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The water transport pipeline in herbs is assumed to be more vulnerable to drought than in trees due to the formation of frequent embolisms (gas bubbles), which could be removed by the occurrence of root pressure, especially in grasses. Here, we studied hydraulic failure in herbaceous angiosperms by measuring the pressure inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (P50) in stems of 26 species, mainly European grasses (Poaceae). Our measurements show a large range in P50 from −0.5 to −7.5 MPa, which overlaps with 94% of the woody angiosperm species in a worldwide, published data set and which strongly correlates with an aridity index. Moreover, the P50 values obtained were substantially more negative than the midday water potentials for five grass species monitored throughout the entire growing season, suggesting that embolism formation and repair are not routine and mainly occur under water deficits. These results show that both herbs and trees share the ability to withstand very negative water potentials without considerable embolism formation in their xylem conduits during drought stress. In addition, structure-function trade-offs in grass stems reveal that more resistant species are more lignified, which was confirmed for herbaceous and closely related woody species of the daisy group (Asteraceae). Our findings could imply that herbs with more lignified stems will become more abundant in future grasslands under more frequent and severe droughts, potentially resulting in lower forage digestibility.Terrestrial biomes provide numerous ecosystem services to humans, such as biodiversity refuges, forage supply, carbon sequestration, and associated atmospheric feedback (Bonan, 2008). Drought frequency and severity are predicted to increase across various ecosystems (Dai, 2013), and its impact on the fate of terrestrial biomes has aroused great concern for stakeholders over the past decade. For instance, worldwide forest declines have been associated with drought events (Allen et al., 2010), and the sustainability of grasslands, one of the most important agro-ecosystems representing 26% of the world land area, is threatened due to increasing aridity in the light of climate change (Tubiello et al., 2007; Brookshire and Weaver, 2015). Since the maintenance of grasslands is of prime importance for livestock, and several of the most valuable crops are grasses, herbaceous species deserve more attention from a hydraulic point of view to understand how they will cope with shifts in precipitation and temperature patterns.During water deficit, hydraulic failure in trees has been put forward as one of the primary causes of forest decline (Anderegg et al., 2015, 2016). Drought exacerbates the negative pressure inside the water conducting cells, making the liquid xylem sap more metastable, and thus more vulnerable, to air entry (i.e. gas embolism; Lens et al., 2013a). Extensive levels of embolisms may lead to desiccation, leaf mortality, branch sacrifice, and ultimately plant death (Barigah et al., 2013; Urli et al., 2013). Plant resistance to embolism is therefore assumed to represent a key parameter in determining the drought tolerance of trees and is estimated using so-called vulnerability curves (VCs), from which the P50, i.e. the sap pressure inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity, can be estimated (Cochard et al., 2013). P50 values are therefore good proxies for drought stress tolerance in woody plants and have been published for hundreds of angiosperm and gymnosperm tree species (Delzon et al., 2010; Choat et al., 2012), illustrating a wide range from −0.5 to −19 MPa (Larter et al., 2015).Studies focusing on P50 values of herbs are limited to stems of ∼14 angiosperm species (see Supplemental Table S1 and references cited therein). Half of the herbaceous angiosperms studied so far (Supplemental Table S1) have a stem P50 between 0 and −2 MPa, indicating that many herbs are highly vulnerable to embolism. Moreover, positive root pressure has been reported in various herbs, including many grasses (Poaceae) with hydathodes in their leaves (Evert, 2006), and root pressure is hypothesized to refill embolized conduits overnight when transpiration is low (Miller, 1985; Neufeld et al., 1992; Cochard et al., 1994; Macduff and Bakken, 2003; Saha et al., 2009; Cao et al., 2012). This could suggest that embolism formation and repair follow a daily cycle in herbs. In other words, the midday water potential that herbs experience in the field may often be more negative than P50, which would result in an extremely vulnerable hydraulic pipeline characterized by a negative hydraulic safety margin (expressed as the minimum midday water potential minus P50). In contrast to herbs, most trees operate at a slightly positive hydraulic safety margin (Choat et al., 2012), and woody plants are often too tall to allow refilling by positive root and/or stem pressure in the upper stems (Ewers et al., 1997; Fisher et al., 1997). Therefore, it could be postulated that herbaceous species possess a hydraulic system that is more vulnerable to embolism than that of woody species. In this study, we want to underpin possible differences