to identify and mutate the ezrin/F-actin binding site in order to pinpoint the role of F-actin interaction in morphological processes as well as signal transduction. We report here the generation of an ezrin mutant defective in F-actin binding. We identified four actin-binding residues, T576, K577, R579 and I580, that form a contiguous patch on the surface of the last helix, αD. Interestingly, mutagenesis of R579 also eliminated the interaction of band four-point one, ezrin, radixin, moesin homology domains (FERM) and the C-terminal tail domain, identifying a hotspot of the FERM/tail interaction. In vivo expression of the ezrin mutant defective in F-actin binding and FERM/tail interaction (R579A) altered the normal cell surface structure dramatically and inhibited cell migration. Further, we showed that ezrin/F-actin binding is required for the receptor tyrosine kinase signal transfer to the Ras/MAP kinase signalling pathway. Taken together, these observations highlight the importance of ezrin/F-actin function in the development of dynamic membrane/actin structures critical for cell shape and motility, as well as signal transduction.  相似文献   
Combined phylogenetic, physiological, and biochemical approaches revealed that differences in defense‐related responses among 17 species belonging to the Gracilariaceae were consistent with their evolutionary history. An oxidative burst response resulting from activation of NADPH oxidase was always observed in two of the subgenera of Gracilaria sensu lato (Gracilaria, Hydropuntia), but not in Gracilariopsis and in species related to Gracilaria chilensis (“chilensis” clade). On the other hand, all species examined except Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui and Gracilariopsis longissima responded with up‐regulation of agar oligosaccharide oxidase to an challenge with agar oligosaccharides. As indicated by pharmacological experiments conducted with Gracilaria chilensis and Gracilaria sp. “dura,” the up‐regulation of agar oligosaccharide oxidase involved an NAD(P)H‐dependent signaling pathway, but not kinase activity. By contrast, the activation of NADPH oxidase requires protein phosphorylation. Both responses are therefore independent, and the agar oligosaccharide‐activated oxidative burst evolved after the capacity to oxidize agar oligosaccharide, probably providing additional defensive capacity to the most recently differentiated clades of Gracilariaceae. As demonstrated with Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilaria dura, and Gracilariopsis longissima, the different responses to agar oligosaccharides allow for a fast and nondestructive distinction among different clades of gracilarioids that are morphologically convergent. Based upon sequences of the chloroplast‐encoded rbcL gene, this study suggests that at least some of the samples from NW America recorded as Gs. lemanaeiformis are probably Gs. chorda. Moreover, previous records of Gracilaria conferta from Israel are shown to be based upon misidentification of Gracilaria sp. “dura,” a species that belongs to the Hydropuntia subgenus.  相似文献   
Species of Mediterranean vegetation are known to regenerate directly after fire. The phenomenon of autosuccession (direct regeneration) has been found to be often combined with an increase of species richness during the first years after fire due to the high abundance of short-lived herbaceous plants facilitated by plentiful nutrients and light. The high degree of vegetation resilience, which is expressed in terms of autosuccession, has been explained by the selective pressure of fire in historic times. According to existing palaeoecological data, however, the Pinus halepensis forests in the Ricote Mountains (Province of Murcia, SE Spain) did not experience substantial fire impact before the presence of man nor are they especially fire-prone today. Therefore, we studied post-fire regeneration to find out if direct succession is present or if species from pre-fire vegetation are absent during the post-fire regeneration stages. Patterns of succession were deduced from observations made in sample plots on sites of a known regeneration age as well as in adjacent unburnt areas. The results of the vegetation analyses, including a Detrended Correspondence Analysis, indicate that Pinus halepensis forest regeneration after fire resembles autosuccession. As regards the presence of woody species, there is a high percentage similarity on north (83%) and south (70%) facing slopes during the first year after fire vs. reference areas which is due, for example, to direct regeneration of the resprouting Quercus coccifera or seeders like Pinus halepensis or Fumana laevipes. However, if herbaceous species are included in the comparison, the similarity on north-facing sites decreases (to 53%) with the presence of additional species, mainly ruderals like Anagallis arvensis or Reseda phyteuma, and even woody species on the burnt plots. This effect indicates “enhanced autosuccession”, which was not found on south-facing sites where overall species richness was very high irrespective of the impact of fire. Locally we found limited regeneration of some species, for example Pinus halepensis at high altitudes (1000 m), even 22 years after fire. As we assume that historical fires did not play an important role in the area and direct succession is present nevertheless, our results support the theory that autosuccession is not a process restricted to fire-prone areas. Fire has been only one of several selective forces since human settlement that probably led to a set of species pre-adapted against recurrent disturbance.  相似文献   
A highly selfing breeding system affects gene flow, which may have consequences for patterns of genetic variation and differentiation on both the population and species level. Feather grasses (Stipa spp.) are dominant elements of Eurasian steppes that persist in Central Europe in scattered isolated populations that are of great conservation interest. Cleistogamy is common in the Stipa pennata group, the phylogeny of which is largely unresolved. Intraspecific patterns of genetic variation can be characterised by lack of gene flow due to selfing, but also by large-scale historical migrations and long-term isolation. We analysed both 5 species within the S. pennata group and 33 populations of Stipa pulcherrima sampled across a large part of its range. Using AFLP markers we assessed phylogenetic relationships of the S. pennata group and patterns of genetic variation within and among populations. The S. pennata group formed a consistent clade separated from S. capillata. Stipa pulcherrima was sister to S. eriocaulis, but the relationships among S. pennata s. str., S. borysthenica., and S. tirsa remained unresolved. Within-population genetic variation was extremely low in all species of the S. pennata group (H e = 0.0–0.013). In S. pulcherrima, genetic variation was consistently relatively high in the east (Romania, Russia) and declined toward western populations, with many populations at the western range edge lacking genetic variation entirely. Populations were strongly differentiated (F ST = 0.762), and this differentiation did not follow a classical pattern of isolation by distance. Bayesian cluster analysis revealed nine gene pools in S. pulcherrima, which were mostly geographically clustered. Overall the results suggest that S. pulcherrima and species of the S. pennata group are characterised by a cleistogamous breeding system leading to extremely low levels of genetic variation and high levels of population differentiation at both the population and species level. Postglacial colonisation, current population isolation, and population bottlenecks at the western range periphery have further reduced genetic variation and obviated gene exchange. Thus, genetic variation can only be preserved by the conservation of multiple populations.  相似文献   
The binuclear mixed valence copper(I/II) compound [CuI(CN)3CuII(tn)2] (1) (tn = propane-1,3-diamine) and its acetonitrile adduct [CuI(CN)3CuII(tn)2] · 2MeCN (2) have been synthesized. Complex 1 crystallizes triclinic, space group , a = 8.117(2) Å, b = 8.389(2) Å, c = 11.920(2) Å, α = 108.728(3)°, β = 100.024(3)°, γ = 104.888(4)°, Z = 2, and compound 2 monoclinic, space group P21/m, a = 8.752(2) Å, b = 13.243(3) Å, c = 9.549(2) Å, β = 114.678(4)°, Z = 2. In both crystal structures, the binuclear [CuI(CN)3CuII(tn)2] complex with slightly different bonding geometries is formed. One of the three nitrogen atoms of a CuI(CN)3 moiety is coordinated to Cu(II) at the apex of a square-pyramid with two chelating ligands tn on its base. The shortest intramolecular CuII?CuII distance in 1 is 5.640(7) Å. The EPR behaviour of 1 has been investigated at room temperature and at 77 K. The magnetic properties were measured in the temperature range 1.8-300 K.  相似文献   
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