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The transmembrane receptor Notch1 plays a role in development and homeostasis in vertebrates and invertebrates. The mammalian retina is an excellent tissue in which to dissect the precise role of Notch signaling in regulating cell fate and proliferation. However, a systematic analysis has been limited by the early embryonic lethality of Notch1-null mice. Here, Notch1 was conditionally removed from the murine retina either early or late in development. Removal of Notch1 early led to a reduction in the size of the retina as well as aberrant morphology. A decrease in the number of progenitor cells and premature neurogenesis accounted for the reduction in size. Unexpectedly, ablation of Notch1 in early progenitor cells led to enhanced cone photoreceptor production, and ablation of Notch1 at later points led to an almost exclusive production of rod photoreceptor cells. These data suggest that Notch1 not only maintains the progenitor state, but is required to inhibit the photoreceptor fate. These cone enriched mutant mice should prove to be a valuable resource for the study of this relatively rare mammalian photoreceptor cell type.  相似文献   
This history traces the development of photosynthesis research in Canada from 1945 to 1975, starting with the work of Gleb(1) Krotkov and his students, Paul Vittorio, Tony(1) Bidwell, Don(1) Nelson, Jim(1) Craigie, Bruce Tregunna, Andreas Hauschild, Geoff Lister and others in the Department of Biology at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. They focused on the influence of taxonomy and light quality on the path of carbon into early products, photorespiration and photosynthesis in young trees. During the same period, Ken(1) Clendenning and one of the authors (PRG) at the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC) laboratory in Ottawa began studies of chloroplast photoreduction and leaf carboxylases. They were joined by Don(1) Mortimer, who showed that the path of carbon varies with species of plant and by Morris Kates, who studied phospholipid enzymology in chloroplasts and leaves. Stan(1) Holt researched the chemistry and distribution of chlorophylls in different taxa. In 1952, Ralph Lewin joined NRCC's new Atlantic Regional Laboratory in Halifax, Nova Scotia, followed by Jim Craigie, Jack McLachlan and Tony Bidwell who mainly investigated the products of photosynthesis in marine algae. Tony Bidwell continued these studies in 1959 at the Department of Botany, University of Toronto. Dave(1) Canvin joined the staff at Queen's in 1965 and became involved in solving the mystery of photorespiration. Tony Bidwell returned to Queen's in 1969 and studied photosynthesis of algal chloroplasts using an 'artificial leaf.' In 1965, Don Nelson established a group at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia that included his former student, Geoff Lister who produced the first photosynthetic action spectra for trees, and Bill(1) Vidaver, who showed the useful relation between chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic activity. In 1970, Mário Fragata headed a group at the Université du Québec à Trois Rivières, Québec, that began with studies of Photosystem II in chloroplasts and particles.  相似文献   
Intestinal epithelial cells and reticuloendothelial macrophages are, respectively, involved in diet iron absorption and heme iron recycling from senescent erythrocytes, two critical processes of iron homeostasis. These cells appear to use the same transporter, ferroportin (Slc40a1), to export iron. The aim of this study was to compare the localization, expression, and regulation of ferroportin in both duodenal and macrophage cells. Using a high-affinity purified polyclonal antibody, we analyzed the localization and expression of ferroportin protein in the spleen, liver, and duodenum isolated from normal mice as well as from well-characterized mouse models of altered iron homeostasis. Ferroportin was found to be predominantly expressed in enterocytes of the duodenum, in splenic macrophages, and in liver Kupffer cells. Interestingly, the protein species detected in these cells migrated differently on SDS-PAGE. These differences in apparent molecular masses were partly explained by posttranslational complex N-linked glycosylations. In addition, in enterocytes, the transporter was mostly expressed at the basolateral membrane, whereas in bone marrow-derived macrophages, ferroportin was found predominantly localized in the intracellular vesicular compartment. However, some microdomains positive for ferroportin were also detected at the plasma membrane of macrophages. Despite these differences, we observed a parallel upregulation of ferroportin expression in tissue macrophages and enterocytes in response to iron-restricted erythropoiesis, suggesting that iron homeostasis is likely maintained through coordinate expression of the iron exporter in both intestinal and phagocytic cells. Our data also confirm a predominant regulation of ferroportin through systemic regulator(s) likely including hepcidin.  相似文献   