in embolism resistance between stems of herbaceous and woody angiosperms.The scarcity of P50 measures in herbaceous angiosperms, including grasses and herbaceous eudicots, is mainly due to their fragile stems and low hydraulic conductivity, making VCs technically more challenging. Using minor adaptations to existing centrifuge techniques (Supplemental Text S1), we obtained a P50 stem data set of 26 herbaceous angiosperm species (mainly grasses) from various collection sites in France and Switzerland. In addition, we compared our data set with published data from woody (gymnosperm and angiosperm) species, confronted some of our herbaceous eudicot measurements with original P50 data from derived, woody relatives, and performed anatomical observations in grasses to investigate a possible link between stem anatomical characters and differences in P50 among the species studied. Three main research questions are central in our article: (1) Are stems of herbaceous angiosperms more vulnerable to embolism than those of woody angiosperms? (2) Do grasses operate with highly vulnerable, negative hydraulic safety margins? (3) Do grasses show structure-function trade-offs in their stems with respect to embolism resistance?  相似文献   
In temperate trees, the timings of plant growth onset and cessation affect biogeochemical cycles, water, and energy balance. Currently, phenological studies largely focus on specific phenophases and on their responses to warming. How differently spring phenology responds to the warming and cooling, and affects the subsequent phases, has not been yet investigated in trees. Here, we exposed saplings of Fagus sylvatica L. to warmer and cooler climate during the winter 2013–2014 by conducting a reciprocal transplant experiment between two elevations (1,340 vs. 371 m a.s.l., ca. 6°C difference) in the Swiss Jura mountains. To test the legacy effects of earlier or later budburst on the budset timing, saplings were moved back to their original elevation shortly after the occurrence of budburst in spring 2014. One degree decrease in air temperature in winter/spring resulted in a delay of 10.9 days in budburst dates, whereas one degree of warming advanced the date by 8.8 days. Interestingly, we also found an asymmetric effect of the warmer winter vs. cooler winter on the budset timing in late summer. Budset of saplings that experienced a cooler winter was delayed by 31 days compared to the control, whereas it was delayed by only 10 days in saplings that experienced a warmer winter. Budburst timing in 2015 was not significantly impacted by the artificial advance or delay of the budburst timing in 2014, indicating that the legacy effects of the different phenophases might be reset during each winter. Adapting phenological models to the whole annual phenological cycle, and considering the different response to cooling and warming, would improve predictions of tree phenology under future climate warming conditions.  相似文献   
Three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, Sadovo, Katya and Prelom, with different tolerance to drought were comparatively evaluated in terms of leaf respiratory responses to progressing dehydration and consecutive rewatering. Under drought stress, the respiration of all varieties gradually decreased, as the drought-tolerant Katya showed the most pronounced decline at earlier stages of dehydration. When water stress intensified, this genotype gave relatively stable respiration rates compared with the drought-sensitive varieties. Additionally, dehydrated Katya leaves displayed lower stomatal conductance and higher photosynthesis values, which resulted in greater water use efficiency during the dehydration period. Combination of drought stress and short-term changes in leaf temperature also induced genotype-specific response that differed from the response to drought only. Over the whole temperature range, the leaves of Katya exposed to dehydration for 14 days, showed higher respiration rates compared to the drought-sensitive varieties. The sensitive varieties maintained higher respiration rates under control conditions and mild dehydration, and very low rates under severe drought. In Katya, respiration and photosynthesis were fully restored from the stress within the first day of rewatering. The drought-sensitive genotypes displayed a considerably slower recovering capacity. The results are discussed in terms of possible physiological mechanisms underlying plant tolerance to drought.  相似文献   
