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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Cyanide is one of the most toxic chemicals for living organisms described so far. Its toxicity is mainly based on the high affinity that cyanide presents...  相似文献   
Summary E. coli NRRL 12100-a recombinant strain obtained by genetic manipulationwas used forL-threonine production. When cultured in a rich medium without antibiotics three types of colonies were isolated (ApsTcs, AprTcs, and AprTcr). The AprTcr clones were best threonine producers (9 to 12 g/1) and the plasmid was maintained, in 65 to 93% of the host cells. When inocula were grown under selective pressure we obtained about 10 g/1 of threonine and a plasmid maintenance of 83%. When growth of inocula was done without antibiotic, threonine yields dropped to 5 g/1 and 64% of the cells have lost the plasmid. Batch culture experiments were performed with 3, 4 and 6% of glucose, added at the initial stage or in a discontinuous feed. Threonine yields and plasmid stability were not affected. The elimination of the maximum level of threonine produced (from 13.8 to 6.7 g/1) and on the plasmid maintenance (from 94 to 4% of the cells) while growth of the strain was not affected.  相似文献   
Over 50 genera of bees release pollen from flower anthers using thoracic vibrations,a phenomenon known as buzz-pollination.The efficiency of this process is directly affected by the mechanical properties of the buzzes,namely the duration,amplitude,and frequency.Nonetheless,although the effects of the former two properties are well described,the role of buzz frequency on pollen release remains unclear.Furthermore,nearly all of the existing studies describing vibrational properties of natural buzz-pollination are limited to bumblebees(Bombus)and carpenter bees(Xvlocopa)constraining our current understanding of this behavior and its evolution.Therefore,we attempted to minimize this shortcoming by testing whether flower anthers exhibit optimal frequency for pollen release and whether bees tune their buzzes to match these(optimal)frequencies.If true,certain frequencies will trigger more pollen release and lighter bees will reach buzz frequencies closer to this optimum to compensate their smaller buzz amplitudes.Two strategies were used to test these hypotheses:(i)the use of(artificial)vibrational playbacks in a broad range of buzz frequencies and amplitudes to assess pollen release by tomato plants(Solarium Ivcopersicum L.)and(ii)the recording of natural buzzes of Neotropical bees visiting tomato plants during pollination.The playback experiment indicates that although buzz frequency does affect pollen release,no optimal frequency exists for that.In addition,the recorded results of natural buzz-pollination reveal that buzz frequencies vary with bee genera and are not correlated with body size.Therefore,neither bees nor plants are tuned to optimal pollen release frequencies.Bee frequency of buzz-pollination is a likely consequence of the insect flight machinery adapted to reach higher accelerations,while flower plant response to buzz-pollination is the likely result of its pollen granular properties.  相似文献   
Fusarium spp. are non-dermatophytic hyaline moulds distributed worldwide and recovered from the nature as soil saprophytes and plant pathogens. Human infections are usually precipitated by local or systemic predisposing factors and disseminated infection is associated with impaired immune responses. We report eight cases of cutaneous lesions caused by Fusarium spp. All patients were immunocompetent. Seven cases with presented onychomycosis and one patient with interdigital intertrigo. It is important to alert the medical community about the relevance of the opportunistic fungi, such as Fusarium spp., which have emerged as human infectious agents, emphasizing the importance of correct etiological identification, allowing for appropriate treatment.  相似文献   
Ideal biomaterials for bone grafts must be biocompatible, osteoconductive, osteoinductive and have appropriate mechanical properties. For this, the development of synthetic bone substitutes mimicking natural bone is desirable, but this requires controllable mineralization of the collagen matrix. In this study, densified collagen films (up to 100 μm thick) were fabricated by a plastic compression technique and cross-linked using carbodiimide. Then, collagen-hydroxyapatite composites were prepared by using a polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) mineralization process. Compared to traditional methods that produce only extrafibrillar hydroxyapatite (HA) clusters on the surface of collagen scaffolds, by using the PILP mineralization process, homogeneous intra- and extrafibrillar minerals were achieved on densified collagen films, leading to a similar nanostructure as bone, and a woven microstructure analogous to woven bone. The role of collagen cross-links on mineralization was examined and it was found that the cross-linked collagen films stimulated the mineralization reaction, which in turn enhanced the mechanical properties (hardness and modulus). The highest value of hardness and elastic modulus was 0.7 ± 0.1 and 9.1 ± 1.4 GPa in the dry state, respectively, which is comparable to that of woven bone. In the wet state, the values were much lower (177 ± 31 and 8 ± 3 MPa) due to inherent microporosity in the films, but still comparable to those of woven bone in the same conditions. Mineralization of collagen films with controllable mineral content and good mechanical properties provide a biomimetic route toward the development of bone substitutes for the next generation of biomaterials. This work also provides insight into understanding the role of collagen fibrils on mineralization.  相似文献   
Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified low-penetrance common variants (i.e., single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) associated with breast cancer susceptibility. Although GWASs are primarily focused on single-locus effects, gene-gene interactions (i.e., epistasis) are also assumed to contribute to the genetic risks for complex diseases including breast cancer. While it has been hypothesized that moderately ranked (P value based) weak single-locus effects in GWASs could potentially harbor valuable information for evaluating epistasis, we lack systematic efforts to investigate SNPs showing consistent associations with weak statistical significance across independent discovery and replication stages. The objectives of this study were i) to select SNPs showing single-locus effects with weak statistical significance for breast cancer in a GWAS and/or candidate-gene studies; ii) to replicate these SNPs in an independent set of breast cancer cases and controls; and iii) to explore their potential SNP-SNP interactions contributing to breast cancer susceptibility. A total of 17 SNPs related to DNA repair, modification and metabolism pathway genes were selected since these pathways offer a priori knowledge for potential epistatic interactions and an overall role in breast carcinogenesis. The study design included predominantly Caucasian women (2,795 cases and 4,505 controls) from Alberta, Canada. We observed two two-way SNP-SNP interactions (APEX1-rs1130409 and RPAP1-rs2297381; MLH1-rs1799977 and MDM2-rs769412) in logistic regression that conferred elevated risks for breast cancer (P interaction<7.3×10−3). Logic regression identified an interaction involving four SNPs (MBD2-rs4041245, MLH1-rs1799977, MDM2-rs769412, BRCA2-rs1799943) (P permutation = 2.4×10−3). SNPs involved in SNP-SNP interactions also showed single-locus effects with weak statistical significance, while BRCA2-rs1799943 showed stronger statistical significance (P correlation/trend = 3.2×10−4) than the others. These single-locus effects were independent of body mass index. Our results provide a framework for evaluating SNPs showing statistically weak but reproducible single-locus effects for epistatic effects contributing to disease susceptibility.  相似文献   
Disseminated leishmaniasis (DL) differs from other clinical forms of the disease due to the presence of many non-ulcerated lesions (papules and nodules) in non-contiguous areas of the body. We describe the histopathology of DL non-ulcerated lesions and the presence of CD4-, CD20-, CD68-, CD31- and von Willebrand factor (vW)-positive cells in the inflamed area. We analysed eighteen biopsies from non-ulcerated lesions and quantified the inflamed areas and the expression of CD4, CD20, CD68, CD31 and vW using Image-Pro software (Media Cybernetics). Diffuse lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrates were found in dermal skin. Inflammation was observed in 3-73% of the total biopsy area and showed a significant linear correlation with the number of vW+ vessels. The most common cells were CD68+ macrophages, CD20+ B-cells and CD4+ T-cells. A significant linear correlation between CD4+ and CD20+ cells and the size of the inflamed area was also found. Our findings show chronic inflammation in all DL non-ulcerated lesions predominantly formed by macrophages, plasmacytes and T and B-cells. As the inflamed area expanded, the number of granulomas and extent of the vascular framework increased. Thus, we demonstrate that vessels may have an important role in the clinical evolution of DL lesions.  相似文献   
Neutrophils play a major role in acute inflammation by generating reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. Opioid peptides, including enkephalins, are present at inflammation sites. Neutrophils contribute to protect against inflammatory pain by releasing opioid peptides. In this investigation, the ability of human polymorphonuclear cells to induce oxidative and nitrative modifications of Leu-enkephalin has been investigated in vitro. Activated human neutrophils mediate the oxidation of Leu-enkephalin resulting in the production of dienkephalin. In the presence of nitrite at concentrations observed during inflammatory and infectious process (10-50 μM), nitroenkephalin, a nitrated derivative of Leu-enkephalin, is additionally formed. The yield of nitroenkephalin increases with nitrite concentration and is significantly inhibited by the addition of catalase or 4-aminobenzoic acid hydrazide (ABAH), a specific inhibitor of peroxidases. These results suggest that neutrophils induce nitration of Leu-enkephalin by a mechanism that is dependent on myeloperoxidase activity and hydrogen peroxide. Oxidative/nitrative modifications of Leu-enkephalin have been also evidenced when cells were treated with the NO-donor molecule, DEANO. The nitrated enkephalin has been examined for its effect on leukocyte functional responses. The data reveal that nitroenkephalin at micromolar concentrations inhibits superoxide anion generation and degranulation of azurophilic granules of human polymorphonuclear cells. Moreover, nitroenkephalin inhibits spontaneous apoptosis of neutrophils, as evaluated by measuring caspase-3 activity. Collectively, our data indicate that the nitrated enkephalin attenuates neutrophil activation and promotes the short-term survival of these cells, suggesting a possible role of the nitrocompound in the efficiency and resolution of inflammatory processes.  相似文献   
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