The embryonic chick provides an excellent model system for studies of development. However, it has lacked an efficient loss-of-function method for studies of gene function.  相似文献   
A series of 4-anilino-3-cyanobenzo[g]quinolines was prepared as potent kinase inhibitors. Compared with their bicyclic 4-anilino-3-cyanoquinoline analogues, the tricyclic 4-anilino-3-cyanobenzo[g]quinolines are less active against EGF-R kinase, equally active against MAPK kinase (MEK), and more active against Src kinase. For Src kinase inhibition, the best activity is obtained when both the 7- and 8-positions are substituted with alkoxy groups. Several of these kinase inhibitors show potent growth inhibitory activity in tumor cells.  相似文献   
Development of the multilayered cerebral cortex involves extensive regulated migration of neurons arising from the deeper germinative layers of the mammalian brain. The anatomy and formation of the cortical layers has been well characterized; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms that control the migration and the final positioning of neurons within the cortex remain poorly understood. Here, we report evidence for a key role of Ena/VASP proteins, a protein family implicated in the spatial control of actin assembly and previously shown to negatively regulate fibroblast cell speeds, in cortical development. Ena/VASP proteins are highly expressed in the developing cortical plate in cells bordering Reelin-expressing Cajal-Retzius cells and in the intermediate zone through which newly born cells migrate. Inhibition of Ena/VASP function through retroviral injections in utero led to aberrant placement of early-born pyramidal neurons in the superficial layers of both the embryonic and the postnatal cortex in a cell-autonomous fashion. The abnormally placed pyramidal neurons exhibited grossly normal morphology and polarity. Our results are consistent with a model in which Ena/VASP proteins function in vivo to control the position of neurons in the mouse neocortex.  相似文献   
Food sharing among nonkin-one of the most fascinating cooperative behaviors in humans-is not widespread in nonhuman primates. Over the past few years, a large body of work has investigated the contexts in which primates cooperate and share food with unrelated individuals. This work has successfully demonstrated that species-specific differences in temperament constrain the extent to which food sharing emerges in experimental situations, with despotic species being less likely to share food than tolerant ones. However, little experimental work has examined the contexts that promote food sharing and cooperation within a species. Here, we examine whether one salient reproductive context-the consortship dyad-can allow the necessary social tolerance for co-feeding to emerge in an extremely despotic species, the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). We gave naturally formed male-female rhesus macaque pairs access to a monopolizable food site in the free-ranging population at Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. Using this method, we were able to show that tolerated co-feeding between unrelated adults can take place in this despotic species. Specifically, our results show that consort pairs co-fed at the experimental food site more than nonconsort control pairs, leading females to obtain more food in this context. These results suggest that co-feeding is possible even in the most despotic of primate species, but perhaps only in contexts that specifically promote the necessary social tolerance. Researchers might profit from exploring whether other kinds of within-species contexts could also generate cooperative behaviors.  相似文献   
Coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) is an essential component for electron transport in the mitochondrial respiratory chain and serves as cofactor in several biological processes. The reduced form of CoQ(10) (ubiquinol, Q(10)H(2)) is an effective antioxidant in biological membranes. During the last years, particular interest has been grown on molecular effects of CoQ(10) supplementation on mechanisms related to DNA damage prevention. This review describes recent advances in our understanding about the impact of CoQ(10) on genomic stability in cells, animals and humans. With regard to several in vitro and in vivo studies, CoQ(10) provides protective effects on several markers of oxidative DNA damage and genomic stability. In comparison to the number of studies reporting preventive effects of CoQ(10) on oxidative stress biomarkers, CoQ(10) intervention studies in humans with a direct focus on markers of DNA damage are limited. Thus, more well-designed studies in healthy and disease populations with long-term follow up results are needed to substantiate the reported beneficial effects of CoQ(10) on prevention of DNA damage.  相似文献   
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