Trophic interactions are important determinants of the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Because the metabolism and consumption rates of ectotherms increase sharply with temperature, there are major concerns that global warming will increase the strength of trophic interactions, destabilizing food webs, and altering ecosystem structure and function. We used geothermally warmed streams that span an 11°C temperature gradient to investigate the interplay between temperature‐driven selection on traits related to metabolism and resource acquisition, and the interaction strength between the keystone gastropod grazer, Radix balthica, and a common algal resource. Populations from a warm stream (~28°C) had higher maximal metabolic rates and optimal temperatures than their counterparts from a cold stream (~17°C). We found that metabolic rates of the population originating from the warmer stream were higher across all measurement temperatures. A reciprocal transplant experiment demonstrated that the interaction strengths between the grazer and its algal resource were highest for both populations when transplanted into the warm stream. In line with the thermal dependence of respiration, interaction strengths involving grazers from the warm stream were always higher than those with grazers from the cold stream. These results imply that increases in metabolism and resource consumption mediated by the direct, thermodynamic effects of higher temperatures on physiological rates are not mitigated by metabolic compensation in the long term, and suggest that warming could increase the strength of algal–grazer interactions with likely knock‐on effects for the biodiversity and productivity of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Abasic sites in DNA have been specifically targeted by synthetic compounds able to cleave DNA at abasic sites and to induce photodamages in the vicinity of the lesion. The synthesis and the photoactivity of the drugs on abasic sites containing DNA and oligonucleotides are reported.  相似文献   
The threshold of tolerance for nitrate of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth and the host plant Sorghum bicolor L. was determined by estimating the impact of increasing nitrate loads on plant growth and various parameters of C and N assimilation. Nitrate supply improved chlorophyll (Chl) content and photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry of infected S. bicolor that, in comparison to S. hermonthica, displayed a low imbalance between C and N assimilation when nitrate was supplied up to 1500 mg N per plant. Indeed, nitrate supplies increased strongly the leaf N:C ratio of the parasite. The higher nitrate load induced strong accumulation of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium, and consequently the death of S. hermonthica. Nevertheless, lower nitrate loads (up to 500 mg N per S. bicolor in this study) promoted leaf expansion, PSII photochemistry and N metabolism of S. hermonthica mature (M) plants, as attested by the significant rise in soluble protein and free amino-acid contents. Following these N supplies, the nitrate tolerance of S. hermonthica was correlated with an increase in PSII activity and a high incorporation of N excess into asparagine. This confirmed the central role of asparagine in the N metabolism of S. hermonthica, although this detoxification pathway was insufficient to limit ammonium accumulation under higher nitrate loads.  相似文献   
Several bacteria use glycerol dehydrogenase to transform glycerol into dihydroxyacetone (Dha). Dha is subsequently converted into Dha phosphate (Dha-P) by an ATP- or phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent Dha kinase. Listeria innocua possesses two potential PEP-dependent Dha kinases. One is encoded by 3 of the 11 genes forming the glycerol (gol) operon. This operon also contains golD (lin0362), which codes for a new type of Dha-forming NAD(+)-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase. The subsequent metabolism of Dha requires its phosphorylation via the PEP:sugar phosphotransferase system components enzyme I, HPr, and EIIA(Dha)-2 (Lin0369). P~EIIA(Dha)-2 transfers its phosphoryl group to DhaL-2, which phosphorylates Dha bound to DhaK-2. The resulting Dha-P is probably metabolized mainly via the pentose phosphate pathway, because two genes of the gol operon encode proteins resembling transketolases and transaldolases. In addition, purified Lin0363 and Lin0364 exhibit ribose-5-P isomerase (RipB) and triosephosphate isomerase activities, respectively. The latter enzyme converts part of the Dha-P into glyceraldehyde-3-P, which, together with Dha-P, is metabolized via gluconeogenesis to form fructose-6-P. Together with another glyceraldehyde-3-P molecule, the transketolase transforms fructose-6-P into intermediates of the pentose phosphate pathway. The gol operon is preceded by golR, transcribed in the opposite orientation and encoding a DeoR-type repressor. Its inactivation causes the constitutive but glucose-repressible expression of the entire gol operon, including the last gene, encoding a pediocin immunity-like (PedB-like) protein. Its elevated level of synthesis in the golR mutant causes slightly increased immunity against pediocin PA-1 compared to the wild-type strain or a pedB-like deletion mutant.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide-selenium conjugate was designed and synthesized and its sequence-specific cross-linking ability was investigated. The selenide derivatives can generate covalent interstrand cross-linking with its complementary strand through the formation of o-QM intermediate induced by periodate oxidation. A cross-linking reaction yield of up to 50% was obtained. Hydroxyl radical footprinting experiment revealed that the quinone appendage specifically alkylated the cytosine base extending the duplex formed between the conjugate and the target strand.  相似文献   
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